我国中小民营企业员工激励机制研究 以xx企业为例

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The Research of Incentive Mechanisms in Small

and Medium-sized Private Enterprises of China

—taking Yu shun enterprise as an example

Author : Su Yongjie

Tutor : Li Aimei


Human resource is the strategic resource of modern enterprises and the most important factor in the development of the enterprises, and incentive is the important content of the human resource management system. However, due to our country economy development level, people of ideological concept restriction, Chinese small and medium-sized private enterprises in the motivational aspect there are still quite a few problems, leading to the enthusiasm of the employees and potential without good knockouts, affect the normal development of the enterprise. This paper incentives from the basic theory of literature study, application of integrating theory with practice method, so as to Yu shun enterprise as the research object, and combining with actual situation, to Yu shun enterprise employees incentive system, this paper tries to find out the existing problems, and to design a system, comprehensive incentive schemes, and strive to find and established a set of Yu shun enterprise staff effective incentive system and improving staff motivation, efficiency.

Key words: Small and medium-sized private enterprises, Incentive mechanism, Yu Shun packaging color printing factory.


1绪论 (1)

1.1研究的背景 (1)

1.2研究的目的及意义 (1)

1.3国内外研究现状及发展趋势 (2)

1.3.1国外激励理论研究现状 (2)

1.3.2国内激励理论研究现状 (3)

1.3.3发展趋势 (3)

1.4研究的思路与方法 (3)

1.4.1研究的思路 (3)

1.4.2研究的主要方法 (4)

2我国中小民营企业及其员工的特点和需求 (5)

2.1中小民营企业的内涵及特点 (5)

2.1.1中小民营企业的内涵 (5)

2.1.2中小民营企业的特点 (6)

2.2中小民营企业员工的特点及需求 (6)

2.2.1中小民营企业员工的特点 (7)

2.2.2中小民营企业员工的需求 (7)

3xx企业员工激励的现状及问题 (8)

3.1xx企业背景介绍 (8)

3.3.1企业简介 (8)

3.1.2企业及员工结构 (8)

3.2xx企业员工激励机制的现状 (10)

3.2.1物质激励现状 (10)

3.2.2精神激励现状 (11)

3.3xx企业员工激励机制存在的主要问题及原因分析 (12)

3.3.1企业薪酬制度缺乏吸引力 (12)

3.3.2企业招聘的员工整体素质较低 (13)

3.3.3管理与绩效考核制度不完善 (13)

3.3.4 企业员工激励形式单一化 (14)

3.3.5缺乏企业组织文化的支撑 (14)

4xx企业员工激励机制的改进措施 (16)

4.1总体要求和基本原则 (16)

4.1.1构建企业员工激励机制的总体要求 (16)

4.1.2构建企业员工激励机制遵循的原则 (17)

4.2xx企业员工良好激励氛围的改进措施 (18)

4.2.1完善薪酬激励体系,不断增强企业发展的内动力 (18)

4.2.2充分发挥培训学习的激励作用,增强员工的素质 (19)

4.2.3健全考核评价体系,不断增强绩效考核激励性 (19)

4.2.4完善激励体系,为员工提供实现自我价值的舞台 (19)

4.2.5创建良好的企业文化,树立员工自我激励意识 (20)

4.3基于xx企业员工激励机制的一般性结论 (21)

结论 (22)

致谢 (23)

参考文献 (24)

附录xx企业人力资源管理现状调查问卷 (25)
