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241、It is true that... , but it doesn't follow that...…是真的,但是这并不意味着…;

例句:It is ture that man eats to live, but it doesn't follow that he eats all day long人吃饭是为了活着一点没错,但这并不意味着整天光是吃。

本句型是详细比较两种观点的句型,通常用在议论文的中间部分。句型中的follow不是“追随”,也不是“理解”,而是“是…的必然结果”,如:I don't see how that follows from what you have just said.根据你刚才所说的,我不明白怎么会产生那样的结果。注意,两个从句之间不存在因果关系。


(1). 单项填空:

①It is ture that he is_____ English,but it doesn't follow that he is bright.

A. good in

B. good for

C. good with

D. good at

②It is ture that she failed the exam,but it doesn't follow that she has_____ brains.

A. not

B. no

C. none

D. no any

③It's true that Ben's got a better job,but it doesn't follow that he'll _____more.

A. pay

B. paid

C. be paid

D. be paying

④It is ture that Joan has been to France_____,but it doesn't follow that she has obtained a good command of French.

A. many a time

B. all the time

C. at a time

D. from time to time

⑤It is true that colonialism did not bequeath much____ Africa,but it doesn't follow that Africa is very poor.

A. in

B. about

C. to

D. with

(2). 完成句子:

①It is true that _________________,but it doesn't follow that you has worked hard indeed.


②It is true that small businesses often fail,but it_______________all the small businesses will fail. 小企业会常常失败,但这并不意味着所有的小企业都会失败。

③It is true that he is rich, but it doesn't follow that_________________.

他有钱是事实, 但这并不意味着钱就是一切。

④The doctor is a good job, but it doesn't follow that you __________________.


242、not...for nothing不仅仅是,是有原因,不是毫无意义的;

例句:Believe me, he did not fly into such a rage for nothing. 请相信我,他勃然大怒是有原因的。

not ... for nothing中, not用来否定for nothing, 用了双重否定,从而加强了谓语的肯定意义。not ... for nothing意为“不仅仅是,是有原因,不是毫无意义的”。good for nothing意为“没出息; 毫无用处”。


(1). 单项填空:

①Not for nothing did Thomas _____ the subject the dismal science.

A. label

B. labeled

C. to label

D. labeling

②It is not for nothing he has chosen _____ tears.

A. shed

B. to shed

C. shedding

D. to be shedding

③Not for nothing is angst _____ German word.

A. the

B. this

C. a

D. that

④All efforts are not made _____ nothing.

A. with

B. of

C. by

D. for

⑤He still ran fairly fast, but would not _____ for nothing.

A. speed up

B. speed down

C. speed through

D. speed over

(2). 完成句子:

①He did not go to Oxford _____________. 他没有白进牛津大学。

②You __________________ for nothing. 你可是一个医生啊!

③He _________________ for nothing. 他学法律并没有白费。

④____________ was the plane called "The widow-maker". 这种飞机被称作“寡妇机”是事出有因的。

⑤The dog that minds not your whistle ___________________. 不听你口哨的狗,一无是处.

243、It's not /just like sb. to do sth.做某事是/不是某人的行为;

例句:It’s like him to leave the work to others. 他就是这样的一个人.把工作推给别人。

It's just like sb. to do sth. 意为“正是某人做某事的一贯作风”,肯定式表示赞扬或不满; 若用否定式,则表示怀疑。It's not like sb.to do sth意为“不是某人做某事的风格”。配套练习:

①lt's not like Jim _____ late for class.

A. is

B. be

C. being

D. to be

②It was(just)like him to think_____us.

A. about helping

B. of helping

C. on helping

D. to helping

③It is just like her to think of others _____ thinking of herself.

A. before

B. after

C. and

D. with

④It isn’t like him to _____ anything like that.

A. say

B. saying

C. have said

D. be said

244、There is no probability of/that很难有,不可能;

例句:There is no probability that he will succeed. 他不可能成功。

本句型是there be句型,句中的that从句是定语从句,修饰先行词probability,作probability的定语。There is no probability that...意为“不可能”。


(1). 单项填空:

①There is no probability that he would have mistaken hocus-pocus _____ genuine knowledge.

A. in

B. about

C. for

D. by

②There is no probability that the Duke was convinced _____ such specious arguments.

A. by

B. for

C. of

D. in

③There is no probability _____ the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.
