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“能源转型”这一概念于1980年首次提出(应用生态研究所) ▪ Two main elements: exit from nuclear power, entry into renewable energies
两个主要元素:退出核能领域,进入可再生能源领域 ▪ A feed-in tariff system for renewables first introduced in 1991
Dr. David Jacobs - International Workshop on Power Transformation, Beijing
The German Energy Transition in a Nutshell 德国能源转型概述
… and a recent shock ……最近的一次事故 ▪ Immediate shutdown of the oldest nuclear power plants and appointment of
Agenda 议程
• Targets and objectives of the German energy transition 德国能源转型的目标
• Options for integrating high shares of wind and solar PV into the German market 将更多的风能和太阳能光伏融入德国市场的选择 • Grid expansion/integration 电网扩大/融合 • Dispatch from conventional (and renewable) power plants 从传统(和可再生能源)发电厂调度 • Demand response 需求响应 • Storage 贮存 • Lessons learned for China 中国得出的经验
Dr. David Jacobs - International Workshop on Power Transformation, Beijing
The German Energy Transition in a Nutshell 德国能源转型概况
A long history … 拥有一段很长的历史…… ▪ The concept “Energiewende” was first coined in 1980 (Öko-Institut)
an Ethics Commission for a safe energy supply after the Fukushima shock in March 2019 在2019年3月的福岛事故发生后,立即关闭了最旧的几家核电站,并指定了 负责安全能源供应的道德委员会
▪ Final report of the Ethics Commission in May 2019, government decision on “The Energiewende” in June 2019: nuclear exit by 2022 2019年5月道德委员会的最终报告,2019年6月政府对“能源转型”的决定: 到2022年淘汰核电
1991年首次为可再生能源引进上网电价系统 ▪ Government decisions in 2000-2019: nuclear phase-out extending into the
2020s and introduction of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) 2000——2019年政府决定:到21世纪20年代逐步淘汰核电,引入可再生能源 法案(EEG) ▪ New energy concept under the current government in September 2019: extension of nuclear operating times combined with ambitious goals for emission reduction, share of renewables and energy efficiency 当前政府2019年9月的新能源概念:延长核电运营时间,确立了在减排和可 再生能源共享以及能源效率的宏伟目标
GHGs (与 1990相比)
电力所占 总比例 一次能源 电力 比例
建筑升级 能源生 产率
Source: BMUB 2019 来源: BMUB 2019
Dr. David Jacobs - International Workshop on Power Transformation, Beijing
Long-term targets of the Energiewende 能源转型的长期目标
The Energiewende is more than just a nuclear exit: a complete transformation of the energy system of a highly industrialized country 能源转型不仅仅是淘汰核能:而是高度工业化国家的能源系统的完全转型
▪ Other targets of the 2019 energy concept remain, e.g. share of renewables by 2050: 60 % of energy consumed, 80 % of electricity produced. 2019年能源概念的其他目标仍然保留,如,到2050年能源比例:占消耗能源 的60 %,占发电能源的 80 % 。
Dr. David Jacobs - International Workshop on Power Tr来自百度文库nsformation, Beijing
The German Energy Transition (Energiewende) –
Targets and objectives 德国能源转型——目标