













(旁白)One day, two old brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend, and with no money but that million-pound bank-note, and no way to account for his being in possession of it. The brothers had been having a pretty hot argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything. Just then Henry came along.

(I was so hungry.)

Brother A: Young man, come here, please.

Brother B: Could I ask you some questions?

Henry: Of course, sir.

A: What do you do?

Henry: I’m a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco.

B: Why are you staying here?

Henry: My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. And now, I have nothing in my pocket.

A: Great!

Henry: great? I can’t understand you, sir.

B: I’m sure you will understand very soon. Here is an envelope.

Henry: what’s this? (说着,我就要打开)

B: no, no, no, there is some money, but you wouldn’t open it until 2:00pm.


Henry: Could I have some?

A: of course. oh, sorry. It’s empty.(他在袋子里吹了口气,然后砸烂。—确实空了。)This way, please.


(旁白)Henry came into the nearest cheap eating house.


Waiter: This seat.


W: what would you like?

Henry: Two big bowls of beef noodles, and a big cup of beer.(我很快吃完了,问另一位顾客:)

Excuse me, what’ s the time ,please?

C: 1:00

Henry: waiter, please give me another cup of beer, a bowl of beef noodles.

W: here is your bill.

Henry: yes, sir. But what time is it?

W: 1:45. what’ up?

Henry: Just wait a minute. (我磨蹭了一会儿,估计时间到了,掏出信封。只扫了一眼,我就差点昏倒,我盯着那张大钞头晕眼花,想必足足过了一分钟才清醒过来。这时候,首先映入我眼帘的是小吃店老板。他的目光粘在大钞上,像五雷轰顶一般。

I reached the note towards him, and said, carelessly:

"Give me the change, please."

"I am sorry if it is an inconvenience, but I must insist. Please change it; I haven't anything else."


Boss: it i sn't any matter; I’m quite willing to let the trifle stand over till another time Henry: I may not be in your neighborhood again for a good while.

Boss: It was of no consequence, I can wait. I trust as rich a gentleman as you.


(旁白)I Henry was tramping the streets again. The sight of a tailor-shop gave him a sharp longing to shed his rags, and to clothe himself decently once more. Henry:“If you have a misfit suit that have been thrown on their hands.”

我问的伙计没搭理我,只是朝另一个点点头。我向他点头示意的伙计走过去,那一个也不说话,又朝第三个人点点头,我朝第三个走过去,he said: "Tend to you presently."


"It would be an accommodation to me if you could wait some days for the money. I haven't any small change about me."


"Oh, you haven't? Well, of course, I didn't expect it. I'd only expect gentlemen like you to carry large change."

I was nettled(恼火的), and said:

"My friend, you shouldn't judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears. I am quite able to pay for this suit; I simply didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note."


" we couldn't change your note ?On the contrary, we can."

I handed the note to him, and said:

"Oh, very well; I apologize."


"Well, what's up? What's the trouble? What's wanting?"

I said: "There isn't any trouble. I'm waiting for my change."

"Come, come; get him his change, Tod; get him his change."

Tod retorted: "Get him his change! It's easy to say, sir; but look at the bill yourself."


"Sell an eccentric millionaire such an unspeakable suit as that! Tod's a fool—a born fool. Always doing something like this. Drives every millionaire away from this place, because he can't tell a millionaire from a tramp, and never could. Ah, here's the thing I am after. trousers all right, they fit you to a charm, sir; now the waistcoat; aha, right again! now the coat—lord! Look at that, now! Perfect—the whole thing! I never saw such a triumph in all my experience."

I expressed my satisfaction.

"Quite right, sir, quite right; it'll do for a makeshift, I'm bound to say. But wait till you see what we'll get up for you on your own measure. Come, Tod, book and pen; get at it. Length of leg, 32"—“

. When I got a chance I said:

"But, my dear sir, I can't give these orders, unless you can wait indefinitely, or change the bill."

"Indefinitely! It's a weak word, sir, a weak word. Eternally—that's the word, sir. Tod, rush these things through, and send them to the gentleman's address without any waste of time. Let the minor customers wait. Set down the gentleman's address and—"

"I'm changing my quarters. I will drop in and leave the new address."

"Quite right, sir, quite right. One moment—let me show you out, sir. There—good day, sir, good day."


(旁白) One month later, a waitress played a joke on Henry, she hid the million pound note. Then the news that Henry didn’t have a million pound note was spoken one by one, and it was also reported in the newspaper.


Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note

Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 一、教材分析 1、单元背景分析 本单元的主要内容是根据马克·吐温的名著《百万英镑》改编而成的戏剧剧本中的几个片段。通过这个话题可以使学生对西方资本主义社会有一个全面的认识;对金钱与人际关系的讨论可以让学生对我们的社会和人生有一个更为理性、全面的认识和理解,能引导他们树立正确的人生观和金钱观。通过戏剧的听、读和表演,学习与服务行业有关的英语词汇和句型;学会选择恰当的英语句型和词汇来表达自己的观点和看法。尤其是通过戏剧表演增强口头表达技巧和英语实际运用能力。 2、教材内容分析 在本单元中,“Pre-reading(读前)”部分设计了两个问题,不仅能激发学生阅读的兴趣,而且通过对问题的讨论和比较,教师还能引导学生树立正确的价值观和人生观。“Reading(阅读)”部分是剧本中的第一幕第三场。这一场描述了两个年老而又富有的兄弟打赌,赌一个身无分文的人在获得一张百万英镑的钞票之后会有怎样的命运,结果他们选择了一个流浪到英国的美国人亨利·亚当斯,并把百万大钞借给了他。“Comprehending(理解)”部分共有六个练习,这些练习分别从不同的方面来引导和帮助学生理解“阅读”中的信息。 以上三部分均是以提高学生阅读能力为主,所以我将这三部分科学地整合成一节阅读课。从整单元来看,该课时承接上一课时“Warming up(热身)”部分的内容(在第一课时,学生通过大量的图片、相关练习以及电影片断的欣赏,对马克·吐温的生平、作品、以及《百万英镑》第一幕前两场已经有所了解),同时,它又是呈现本单元语法项目“宾语从句和表语从句”的感知材料,是完成本单元听、说、读、写技能的载体。 根据课文特点及新课标对高一年级学生英语学习能力的要求,我确定如下的教学目标: 3、教学目标 1)知识目标:让学生掌握本课的课标词汇。引导学生通过戏剧情节的发展,了解英语戏剧的特点和要素,如时间、地点、人物等。 2)能力目标:提高运用阅读策略预测课文和获取课文主要信息的能力;通过略读、细读等阅读策略以及讨论活动提高说和读的能力;培养学生发现问题,分析问题和解决问题的能力。 3)情感目标:培养学生对英语戏剧的浓厚兴趣;通过探讨金钱和人性的关系,树立正确的人生观和价值观。 4)学习策略:形成自主学习、合作学习和探究学习的意识。 其中,知识目标和能力目标既是重点又是难点,情感目标和学习策略则贯彻整个教学过程。 二、说教法 在本节课的教学中,为了能很好地突出重点,突破难点,圆满完成教学任务,取得良好的教学效果,我根据《高中英语新课程标准》的要求,抓住重点,联系实际,采用快速阅读、角色扮演、小组讨论等教学方法,让学生充分体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份。同时,我还借鉴现代教学理念,把CAI(计算机辅助教学)技术与英语阅读教学的理论相结合,遵循阅读过程的认知规律,突出语篇教学,


必修三Unit3 THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE百万英镑: Act I, Scene 4第一幕,第4场 (Outside a restaurant Henry looks at the envelope without opening it and decides to go in. He sits down at a table next to the front window.) (在餐馆外边,亨利看了看信封,没有打开,然后决定走进餐馆。他在靠近前边窗户的一张桌子旁坐了下来) OWNER:(看看亨利的那副穷酸相)That one's reserved. This way, please.Take your seat.(对服务员说)Take this gentleman's order, Horlas. 店主:那张桌子有人订了。请到这边来。霍勒斯,来给这位先生点菜。 HENRY: (坐定之后,把信放在桌上,右转头看钟,1点,左转头发现旁边有一个人在看他,服务员来了,拿着递过来的菜单说)I'd like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak. Make it extra thick. 亨利:我要火腿加鸡蛋,还来一块大牛排,要特厚的。 WAITER: I'm afraid it'll cost a large amount of money. 服务员:恐怕这得花费一大笔钱。 HENRY: I understand. And I'll have a large cool glass of beer. 亨利:我明白。我还要一大杯啤酒。 WAITER: OK. (The waiter leaves and soon returns with all the food.) 服务员:行。(服务员离开了,很快把所有的食物端了上来) HOSTESS: My goodness! Look at him.He eats like a wolf. 女老板:天哪!你看他,吃起东西来就像头狼。 OWNER: Well,we'll see if he's clever as a wolf. 店主:瞧着吧,看他是不是像狼一样机灵 HENRY:(刚吃完了所有的东西,右转头看钟,1点30)Ah, waiter. (waiter returns)Same thing again, please. 亨利:喂,服务员。(服务员过来了)同样的东西请再来一份。 WAITER: Again? Everything? 服务员:每样东西都再来一份吗?


The million pound bank note说课稿 时秀敏英语组 各位评委老师,我今天我说课的内容是现学教材必修三第三单元的第一篇阅读课文The Million Pound Bank Note,课型为阅读课。我从以下几个方面来说课 一、教学内容:本单元的主要内容是根据马克〃吐温短篇小说《百万英镑》改编的戏剧剧本。学生阅读部分是剧本中第一幕的第三场,这一场描述了故事的开端,富商兄弟俩打赌想把一张百万英镑钞票给一个一无所有但又诚实可靠的穷人,想看看一个月后此人会发生什么事。最后他们物色到一个穷困潦倒、流落伦敦街头的美国小伙子Henry Adams。 二、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 1) 掌握本课的12个生词和5个短语。2)了解戏剧这种文学形式的特点,特别注意学习了解戏剧的语言。 2.能力目标: 1) 能基本读懂经简写后适合中学程度的英语剧本; 2)理解作者是如何利用动作和语言表现人物的情感状态、身份地位以及性格特征3)用恰当的语音语调朗诵本篇课文。 3.情感目标:1)鼓励学生在共同完成一些交流、表演等任务的过程中,加强团体协作意识。2)树立正确的金钱观,特别是在与人交往过程中不应看重他人的金钱与地位。 三、教学重难点: 1、培养学生的阅读策略和技巧(比如速读、细读、精读等阅读微技能); 2、引导学生通过人物语言探究人物心理,能够运用所学知识表达自己的观点。 四、教法设计以及学法设计 本节课多种教学方法并存,直观法、任务型教学法和情感激励教学法。主旨是在 读后 Step1导入部分:给学生讲述我的梦境,意外获得大笔的钱,可正当要花却梦中醒来,顺势导入话题:请学生来思考现实生活中,如果获得大笔钱财如何花? 设计意图:这一假设情景在剧本中成了现实,从而揭示本单元故事的序幕,为随后的戏剧冲突埋下伏笔,在激发学生兴趣的同时也反映了他们的人生观和价值观。 Step2: 读前部分:简单介绍剧本的语言特点,指导学生读中留意。 Step3: 读中部分:第一环节:Fast-reading 了解剧本大意,分别从时间、地点、人物、和发生什么来询问,凸显文章大意。 设计意图:感知舞台说明的重要性,理解人物关系。 第二环节:Careful-reading (寻读) 分三部分,由于这是学生高中阶段第一次接触剧本,且能力参差不齐,我特将课文按故事发展划定三部分,依次放录音,让学生感知故事的发展同时感受戏剧中地带的口语,并针对故事的发展来设置每部分的任务。第一部分(lines1-5)任务为,让学生通过理解文字来口头介绍主人公henry的基本情况。任务较容易,激发学生的参与度,同时感知很容易的心里活动。第二部分(6-21),任务一根据henry的回答来让学生整合语言介绍他的悲惨经历。任务二,找出两富兄弟的问题,目的让学生能感知,英国绅士的


The Million Pound Note 百万英镑 Mark Twain (旁白) One day, two old brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate o f a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend, and with no money but that million-pound bank-note, and noway to acc ount for his being in possession of it. The brothers had been having a pretty hot argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything. Just then Henry came along. (henry:I was so hungry.) Brother A: Young man, come here, please. 年轻人 Brother B: Would you step inside a moment please? 请你进来一下 Henry: Call me, sir? 我吗?? Brother B: Trough the front door. On your left. 走前门,你左手边 Henry: Thanks. 谢谢 servant:Good morning sir would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way. 早上好,请您进来。让我为您引路。 The young gentleman, sir. Brother A: Thanks James. Nothing with you. How do you. Mr.? James 没你的事了。你好。 Henry: Adams. Henry Adams 亚当斯 Brother B: How you sit down, Adams? 坐下吧。 Henry: Thank you. 谢谢 Brother A: You are an American Mr. Adams? 你是美国人?? Henry: That ' s right. From New England. 是的 Brother A: How well do you know London 您了解伦敦吗?


The Million Pound Bank Note Act 1,Scene3 Roderick: Young man, would you step inside a moment please ? Henry: Who? Me,sir? Roderick: Yes,you. 仆人:Good morning,sir. This way please. Oliver:Thank you,James Oliver: Come and sit down, Mr Adams Roderick: How well do you know London? Henry: Not at all, this is my first trip. Roderick: May I ask you a few questions? Henry:Not at all. Roderick: what are your doing in this country? Henry: I want to find a job, about a month ago, my boat sank. Roderick: What are your plans? Henry:In fact, I don’t have any plans. Roderick and Oliver: we see. Roderick: But how much money do you have? Henry: T o be honest, I have none. Oliver: What luck!Brother,what luck! Henry: It is lucky to you but not to me. Excuse me, I will go.


第一幕,第三场。 NARRATOR Now ladies and gentlemen , you’re about to hear the most incredible tale. It is the summer of 1903, and Henry Adams, an American business, has had some very bad luck. He is lost in London. He has no money and does not know what he should do. Walking down the street, he hears someone calling him. 讲述人:那是1903年的夏天。一对年老而富有的兄弟,罗德里克和奥利弗,打了一个赌。奥利弗相信一个有一百万英镑的人能够在伦敦生活一个月。他的哥哥罗德里克怀疑这一点。就在这个时候,他们看了见一个一贫如洗的年轻人在他们房子外面的人行道上徘徊。他叫亨利亚当斯。他在伦敦迷失了,也不知道该做些什么。 RODERICK Young man, would you step inside a moment, please? 罗德里克:小伙子你能进来一下吗? HENRY Who? Me, sir? 亨利:谁?我吗.,先生? RODERICK Yes, you. 罗德克里:是的,就是你。 OLIVER Through the front door on your left. 奥利弗:从你的左边的前门进来。 HENRY (a servant opens the door for him) Thanks. 亨利:(一个仆人打开门)谢谢。 SERV ANT Good morning, sir, would you please come in? Permit meto lead the way ,sir. 仆人:早上好,先生。请进?请允许我来带路吧。 OLIVER Thank you, James. That will be all. 奥利弗:(亨利进来了)谢谢你,詹姆斯。这没你什么事了。 RODERICK How do you do, Mister-er-? 罗德克里:你好,先生……呃……? HENRY Adams, Henry Adams. 亨利:亚当斯,亨利。亚当斯 OLIVER Come and sit down, Mr Adams. 罗德里克:过来坐下,亚当斯先生。…… HENRY Thank you. 亨利:谢谢 RODERICK You’re an American? 罗德里克:你是美国人? HENRY That’s right, from San Francisco. 亨利:对,我来自旧金山。 RODERICK How well do you know London 罗德里克:你对伦敦了解的多吗? HENRY Not at all. It’s my first trip here. 亨利:一点也不了解,我是第一次来这。 RODERICK I wonder, Mr Adams, if you’d mind us asking a few questions. 罗德里克:亚当斯先生,不知你是否介意我们问你一些问题?


百万英镑剧本 Into the clothing store, waiter, the boss on) 我:我马上就要时正式职员了,可不能象现在这样破烂。 Me: I formally staff soon, and can not be broken as they are now. (走到一个老板旁边)(A boss walked beside) 我:有没有作的不合适被顾客退回来的服装 I: There was no inappropriate for the customer to return to the clothes (老板用极其轻蔑的眼神看他)(Boss with the most contemptuous look to see him) (走到一个店员旁)(Go near a shop assistant) 店员:等一会儿,马上就来。Clerk: Wait a minute, come at once. (店员挑了一件很小的衣服)(Pick up a small shop clothes) 我:请你们照顾一下,我过几天在再付款。 I: Please take care of you, I had a few days in the re-payment. 我身上没有带零钱。I had no belt change. 店员:噢,你没有带零钱Clerk: Oh, you do not bring change 对了,当然,你这样子像带了的Yes, of course, brought you this way like it 我想象得到,像你这样的绅士身上只会带大票子。I imagine that a gentleman like you who will bring great tickets. 我:朋友,你对外地人不能总是只认衣衫不认人。I am: a friend, you can not always recognize only the clothes and outsiders do not recognize people. 我完全付的起这套衣服的钱,我只是不想让你因为找不开一长大票子而为难。I fully paid the money from this suit, I just do not want you as a grown up can not find tickets for the difficult to open. 店员:我没有伤害人的意思,不过,对于你刚才的指责,我要告诉你,你从下结论说我找不开你身上恰好带的钞票,那你就不必为我们操心了。Clerk: I do not hurt people's means, but, for you have just accused, I must tell you, have you concluded that I can not break your body just take the money, you will not have to worry about us. 事情恰恰相反,我们找的开。Things the contrary, we find the open. 我:噢,太好了,我向你们道歉。I: Oh, good, I apologize to you. (老板过来)(Boss come) 老板:站着干什么Boss: stand for 店员:这位先生等这找钱呢Clerk: The President and so does this give change 老板:那就快找给他呀,你不知道他站在这儿,哪个客户还敢上门来买衣服呀Boss: Then looking to fast for him, you do not know what he stood here, which customers would be willing to visit to buy clothes you 店员:你自己看吧!Clerk: Look at it yourself! (动作)(Action) 老板:是呀是呀,我是说,哪个人会傻到跟一个绅士站在一起自惭形愧呢Boss: Yeah, Yeah, I mean, what stupid people will stand together with a gentleman ashamed Zican shape it 不过,我不在乎了,这份光荣让我忘却了自己跟您站在一起是多么的拙陋了,(指着店员)即使你没有招待这样特大客户的经验,也不能眼花到拿错了这样一件衣服呀!However, I do not care, and the glory of me to forget his stand with you how humble humble, and (pointing to staff) even if you do not entertain such a large customer's experience, a wrong can not be blurred to such an clothes ah! 我:不,我觉得这很好了。Me: No, I think this good.

高中英语教案:百万英镑The Million Pound Bank Note

高中英语教案:百万英镑The Million Pound Bank Note 百万英镑The Million Pound Bank Note 的教学设计(Warming Up) 陈美杏文昌实验高中英语序号13 I. 教学内容分析 本单元课文百万英镑是根据美国短篇小说家马克吐温写的小说改编的剧本。因为本课文是高中阶段学生接触到的第一篇英文剧本,所以在Warming Up 阶段应该对剧本的相关知识做一下介绍,让学生了解英语戏剧的特色和要素。 Warming Up 是对马克吐温及其作品的讨论,以及关于他本人生平的简要介绍。这部分是本单元的背景知识,并没包括生单词,仅仅作一个导入。 II. 环节教学目标 1. 使学生对马克吐温及其作品, 有个初步的了解。 2. 使学生对英语剧本有初步的了解,引发学生学英语戏剧即课文的兴趣,能够通过模仿戏剧配音提升英语语调感知水平。 III. 环节教学手段 阅读法(朗读戏剧片段)、课堂讨论法 IV. 环节教学用时:10分钟 V. 环节教学过程 步骤一:播放百万英镑电影开头片段约30秒,询问学生是否知道这部电影,然后引出马克吐温。(1分钟)

步骤二:让学生自己阅读P.17 的Warming Up小短文,完成旁边的Note。(3分钟) 步骤三:随机抽三位同学检查答案,问清楚答案在第几行哪句找到的,如果是猜测的答案,也请学生说明理由。然后关上课本,大家再复述 一遍,注意老师只提醒词,让学生讲。(2分钟) 步骤四:又播放一次步骤一的电影,询问是否有人知道电影的话本题材,引入英语戏剧。老师再对戏剧作一个简短介绍。(1分钟) 步骤五:模仿电影配音,让学生注意话剧语调的起伏,老师示范时做 一下比较夸张的语音示范,比如Who?Me?Sir?模仿出那种身临其境感,让学生模仿,去演,设置一个比赛,看谁模仿的。(3分钟)


王京:welcome,Mr.Clements 侍者:欢迎,克莱门特先生 王羽琛:That one's reserved.This way ,please. Take this gentleman's order,Cuihua 老板:那个座位被预定了。请来这边。翠花给这位先生带个路 王朗: I'll have some latiao and tx,and zhuroudunfentiao. 亨利:我要辣条和茶叶蛋,猪肉炖粉条 王京:早说啊,It'll cost a tidy bit. 侍者:早说啊,这有些贵哦 王朗:That's understood.And a long cool juehuacha. 亨利:我知道。再加一扎菊花茶 一阵狼吞虎咽后 王朗:Er ... Waiter,Same thing again ,please. 亨利:服务员,同样的再上一遍。 王京:Again? 侍者:在上一遍? 王朗:That's right .And fill that up.Anything wroing? 亨利:没错,把菊花茶加满。有什么问题吗? 王京: No,No,sir.、 侍者:没有没有。 侍者跑到老板身边 王京: HE's asked for another portion.juehuacha and all. 侍者:他要再来一份原样的,还有啤酒 王羽琛: Do you think he can pay? 老板(对老板娘):你觉得他付得起吗? 杨萌萌:We'll have to chance it. 老板娘:我们得试试 王羽琛:Serve him,Horace.But don't open. 老板:给他上,但别撕开。 又一阵狼吞虎咽 王京: latiao and tx,and zhuroudunfentiao tiwce. Two quarts of juehuacha.Three and ten pence. 侍者:辣条和茶叶蛋,猪肉炖粉条各两份,菊花茶两杯。三镑十便士

百万英镑 餐厅 里电影台词

Proprietor:That one's reserved.This way,please. Take this gentleman's order,Horace. Henry: I'll have some ham and eggs,and a nice big juice steak with all the trimmings ,and make it extra thick. Waiter:It'll cost a tidy bit. Henry:That's understood.And a long cool tankard of ale. Er ...Waiter,Same thing again ,please. Waiter:Again? Henry:That's right .And fill that up.Anything wroing? Waiter: No,No,sir. HE's asked for another portion.Ale and all. Proprietor: Do you think he can pay? Maggie:We'll have to chance it. Proprietor :Serve him,Horace.But don't spare the gristle. Waiter: Ham ,eggs,steak,potatoes,beans,carrots tiwce.Trifle,Cheese,Coffee.Two quarts of ale.Three and tenpence. Henry: Thank you .Would you mind waiting just a few minutes? Waiter: What's there to wait for? Proprietor:All right,Horace! Henry: That was a wonderful meal. You konw ,it's amazing how much pleasure you get out of simple things ... If have had to get along without them for a while . Proprietor: Very intresting .And now perhaps if you'd pay the bill,I could attend to the other customers. Henry: That clock of yours ,is it correct ? Proprietor: If anything ,it's fast. Henry: It's fast? How fast? Customer:Two minutes. Henry: Oh ,thank you . Proprietor: Now ,I don't wish to be unpleasant,but would please settle the bill? Henry: I want to... But you see... Proprietor:The bill,please. Henry: Yes ,I konw ,the bill. Proprietor: Exactly. Henry: Well ,I don't suppose a couple of minutes will make any difference. Er...I'm awfully sorry ,but I don't have anything smaller. Proprietor:Well ...Well....er.....er....just one moment . Maggie ,DO you think it's real? Maggie: Ask Mr.Clements. Proprietor: Mr.Clements...er....Mr.Clements. Mr.Clements: What's it ? Proprietor: Would you mind just looking at this ? Do you think it is genuine? Mr.Clements: Two notes of this denomination have been issued,but in any case it's hardly likely to be a forgery. Maggie: Why not ? Mr.Clements: It would draw too much attention to the owner .No forger want that . Maggie:But look at the owner ,Mr.Clements,he is in rags!


旁白:Into the clothing store, waiter, the boss on.认为自己马上就要时正式职 员了,可不能象现在这样破烂。 A formally staff soon, he thinks that he can not be broken as they are now. (走到一个老板旁边)(A boss walked beside) 我:有没有做的不合适被顾客退回来的服装?I: There was no inappropriate for the customer to return to the clothes? 旁白:(老板用极其轻蔑的眼神看他)Boss with the most contemptuous look to see him (走到一个店员旁)Go near a shop assistant 店员1:等一会儿,马上就来。Clerk 1: Wait a minute, come at once. 旁白:(店员挑了一件很小的衣服)The clerk pick up a small shop clothes. 我:请你们照顾一下,我过几天在再付款。I: Please take care of you, I had a few days in the re-payment. 我身上没有带零钱。I had no belt change. 店员2:噢,你没有带零钱?Clerk 2: Oh, you do not bring change? 对了,当然,你这样子像带了的?Y es, of course, brought you this way like it? 我想象得到,像你这样的绅士身上只会带大票子。I imagine that a gentleman like you who will bring great tickets. 同伴:朋友,你对外地人不能总是只认衣衫不认人。Company: a friend, you can not always recognize only the clothes and outsiders do not recognize people. 我们完全付的起这套衣服的钱,我们只是不想让你因为找不开一长大票子而为难。We fully paid the money from this suit,we just do not want you as a grown up can not find tickets for the difficult to open. 店员2:我们没有伤害人的意思,不过,事情恰恰相反,我们找的开。Clerk 2: We do not hurt people's means, but things the contrary, we find the open. 我:噢,太好了,我向你们道歉。I: Oh, good, I apologize to you. 旁白:他掏出了一张一百万的钞票。He took out a million-dollar bill.然后老板过来了and the boss come. 老板:站着干什么?Boss: stand for? 店员2:这位先生等这找钱呢?Clerk 2: The President and so does this give change? 老板:那就快找给他呀Boss: Then looking to fast for him 店员2:你自己看吧!Clerk: Look at it yourself! 旁白:老板脸上的表情凝固了The boss's face solidification. 老板:是呀是呀,我是说,哪个人会傻到跟一个绅士站在一起自惭形愧呢?Boss: Y eah, Y eah, I mean, what stupid people will stand together with a gentleman ashamed Zican shape it? 不过,我不在乎了,这份光荣让我忘却了自己跟您站在一起是多么的拙陋了,(指着店员)即使你没有招待这样特大客户的经验,也不能眼花到拿错了这样一件衣服呀!However, I do not care, and the glory of me to forget his stand with you how humble humble, and (pointing to staff) even if you do not entertain such a large customer's experience, a wrong can not be blurred to such an clothes ah! 我:不,我觉得这很好了。Me: No, I think this good. 同伴:是的,我们觉得很好。Company:Yes,we think it is nice. 旁白:老板很尴尬,但还是硬着头皮往下说。The boss is very embarrassing,but he still to stay.


旁白: Into the clothing store, waiter, the boss on.A认为自己马上就要时正式职员了,可不能象现在这样破烂。A formally staff soon, he thinks that he can not be broken as they are now.(走到一个老板旁边)(A boss walked beside) 我: 有没有作的不合适被顾客退回来的服装?I: There was no inappropriate for the customerto return to the clothes? 旁白: (老板用极其轻蔑的眼神看他)Boss with the most contemptuous look to see him(走到一个店员旁)Go near a shop assistant 旁白: (店员挑了一件很小的衣服)The clerk pick up a small shop clothes. 我: 请你们照顾一下,我过几天在再付款。I: Please take care of you, I had a few days in there-payment.我身上没有带零钱。I had no belt change. 店员2:噢,你没有带零钱?Clerk 2: Oh, you do not bring change?对了,当然,你这样子像带了的?Yes, of course, brought you this way like it?我想象得到,像你这样的绅士身上只会带大票子。I imagine that a gentleman like you who will bring great tickets. 同伴: 朋友,你对外地人不能总是只认衣衫不认人。Company: a friend, you can not alwaysrecognize only the clothes and outsiders do not recognize people.我们完全付的起这套衣服的钱,我们只是不想让你因为找不开

百万英镑第三幕 裁缝店

第三幕裁缝店 Henry:I’d like to have a suit do you have something already made? 裁缝1:He’s there,Tend to you。 Henry:Oh,something I can walk out with it。 裁缝1:Already made suit?Downstairs。 棒棒棒棒棒棒棒棒棒棒 Henry:I hate to interrupt would you like to show me any already made suit? 裁缝2:As this would you be some in the shop。This way,please。 Henry:I thought you may have something made up for another customer,that not collected。 裁缝2:We don’t get things like this,we have another things。 老板(对裁缝1说):Tell Tod to get him out quickly and outside the side door. 裁缝1:Yes sir。 Henry:So the thing was warmer than anything there? 裁缝2(Tod):Yes,all the fashion try this trousers。 裁缝1叫裁缝2 裁缝1:you have to get him outside the side entrance and quick! 裁缝2:I know what I am doing,good eye didn’t I。 裁缝2走向亨利 Henry:Sir,a little noisy,isn’t it? 裁缝2:Sir,would you want to better show we will consider it。It’s a little difficult to size in,you know。 Henry:Well, 裁缝2:should I package it? Henry:Oh,no,I will wear it。I don’t want to pay you now if you don’t mind。I’d like to open the account in a month。You see,I haven’t any small change。 裁缝2:Here we go。Is gentleman like you are expected to carry large change。Henry:Look at this,honey,I were you I wouldn’t judge a stranger by his clothes,···裁缝2:Oh,I may thanks。I will make you think we can change large note。···As a matter of fact, we can! Henry:In that case. There ' s no problem。 亨利走过去从衣服口袋里把钱递给裁缝2,裁缝2惊讶得张大嘴巴,手里的东西掉到地上。开始抽泣。这时老板走过来 老板:what ' s up? What ' s the trouble What ' s wanting? Henry:I am waiting for my change. 老板对着裁缝2说:Come, come, get him his change Tod, let him going. 裁缝2:Change Sir! 老板:Change!(很惊讶把眼镜戴上) M! Could it..., is it easy... 他是他就是那张百万英镑吗?登在星期一的报纸上或者是星期二的。remember thinking, that ' s never what I best to feel such a note. (对着Tod)You are fool, Tod ' s a fool. 你竟然把这位绅士带到这个地方来。(转向亨利)You are indeed a millionaire. And take off this jacket sir(动手把亨利身上的衣服脱掉,边脱边对Tod说)And pick the best in。(对亨利说)follow me, sir this way, sir. 在亨利穿上新的衣服后。


旁白——王文燕老师 主演:亨利.亚当——白梦凡老师 第一场:富家兄弟两人——李玉红老师,陶然老师 路人——王红格老师,李春丹老师及九年级老师。 第二场:饭店服务员——郭莉莉老师 老板——冯戈老师 老板娘——梁庆玲老师 若干顾客——王红格老师,李春丹老师及九年级老师。 第三场:裁缝店老板——张彬老师。 伙计——崔珊珊老师。 第四场:全体。 Chapter1: (旁白)One day, two old brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend, and with no money but that million-pound bank-note, and no way to account for his being in possession of it. The brothers had been having a pretty hot argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is the English way of settling everything. Just then Henry came along. (I was so hungry.) Brother A: Young man, come here, please. Brother B: Could I ask you some questions? Henry: Of course, sir. A: What do you do? Henry: I’m a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco. B: Why are you staying here? Henry: My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. And now, I have nothing in my pocket. A: Great! Henry: great? I can’t understand you, sir. B: I’m sure you will understand very soon. Here is an envelope. Henry: what’s this? (说着,我就要打开) B: no, no, no, there is some money, but you wouldn’t open it until 2:00pm. (这期间,俩兄弟边交谈边吃纸袋里的零食,我不断瞟着这些美味,实在忍不住了,) Henry: Could I have some? A: of course. oh, sorry. It’s empty.(他在袋子里吹了口气,然后砸烂。—确实空了。)This way, please.
