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Unit 5 Topic1

重点语法一般现在时(常与频度副词never, seldom, sometimes, often,usually, always 等连用)

重点句型—How do you usually come to school?

—I usually come to school by subway.

—How often do you go to the library?

—Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom


1I always come to school by bus.

by+交通工具名称,表示使用某种交通方式,中间不加限定词,如果交通工具前有a, the, my 等限定词,就不能用by,而是用in或是on.

on the train=by train on his bike=by bike in my car=by car.

巧辩异同on foot 与walk

on foot “走路”,是介词短语,不能作谓语,只作方式状语,位于句末。walk“走路”,是动词,可以作谓语。

go to…on foot= walk to I often go to school on foot. =I often walk to school.

go to….by bike = ride a bike to go to…. by car = drive a car to

go to … by plane = fly to go to… b y bus = take a bus to

2 Come on! It’s time for e on “快点,加油,来吧”。

It’s time for sth. = It’s time to do sth.是该做…的时候了

3 look的短语look the same看起来一样look like看起来像……

look for寻找look after 照顾

4 do my homework at school 在学校做作业

do one’s homework 做家庭作业(注意:one’s 要随主语的变化而变化,常用形容词性物主代词my, your, their, our, his, her等)。

5 we want to

......... the school life of American students.

...... know about


know about “了解,知道关于…”。

6 巧辩异同 a few与few a few “一些”,few“很少,几乎没有”,修饰可数


a little与little a little“一些”,little“很少,几乎没有”,修饰不


7 They often play basketball or soccer, go swimming


.......... and so on

go swimming 去游泳and so on “等等”,表示还有很多。

拓展go+v.-ing 表示去做某事,类似的有:go fishing 去钓鱼go shopping 去买东西go boating 去划船go skating 去滑冰

8 How often do you go to the library?你多久去一次图书馆

how often“多久一次”,问频率。答语常用频度副词never, always, often等或单位时间内的次数once a week一周一次twice a month每月两次three times a




(1)现在所处的状态。Jane is at school.

(2)经常或习惯性的动作。I often go to school by bus.

(3)主语具备的性格和能力。He likes playing football.

(4)客观真理。The earth goes round the sun.

常用的时间状语:often, always, usually, sometimes, every day等等。


肯定式:I go to school on foot. 否定式:I don’t go to school on foot.

疑问式:Do you go to school on foot? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t.


肯定式:He goes to work by bus. 否定式:He doesn’t go to work by bus.

疑问式:Does he go to work by bus? —Yes, he does. —No, he doesn’t.



重点句型What are you doing? He is cleaning the dormitory.

Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am./No, I am not.

How long can I keep them? Two weeks.


1 at the moment = now. “此刻,现在”

2 巧辩异同go to sleep与go to bed

①go to bed“上床”“就寝”I often go to bed at ten.

②go to sleep“入睡”“睡着”Last night I went to sleep at two o’clock.

3 巧辩异同some, a few 与a little“一些,有些”三者都修饰名词。


We want some apples and some water.

a few用在可数名词复数之前,a little用在不可数名词之前。

There are a few books and a little water in the classroom.

4 与how相关的短语how often多常how many多少how much多少钱how


5 And you must return them on time.你必须按时归还它们。Return意为“归还,回


① return sth. to sb.把某物归还某人=give back sth. to sb.

② return to“回到…”,相当于come back to…

6 Maria and a girl are talking at the lost and found.

talk“交谈”,常用的短语talk to/with sb.“与某人交谈”

巧辩异同t a l k,s a y,s p e a k与t e l l

(1) talk“交谈”,表示通过谈话方式交换意见、消息等。
