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1、Britain is no longer an imperial(帝国) country(T)

2、The Commonwealth(英联邦) of Nations includes all European countries(F)

3、1 in 10 of the British population are of non-European ethnicity(种族)(F)

4、The stereotype(刻板印象) of the English gentleman never applied to the majority of the British people(T)

5、When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes(T)

6、The Scots and Welsh(苏格兰和威尔士) have a strong sense of being British(F)

7、Scotland(苏格兰) was never conquered by the Romans(罗马人)(T)

8、Most people in Scotland speak the Celtic(凯尔特) language, called “Gaelic”


9、Scotland was unified with England through peaceful means(T)

10、Wales(威尔士) is rich in coal(煤炭) deposits(存款)(T)

11、Cardiff(卡迪夫), the capital of Wales, is a large city(F)

12、The title of Prince(王子) of Wales is held by a held by a Welsh according to tradition(F)


1、Ireland is part of Great Britain(F)

2、“Ulster(阿尔斯特)”, referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom(王国)(T)

3、The capital of Belfast(贝尔法斯特) is a large city with half a million people(F)

4、Northern Ireland is significant(重要的) because of its manufacturing(制造业) industry(F)

5、The majority of Irish people were descendants(后代) of the original Celtic (凯尔特) people who inhabited British Isles(群岛) before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago(T)

6、Most British people are Protestants(新教徒) while most Irish people are Catholics (天主教徒)(T)

7、The British government does not have direct rule from London over Northern Ireland(T)

8、Sinn Fein(新芬党) is a legal political party in Northern Ireland(T)

9、The Anglo-Irish(岗格鲁-爱尔兰) Agreement of 1985 guaranteed the loyalist(政府军) Protestant community(社区) their to decide their future in Northern Ireland(T)

10、The Good Friday Agreement(协议) was approved on 10 April 1998(T)

11、Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions(司法管辖区): thatf Republic(共和国) of Ireland that of Great Britain(F)


1、It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy(民主) in the world(F)

2、In Britain, the process of state-building(国家建设) has been one of evolution rather than revolution, contrast to France and the US(与法国和美国相比)(T)

3、The oldest institution(机构) of government in Britain is the Monarchy(君主政体)(T)

4、The divine(神圣的) right of the king means the sovereign(主权) derived(派生的) his authority(权威) from his subjects(主题)(F)

5、As the king in theory had God on his side, it was thought that he should exercise absolute(绝对) power(F)

6、The term “parliament(议会)” was first officially used in 1066 to describe the gathering of feudal barons(封建贵族) and representatives from counties and towns(F)

7、Britain is both a parliamentary democracy(议会民主制) and a constitutional monarchy(君主立宪制)(T)

8、Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which most countries have(F)

9、Common laws are laws which have been established(建立) through common practice (实践) in the courts(法院)(T)


1、In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances(情况下)(T)

2、Anyone who is eligible(符合条件的) to vote with 500 pounds as deposit(存款)can stand as an MP(国会议员)(F)

3、Each main party is given some time on national TV to “sell” their policies. The time is not given free and has to be paid by the party(T)

4、The amount spent in national campaign(运动) is not limited other than that on TV(F)

5、Secrecy(保密) is not an important part of the voting process(T)

6、There are two major national parties in the U.K. according to the text(F)

7、Liberal Democratic(自由民主) party is the newest of the major national parties(F)

8、Children from the upper-middle-class(中上层阶级) usually have a better education than those from the working or middle-class(T)

9、The majority of middle-class people today have working class parents or grandparents(T)

10、One of the distinctive features(独特的特征) about the British class-system is that it has also retained(保留) a hereditary aristocracy(世袭的贵族)(T) 11、The majority of Britain’s recent immigrants have mainly come from North Asia (北亚) and Caribbean(加勒比) countries(F)

12、Most immigrants earn a living by opening restaurants or becoming musicians(F)

13、The majority have problems of unemployment published its Household Energy Management Strategy(家庭能源管理策略)(T)

14、On March 2, 2010, the British government publish its Household Energy Management Strategy(T)

15、On December 27, 2009 the TN Climate(气候) Change Conference was held in Copenhagen(T)

16、According to the Kyoto Protocol(京都议定书), the government has agreed that the UK will meet tough targets(艰难的目标) to reduce carbon emissions incrementally (增量) between now and 2020(F)
