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---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 脐带血干细胞移植的研究及临床应用()(精品)




目前脐血移植治疗的疾病已经达到80 余种,治疗的病人全世界已经超过了 6000 例。


主题词脐血;干细胞; 造血干细胞;间充质干细胞;移植中图分类号 R457.7; R392.4 Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant study and clinic practice Zhou Fei, Zhang Xiaofeng Second hospitial of YueQin , ZheJiang, YueQin325600 Obstract Umbilical cord blood(UCB),as a main source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).Recently, a great number of basic studies and clinic practices are having been done in china and the world

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It has been found that UCB contains a significantly higher number of HSCs and abundance of mesenchymal cells(MSCs).It shows much advantage over clinical stem cell transplant with UCB. For example, UCB has plenty of source ,whose tissue to match needs less time ,antigens expression is feebler ,while MSCs acts on regulating immunity and speeding hematopoietic recovery ,so that UCBT is easier to success and its reaction is feebler, while graft versus host disease(GVHD) is little .The treated diseases by Umbilical Cord Blood transplant(UCBT) have reached more than 80 sorts and the treated patients have gott more than six thousands in the world. UCBT has appeared tremendous potential in treatment of malignant tumour ,immunodeficiency, heart diseases , damage in nerve system, repair for tissue organ, diabetes and vascular diseases ,etc. Keyword Umbilical cord blood; Stem cells; Hematopoietic stem cells;Mesenchymal stem cells; Transplant Chinese Library Classification(CLC) R457.7; R392.4 造血干细胞移植(Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplant, HSCT) 是目前治疗难治性血液病、免疫缺陷病及恶性肿瘤的主要手段之一, 而脐血( Umbilical cord blood, UCB)作为造血干细胞 (Hematopoietic Stem Cells,HSCs)的重要来源,自1988 年Gluckman 和Colleagues 采用脐血移植( Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant,

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ UCBT)成功地治疗了一位患 Fanconi 氏贫血的五岁儿童[1]以来,目前临床上采用脐血(UCB) 移植治疗的疾病已经达到 80 余种, 治疗的病人(包括儿童、成人)全世界已超过 6000 例[2]。


本文就近年对脐血的研究和临床应用情况作一综述,以期为推动脐血移植在更广泛领域里的应用,惠及更多的患者能有所帮助。 1.脐血移植的优势 1. 1 首先是脐血来源丰富,我国每年约有 1200 万新生儿,按目前国际上收集脐血( UCB) 80%的入库率(弃掉 2%细菌污染、 3%~ 5%病毒感染、 8%有核细胞数量少、 5%其他),一年可利用的脐血达 960 万份;再以国内上海脐血库39%[3]的入库率计算,一年可收集到的脐血也有 470 万份。

因此,短期内可收集到大量不同人类白细胞抗原( Human leukocyte antigen, HLA)型的脐血供临床选择。

1. 2 脐血中的 T 淋巴细胞表型及功能均为不成熟表现,人类白细胞抗原II(HLA-II) 类抗原表达率低,几乎没有抗体,采用脐血干细胞移植的排异反应弱或不出现,移植物抗宿主病( Graft Versus Host Disease, GVHD)出现少、且轻] 4、5、 6]。

1. 3 脐血( UCB)造血干细胞(Hematopoietic stem cells , HSCs) 的增殖能力较骨髓(Bone marrow, BM) 造血干细胞( HSCs)强,临床统计显示:

脐血的移植成功率高达 80%,比骨髓干细胞移植高出 30%。

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