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The onset of precocious puberty rate rise obviously in recent years. Data shows, the developed countries of precocious puberty in children with high rates of up to 5%~8%,our country city precocious puberty rate is 4%~7%, close to the level of developed countries. Clinical observation, most children precocious puberty is not caused by the disease, but to "eat" out, including foreign fast food, a variety of supplements, anti season Vegetable & Fruit etc.. She reminded, the following four kind of food should becareful to eat:

1 fried foods

Precocious children often like fried foods, such as fried chicken, French fries. High heat in children's body into excess fat, overweight, cause the endocrine disorder,cause

sexual precocity.

2 poultry neck

Now there are some poultry was "ripening", while in poultry "ripening agent" residual mainly in poultry in head and neck part of the gland, if the long-term eating

chicken,duck, goose neck, may lead to early

The 3 season Vegetable & Fruit

Almost all anti season Vegetable & Fruit is in "growth promoting agent" under the helpof mature, parents should avoid eating these foods to children under the age of 10.

The 4 part tonic

Many nutrition all contain hormones, blindly taking extremely easy to cause

the childsexual development in advance.

The expert expresses, in view of precocious puberty in children, parents only know to avoid often eat the food is not enough, but also to correct the child's bad eating habitsin daily life, do three meals a day to eat a balanced diet.

Eat together 1 meat soup, not only to give the child to drink soup

Cantonese particularly like soup, a lot of people think that Tang meat nutrition is

good, always force their children to eat soup. Experts said that in fact the soup contained protein only meat 10%, fat and mineral contents are not many, light soupdo not eat meat, children are easy to suffer from mild iron deficiency anemia. The right to

eat dinner drink a bowl of soup, after dinner drink half a bowl of soup, meat toeat together.

2 don't eat tonic, tonic + exercise more healthy

Some parents think, ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, bovine colostrum, protein powderis a good thing, can enhance children's immunity, eat more, the stronger the childimmunity. In fact, this view is biased, if not actively exercise, rely on to eat tonic will not necessarily work, but may let the child sexual precocity. Experts said, not drug Sibu,diet + exercise is the best way to improve the baby's immunity.

3 breakfast don't always milk + eggs, also want to eat fruits and vegetables and whole grains

Let the child for a long time to eat a single food types, not only let the children do not get a comprehensive nutrition, but also allow the child to reject to accept the new

food, develop a bad habit of picky eaters. Panyu District Central Hospital of Guangzhou City pediatric department of Endocrinology deputy chief physician Huang

Ruijuan said, good nutritional quality of breakfast consists of Cereals, animal

food,milk, fruits and vegetables, which includes three parts of the breakfast quality is general, contains only one or two parts are of poor quality breakfast. Cereal foods,such as bread, noodles, rice porridge, plays a very important role in the child's height growth. Therefore, the child's breakfast is best to eat a certain amount of vegetables and fruits. If you can't eat fruits and vegetables, can be appropriate to eat whole grain foods, to increase the intake of dietary

4 don't peeling, skin food nutrition is good

Many people think that the skin of fruits and vegetables pesticide residues, not

health,must be peeled to eat, such as apple, cucumber, etc.. Yet in you peel at the same time, also removed a lot of nutrients. Huang Ruijuan said, in fact, very nutritious vegetable soup with skin, leaves nutritious than Caigeng, and apple peel contains a lot of iron and dietary fiber. If you worry that the pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits, rice washing water to fully clean fruits and vegetables available skin before eating.
