



分词的定义:动词的-ed 分词即过去分词,是由动词的过去分词构成,一般只有一种形式。


2. 过去分词的语法作用:



1. 过去分词用作表语时,通常说明主语的心理感觉或所处的状态等。例如:

I noticed the doors and windows were locked when I came to see him.

She seemed terribly shocked upon hearing the sad news.

Don’t touch the glass because it is broken. 不要碰那个杯子,它是坏的。

He is quite pleased with the design of the dress. 她很喜欢那礼服的式样。

2. 当过去分词与be 连用时,要注意区分是“系表结构”还是“被动语态”。


The lake is surrounded by grass. (状态)

The lake will soon be surrounded by tall trees. (动作)

The window is broken. (状态)

The window was broken by Tom. (动作)

2) 过去分词做定语


1. 过去分词用作定语,如果是单个的,常置于其所修饰的名词之前.

We need more qualified teachers. 我们需要更多合格的教师。

We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions. 我们必须使我们的思想适应改变了的情况.

2. 过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于其所修饰的名词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,多用于书面语中.

The concert given by their friends was a success.他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功.

Is there anything planned for tomorrow? 明天有什么活动吗?


The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success.

The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.




Seen from the top of the hill, the city looked like a big garden.

Accepted by the Party, he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party.


Deeply moved by the story, the excited people stopped quarrelling with each other. Encouraged by the speech, the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle.


Given another chance, he will do better.再给他一次机会,他会做得更好。

Compared with your brother, you should make greater efforts to study English.

If heated, water can be turned into steam.水如果被加热,会变成水蒸气。


Exhausted by the running, they went on running after the robber.


Laughed at by many people, he continued his study. 尽管被许多人嘲笑,他还是继续他的研究。


The old man went into the room, supported by his wife.

Seated at the table, my father and I were talking about my job.



(1) Written in a hurry, this article was not so good! 因为写得匆忙,这篇文章不是很好.

【解析】written 为过去分词作状语,表示这篇文章是被写的,而且已经被写.


去分词及短语常见的有: lost (迷路); seated (坐); hidden (躲); stationed (驻扎); lost / absorbed in (沉溺于); born (出身于); dressed in (穿着); tired of (厌烦).

Lost / Absorbed in deep thought, he didn't hear the sound.因为沉溺于思考之中,所以他没听到那个声音.

2. 过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语为主句的主语,此时应注意人称一致.

(1) Given another hour, I can also work out this problem. 再给我一个小时,我也能解这道题.

(given 为过去分词作状语,它的逻辑主语为主句主语 I ,即 I 被再给一个小时.)

(2)Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful to us. 从山顶看城市,城市显得更漂亮.

(seen 为过去分词作状语,表"被看",由语境可知,它的逻辑主语必须是城市,而不是"我们",因为"我们"应主动看城市.)


(1) The signal given, the bus started. 信号一发出,汽车就开动了.(the signal 是 given 的逻

辑主语,因此主句主语 the bus 就不是given 的逻辑主语.

(2) Her head held high, she went by. 她把头昂得高高地从这儿走了过去.(her head 是 held high 的逻辑主语,因此主句主语 she 就不再是held high 的逻辑主语.)

3. 过去分词作状语来源于状语从句.

(1) Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了.

caught in a heavy rain 为过去分词短语作原因状语,它来源于原因状语从句 Because he was caught in a heavy rain.

(2)Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得


grown in rich soil 为过去分词作条件状语,它来源于条件状语从句 If these seeds are grown in rich soil.


When given a medical examination, you should keep calm. 当你做体格检查时要保持镇定.

4. 过去分词作状语的位置.过去分词可放在主句前作句首状语,后面有逗号与主句隔开;也可放在主句后面,前面有逗号与主句隔开.

He stood there silently, moved to tears. = Moved to tears, he stood there silently. 他静静地站在那里,被感动得热泪盈眶.



1. 表示感觉或心理状态的动词.如:see, watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to, feel, notice, think等.

I heard the song sung in English. 我听到有人用英语唱过这首歌.


He found his hometown greatly changed. 他发现他的家乡变化很大.


2. 表示"致使"意义的动词.如:have, make, get, keep, leave等.

(1) I'll have my hair cut tomorrow. 明天我要理发.

(2) He got his tooth pulled out yesterday. 他昨天把牙拔了.

(3) Don't leave those things undone. 要把那些事情做完.

3. 表示思维活动的动词如consider, know, think等后。如:

(1) I consider the matter settled. 我认为这件事解决了。

(2) I thought myself wronged somehow in the bargain. 我认为自己在这场交易中有受愚弄了。

4. 表示爱憎?意愿的动词如want, wish, like, hate等后。如:

(1) I wanted two tickets reserved. 我要预定两张机票。

(2) He didn’t wish it mentioned. 他不愿这事被提起。



1. 过去分词所表示的动作由他人完成.

He had his money stolen.他的钱给偷了.(被别人偷去了)

2. 过去分词所表示的动作由句中的主语所经历.如: He had his leg broken.他的腿断了. (自己的经历)



Hearing the good news,we couldn't help jumping with joy

news,we couldn't help jumping with joy.)

Seen from the hills,the West Lake is very beautiful.(=The West Lake is very beautiful when it is seen from the hills.)

5)"with +宾语+过去分词"的结构

此结构中,过去分词用作介词 with的宾语补足语.这一结构通常在句中作时间,方式,条件,

原因等状语. (1) The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. 凶手被


(2) With water heated, we can see the steam. 水一被加热,我们就会看到水蒸气.(表条件)

(3) With the matter settled, we all went home. 事情得到解决,我们都回家了.(表原因)

(4)She stood in front of him, with her eyes fixed on his face. 她站在他面前,眼睛注视着他.

(5) He stood for an instant with his hand still raised. 他仍然举着手站了一会儿.

3. 补充讲解知识点


如:Hearing the news, we felt very surprised.

The news is very surprising. 这个消息很令人惊讶。

They were frightened to hear the frightening sound. 他们听到那可怕的声音很害怕。

At the sight of the moving scene, all the people present were moved to tears.

英语中这样的分词还有很多,如:amusing, amused; encouraging, encouraged; disappointing, disappointed; exciting, excited; puzzling, puzzled; satisfying, satisfied; worrying, worried; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; interesting, interested; astonishing, astonished等。


比较下面几组短语:boiled water开水 boiling water正沸腾的水

developed countries发展的国家 developing countries发展中国家

fallen leaves落叶 falling leaves 正在飘落的叶子

changed condition改变了的情况 changing condition变化着的情况




[误]Not knowing what to do,so she asked her friends for advice.

[正]Not knowing what to do,she asked her friends for advice.



如: As it was Sunday,the streets were especially crowded.或:It being Sunday,the streets were especially crowded.



generally speaking(一般地说),strictly speaking(严格地说),judging from /by...(从……来判断),talking of...(说到……),considering...(考虑到……),supposing...(假定……)等。如:

Generally speaking,it is not easy for a foreigner to learn Chinese well in a short time.

Considering everything,it wasn't a bad holiday.

6)动词have后所接的三种宾语补语:have somebody/something do something 不定式作补

语必须省去to, 不定式动作由宾语发出,表示一次性的动作。如:

I had the workers do the job for me. 我让工人们替我完成了工作。

Jim often has his father help him with his homework. 吉姆经常让他的父亲帮助做家庭作业。

have somebody /something doing something -ing分词作补语,分词动作也由宾语发出,

强调动作的延续或正在进行。如:They had the tractor working all the time. 他们让拖拉


We won’t have the child talking to his mother lik e that.我们不能让那孩子那样对他的妈妈


have somebody/something done 过去分词作补语,宾语和补足语之间有逻辑上的被动关系,通常有两种情况:


He had his hair cut yesterday. 他昨天理发了。

②主语遭到某种不幸或陷入恶劣的环境,说明宾语的一种无意识的被动行为。如:He had his leg broken in the match last month.他在上星期的比赛中摔断了腿。


1. Mr. Smith, _______ of the ________ speech, started to read a novel.

A. tired; boring

B. tiring; bored

C. tired; bored

D. tiring; boring

2. On getting to the kindergarten, the mother was glad to see her baby well _________.

A. looked for

B. cared for

C. take care of

D. cared after

3. The two old sisters, _________ so long, held each other and burst into tears.

A. being separated

B. having been separated

C. having separated

D. had been separated

4. Let’s have a rest. The _______ work made me very ________.

A. tired; tired

B. tiring; tiring

C. tired; tiring

D. tiring; tired

5. Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone _________ to

the system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.

A. adding

B. to have added

C. to add

D. added

6. As we all know, newspapers, magazines and radios as well as television broadcasts can

keep us ______ about what is happening in the world.

A. informing

B. to inform

C. informed

D. being informed

7. Everyone was ________ by his _______ progress which he made during the two months.

A. surprised; surprise

B. surprised; surprised

C. surprised; surprising

D. surprising; surprising

8. When he turned around, he found a pair of eyes _________ him.

A. looking

B. watch at

C. fixing on

D. staring at

9. The film you saw last light was made _________ on a true story that happened many years ago.

A. base

B. to be based

C. based

D. basing

10. After _______ his work, the teacher came to help me with my English.

A. finished

B. being finished

C. having finished

D. be finishing

11. Follow the directions on the bottle carefully when __________the medicine.

A. you will take

B. taking

C. to take

D. taken

12. The students, ________ their teachers, came home.

A. followed

B. follow

C. following

D. will follow

13.The long-lasting war, filled with blood and deaths, ended in people’s sadness,

______no result.

A. reached

B. to reach

C. would reach

D. reaching

14. They spent the night _________ in the room.

A. having locked

B. locking

C. to be locked

D. locked

15. He wrote a letter to the king ___________.

A. hoping to be set free

B. to set him free

C. so that be set free

D. asked to be set free

16. Steven has devoted all his life to _______ films, and Kate, his wife, is also ________

to the duty of her profession.

A. make; devoted

B. making; devoting

C. making; devoted

D. make; devoting

17. ________ in the dark, his head hit against a tree.

A. Walking

B. He was walking

C. Walked

D. When he was walking

18. Time should be made good use ________ our lessons well.

A. of learning

B. to learn

C. to learning

D. of to learn

19. The film, ________ true story of this Red Army general, attracted people’s interest all

over the country.

A. is based on

B. is on the base of

C. which is the base of

D. based upon

20. She returned home from the market only to find the door open and a number of


A. stole

B. missing

C. missed

D. losing

21. _________ it rains, we will stay at home.

A. Supposed

B. Supposing

C. To suppose

D. If suppose

22. _________ with yours, our library is _________ too small a size.

A. Comparing; in

B. Comparing; of

C. Compared; in

D. Compared; of

23. It’s dangerous to carry a hot pan with ________ oil.

A. burning

B. burnt

C. burn

D. burns

24. We were told that the stone figure _______ back to the 16th century was of great value.

A. dated

B. dating

C. coming

D. kept

25. The boy lay on his back, his teeth _______ and his glaring eyes _______ straight upwards.

A. set; looked

B. set; looking

C. setting; looked

D. setting; looking

26. ________ in the forest, he had to ask for help by sending out signals.

A. Having lost

B. Losing

C. Lost

D. He was lost

27. The Golden Gate Bridge, ________ several hundred years ago, is worldwide famous.

A. which is built

B. which built

C. having built

D. built

28. I suggested the cheat _________ into prison.

A. referred to being put

B. referred be put

C. referred should be put

D. referred to be put

29. ___________, I went out for a walk.

A. There was nothing to do

B. There being nothing to do

C. There had nothing to do

D. Had nothing to do

30. He returned home to learn that the girl ________ had been married the secretary village.

A. became engaged to him

B. was engaged to him

C. engaged to him before

D. got engaged to him

31. __________ at failing in the maths exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to hi s parents.

A. Disappointed

B. To be disappointed

C. Disappointing

D. Having disappointed

32. _________ in the dark cave, he was not afraid of being found by ________ enemy soldiers.

A. Hidden; armed

B. Hide; armed

C. hidden; arm

D. Hiding; armed

33. To have the wonderful cloth ________ new clothes, they had the machine ______ all day long.

A. made of; running

B. made of; run

C. made into; working

D. made into; work

34. The World Trade Organization finally opened its door to China on November 10,

_______ our Chinese 15- year wait. A. to end B. ended C. ending D. ends

35. If _______ in wet sand, the vegetables can_______ fresh for a long time.

A. being buried; remain

B. buried; remain

C. buried; be remained

D. burying; remain

36. _________ over and over again, but he still couldn’t understand.

A. Having explained

B. having been explained

C. Explaining

D. It had been explained

37. Everything _________, the plan is fairly practical, you can put it into practice.

A. considering

B. taken into consideration

C. to consider

D. taking into consideration

38. ________ from the moon, our earth, with water _______ seventy percent of its surface, appears as a “ blue ball”.

A. Seen; covered

B. seeing; covering

C. Seen; covering

D. To see; to cover

39. A great big fellow, ________around 250 pounds, walked with slow heavy noisy

footsteps up to the producer counter in the supermarket.

A. weighed

B. weighing

C. weighs

D. weighty

40. --- The plan ________ is of great importance to everybody.

--- I see. He is sure to finish it on time.

A. made

B. making

C. to be made

D. to make

41. From the dates________ on th e gold coin, we decided that it was made five hundred years ago.

A. marking

B. marked

C. to be marked

D. having been marked

42. Hearing the good news, I felt a heavy load ________ my mind.

A. taking off

B. to be taken off

C. having taken off

D. taken off

43. The students were listening to the teacher, with their eyes ________.

A. widely open

B. wide opened

C. widely opened

D. wide open

44. The scientist came to the meeting with his wife ________ him.

A. being supported

B. supporting

C. supported

D. support

45. The noise of the machines _________ can be clearly heard in our classroom.

A. fixed

B. being fixed

C. to be fixed

D. having been fixed

46. After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute __________.

A. being settled

B. to be settled

C. had settled

D. as settled

47. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _________ on

benches, chairs, or boxes.

A. having seated

B. seating

C. seated

D. seat

48. __________ in this way, the situation doesn’t seem so disappointing.

A. To look at

B. Looking at

C. Looked at

D. To be looked at

49. _________ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded

scholarships totaling $21,000.

A. To be judged the best

B. Having judged the best

C. Judged the best

D. Judging the best

50. The president promised to keep all the board members ______of how the negotiations were going on.

A. inform

B. informing

C. be informed

D. informed



非谓语动词补充材料 1.不定式的构成 不定式是由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,在某些情况下to也可省略。不定式一般 主动式被动式 一般式to do to be done 完成式to have done to have been done 进行式to be doing / 完成进行式to have been doing / 1) 不定式的一般式所表示的动作通常与主要谓语的动作同时或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。如:They invited us to go there this summer. 他们邀请我们今年夏天去那儿。 He stood aside for me to pass. 他站到一边让我通过。 2)不定式的完成式 不定式的完成式所表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,它在句中可作表语、状语、宾语,有时也可作主语、定语等。如: She seemed to have heard about this matter. 她似乎已听说过这件事。 I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 我很抱歉让你等了这么久。 I meant to have told you about it, but I happened to have an important thing to do. 我本来想告诉你这件事的,但我碰巧有一件重要的事要做。 It has been an honor for me to have traveled so much in your country. 对我来说,在你们国家旅行这么多地方是一件很荣幸的事情。 3)不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示正在进行的与谓语动词同时发生的动作。它在句中可以用作除谓语以外的所有成分。如: It’s nice of you to be helping us these days.你真好,这些天一直帮我们。 He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully. 他假装在认真地听老师讲课。 We didn’t expe ct you to be waiting for us here. 我们没料到你一直在这儿等我 4)不定式的完成进行式 如果不定式表示的动作是谓语所表示时间之前一直进行的动作,就需要用完成进行式。如: They are said to have been working in Tibet for 20 years. 据说他们已经在西藏工作20年了。 We are happy to have been helping each other these days. 我们很高兴这些天能互相帮助。 5)动词不定式的否定形式是由not或never加不定式构成。如: Try not to be late again next time. 尽量下次不要再迟到。 He wished us never to meet her again. 他希望我们永远不要再见到她。 6)疑问词+动词不定式: 不定式和疑问词whether, what, which, whom, where, when, how, why等连用可以在句中起名词的作用,通常跟在tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder, explain, advise, teach, discuss, find out等动词后面作宾语,有时也可以充当主语、表语等。如: On hearing the news, he didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. 听到这个消息,他不知道该哭还是该笑。 When to hold the meeting has not decided. 什么时候开会还没有决定。 The most important problem is how to get so much money. 最重要的事情是如何搞到这么多钱。 介词后一般不直接接不定式,但可以接疑问词+不定式短语作宾语。如: Mary gave some advice on how to learn English. 玛丽提了一些如何学习英语的建议。 I have no idea of how to do it. 我不知道该怎么做。 但是but和except后面可以跟不定式。如: He did nothing but wander on the street. 他除了在街上闲逛外,没有做什么。


【英语】高考英语非谓语动词真题汇编(含答案) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ________ in a short period. A.improved B.improving C.to improve D.improve 【答案】A 【解析】 宾语written English与improve之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。 2.Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _______, we refused his offer. A.not finishing B.had not been finished C.not having finished D.not finished 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:在这里,our work处在逗号位置,作整个句子的原因状语,这里应填非谓语动词。work和finish存在逻辑上的被动关系,所以应该用过去分词,故选D。 考点:独立主格结构的考查 点评:独立主格结构(Independent Genitive)由两部分组成,前一部份是名词或者代词,后一部分是非谓语动词(不定式、动名词和分词)或形容词、副词、或介词短语。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。独立主格结构在句中做状语,多用于书面语。独立主格结构本身不是句子,在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随、目的等。 3.The rainforest is an amazing place, ________ with plants and animals that aren’t found anywhere else in the world. A.filling B.filled C.being filled D.to fill 【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:热带雨林是一个令人惊讶的地方,充满了世界其他地方不能找到的动植物。固定词组:be filled with被……充满,此处place和fill之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去分词做伴随状态,故选B。 4.Workers have been working through the night ________ the bridge safe. A.made B.to make C.being made D.having made 【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:为了使桥安全工人们整夜地工作。此处用动词不定式作目的状语,故选B。

动词-ing 形式 非谓语动词,动名词,现在分词

动词-ing 形式 动词-ing形式由动词加-ing变化而成, 它同时具有名词和动词的特征, 在句中可以作主语、宾语、定语、宾语补足语及状语。 动词-ing形式不能单独作谓语,有时态和语态的变化。 主动形式被动形式 一般式doing being done 完成式having done having been done 否定形式: not+ -ing 构成 一、动词-ing形式作主语 1. 表示经常的、习惯性的动作或状态, 谓语动词通常用单数。如: Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old. 无论对年轻人和老年人来讲, 走路是一种很好的锻炼。 Watching news on TV has become a routine for me. 在电视上看新闻已经成了我的一种日常习惯。Asking a woman’s age is impolite in some countries.在一些国家问一个女人的年龄是不礼貌的。 2. -ing形式作主语时常后置, 此时须用it作形式主语。如:It is no use / no good / fun / hard work / a hard (difficult) job / a waste of time / dangerous / worthwhile / useless + doing。如: It’s no use making an excuse for this. 为这件事找借口是没有用的。 It is no good waiting for other people to make decisions for you. 等别人替你做决定是没有用的。It’s a waste of time talking about such a useless thing. 谈论这样无用的事情简直是浪费时间。 二、动词-ing用作宾语 1. 只能后接动名词作宾语的动词, 常见的有:finish, enjoy, avoid, admit, keep, mind, imagine, risk, practice, appreciate, consider, escape, miss, suggest, can’t stand, can’t help, give up, feel like, put off, permit等。 2. 既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词, 意义差别不大的动词,常见的有: like, love, hate, prefer, begin, start, continue等。 3. 既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词, 但意义完全不一样的,常见的有:forget, remember, mean, regret, stop, try等。 4. 动词-ing形式作介词的宾语。devote to, look forward to, stick to, be used to, object to(反对), pay attention to, get down to, lead to, be crazy about, be tired of, succeed in, have difficulty in等。 三、-ing形式作定语 1. 单个动词的-ing形式作定语位于被修饰名词的前面, 既可以表示被修饰者的作用或功能, 也可以表示被修饰者的动作或状态。如: printing factory = a factory for printing; the shopping center = the center for shopping; tiring music = music that is tiring; a surprising result = a result that is surprising 2. –ing 形式短语作定语时, 放在所修饰的名词之后, 并且在意思上相当于一个定语从句。如: They lived in a room facing the street. = They lived in a room that faces the street. 他们住在一间面朝街的房子。 The man standing there is Peter’s father. = The man who is standing there is Peter’s father. 站在那儿的那个人是彼得的父亲。 Anybody swimming in this river will be fined. = Anybody who is swimming in this river will be fined. 在这条河里游泳的任何一个人都会被罚款。 The building being built now is our new library. 现在正在建造的这栋楼房室我们的新图书馆。 3. -ing形式短语也可以用作非限制定语, 相当于一个非限制性定语从句, 这时, 它与句子其他部分用逗号分开。如: His brother, working as a teacher, lives in Beijing. = His brother, who is working as a teacher, lives in Beijing. 他那个当教师的哥哥住在北京。 四、-ing形式作宾语补足语 1. 动词-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面, 表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作, 强调一个过程或一种状态。如: When we returned to the school, we found a stranger standing at the entrance. 当我们回到学校时, 发现一个陌生人站在大门口。 2. 能用-ing 形式作宾语补足语的几类动词: 1)、表示感觉和心理状态的动词:see, watch, smell, feel, hear, find, notice, observe, catch, look at, listen to等。2)、表示指使意义的动词:have, leave, set, keep, get 等。 五、-ing形式作状语 -ing作状语时, 其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语。 现在分词在句中作状语,表示动作发生的原因、时间、方式、结果、条件、伴随状况等。 1.–ing 形式作时间状语 Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. While walking along the road, Cruse caught sight of a poor dog. Having finished the work, they went out for a walk. 2.–ing 形式作原因状语


基础课程教学资料祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 高考英语语法:谓语动词 总述: 谓语动词的变化形式取决于时态和语态:英语的时态有十六种, 中学英语中有十二种常见的时态; 语态有两种, 即主动语态和被动语态祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 1.在主动语态中, 各种时态的谓语动词的一般形式如下: 一般进行完成完成进行 现在do / doesam / is / are doinghave / has donehave / has been doing祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 过去didwas / were doinghad donehad been doing 将来shall / will doshall / will be doingshall / will have doneX 祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 如果谓语是be动词, 则可用be动词的适当形式( be / am /is / are / was / were / been)代替以上表格中的黑体字部分. 此外, 过去将来时的形式是: should / would do或should / would be 2.在被动语态中, 各种时态的谓语动词的一般形式如下: 一般进行完成完成进行 现在am / is / are doneam / is / are being donehave / has been doneX 过去was / were donewas / were being donehad been doneX 将来shall / will be doneXshall / will have been doneX 另外, 过去将来时的被动语态形式是should / would be done 主动语态 在主动语态中, 高中英语中常见的有十二个时态 一.一般现在时: 1.构成: 通常以动词原形表示. 主语为第三人称单数时, 则用动词的第三人称单数形式来表示 2.用法: ①.表示现状, 性质, 状态, 经常的或习惯性的动作 a. It is fine today. b. I am a student. c. I get up at six every day. d. My father never takes a bus; he walks to his offic e. ②.表示客观事实或普遍真理 a. Japan is to the east of China. b. The sun rises in the east. c. A horse is a useful animal. ③.表示将来确定会发生的动作(如己安排好或计划好的动作或按时刻表将来一定会发生的动作), 可以这样使用的动词有: go, come, leave, start, arrive等 a. My train leaves at 6:30. b. The football match is played the day after tomorrow. ④.在时间和条件状语从句中可用一般现在时动词代替一般将来时动词 a. I will let you know as soon as I hear from him.


习题精选---分词用法: boy went to the ball,_like a pretty girl. A. dressing B. wearing C. wore D. dressed 2._in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed 3. The film was made_on a true old story. A. base B. to be based C. based D. basing 4. When_,the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed 5._to his research, he almost forgot everything. A. Devoting B. Devoted C. To devote D. Devote 6. _his attention on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix 7._on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix old engineer talked of the difficulty they _the tower. A. built B. had building C. had built D. build 9. _such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 10._the past, our life is becoming much better. A. Comparing with B. Be compared with C. To compare with D. Compared with 11. The boy was last seen _near the East Lake. A. playing B. play C. played D. to play was very unhappy for _to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _“Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 14. We went to see him yesterday evening, _him away. A. finding B. find C. only to find D. found 15. _of plastics, the machines are easy to carry. A. To make B. Having made C. Being made D. Made Suggested answers: 1-5 DACA B 6-10 BABAD 11-15 ADCCD


谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别 首先你要明白在一个英语的单句中只有一个谓语,那么你就要学会怎样划分英语句子中的结构。 先说下什么是单句,单句就是只有一个完整句子结构(句号才是整个句子结束的标志)的句子,没有连词和引导词(像and,what,where,这些的词都没有)。具体的单句结构(五个)就不用我说吧。 eg: ①I love my mother.就是一个单句。 ②English is my best subject which i like.这就是一个复合句(which引导的限制性定语从句),在主语中,english是主语,is是系动词,my best subject 是表语。在从句中(引导词后边的是从句),which作宾语指代subject(subject 是从句的先行词),I作主语,like在这里是行为动词(vt.)作谓语。 给你一个划分简单句结构的例子: eg:I like playing basketball. 这个句子中,I是主语,like是谓语,playing basketball是动名词做宾语,在宾语中playing是非谓语动词,因为我刚刚说过了,一个单句中只有一个谓语,所以like做了谓语,playing就一定是非谓语动词了。

现在和你说下最简单的分辨谓语和非谓语的方法:划分句子的结构。 每个句子首先找到主语,然后是谓语,谓语一般都会和主语靠近(有特殊的情况),那么除去谓语之外的其他动词,都是非谓语动词了。 谓语动词:有以下几种分类 ①行为动词:行为动词又可分为及物(vt.)与不及物(vi.) 那么vi.和vt.的区别可以通过造句的方式来确定。 及物动词:可直接接宾语。(如果不接宾语,那么句意会不完整) 不及物动词:不可以直接接宾语,需借用介词。 eg: I go to school by bus.(go不及物动词,但是和home连接时为go home)He drinks water.(drink是及物动词,中文翻译为他喝水,如果没有宾语water,就成了他喝,那他喝什么呢?句意就不完整了。) ②系动词:be动词(is,am,are,were,was)表主语状态,感官动词(hear,look,listen,tast,sound,appear,seem等),持续性动词(keep,stay,lie,remind等),变化动词(become,go,get,turn等)... ③情态动词:could,should,can,must,may等。


语法复习十二:非谓语动词(一)——动词不定式 动词不定式、分词(现在分词,过去分词)和动名词统称为非谓语动词。现代英语将现在分词和动名词合为一大类叫作v + ing形式。这些动词的形式不能在句中单独作谓语用,因而没有语法主语。但可以有逻辑主语。由于没有语法主语,也就不受人称和数的限定,因为不是谓语,也就没有时态和语态,但这些词仍能表示动作和状态,所以仍有表示与其他动词相对时间关系的形式。由于与其它词有逻辑上的主谓关系,因此也有表示主、被动的形式,同时也有自己的宾语和状语,一起构成非谓语动词的短语(动词不定式短语,分词短语,动名词短语)。非谓语动词在英语语法中占有特殊且重要的位置。非谓语动词形式多样,应用广泛,且在句中起着很活跃的作用,也是语法项目中的重点和难点,学好非谓语动词,才能正确进行口语和书 it 所表示的动作不是主语plan产生的。)We are to set up another middle school for the peasants’ children.我们将为农民的子弟再成立一所中学。(句中的are to set up整个结构为句中谓语,主语为we,同时也是动词不定式to set up所表示的动作的逻辑主语,即动词不定式to set up所表示的动作是由we产生的)。 (3)作宾语:①作及物动词的宾语,如:She wishes to be a musician.;②作某些形容词的宾语:可以有动词不定式为宾语的形容词一般有glad, sorry, afraid,

pleased, determined, willing, eager, anxious, ready, sure等,如:I am determined to give up smoking.;③动词不定式一般不作介词的宾语,但动词不定式之前如有疑问词时,就可作介词的宾语,如:Can you give us some advice on what to do next? (4)作宾语补足语,如:Tell the children not to play on the street. 如果句中的谓语动词为see, hear, watch, notice, have, make, let等,作宾语补足语的动词不定式须将to省去,如:I saw a little girl run across the street. (5)动词不定式在句中作宾语,如带有宾语补足语时,须先用it作形式宾语,而将该动词不定式后置,如:I don’t think it right to do it that way. (6)作定语:动词不定式作定语时,须位于被其修饰的名词或代词之后,如:Is this the best way to help him? 和定语用的动词不定式如果是不及物动词,不定式后面就要用必要的介词,如:He is the man to depend on. 如果被不定式修饰的名词为place, time, way,不定式后面的介词,习惯上可以省去,如:The old man is looking for a quiet place to live. (7)作状语:动词不定式可以作下列的状语:①目的状语:Every morning he gets up very early to read English. 为了强调不定式表示目的的作用,可在不定式前加in order to或so as to(以便或为了),但应注意in order to位于句首或句中均可,而so as to不能位于句首,如:She reads China Daily every day in order to (so as to) improve her English. 将表示目的的不定式置于句首,也可强调目的的作用,如:To master a foreign language, one must work hard at it. ②结果状语:They lived to see the liberation of their home town.他们活到亲眼见到了他们家乡的解放。③too + 形容词或副词+ 动词不定式,表示“足能…”的结果,如:You are old enough to take care of yourself now. 3、复合结构不定式:由for + 名词(或代词宾格)+ 动词不定式即构成复合结构的动词不定式。其中for本身无意义。for后面的名词或代词是不定式的逻辑主语,这种不定式在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语或状语,如:It is very important for us to get everything ready for the harvest. 当作表语用的形容词表示不定式的逻辑主语的性质或特征时,就用介词of而不用for引出不定式的逻辑主语,这些形容词一般有good, nice, kind, wise, silly, stupid, foolish, right, wrong, careless, impolite等,如:It is very kind of you to help him every day. 4、疑问词+ 动词不定式:疑问代词和疑问副词后可加动词不定式构成不定式短语,在句中可作主语、表语或宾语,如:How to prevent them from swimming in this river is a problem. 5、动词不定式的否定式:动词不定式的否定式是由not + 动词不定式构成,如:It’s wrong of you not to attend the meeting. 6、动词不定式的时态形式所表示的时间关系:(1)一般式:动词不定式一般式所表示的动作是和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,但在多数情况下,是在谓语动词所表示的动作之后发生,如:We decided to plant more trees this spring.(其后),They often watch us play table tennis.(同时);(2)完成式:动词不定式完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,如:I am sorryto have kept you waiting.


非谓语动词(一)——现在分词 考点一:现在分词作状语。 A、做时间状语 1. _____________________,he looked for them everywhere.(hold) (2011湖北卷) 他把钥匙握在手上,到处寻找. 2. _____________________to this area,the storm left .(cause) 暴风雨给这个地区造成巨大灾害后离开了。 B、做原因状语: 3. _____________________the programme , they have to stay there for another two weeks .(complete) 没有完成节目,他们不得不再呆两星期。 4.Accustomed to _____________________by others , the little boy likes ti be his own listener .(look) 习惯了被瞧人看不起,这个小男孩喜欢自己做自己的听众。 C、做条件状语 5. _____________________ ,We will visit you . (come) 如果我们来这个城市,我们会去拜访你的。 比较: 6. _____________________ ,We will start at six this afternoon .(permit) 天气允许的话,我们将今天下午六点出发。 D、做让步状语 7._____________________,he still reapted the same mistakes .(tell) 虽然告诉了他很多次,可他仍然重复着同样的错误。 E、做伴随状语 8. The lady walked around the shops, _____________________bargains.(keep)(2010江西卷) 这位女士在商场转悠着,留意着里面的减价商品 9.The lawyer listened with full attention ,____________________any point . (try) (2010四川卷) 律师专注地听着,努力不错过任何要点。 F、做结果状语 10.More highways have been built in China,___________ for people to travel from one place to another. (make) (2011陕西卷) 更多的高速公路建造起来了,使人们更容易从一个地方旅行到另一个地方。 考点二:现在分词作定语 11.A medical team ____________________will come to our school tomorrow .(consist ) 由三人组成的医疗队明天回来我们学校。 考点三:现在分词做补足语 12.They use computers to keep the traffic __________________(smoothly) (2009全国卷2) 他们用电脑来保持交通运行顺利 考点四:现在分词做表语: 13.The day was so _________________(charm) 考点五:用在with复合结构中 14.With the boy ___________________, we had no difficulty in finding his house . (lead) 有这个孩子带路我们找到他的房子毫无困难。


非谓语动词 在句中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形式:不定式、动名词和分词(分词包括现在分词和过去分词) 不定式 一、不定式的作用 1、作主语不定式作主语时,谓语用单数。往往用it 作形式主语,把不定式放在谓语后面。如: It took us two hours to finish the job. It is impossible for us to get there on time. It is very kind of you to help us. 注意:(1)其他系动词如look, appear等也可用于此句型。 (2)当不定式作主语的句子中又有一个不定式作表语时,不能用It is …to…的句型。试比较:It is to negate my own idea to believe him.(错) To believe him is to negate my own idea .(对) (3)It is+ adj. of / for sb. to do sth. 结构中,当不定式的逻辑主语和前面的形容词可以构成系表结构时,用of, 否则用for. 2、作宾语 (1)动词+不定式。如: He managed to escape from the fire. I find it hard to get along with him.(it 作形式宾语) 注:下列动词通常用不定式作宾语:want, try, hope, wish, need, forget, know, promise, refuse, help, decide, begin, start, learn, agree, choose, get等


非谓语动词 非谓语动词(一)——动词不定式 动词不定式、分词(现在分词,过去分词)和动名词统称为非谓语动词。现代英语将现在分词和动名词合为一大类叫作v + ing形式。这些动词的形式不能在句中单独作谓语用,因而没有语法主语。但可以有逻辑主语。由于没有语法主语,也就不受人称和数的限定,因为不是谓语,也就没有时态和语态,但这些词仍能表示动作和状态,所以仍有表示与其他动词相对时间关系的形式。由于与其它词有逻辑上的主谓关系,因此也有表示主、被动的形式,同时也有自己的宾语和状语,一起构成非谓语动词的短语(动词不定式短语,分词短语,动名词短语)。动词不定式、过去分词及v-ing形式在句中均不能作谓语用,所以叫做非谓语动词。 (一)动词不定式:动词不定式由―to+ 动词原形‖构成,如:to study, to play,动词不定式虽然不能作谓语动词用,但仍留着动词的特征,它可以带有所需要的宾语或状语而构成动词不定式短语,如:to study hard, to play table tennis。 2、动词不定式的基本用法:动词不定式能起名词、形容词和副词的作用,可在句中作主语、表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语用,如: (1)作主语:To help each other is good.(动词不定式作主语时,一般可用it作形式主语,而将作主语的动词不定式置于句末,如:It is good to help each other. (2)作表语:My job is to drive them to the power station every day. 动词不定式在系动词be之后作表语,与表示将来时的be + 动词不定式结构有所区别,如:Our plan is to set up another middle school for the peasants’ children.我们的计划是给农民子弟再成立一所中学。(句中的谓语动词为is,动词不定式to set up… 为表语,主语为plan,但plan并不是动词不定式的逻辑主语,即动词不定式to set up所表示的动作不是主语plan产生的。)We are to set up another middle school for the peasants’ children.我们将为农民的子弟再成立一所中学。(句中的are to set up整个结构为句中谓语,主语为we,同时也是动词不定式to set up所表示的动作的逻辑主语,即动词不定式to set up所表示的动作是由we产生的)。 (3)作宾语:①作及物动词的宾语,如:She wishes to be a musician.;②作某些形容词的宾语:可以有动词不定式为宾语的形容词一般有glad, sorry, afraid, pleased, determined, willing, eager, anxious, ready, sure等,如:I am determined to give up smoking.;③动词不定式一般不作介词的宾语,但动词不定式之前如有疑问词时,就可作介词的宾语,如:Can you give us some advice on what to do next? (4)作宾语补足语,如:Tell the children not to play on the street. 如果句中的谓语动词为see, hear, watch, notice, have, make, let等,作宾语补足语的动词不定式须将to省去,如:I saw a little girl run across the street. (5)动词不定式在句中作宾语,如带有宾语补足语时,须先用it作形式宾语,而将该动词不定式后置,如:I don’t think it right to do it that way. (6)作定语:动词不定式作定语时,须位于被其修饰的名词或代词之后,如:Is this the best way to help him? 和定语用的动词不定式如果是不及物动词,不定式后面就要用必要的介词,如:He is the man to depend on. 如果被不定式修饰的名词为place, time, way,不定式后面的介词,习惯上可以省去,如:The old man is looking for a quiet place to live. (7)作状语:动词不定式可以作下列的状语:①目的状语:Every morning he gets up very early to read English. 为了强调不定式表示目的的作用,可在不定式前加in order to或so as to(以便或为了),但应注意in order to位于句首或句中均可,而so as to不能位于句首,如:She reads China Daily every day in order to (so as to) improve her English. 将表示目的的不定式置于句首,也可强调目的的作用,如:To master a foreign language, one must work hard at it. ②结果状语:They lived to see the liberation of their home town.他们活到亲眼见到了他们家乡的解放。③too + 形容词或副词+ 动词不定式,表示―足能…‖的结果,如:You are old enough to take care of yourself now. 3、复合结构不定式:由for + 名词(或代词宾格)+ 动词不定式即构成复合结构的动词不定式。其中for


高中英语过去分词用法 练习题及答案 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

习题精选---分词用法: boy went to the ball,_like a pretty girl. A. dressing B. wearing C. wore D. dressed 2._in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed 3. The film was made_ on a true old story. A. base B. to be based C. based D. basing 4. When_ ,the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed 5._ to his research, he almost forgot everything. A. Devoting B. Devoted C. To devote D. Devote 6. _his attention on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix 7._ on his novel, he didn’t notice the teacher coming. A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fix D. To fix old engineer talked of the difficulty they _ the tower. A. built B. had building C. had built D. build 9. _such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 10._ the past, our life is becoming much better. A. Comparing with B. Be compared with C. To compare with D. Compared with 11. The boy was last seen _near the East Lake. A. playing B. play C. played D. to play was very unhappy for _to the party. A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _“Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read
