PETS3阅读部分Part D 选词填空题讲义

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PETS3阅读部分Part D选词填空题讲义


Passage 1

Directions: Read the following text from which 10 words have been removed. Choose from the words A-O the most one to fill each numbered gap in the text (46-55). There are FIVE extra words that you do not need to use. Mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.

I can`t believe the kind of rubbish that some people call art. Yesterday, my girlfriend dragged me to a modern art __46__to see an exhibition she had read about in the paper. It was five or six so-called installations made of bits of plastic, wood and paper that __47__just to have been thrown on the floor. It was a mess, basically—just like the floor in my sister`s house when my two-year-old nephew`s left all his toys out, but less__48__. Come to think of it, __49__ you had given those bits of plastic, wood and paper to my nephew, he could probably have __50__somethings just as good. I guess, sometimes, the cleaners end up throwing art like that in the bins at the end of the day, __51__they must find it hard to work out what`s an exhibit and what`s just__52__. I think that if a painting or an installation looks like something I could have done myself in fifteen minutes, it doesn`t __53__ to be called art. But when I say that, people like my girlfriend say I`m “uncultured.” I think a lot of the people who say they __54__ the kind of stuff we saw yesterday are just pretending—deep down they know it`s rubbish but they don`t want to be the first one to admit it because, unlike me, they`re __55__ of being looked down on.

[A]afraid [B]appreciate [C]because [D]colorful [E]created

[F]deserve [G]dislike [H]gallery [I]if [J]litter

[K]object [L]proved [M]seemed [N]serious [O]when


先对选项进行分类,afraid, colorful, serious 属于形容词,其中afraid是表语形容词,不能位于所修饰词的前面做限定成分。appreciate, created, deserve, dislike, litter, object, proved, seemed属于动词,appreciate, deserve, dislike, litter, object 是动词原形,前面主语可能是复数,也可能是to。Object和litter既是动词,也是名词,gallery是名词,都是单数。because, if, when 都是连接词。


47.答案:M。此空后面是介词to,因此应该填写一个动词;前面是that,因此凡是动词原形的都要排除,只剩下created, proved, seemed 根据语境,只能选择seemed。意为“所谓的展品是由五六个用塑料、木头和纸制成的东西,似乎被扔到了地上。”

48.答案:D。此空前面是less “更少”,因此这里只能填写形容词、副词和名词。选项中,副词和名词放在此处并不适合,剩下的形容词afraid, colorful, serious中,只有colorful最符合。意为“这真是一团糟,就像我2岁大的侄子把所有的3玩具扔到我姐姐家的地板上一样,只


49.答案:I。空白处位于“Come to think of it”和“ you had given those…”两个分句之间,因此这里要填写一个连接词,有if, because和when,根据语境,应该选择if。意为“来想想吧,如果你把这些塑料、木头和纸给我侄子…….”


51.答案:O。“the cleaners end up…” 和“they must find it…” 都是分句,句子之间应该有连接词,只剩下because, when,根据语境只有because符合。意为“我猜有时清洁工会在展览结束后把这些艺术品都扔到垃圾桶里,因为他们也分不清哪些是垃圾哪些是展品。”

52.答案:J。what`s an exhibit 与what`s just____是前后对应的关系,空白处应该是一个名词,根据语境只有litter是符合的。意为“我猜有时清洁工会在展览结束后把这些艺术品都扔到垃圾桶里,因为他们也分不清哪些是垃圾哪些是展品。”

53.答案:F。doesn`t ____ to be called art. doesn`t后应该填写一个动词原形,appreciate, deserve, dislike, object 中只有deserve是符合的。意为“我认为一副画或者制作品能在15分钟内完成的话,那就不值得称得上艺术品。”

54.答案:B。they和the kind of stuff之间的空白处,应当是一个动词,appreciate, dislike, object, proved 中,根据语境只有appreciate是符合的。意为“我想很多欣赏我昨天看到的艺术品的人只是假装喜欢”

55.答案:A。they`re ____ of…..空白处应该填写一个形容词,只有afraid合适。意为“因为他们不像我,他们害怕被别人看不起。” be afraid of….害怕…

Passage 2

Directions: Read the following text from which 10 words have been removed. Choose from the words A-O the most one to fill each numbered gap in the text (46-55). There are FIVE extra words that you do not need to use. Mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.

It can be a special experience to go on a family trip during the holiday season, but one reason that many parents_46__to stay home is the cost of travel. Here are some ways of reducing your travel __47__.

Flying is fast way to arrive at your destination, but the cost of airline tickets can really add up if you are buying flights for the whole family. Often, it is cheaper to pay for gas__48__the whole family can fit in the car, __49__with the current decreases in gas prices.

If your destination is too far to drive to, you should look at a variety of__50___for your flight times. For example, it is often cheaper to fly on Christmas day instead of flying a few days before Christmas. Also, __51___early morning flights is cheaper than traveling during peak times during the day.

Eating out __52___you are on the road can quickly increase the trip cost, and it`s much cheaper to stop at the grocery store, planning your own food__53___. If you plan to eat out, then it`s usually cheaper to eat at a restaurant during breakfast or lunch, ___54___you to skip the higher dinner prices.

Also, it might be cheaper to visit an all-inclusive resort. These resorts include all the meals and a variety of activities, and many of them have children`s activities so that kids can __55___entertained during the trip.

[A]allowing [B]if [C]begin
