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when we talk baout intelligence we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school.当我们谈到智能并不是指在某些考试中取得或是在学校学习很好的好成绩的能力

1. according to this passage,intelligence is the ability to根据这篇文章,智力是能力

D. adapt oneself to a new situation.适应新形势


2. in a new situation,an intelligent person在新形势下,一个聪明的人

C. pays greater attention to the situation.更加注重形势


3. if an intelligent person failed,he would如果一个聪明的人失败了,他会

B. learn from his experiences从他的经验中学习


4. an intelligent child

B. shows interest in things around him对周围的事物感兴趣


5. why does an unintelligent child seem to have a wall between him and life in general?为什么一个无知的孩子似乎有他和一般的生活之间的一堵墙

D. because he has little interest in things around himself.因为他对周围的事情没有什么兴趣Passage2

during sleep,the fatigue of the body disappears and recuperation begins.在睡眠过程中,身体的疲劳消失和恢复开始

6. the writer implies that.

A. sleep is important for good mental and physical ealth


7. from the amount of sleep napoleon,edison and darwin required,we can infer that

D. they were involved in mentally demanding work.他们参与了精神需求的工作


8. the amount of sleep required所需的睡眠量

D. all of the above上述所有

9. according to the passage,the sleeping routine wi be built at the age of 40.根据这篇文章,在40岁的时候,在睡觉的时候要做的事情是建立的


10. from animal experiments,we can conclude that the final result of the lack of sleep is probably death.从动物实验中,我们可以得出这样的结论:睡眠不足的最终结果可能是死亡

D. death死亡


some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse.一些悲观的专家认为汽车一定会被淘汰

11.one significant improverment in the future car will probably be.在未来汽车的一个重要改进的可能

C.its power source. 它的电源


12.what is the author's main concern? 作者主要关注的是什么

D.how to solve the problem of traffic jams. 如何解决交通拥堵问题

13.what provides autos with electric power in an automated highway system? 提供汽车在自动公路系统的电源

B.a rail. 铁路

14.in an automated highway system,all the driver needs to do is.

A. inform the system of his destination by phone用电话通知他目的地的系统


15.what is the author's toward the future of autos? 作者对汽车的未来是什么

C.optimistic. 乐观


foxes and farmers have never got on well.狐狸和农民们从来没有得到好的

16. rich people in britain have been hunting foxes英国富人一直在猎杀狐狸

C. for recreation.为了娱乐


17. what is special about fox hunting in britain?在英国,狐狸打猎有什么特殊之处

B. the hunters have set rules to follow猎人们制定了规则

18. hunting opponents often interfere in the game by confusing the fox hunters.狩猎者经常会在游戏中干扰狐狸的猎人

D. by confusing the fox hunters.通过迷惑狐狸猎人

19. a new law may be passed by the british parliament to

D. stop hunting wild animals in the countryside.


20. it can be inferred from the passage that从这篇文章中可以推断出

B. hunting foxes with dogs is considered cruel and violent.


21. when a company starts to sell goods in new market, they often do some market research to see if the plan is feasible. 当一家公司开始销售新产品的时候,他们经常做一些市场调查,看看是否可行

22. the disease almost wiped out the population of the island. 这种疾病几乎消灭了岛上的人口

23. no two person's finger-prints are identical.没有人的指纹是相同的

24. the data indicated that our theory is wrong这些数据表明我们的理论是错误的

25. father transplanted the oak tree to the backyard. 父亲将橡树移植到后院

26. the firemen managed to extinguish the fire in time. 消防队员设法及时扑灭了火灾

27. what is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make mrs. richard anything but common. 在这本书中最显而易见的是日常生活的细节,这让李察太太有什么共同的东西

28. the car was completely written off and the driver seriously injured. 这辆车被彻底注销,司机受了重伤

29. on this happy occasion,i'd like to say that we are ever so much obliged to you for your kind cooperation. 在这幸福的时刻,我想说,我们对你们的友好合作,我们有太多感激的要求了30. his new appointment takes effect from the beginning of next month他的新任命从下个月开始生效

31. the policeman stopped him when he was driving home and accused him of speeding. 当他开
