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Storageand Handling 贮存与管理

Storage 贮存 Store in cool and dry conditions below flash point

贮存于阴凉干燥处 ,低闪点贮存. Pack size 包装规格 20Kg in 20 liter container 20公斤装于20公升容器中

Flash Point 闪点≥35℃

Specific Gravity 比重 1.10-1.20Kg/L 1.10-1.20公斤/公升

Intended Uses


Suited for protection and decoration of metal and wood 。such as hull, super structure, mast, flagpole, railing, chimney exterior, cabin interior,lifeboat and harbor machine etc. It forms a rough coating with high adhesion, bright color, good decoration, fair resistance to weathering, salt fog and water. It may dry at room temperature or may be backed at low temperature.

Product Information 产品简介各色,高光、平光、哑光、闪光漆、附着力好、漆膜光亮丰满、极好的保光保色性All colors. High gloss. Consists of special alkyd resin and weather proof pigments.

Application details 产品数据V olume Solids 固体份≥40%

Dry Flm Thickness干膜厚度

35microns equivalent to 88 microns of wet film

35微米相当于88微米湿膜厚Theoretical Coverage 理论涂布率8m2 /Kg 8平方米/公斤Practical Coverage 实际涂布率Allow appropriate loss 允许适量损耗

Storage and Handling 施工详述Mix Radio 混合比One package 单罐装

Method of Application 施工方法

Conventional Spray 喷涂 Recommended

Thinner 稀释剂二甲苯丁酯

Cleaner 油漆设备清洗剂二甲苯丁酯

Pot Life 使用期 Not limit 不限制Storage 贮存期 One year 一年

干燥时间 150~170℃(烘烤)




Specification and Surface preparation 技术要求及表面处理Recommend coat: Spray 2 Coats with high-pressure airless spray to 60-80 microns of dry film thickness.

Preceding coat: Iron red alkyd primer, alkyd red lead anti-corrosive paint and micaceous iron oxide aldyd anti-corrosive paint etc.


Safety Precautions 安全措施This product should be used in painting area by perfessional operators. When painting , please refer to Product Data Sheet and MSDS. Consult our company if consumers could not completely understand the precautions for safety and health when applying this product.

This product is a kind of solvent-based paint .Inorder to avoid danger or accident, minimal safety precautions,as follow , should be down .

The paint contains volatile solvent and is flammable . So must keep away from sparks and open flames.No smoking at applacation site ,Effective precautions (such as using explosion-proof electrical equipments. No static electricity accumulation or metal collision etc) also should be done so as to avoid producting sparks .Flash point of paint , mentioned above on product Data sheet, is the lowest temperature at which mixture of the volatile materails of paint can ignite or explode with air. Enough ventilation is necessary at application site. In order to remove any danger of explosion, must keep the ratio of gas to air is less than 10%, the minimum explosive limit in general, Therefore, 200m3 of ventilation quantuty per 1Kg solvent (according to the solvent ) is necessary.

Product skin and eyes, and avoid touching with paints (Recommend to wear working clothes, gloves,eye protection, face masks barrier cream and so on ). Kif paint gets in touch with skin , wass fully with large amount of fresh water and soap or appropriate commercial cleaner. In case of eyes being contaminated, rinse with fresh water for 10min at least and give medical treatment immediately. Recommend face guard with ventilation pipe for the sake of no absorption of paint fog and harmful solvent gas, especially in bad ventilation.

Handle empty containers with care and do not bring about environmental contamination. NOTICE: If consumers have not taken effective safety precautions(Refer to the specfications), our company will NOTbe responsible for any accident.



此涂料为易燃物,并含有挥发性易燃溶剂,,故必须远离火星和明火,严禁在作业场所吸烟,并采取有效措施,防止火星产生(如采用防爆电器设备,杜绝静电积累,避免金属撞击等)本产品说明书中所列涂料及溶剂的闪点是引起燃烧的最低温度. 施工场所应尽量进行通风良好,为消除使用过程中的爆炸隐患,应保证足够的通风量以维持气体/空气比例不超过最低爆炸极限的10%,通常每千克溶剂需要200立方米通风量,(与溶剂种类相关)就能维持最低爆炸极限10%的工作环境.



责任声明: 对于未按本公司要求采取有效安全措施儿引起的安全事故,本公司不负任何责任.

