Online_Training_Manual_美语发音视频教程 2


美语发音教程 session 1

美语发音教程 session 1

Star Door
Year Turn
R's in the middle of words
Make sure that the R sound is strong and your lips are coming forward. Your tongue is back and you push out the R.
why can't we speak a good English? 1. When we learned English as a second language, we kept many of the sounds and speech rules from our first language and we were continuing to use them when we speak English. This is what gives us an accent. We were using the sounds and speech rules from our native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. 2. When Americans speak, they seem to open their mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements. But we often neglect this. Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday!
Reach Road



Pronunciation Workshop—The American dream does not come to those who fallout quick.Session One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WHi, I’m your instructor Paul Gruber and welcome to the Pronunciation Workshops---First Training Session.I am very excited that you have taken this first step to improve your English pronunciation and I do hope that you would enjoy this program and receive great benefits from it. Before we begin I wanna make sure that you have downloaded and printed out the training manual which accompanies this course. If you have not yet done so, please do it soon because you’ll definitely need it.Now you may be wondering how is it that I am going to help you change the way you speak. Well, basically, when you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. And you know why? Well, because when you learned English, nobody ever showed you what the sounds and speech rules of English were until now.That’s why I’m coming . Because I am going to show you and train you on how to use these sounds andspeech rules correctly. Knowing in using these rules will help you reduce or possibly even eliminate your accent. Now throughout the program you’re often going to see me point to my mouth to show you how to produce a particular sound. I want you to pay close attention and try to copy exactly what it is I am doing. I would be showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech. We’re going to practising and I recommend that you use the training manual and try to practise often. When you practise, I recommend that you start out speaking slowly out loud in a strong voice while exaggerating all the mouth movements. What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow. If you can pronunce words and sentences correctly speaking slowly, well, then you’ll have no problem in saying them fast.I believe practising is important, but I do not believe it’s the only key towards success. Being aware of your errors. That’ s the key. Being aware and also recognizing mistakes when you hear them will probably be the most important factors towards your improvement.Another thing I’d like you to keep in mind and I’m sure you may have noticed this already is that when most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements. Watch my mouth when I say something like “Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday!”Did you see how my mouth seemed to move? It wasn’twith my lips flat. It wasn’t “Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday.” There was a lot of movements. My mouth opened wide, but also my whole mouth moved forward. Now I find many foreign speakers, maybe because of their language characteristics, they don’t move their mouths much. There is very little facial movement. Because of this, to an American listener,the words often sound mumble, making it very very difficult for an American listener to understand whatit is you said. One wayto be better understood immediately is to become more aware of your speech and to really start opening and moving your mouth.I’d like to try to observe what I’m talking about. When you speak to native-borned Americans or watch TVor movies, notice how when Americans speak, generally our mouths really open big and our lips come forward. These movements have a lot to do with the sound of American English.I also want to add that I’ll often be asking you to repeat words and sentences on these videos. Try tothink as if we were both sitting in the same room andI am directly right in front of you. Listen carefullyto the words and sounds that I give you. Listencarefully to my pronunciation and watch my mouth, then repeat the words back to me in your own voice with the techniques that I’m showing you as clearly as you can. Now at first you may feel a bit of foolish talking to your computer screen, but really you shouldn’t. Make believe you’re speaking directly to me. You’ll find this will to be extremely helpful and effective.During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds. Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, like ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh andooo. And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds.The consonants that we are going to cover in thisfirst session are the consonant R and the consonant W. Ok, are you ready? Here we go. Let’s get started. Let’s start with the American R.R’s are everywhere. They’re probably the most commonly occurring consonant sound in English. One reason for this is that R’s affect vowel sounds, especially when an R falls at the end of word or after a vowel sound as in the word CAR, or the word AIR, or the word TURN.After working with so many non-native English speakers from around the world, I believe the R sound is one of the main causes for being misunderstood in American English. Therefore, this is why I’ve chosen to start out with this sound. Now when some languages, like our speaking Spanish, the R is produced by bringing the tongue forward in the front of the mouth behind the upper teeth and rolling or trilling the tongue~, like that. Now when some other languages, like German and French, the R is produced in the back of the throat, but this is not how we produce an R sound in the United States. In American English, in order to say a clear R sound, two distinct things hafta(have to) happen. The first thing is that our mouth and lips come tightly forward as if you would be saying the OO sound. Do this with me, say OO and make sure you bringing your lips all the way forward. Say OO.That’s it. You see how your lips are forward? That’s what you wanna do. This is the position your mouth should be in when you producing an American R, like that, and I’ll bet you know whenever I told you that. Now, the second thing is that your tongue moves backin your mouth. It does n’t come forward. It’s pulled back. This is probably the opposite of what you’re doing right now. So, for example, in the word Rock, notice how my lips are coming forward and my tongue moves back in my mouth and I push out the R sound. Watch this: RRRock. Do with me and exaggerate the R: RRRock. Watch with my head turn:RRRock. You see that? See how the whole bottom of my face came forward. Don’t be afraid to do this. This forward mouth movement is what is going to give you an American R sound. It’s not~ and it’s not Rock with your lips flat. Your whole mouth really hasta( has to ) come forward. Now latter I recommend that you practise doing this in front of a mirror while watching your mouth. Really push out the R and remember to pull your tongue back. Now o ne way of checking if you’re doing this correctly with your tongue is by actually putting your finger around an inch into your mouth while saying an R sound. Watch this, RRRock, like that. You should be able to take the tip of your finger and feel the tip of your tongue. If you do these two simple things---bringing your mouth forward and pulling your tongue back. I’m telling you your speech’s going to be clear and you’re going to sound so much better. Ok, we’ re going to start out with R’s at the beginning of words. Here we go. Repeat after me.RockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceVery good. Now repeat this sentence.The round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.Very good. Now pronuncing R’s like this may feel alittle weird to you, but if you notice this is howmost Americans talk.Ok. Now let’s do R’s at the end of words or after a vowel. When a foreign speaker produces R which at the end of word of follows a vowel, it’s usually veryweak---gets not really heard and leaves the wordopener unfinished, like in the word CAR. Now you maysay CAR ending with the A vowel. But it’ s not CAR.It’s CAR/r/. Your tongue hasta pull back. CAR. Andalso your lips close a little bit in the front. The R needs to be very strong and you need to close the word. CAR. Let’s practise these words. Repeat after me.CarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYear( now has a high vowel sound EE.Year.)TurnPoorVery good. Ok. Now let’s discuss R’s in the middle of words.In the word Very, for example, which is a frequently used word in English. The R occurs in the middle ofthe word. It’s not a D sound. The word is not Vedi,or Vehi, it’s Ve ry. Make sure that the R sound is strong and your lips are coming forward. Your tongueis back and you push out the R: Very, like that. Practise these sentences with me nice and slow. He is Very Very nice, like that. See how my lips arecomingall the way forward? Next one. She is Very Very tall. Here are some more practice words with R in the middle. Repeat after me.DirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneOk. Very good. Now, R’s are often combined withother consonants and form what we call R Blends. It is important to understand that the R sound is the stronggest sound of the blend and your lips often come forward before you even say the word. And example ofthis is the word Grape. Now notice how my mouth comes forward before I even say the word. Grape. Did you see that? And notice in the word Grape the R sound is strongger and you even hear it more than the G sound.Grape. Here are some practice words with R Blends. First at the beginning of words. Here we go.TrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakOk. Now in the middle of words.SubtractWaitressNutritionAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayVery good. Ok now let’s practise R sounds in sentences. These sentences are filled with R’s. Keep the R sound strong. Don’t forget to bring your mouth forward and pull your tongue back. Say these sentences with me. Here we go.The story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in theirbrand new RangeRover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when theyarrive at the airport.(Be shorter close to the wordAir. It’s not ai r port. It’s Ai r, Airport, like that with strong R sound.)The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.Very good. Ok now let’s talk about W sounds. W sounds are very similar to R sounds. The major thingto keep in mind is that in English when you see a W,it always has a W sound. Like in the word What. Again notice how my mouth moves forward. One way to makesure you were doing this correctly is to first sayoooo with your whole mouth forward, oooo, like that,and then, open and close your lips to make the W sound, like this, ooooWaWaW a. That’s how you produce a W. Wa, like that. It’s never a V sound, /v/,or you’re like biting down on your lower lip, never. We’ll be going over V sounds in the fourth session. The reason I mention this is because many foreign speakers,especially the German speakers say, for example, Vhat with V for the word W hat. Instead of saying “Whatwill w e do?”, which is correct. They may say “Vhatvill ve do?” And that is not right and many peoplemay not understand you. Bring your mouth forward on those W words. What will we do. Say with me. What will we do. Very good.Now as I said the W and the R are similar, both of them are made with your mouth in the forward position and your tongue pulled back. Your mouth should be alittle bit tighter when you’re saying an R. Listen to the similarities and differences between these R and W words.Rick – WickRight – WhiteIt’s not Vhite with V. It’s White with W.Very good. Also be aware that the W sound occurs in some words beginning with the letter O, like in the words: One, Once. You might not be aware of this. Practise the W words with me. We’ll start out with W at the beginning of words. Don’t forget to bring y our mouth forward at the beginning of each word.WhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingVery good. Ok now W in the middle of words.AlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodNow practise these W sentences.The wind from the west was very wet. (Remember Very starts with the V sound followed by a strong R. --Was very wet. Very good.)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Very good. Now while we are talking the W sounds, I’d like to mention Q sounds. How are Q sounds related? Well, Q sounds are made with the K/k /sound and the W sound/w/ put together. You may have known that. So, for example, the word Quick is pronunced with the K and the strong W sound. KWICK, like that. Repeat some of these words beginning with the Q sound. QuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltAnd also in the CH word ChoirVery good. Ok, here now is a paragraph which contains many R and W sounds. You may wanna practise reading this paragraph a few times . Notice how my lips come forward and all my Rs and Ws. Try to do the same thing and don’t forget. Do not roll your R’~. Don’t do that. Here we go.Ray was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway.Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new rollercoaster.Very good. Now if you strongly push out those Rs and Ws when you practise eventually your Rs and W sounds are going to be clear and your speech will be much easier to understand.If you have the time watch the session again and practise your pronunciation along with me, then take out your training manual and practise on your own. All the word lists and reading passages that are on these videos are in the munual as well. I hope you enjoy our first session together. Fell free to watch this session again. I’m Paul Gruber with the Pronunciation Workshop and I’ll see you next time.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingHi, welcome back. Again my name is Paul Gruber andthis is the Pronunciation Workshops---Second Session.I hope things have been going well since we last met.I would like to just mention again there areliterarlly hundreds of languages around the world and every language has its own set of characteristics. What I’ ve done in this program is to address the most significant pronunciation errors made by most foreign speakers that you may find that not every lesson pertains to you individually pronunciation problem. If that’s the case, well, that’s great cause you’ll get less to work on. But I hate you to miss out anything important. Therefore, I still do recommend that you watch all of the sessions in chronological order from the first session to the last session to get the most out of this program and latteron if you feel you meed more practice, review the sesions which you feel may need more attention.Ok. Let’s get started with today’s session. In this video, we’re going to talk about Voicing. We’ll also talk about Consonant Pairs and what they are and then we’ll cover S sounds and Z sounds. Ok, here we go. Voicing. You’re going to hear me say this word a lot and you need to understand what it is what I’mtalking about. All speech sounds , all of them areeither voiced or unvoiced. Now, what did that mean? Well, first, let’s take a look at this video. It may look a little bit disgusting . Do you have any ideawhat it is. It’s look like something that is opening and closing. I’ll give you a hint. You’ve got pairof these and you use them when you speak. Any idea? Those were vocal chords. Vocal chords are those tiny muscles that are right here when your throat that vibrates quickly and creat sound and that sound isyour voice that you can easily make you vocal chords vibrate by just saying AH. That’s it. That’s voicing. Voicing is when your cocal chords are vibrating, producing a sound, and you can feel the vibrations if you put your hand right here on your throat. Do this with me. Put your hand on your throat and now let’s loud say AH. Do you feel the vibration? Those yourvocal chords vibrating. Now all vowel sounds arevoiced A, Oh, OO, AE, EE. You can not produce a vowel sound without voicing it. Nothing would come out. You see? You need voicing. AH. So all vowels are voiced. Now, consonants are completely different story. Some consonants are voiced and some consonants are not voiced. And many consonants are what we call paired. So, let’s talk about Paired Consonants. Let’s lookat the sound. The letter P makes /p//p//p/-- that’sthe sound of the letter P. Are your vocal chordsvibrating when you’re saying the sound?/p//p//p/.You feeling vibrations in your throat? No, your vocalchords now are not producing a sound so therefore theP sound is what we call unvoiced because there is no voicing. And this is the sign that I’m going to make when there’s no voici ng.So now let’s look at the same sound the P sound/p//p//p/. But this time we’ll add voicing byvibrating our vocal chords. Now we won’t change the thing with our mouth. We’ ll keep that the same, we’ll just add voicing. So what happens to the P sound/p//p/---/b//b/. It becomes a B sound. Watch again. P—no voicing, /p//p//p/. /b/--B, voicing. /p/--/b/. You see that everything here stays the same. The only differences my vocal chords are either vibrating or they’re not vibrating. So we say the P sound a nd theB sound are Paired Consonants. They’re producedexactly the same way here in your mouth, but the P sound has no voicing and the B sound /b//b/ does have voicing. Ok. Having said that, let’s look at another set of consonants. How about the letter T. What sound does that make? /t//t//t/. Is that voiced or unvoiced? /t//t//t/--It’s unvoiced. Your vocal chords are not vibrating. /t//t/. Now don’t change the thing withyour mouth. Just take the same sound and add voicing. What does that T sound become?/t//t/---/d//d//d//d/---becomes a D sound. So we say that the T sound /t/ and the D sound /d/ are also Paired Consonants.Ok. Now let’s look at the F sound /f/. We’re biting down on your lower lip---/f/. Is that a voiced soundor unvoiced sound? /f/---it’s u nvoiced. Your vocal chords are not vibrationg. /f/. Now same sound butthis time we add voicing. /f/---/v/. V. It becomes aV/v/. You see that? F/f/---no voicing. V---voicing./v/. So the F and V are also Paired Consonants.There are many more consonants that are paired andwe’ll get to those at another time. But for now, I’m going to to mention just one more. The S consonant, made with the air going through your front teeth. /s/. Any voicing going on with the sound /s/. No, the S sound is unvoiced./s/. What would be if you didn’t change the thing. You just add voicing. What would the S sound become. /s/---/z/. It will become a Z sound/z/. So S has no voicing /s/, Z has voicing/z/. So we saythe S sound and Z sound are also Paired Consonants.And this brings us to what I would like to covertoday---S sounds/s/, Z sounds /z/and how they work in terms of word endings. I find that most people wholearn English as a second language do not use theproper voicing on /s/ and /z/ endings. So what happens is it can cause your speech to sound unclear and sometimes may cause you to be misunderstood. I’mgoing to show you three easy rules that will help you pronunce many of these words correctly.This first rule is easy and this one I know youprobably do already. Rule 1: If the last sound in a word is unvoiced, and you’re adding an S, well, then the S remains unvoiced, too. Let me explain that. Take the word Cup. Cup. It ends with the unvoiced P/p//p/Cup /p//p/or then if you add an S to the wordCup to make a plural. The S you add also remains unvoiced. So, for example, you have one cup or twocup s. There’s no voicing at the end of that word. The S remains unvoiced. One cup. Two cups. That’s easy. You already do this. I’ll show you another word Ca t. Cat ends with the unvoiced T/t//t/. One cat. Two cats. Again the S ending is unvoiced. Cats. This also goesfor verbs like in the verb Break. I Break. Break ends with the unvoiced K sound/k//k/. There’s no voicingon that K. So when you put the word in the thirdperson. He Breaks. The S you add also remains unvoiced. He breaks.I stop(ends with the unvoiced P /p/). I stop. Hestops./s/---unvoiced S. Stops. Now as I said youalready follow this rule and there really isn’t anything you don’ t know.But on rule No.2, now this one you probably do not do, So pay close attention to this rule. Whenadding an S to a word to make a plural. If a word ends with any of these sounds S Z SH CH or DG(J)as in Judge. Don’t worry. You really don’t need to memorize this.It will become automatic. When you add an S ending,this time, we always add the ending IZZZZZ with the voiced Z. It doesn’t matter that it’s spelled withan S. It’s never S, unvoiced, never. It’s always IZZZZZ with voiced Z. Ok. Do this with me. Put your hand on your throat, cause I want you to feel the vibration in your neck and say IZZZZZ. Feel that right here IZZZZZ. Ok, so let’s look at the word Page, for example, which ends in a voiced sound. One Page becomes Two Page with that voiced Z. Two Pages. It’s not Two Pages/s/,u nvoiced,no. It’ s Two Pages /z/with the voiced Z. Even though you spell the word like this, in American English you pronunce the word likethis PAGEZZ. You’ re probably saying I never knewthat. See what you’ re learning from me. Ok, let’s look at another word in the word BUS, for example, BUS ends with an S sound /s/. BUS. So if you make a plural, you’ re going to add the ending IZZZZZ with thevoiced Z. So we’ ve got One Bus or Two Buses. Buses. Two Buses. The last sound you hear is that voiced Z, Buses.Next one. Lunch. Lunch ends with the CH sound[ʧ]. So we’ve got One Lunch or Two Lunches. Lunches./IIIZ/. Very good. Let’s do some verbs. Raise. Meaning liketo raise my hand. This word is a bit unusual because even though it is spelled with an S, it’ s pr onunced with the voiced Z. So we say I Raise with the voiced Z ending. And he Raises. Raise. He Raises his hand.It’s voiced. Next one. Brush. Like to Brush our teeth.I Brush. He Brushes. Brushes. It’ s a voiced ending. Push. I Push. He Pushes. He pushes. Very good. By voicing these endings, your speech will become clearer, sharper and cleaner. Most likely you haven’ t noticed that American English spoken this way, but now as I pointed out listen forward when you hear people speak. To an a native listener, this makes a very big difference.Ok, here comes the thrid rule. This one’ s easy. If a word ends with a vowel sound, all you do is add avoiced Z. It’s simple. Let’s look at the word Tr ee. The last sound you hear in that word is the vowel /EE/ and remember a vowel is always voiced. So the wordends in a voiced sound. Tree. So what you wanna do if you’ re going to add an S to word like this to make a plural is you continue the voicing throughout thewhole word and add on a voiced Z. So here we go.You’ve g ot One Tree or Two Trees. It’s not Trees /s/ with the unvoiced S. It’s Tress /z/ with that voiced ending. You see that. Another example, the word Day.It ends with the voiced sound /e/, so you have One Day or Two Days. It’s not D ays/s/---unvoiced S. Days/z/, with voiced Z ending. Next one. Shoe. One shoe. Two shoes. Next is the verb Fly, which ends with thevoiced sound[аɪ]. So you’ ve got I Fly. He Flys.Keep that ending voiced. Flys. The last sound you hear inthe word Game is the M sound /m/, which is a voiced consonant. So because of that, when you add an S, theS should also be voiced. One game. Two games. Games. Another word. Head ends with the voiced D/d/, so wegot One Head or Two Heads. Heads. It’s voiced. Two heads. Very good. Next word. Train ends with thevoiced n. See that? So you’ ve got One Trai n or Two Trains. Two Trains with the voiced Z ending. Song ends with the voiced NG sound, so if you make a plural,don’t forget to add a voiced Z ending. You’ ve got One Song or Two Songs. Two Songs.Now what I just showed you take some practice toactually incorporate into your English. But I can tell you from pastexperiencethat most my clients were able tomaster these S and Z voiced endings in just a few weeks.Ok, now for something else. As you know by now,English is a difficult and crazy language. All these words that I’m going to show you now are written with an S, however, they’ re all pronunced with voiced Z. Why this is I have no idea, but this is how English is. Here we go. The word Is. It’s not /Is/(unvoiced).It’s pronunced as if it were a Z/IZ/. This is good. You hear that. Is. His. Same thing. It also has avoiced Z ending. His mom is Mary. As. You pronunce it with voiced Z. As the phone ring. Was, whichis a very common word. It was raining.These, voiced ending.These are my children. Those. Those are my books. Easy, again, the S is like a voiced Z. Easy. This is easy. Because, which is another common word. Because we were late.Ok, now let’s do some practice with reading passages. Each of these has many voiced and unvoiced S and Z sounds. All of the unvoiced Z sounds you’ ll see are underlined. If you printed out the training manualusing a color printer, you’ ll notice that the voicedZ sounds are all printed in red. This will help you visual ly see which sounds should be voiced. I’ mgoing o slow and exaggerate the sounds. You may justfound this to be very helpful. In addition, try listening for these voiced sounds when you hearnative-borned Americans speak. It’s very good ear-training and that’ ll help you improve. Soon , slowly begin to put these sounds into your ownspeech. You’ll find that by adding these voiced endings your English will sound cleaner and people will have an easier time understanding you. Believe me it’s going to really make an improvement.Before we finish, I have one more suggestion that comes from clients who have taken this program. Ithink it’s really a good idea. If you can find a very small mirror and attach it maybe with some tape right onto the side of your computer monitor right next to the screen. By having a mirror right in front of you during our sessions you can easily read the text on the screen, watch my mouth and then look right into the mirror at your own mouth. You’ ll be able to compare your mouthwith what I’m doing. And you’ ll know whether you’ re forming your lips and tongueinto the correct positions. Through imitation and following my instructions, you’ ll b e becoming closer to speaking with American accent. Well, that is for today. Relax. Have fun and practise what I’ ve shown you until next time. I’m Paul Gruber with Pronunciation Workshop and I’ ll see you on the next session.Session Three1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundHi, welcome back. Again my name is Paul Gruber andthis is the Pronunciation Workshops---Third Training。



Pronunciation Workshop—The American dream does not come to those who fall outquick.Session One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WHi, I’m your instructor Paul Gruber and welcome to the Pronunciation Workshops---First Training Session.I am very excited that you have taken this first step to improve your English pronunciation and I do hope that you would enjoy this program and receive great benefits from it. Before we begin I wanna make sure that you have downloaded and printed out the training manual which accompanies this course. If you have not yet done so, please do it soon because you’ll definitely need it. Now you may be wondering how is it that I am going to help you change the way you speak. Well, basically, when you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. And you know why? Well, because when you learned English, nobody ever showed you what the sounds and speech rules of English were until now.That’s why I’m coming . Because I am going to show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly. Knowing in using these rules will help you reduce or possibly even eliminate your accent. Now throughout the program you’re often going to see me point to my mouth to show you how to produce a particular sound. I want you to pay close attention and try to copy exactly what it is I am doing. I would be showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech.We’re going to practising and I recommend that you use the training manual and try to practise often. When you practise, I recommend that you start out speaking slowly out loud in a strong voice while exaggerating all the mouth movements. What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow. If you can pronunce words and sentences correctly speaking slowly, well, then you’ll have no problem in saying them fast.I believe practising is important, but I do not believe it’s the only key towards success. Being aware of your errors. That’ s the key. Being aware and also recognizing mistakes when you hear them will probably be the most important factors towards your improvement.Another thing I’d like you to keep in mind and I’m sure you may have noticed this already is that when most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements. Watch my mouth when I say something like “Wow, was there really raining onW ednesday!” Did you see how my mouth seemed to move? It wasn’t with my lips flat. It wasn’t “Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday.” There was a lot of movements. My mouth opened wide, but also my whole mouth moved forward. Now I find many foreign speakers, maybe because of their language characteristics, they don’t move their mouths much. There is very little facial movement. Because of this, to an American listener, the words often sound mumble, making it very very difficult for an American listener to understand what it is you said. One wayto be better understood immediately is to become more aware of your speech and to really start opening and moving your mouth.I’d like to try to observe what I’m talking about. When you speak to native-borned Americans or watch TV or movies, notice how when Americans speak, generally our mouths really open big and our lips come forward. These movements have a lot to do with the sound of American English.I also want to add that I’ll often be asking you to repeat word sand sentences on these videos. Try to think as if we were both sitting in the same room and I am directly right in front of you. Listen carefully to the words and sounds that I give you. Listen carefully to my pronunciation and watch my mouth, then repeat the words back to me in your own voice with the techniques that I’m showing you as clearly as you can. Now at first you may feel a bit of foolish talking to your computer screen, but really you shouldn’t. Make believe you’re speaking directly to me. You’ll find this will to be extremely helpful and effective.During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds. Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, like ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh and ooo. And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds.The consonants that we are going to cover in this first session are the consonant R and the consonant W. Ok, are you ready? Here we go. Let’s get started. Let’s start with the American R.R’s are everywhere. They’re probably the most commonly occurring consonant sound in English. One reason for this is that R’s affect vowel sounds, especially when an R falls at the end of word or after a vowel sound as in the word CAR, or the word AIR, or the word TURN.After working with so many non-native English speakers from around the world, I believe the R sound is one of the main causes for being misunderstood in American English. Therefore, this is why I’ve chosen to start out with this sound. Now when some languages, like our speaking Spanish, the R is produced by bringing the tongue forward in the front of the mouth behind the upper teeth and rolling or trilling the tongue~, like that. Now when some other languages, like German and French, the R is produced in the back of the throat, but this is not how we produce an R sound in the United States. In American English, in order to say a clear R sound, two distinct things hafta(have to) happen. The first thing is that our mouth and lips come tightly forward as if you would be saying the OO sound. Do this with me, say OO and make sure you bringing your lips all the way forward. Say OO. That’s it. You see how your l ips are forward? That’s what you wanna do. This is the position your mouthshould be in when you producing an American R, like that, and I’ll bet you know whenever I told you that. Now, the second thing is that your tongue moves back in your mouth. It does n’t come forward. It’s pulled back. This is probably the opposite of what you’re doing right now. So, for example, in the word Rock, notice how my lips are coming forward and my tongue moves back in my mouth and I push out the R sound. Watch this: RRRock. Do with me and exaggerate the R: RRRock. Watch with my head turn:RRRock. You see that? See how the whole bottom of my face came forward. Don’t be afraid to do this. This forward mouth movement is what is going to give you an American R sound. It’s not~ and it’s not Rock with your lips flat. Your whole mouth really hasta( has to ) come forward. Now latter I recommend that you practise doing this in front of a mirror while watching your mouth. Really push out the R and remember to pull your tongue back. Now one way of checking if you’re doing this correctly with your tongue is by actually putting your finger around an inch into your mouth while saying an R sound. Watch this, RRRock, like that. You should be ableto take the tip of your finger and feel the tip of your tongue. If you do these two simple things---bringing your mouth forward and pulling your tongue back. I’m telling you your speech’s going to be clear and you’re going to sound so much better.Ok, we’ re going to start out with R’s at the beginning of words. Here we go. Repeat after me.RockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceVery good. Now repeat this sentence.The round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.Very good. Now pronuncing R’s like this may feel a little weird to you, but if you notice this is how most Americans talk.Ok. Now let’s do R’s at the end of words or after a vowel. When a foreign speaker produces R which at the end of word of follows a vowel, it’s usually very weak---gets not really heard and leaves the word opener unfinished, like in the word CAR. Now you may say CAR ending with the A vowel. But it’ s not CAR. It’s CAR/r/. Your tongue hasta pull back. CAR. And also your lips close a little bit in the front. The R needs to be very strong and you need to close the word. CAR. Let’s practise these words. Repeat after me.CarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYear( now has a high vowel sound EE.Year.)TurnPoorVery good. Ok. Now let’s discuss R’s in the middle of words.In the word Very, for example, which is a frequently used word in English. The R occurs in the middle of the word. It’s not a D sound. The word is not Vedi, or Vehi, it’s Ve ry. Make sure that the R sound is strong and your lips are coming forward. Your tongue is back and you push out the R: Very, like that. Practise these sentences with me nice and slow. He is Very Very nice, like that. See how my lips arecoming all the way forward? Next one. She is Very Very tall. Here are some more practice words with R in the middle. Repeat after me.DirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneOk. Very good. Now, R’s are often combined with other consonants and form what we call R Blends. It is important to understand that the R sound is the stronggest sound of the blend and your lips often come forward before you even say the word. And example of this is the word Grape. Now notice how my mouth comes forward before I even say the word. Grape. Did you see that? And notice in the word Grape the R sound is strongger and you even hear it more than the G sound. Grape. Here are some practice words with R Blends. First at the beginning of words. Here we go.TrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakOk. Now in the middle of words.SubtractWaitressAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayVery good. Ok now let’s practise R sounds in sentences. These sentences are filled with R’s. Keep the R sound strong. Don’t forget to bring your mouth forward and pull your tongue back. Say these sentences with me. Here we go.The story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in theirbrand new Range Rover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.(Be shorter close to the word Air. It’s not ai r port. It’s Air, Airport, like that with strong R sound.)The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday. Very good. Ok now let’s talk about W sounds. W sounds are very similar to R sounds. The major thing to keep in mind is that in English when you see a W, it always has a W sound. Like in the word What. Again notice how my mouth moves forward. One way to make sure you were doing this correctly is to first say oooo with your whole mouth forward, oooo, like that, and then, open and close your lips to make the W sound, like this, ooooWaWaW a. That’s how you produce a W. W a, like that. It’s never a V sound, /v/,or you’re like biting down on your lower lip, never. We’ll be going over V sounds in the fourth session. The reason I mention this is because many foreign speakers, especially the German speakers say, for example, Vhat with V for the word W hat. Instead of saying “What will w e do?”, which is correct. They may say “Vhat vill ve do?” And that is not right and many people may not understand you. Bring your mouth forward on those W words. What will we do. Say with me. What will we do. Very good.Now as I said the W and the R are similar, both of them are made with your mouth in the forward position and your tonguepulled back. Your mouth should be a little bit tighter when you’re saying an R. Listen to the similarities and differences between these R and W words.Rick – WickRight – WhiteIt’s not Vhite with V. It’s White with W.Very good. Also be aware that the W sound occurs in some words beginning with the letter O, like in the words: One, Once. You might not be aware of this. Practise the W words with me. We’ll start out with W at the beginning of words. Don’t forget to bring your mouth forward at the beginning of each word.WhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingVery good. Ok now W in the middle of words.AlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodNow practise these W sentences.The wind from the west was very wet. (Remember Very starts with the V sound followed by a strong R. --Was very wet. Very good.)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Very good. Now while we are talking the W sounds, I’d like to mention Q sounds. How are Q sounds related? Well, Q sounds are made with the K/k /sound and the W sound/w/ put together. You may have known that. So, for example, the word Quick is pronunced with the K and the strong W sound. KWICK, like that. Repeat some of these words beginning with the Q sound. QuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltAnd also in the CH word ChoirVery good. Ok, here now is a paragraph which contains many R and W sounds. You may wanna practise reading this paragraph a few times . Notice how my lips come forward and all my Rs and Ws. Try to do the same thing and don’t forget. Do not roll your R’~. Don’t do that. Here we go.Ray was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.Very good. Now if you strongly push out those Rs and Ws when you practise eventually your Rs and W sounds are going to be clear and your speech will be much easier to understand.If you have the time watch the session again and practise your pronunciation along with me, then take out your training manual and practise on your own. All the word lists and reading passages that are on these videos are in the munual as well. Ihope you enjoy our first session together. Fell free to watch this session again. I’m Paul Gruber with the Pronunciation Workshop and I’ll see you next time.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingHi, welcome back. Again my name is Paul Gruber and this is the Pronunciation Workshops---Second Session. I hope things have been going well since we last met. I would like to just mention again there are literarlly hundreds of languages around the world and every language has its own set of characteristics. What I’ ve done in this program is to address the most significant pronunciation errors made by most foreign speakers that you may find that not every lesson pertains to you individually pronunciation problem. If that’s the case, well, that’s great cause you’ll get less to work on. But I hate you to miss out anything important. Therefore, I still do recommend that you watch all of the sessions in chronological order from the first session to the last session to get the most out of this program and latter on if you feel you meed more practice, review the sesions which you feel may need more attention.Ok. Let’s get started with today’s session. In this video, we’re going to talk about Voicing. We’ll also talk about Consonant Pairs and what they are and then we’ll cover S sounds and Z sounds. Ok, here we go.Voicing. You’re going to hear me say this word a lot and you need to understand what it is what I’m talking about. All speech sounds , all of them are either voiced or unvoiced. Now, what did that mean? Well, first, let’s take a look at this video. It may look a little bit disgusting . Do you have any idea what it is. It’s look like something that is opening and closing. I’ll give you a hint. You’ve got pair of these and you use them when you speak. Any idea? Those were vocal chords. Vocal chords are those tiny muscles that are right here when your throat that vibrates quickly and creat sound and that sound is your voice that you can easily make you vocal chords vibrate by just saying AH.That’s it. That’s voicing. Voicing is when your cocal chords are vibrating, producing a sound, and you can feel the vibrations if you put your hand right here on your throat. Do this with me. Put your hand on your throat and now let’s loud say AH. Do you feel the vibration? Those your vocal chords vibrating. Now all vowel sounds are voiced A, Oh, OO, AE, EE. You can not produce a vowel sound without voicing it. Nothing would come out. You see? You need voicing. AH. So all vowels are voiced. Now, consonants are completely different story. Some consonants are voiced and some consonants are not voiced. And many consonants are what we call paired. So, let’s talk about Paired Consonants. Let’s look at the sound. The letter P makes /p//p//p/-- that’s the sound of the letter P. Are your vocal chords vibrating when you’re saying the sound?/p//p//p/.You feeling vibrations in your throat? No, your vocal chords now are not producing a sound so therefore the P sound is what we call unvoiced because there is no voicing. And this is the sign thatI’m going to make when there’s no voici ng.So now let’s look at the same sound the P sound /p//p//p/. But this time we’ll add voicing by vibrating our vocal chords. Now we won’t change the thing with our mouth. We’ ll keep that the same, we’ ll just add voicing. So what happens to the P sound/p//p/---/b//b/. It becomes a B sound. Watch again. P—no voicing, /p//p//p/. /b/--B, voicing. /p/--/b/. You see that everything here stays the same. The only differences my vocal chords are either vibrating or they’re not vibrating. So we say the P sound a nd the B sound are Paired Consonants. They’re produced exactly the same way here in your mouth, but the P sound has no voicing and the B sound /b//b/ does have voicing. Ok. Having said that, let’s look at another set of consonants. How about the letter T. What sound does that make? /t//t//t/. Is that voiced or unvoiced? /t//t//t/--It’s unvoiced. Your vocal chords are not vibrating. /t//t/. Now don’t change the thing with your mouth. Just take the same sound and add voicing. What does that T sound become?/t//t/---/d//d//d//d/---becomes a D sound. So we say that the T sound /t/ and the D sound /d/ are also Paired Consonants.Ok. Now let’s look at the F sound /f/. We’re biting down on your lower lip---/f/. Is that a voiced sound or unvoiced sound? /f/---it’s unvoiced. Your vocal chords are not vibrationg. /f/. Now same sound but this time we add voicing. /f/---/v/. V. It becomes a V/v/.You see that? F/f/---no voicing. V---voicing./v/. So the F and V are also Paired Consonants.There are many more consonants th at are paired and we’ll get to those at another time. But for now, I’m going to to mention just one more. The S consonant, made with the air going through your front teeth. /s/. Any voicing going on with the sound /s/. No, the S sound is unvoiced./s/. What would be if you didn’t change the thing. You just add voicing. What would the S sound become. /s/---/z/. It will become a Z sound/z/. So S has no voicing /s/, Z has voicing/z/. So we say the S sound and Z sound are also Paired Consonants. And this brings us to what I would like to cover today---S sounds/s/, Z sounds /z/and how they work in terms of word endings. I find that most people who learn English as a second language do not use the proper voicing on /s/ and /z/ endings. So what happens is it can cause your speech to sound unclear and sometimes may cause you to be misunderstood. I’m going to show you three easy rules that will help you pronunce many of these words correctly.This first rule is easy and this one I know you probably do already. Rule 1: If the last sound in a word is unvoiced, and you’re adding an S, well, then the S remains unvoiced, too. Let me explain that. Take the word Cup. Cup. It ends with the unvoiced P /p//p/Cup /p//p/or then if you add an S to the word Cup to make a plural. The S you add also remains unvoiced. So, for example, you have one cup or two cup s. There’s no voicing at the end of that word. The S remains unvoiced. One cup. Two cups. That’s easy. You already do this. I’ll show you another word Cat. Cat ends with the unvoiced T/t//t/. One cat. Two cats. Again the S ending is unvoiced. Cats. This also goes for verbs like in the verb Break. I Break. Break ends with the unvoiced K sound/k//k/. There’s no voicing on that K. So when you put the word in the third person. He Breaks. The S you add also remains unvoiced. He breaks.I stop(ends with the unvoiced P /p/). I stop. He stops./s/---unvoiced S. Stops. Now as I said you already follow this rule and there really isn’t anything you don’ t know.But on rule No.2, now this one you probably do not do, So pay close attention to this rule. When adding an S to a word to make a plural. If a word ends with any of these sounds S Z SHCH or DG(J)as in Judge. Don’t worry. You really don’t need to memorize this. It will become automatic. When you add an S ending, this time, we always add the ending IZZZZZ with the voiced Z. It doesn’t matter that it’s spelled with an S. It’s never S, unvoiced, never. It’s always IZZZZZ with voiced Z. Ok. Do this with me. Put your hand on your throat, cause I want you to feel the vibration in your neck and say IZZZZZ. Feel that right here IZZZZZ. Ok, so let’s look at the word Page, for example, which ends in a voiced sound. One Page becomes Two Page with that voiced Z. Two Pages. It’s not Two Pages/s/,unvoiced,no. It’ s Two Pages /z/ with the voiced Z. Even though you spell the word like this, in American English you pronunce the word like this PAGEZZ. You’ re probably saying I never knew that. See what you’ re learning from me. Ok, let’s look at another word in the word BUS, for example, BUS ends with an S sound /s/. BUS. So if you make a plural, you’ re going to add the ending IZZZZZ with the voiced Z. So we’ ve got One Bus or Two Buses. Buses. Two Buses. The last sound you hear is that voiced Z, Buses.Next one. Lunch. Lunch ends with the CH sound[ʧ]. So we’ve got One Lunch or Two Lunches. Lunches./IIIZ/. Very good. Let’s do some verbs. Raise. Meaning like to raise my hand. This word is a bit unusual because even though it is spelled with an S, it’ s pr onunced with the voiced Z. So we say I Raise with the voiced Z ending. And he Raises. Raise. He Raises his hand. It’s voiced. Next one. Brush. Like to Brush our teeth. I Brush. He Brushes. Brushes. It’ s a voiced ending. Push. I Push. He Pushes. He pushes. Very good. By voicing these endings, your speech will become clearer, sharper and cleaner. Most likely you haven’ t noticed that American English spoken this way, but now as I pointed out listen forward when you hear people speak. To an a native listener, this makes a very big difference.Ok, here comes the thrid rule. This one’ s easy. If a word ends with a vowel sound, all you do is add a voiced Z. It’s simple. Let’s look at the word Tr ee. The last sound you hear in that word is the vowel /EE/ and remember a vowel is always voiced. So the word ends in a voiced sound. Tree. So what you wanna do if you’ re going to add an S to word like this to make a plural is you continue the voicing throughout the whole word and add on a voiced Z. So here we go. You’ve g ot One Tree or Two Trees. It’s not Trees /s/ with the unvoiced S. It’s Tress /z/ with thatvoiced ending. You see that. Another example, the word Day. It ends with the voiced sound /e/, so you have One Day or Two Days. It’s not D ays/s/---unvoiced S. Days/z/, with voiced Z ending. Next one. Shoe. One shoe. Two shoes. Next is the verb Fly, which ends with the voiced sound[аɪ]. So you’ ve got I Fly. HeFlys.Keep that ending voiced. Flys. The last sound you hear in the word Game is the M sound /m/, which is a voiced consonant. So because of that, when you add an S, the S should also be voiced. One game. Two games. Games. Another word. Head ends with the voiced D/d/, so we got One Head or Two Heads. Heads. It’s voiced. Two hea ds. Very good. Next word. Train ends with the voiced n. See that? So you’ ve got One Trai n or Two Trains. Two Trains with the voiced Z ending. Song ends with the voiced NG sound, so if you make a plural, don’t forget to add a voiced Z ending. You’ ve got One So ng or Two Songs. Two Songs.Now what I just showed you take some practice to actually incorporate into your English. But I can tell you from pastexperiencethat most my clients were able tomaster these S and Z voiced endings in just a few weeks.Ok, now for something else. As you know by now, English is a difficult and crazy language. All these words that I’m going to show you now are written with an S, however, they’ re all pronunced with voiced Z. Why this is I have no idea, but this is how English is.Here we go. The word Is. It’s not/Is/(unvoiced). It’s pronunced as if it were a Z/IZ/. This is good. You hear that. Is. His. Same thing. It also has a voiced Z ending. His mom is Mary. As. You pronunce it with voiced Z. As the phone ring. Was, whichis a very common word. It was raining.These, voiced ending. These are my children. Those. Those are my books. Easy, again, the S is like a voiced Z. Easy. This is easy. Because, which is another common word. Because we were late.Ok, now let’s do some practice with reading passages. Each of these has many voiced and unvoiced S and Z sounds. All of the unvoiced Z sounds you’ ll see are underlined. If you printed out the training manual using a color printer, you’ ll notice that the voiced Z sounds are all printed in red. This will help you visually see which sounds should be voiced. I’ m going o slow andexaggerate the sounds. You may just wanna listen to me first, then stop the video, practise on your own and then later on watch this video again and pratice with me. Whatever feels right to you. Now this first one has many voiced Z sounds. Here we go. Another zippy, zappy, crazy day comes to a close. As we zoom up to Joe’s snooze zone,Zoe Jones of Zodiac Zoo plays with her zipper.Very good. Next one.Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.O, here’ s the last one.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges into juice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Very good. Now another good way to practise these voiced S and Z endings is to do a naming activity. What you do is you just sit in your rome and out loud name everything you see. First in singular form, and then in plural form. For example, you look around and you say out loud One door, Two doors with the voiced Z ending. One table. Two tables. One computer. Two computers. One light. Twolights. Some of my clients found this to be very helpful. In addition, try listening for these voiced sounds when you hear native-borned Americans speak. It’s very good ear-training and that’ ll help you improve. Soon , slowly begin to put these sounds into your ownspeech. You’ ll find that by adding these voiced endings your English will sound cleaner and people will have an easier time understanding you. Believe me it’s going to really make an improvement.Before we finish, I have one more suggestion that comes from。



Pronunciation Workshop欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01)—The American dream does not come to those who fall out quick. Session One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WHi, I’m your instructor Paul Gruber and welcome to the Pronunciation Workshops---First Training Session.I am very excited that you have taken this first step to improve your English pronunciation and I do hope that you would enjoy this program and receive great benefits from it. Before we begin I wanna make sure that you have downloaded and printed out the training manual which accompanies this course. If you have not yet done so, please do it soon because you’ll definitely need it.Now you may be wondering how is it that I am going to help you change the way you speak. Well, basically, when you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. And you know why? Well, because when you learned English, nobody ever showed you what the sounds and speech rules of English were until now.That’s why I’m coming . Because I am going to show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly. Knowing in using these rules will help you reduce or possibly even eliminate your accent. Now throughout the program you’re often going to see me point to my mouth to show you how to produce a particular sound. I want you to pay close attention and try to copy exactly what it is I am doing. I would be showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going t o make very big changes in your speech. We’re going to practising and I recommend that you use the training manual and try to practise often. When you practise, I recommend that you start out speaking slowly out loud in a strong voice while exaggerating all the mouth movements. What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move innew ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow. If you can pronunce words and sentences correctly speaking slowly, well, then you’ll have no problem in saying them fast.I believe practising is important, but I do not believe it’s t he only key towards success. Being aware of your errors. That’ s the key. Being aware and also recognizing mistakes when you hear them will probably be the most important factors towards your improvement.Another thing I’d like you to keep in mind and I’m sure you may have noticed this already is that when most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements. Watch my mouth when I say something like “Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday!” Did you see how my mouth seemed to move? It wasn’t with my lips flat. It wasn’t “Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday.” There was a lot of movements. My mouth opened wide, but also my whole mouth moved forward. Now I find many foreign speakers, maybe because of their language characteristics, they don’t move their mouths much. There is very little facial movement. Because of this, to an American listener, the words often sound mumble, making it very very difficult for an American listener to understand what it is you said. One wayto be better understood immediately is to become more aware of your speech and to really start opening and moving your mouth.I’d like to try to observe what I’m talking about. When you speak to native-borned Americans or watch TV or movies, notice how when Americans speak, generally our mouths really open big and our lips come forward. These movements have a lot to do with the sound of American English.I also want to add that I’ll often be asking you to repeat words and sentences on these videos. Try to think as if we were both sitting in the same room and I am directly right in front of you. Listen carefully to the words and sounds that I give you. Listen carefully to my pronunciation and watch my mouth, then repeat the words back to me in your own voice with the techniques that I’m showing you as clearly as you can. Now at first you may feel a bit of foolish talking to your computer screen, but really you shouldn’t. Make believe you’re speaking directly to me. You’ll fin d this will to be extremely helpful and effective.During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds. Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, like ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh and ooo. And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds.The consonants that we are going to cover in this first session are the consonant R and the consonant W. Ok, are you ready? Here we go. Let’s get started. Let’s start with the American R.R’s are everywhere. They’re probably the most commonly occurring consonant sound in English. One reason for this is that R’s affect vowel sounds, especially when an R fal ls at the end of word or after a vowel sound as in the word CAR, or the word AIR, or the word TURN.After working with so many non-native English speakers from around the world, I believe the R sound is one of the main causes for being misunderstood in American English. Therefore, this is why I’ve chosen to start out with this sound. Now when some languages, like our speaking Spanish, the R is produced by bringing the tongue forward in the front of the mouth behind the upper teeth and rolling or trilling the tongue~, like that. Now when some other languages, like German and French, the R is produced in the back of the throat, but this is not how we produce an R sound in the United States. In American English, in order to say a clear R sound, two distinct things hafta(have to) happen. The first thing is that our mouth and lips come tightly forward as if you would be saying the OO sound. Do this with me, say OO and make sure you bringing your lips all the way forward. Say OO. That’s it. You see how your lips ar e forward? That’s what you wanna do. This is the position your mouth should be in when you producing an American R, like that, and I’ll bet you know whenever I told you that. Now, the second thing is that your tongue moves back in your mouth. It doesn’t come forward. It’s pulled back. This is probably the opposite of what you’re doing right now. So, for example, in the word Rock, notice how my lips are coming forward and my tongue moves back in my mouth and I push out the R sound. Watch this: RRRock. Do with me and exaggerate the R: RRRock. Watch with my head turn:RRRock. You see that? See how the whole bottom of my face came forward. Don’t be afraid to do this. This forward mouth movement is what is going to give you an American R sound. It’s not~ and it’s not Rock with your lips flat. Your whole mouth really hasta( has to ) come forward. Nowlatter I recommend that you practise doing this in front of a mirror while watching your mouth. Really push out the R and remember to pull your tongue back. Now one way of checking if you’re doing this correctly with your tongue is by actually putting your finger around an inch into your mouth while saying an R sound. Watch this, RRRock, like that. You should be able to take the tip of your finger and feel the tip of your tongue. If you do these two simple things---bringing your mouth forward and pulling your tongue back. I’m telling you your speech’s going to be clear and you’re going to sound so much better.Ok, we’ re going to start out with R’s at the beginning of wor ds. Here we go. Repeat after me.RockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceVery good. Now repeat this sentence.The round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.Very good. Now pronuncing R’s like this may feel a little weird to you, but if you notice this is how most Americans talk.Ok. Now let’s do R’s at the end of words or after a vowel. When a foreign speaker produces R which at the end of word of follows a vowel, it’s usually very weak---gets not really heard and leaves the word opener unfinished, like in the word CAR. Now you may say CAR ending with the A vowel. But it’ s not CAR. It’s CAR/r/. Your tongue hasta pull back. CAR. And also your lips close a little bit in the front. The R needs to be very strong and you need to close the word. CAR. Let’s practise these words. Repeat after me. CarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYear( now has a high vowel sound EE.Year.)TurnPoorVery good. Ok. Now let’s discuss R’s in the middle of words.In the word Very, for example, which is a frequently used word in English. The R occurs in the middle of the word. It’s not a D sound. The word is not Vedi, or Vehi, it’s Ve ry. Make sure that the R sound is strong and your lips are coming forward. Your tongue is back and you push out the R: Very, like that. Practise these sentences with me nice and slow. He is Very Very nice, like that. See how my lips arecoming all the way forward? Next one. She is Very Very tall. Here are some more practice words with R in the middle. Repeat after me.DirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneOk. Very good. Now, R’s are often combined with other consonants and form what we call R Blends. It is important to understand that the R sound is the stronggest sound of the blend and your lips often come forward before you even say the word. And example of this is the word Grape. Now notice how my mouth comes forward before I even say the word. Grape. Did you see that?And notice in the word Grape the R sound is strongger and you even hear it more than the G sound. Grape. Here are some practice words with R Blends. First at the beginning of words. Here we go.TrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakOk. Now in the middle of words.SubtractWaitressNutritionAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayVery good. Ok now let’s practise R sounds in sentences. These sentences are filled with R’s. Keep the R sound strong. Don’t forget to bring your mouth forward and pull your tongue back. Say these sentences with me. Here we go.The story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in theirbrand new Range Rover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.(Be shorter close to the word Air. It’s not ai r port. It’s Ai r, Airport, like that with strong R sound.)The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday. Very good. Ok now let’s talk about W sounds. W sounds are very similar to R sounds. The major thing to keep in mind is that in English when you see a W, it always has a W sound. Like in the word What. Again notice how my mouth moves forward. One way to make sure you were doing this correctly is to first say oooo with your whole mouth forward, oooo, like that, and then, open and close your lips to make the W sound, like this, ooooWaWaWa. That’s how you produce a W. W a, like that. It’s never a V sound, /v/,or you’re like biting down on your lower lip, never. We’ll be going over V sounds in the fourth session. The reason I mention this is because many foreign speakers, especially the German speakers say, for example, Vhat with V for the word What. Instead of saying “What will w e do?”, which is correct. They may say “Vhat vill ve do?” A nd that is not right and many people may not understand you. Bring your mouth forward on those W words. What will we do. Say with me. What will we do. Very good.Now as I said the W and the R are similar, both of them are made with your mouth in the forward position and your tongue pulled back. Your mouth should be a little bit tighter when you’re saying an R. Listen to the similarities and differences between these R and W words.Rick – WickRight – WhiteIt’s not Vhite with V. It’s White with W.Very good. Also be aware that the W sound occurs in some words beginning with the letter O, like in the words: One, Once. You might not be aware of this. Practise the W words with me. We’ll start out with W at the beginning of words. Don’t forget to bring your mouth forward at the beginning of each word.WhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingVery good. Ok now W in the middle of words.AlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodNow practise these W sentences.The wind from the west was very wet. (Remember Very starts with the V sound followed by a strong R. --Was very wet. Very good.)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Very good. Now wh ile we are talking the W sounds, I’d like to mention Q sounds. How are Q sounds related? Well, Q sounds are made with the K/k /sound and the W sound/w/ put together. You may have known that. So, for example, the word Quick is pronunced with the K and the strong W sound. KWICK, like that. Repeat some of these words beginning with the Q sound. QuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltAnd also in the CH word ChoirVery good. Ok, here now is a paragraph which contains many R and W sounds. You may wanna practise reading this paragraph a few times . Notice how my lips come forward and all my Rs and Ws. Try to do the same thing and don’t forget. Do not roll your R’~. Don’t do that. Here we go.Ray was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designingrailroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster. Very good. Now if you strongly push out those Rs and Ws when you practise eventually your Rs and W sounds are going to be clear and your speech will be much easier to understand.If you have the time watch the session again and practise your pronunciation along with me, then take out your training manual and practise on your own. All the word lists and reading passages that are on these videos are in the munual as well. I hope you enjoy our first session together. Fell free to watch this session again. I’m Paul Gruber with the Pronunciation Workshop and I’ll see you next time.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingHi, welcome back. Again my name is Paul Gruber and this is the Pronunciation Workshops---Second Session. I hope things have been going well since we last met. I would like to just mention again there are literarlly hundreds of languages around the world and every language has its own set of characteristics. What I’ ve done in this program is to address the most significant pronunciation errors made by most foreign speakers that you may find that not every lesson pertains to you individually pronunciation problem. If that’s the case, well, that’s great cause you’ll get less to work on. But I hate you to miss o ut anything important. Therefore, I still do recommend that you watch all of the sessions in chronological order from the first session to the last session to get the most out of this program and latter on if you feel you meed more practice, review the sesions which you feel may need more attention.Ok. Let’s get started with today’s session. In this video, we’re going to talk about Voicing. We’ll also talk about Consonant Pairs and what they are and then we’ll cover S sounds and Z sounds. Ok, here we go.V oicing. You’re going to hear me say this word a lot and you need to understand what it is what I’m talking about. All speech sounds , all of them are either voiced or unvoiced. Now, what did that mean? Well, first, let’s take a look at this video. It may l ook a little bit disgusting . Do you have any idea what it is. It’s look like something that is opening and closing. I’ll give you a hint. You’ve got pair of these and you use them when you speak. Any idea? Those were vocal chords. Vocal chords are those tiny muscles that are right here when your throat that vibrates quickly and creat sound and that sound is your voice that you can easily make you vocal chords vibrate by just saying AH. That’s it. That’s voicing. Voicing is when your cocal chords are vibrating, producing a sound, and you can feel the vibrations if you put your hand right here on your throat. Do this with me. Put your hand on your throat and now let’s loud say AH. Do you feel the vibration? Those your vocal chords vibrating. Now all vowel sounds are voiced A, Oh, OO, AE, EE. You can not produce a vowel sound without voicing it. Nothing would come out. You see? You need voicing. AH. So all vowels are voiced. Now, consonants are completely different story. Some consonants are voiced and some consonants are not voiced. And many consonants are what we call paired. So, let’s talk about Paired Consonants. Let’s look at the sound. The letter P makes /p//p//p/-- that’s the sound of the letter P. Are your vocal chords vibrating when you’re saying the s ound?/p//p//p/.You feeling vibrations in your throat? No, your vocal chords now are not producing a sound so therefore the P sound is what we call unvoiced because there is no voicing. And this is the sign that I’m going to make when there’s no voicing.S o now let’s look at the same sound the P sound /p//p//p/. But this time we’ll add voicing by vibrating our vocal chords. Now we won’t change the thing with our mouth. We’ ll keep that the same, we’ ll just add voicing. So what happens to the P sound /p//p/---/b//b/. It becomes a B sound. Watch again. P—no voicing, /p//p//p/. /b/--B, voicing. /p/--/b/. You see that everything here stays the same. The only differences my vocal chords are either vibrating or they’re not vibrating. So we say the P sound and the B sound are Paired Consonants. They’re produced exactly the same way herein your mouth, but the P sound has no voicing and the B sound/b//b/ does have voicing. Ok. Having said that, let’s look at another set of consonants. How about the letter T. What sound does that make? /t//t//t/. Is that voiced or unvoiced? /t//t//t/--It’s unvoiced. Your vocal chords are not vibrating. /t//t/. Now don’t change thething with your mouth. Just take the same sound and add voicing. What does that T sound become?/t//t/---/d//d//d//d/---becomes a D sound. So we say that the T sound /t/ and the D sound /d/ are also Paired Consonants.Ok. Now let’s look at the F sound /f/. We’re biting down on your lower lip---/f/. Is that a voiced sound or unvoiced sound? /f/---it’s unvoiced. Your vocal chords are not vibrationg. /f/. Now same sound but this time we add voicing. /f/---/v/. V. It becomes a V/v/. You see that? F/f/---no voicing. V---voicing./v/. So the F and V are also Paired Consonants.There are many more consonants that are paired and we’ll get to those at another time. But for now, I’m going to to mention just one more. The S consonant, made with the air going through your front teeth. /s/. Any voicing going on with the sound /s/. No, the S sound is unvoiced./s/. What would be if you didn’t change the thing. You just add voicing. What would the S sound become. /s/---/z/. It will become a Z sound/z/. So S has no voicing /s/, Z has voicing/z/. So we say the S sound and Z sound are also Paired Consonants. And this brings us to what I would like to cover today---S sounds/s/, Z sounds /z/and how they work in terms of word endings. I find that most people who learn English as a second language do not use the proper voicing on /s/ and /z/ endings. So what happens is it can cause your speech to sound unclear and sometimes may cause you to be misunderstood. I’m going to show you three easy rules that will help you pronunce many of these words correctly.This first rule is easy and this one I know you probably do already. Rule 1: If the last sound in a word is unvoiced, and you’re adding an S, well, then the S remains unvoiced, too. Let me explain that. Take the word Cup. Cup. It ends with the unvoiced P /p//p/Cup/p//p/or then if you add an S to the word Cup to make a plural. The S you add also remains unvoiced. So, for example, you have one cup or two cup s. There’s no voicing at the end of that word. The S remains unvoiced. One cup. Two cups. That’s easy. You already do this. I’ll show you another word Ca t. Cat ends with the unvoiced T/t//t/. One cat. Two cats. Again the S ending is unvoiced. Cats. This also goes for verbs like in the verb Break. I Break. Break ends with the unvoiced K sound/k//k/. There’s no voicing on that K. So when you put the word in the third person. He Breaks. The S you add also remains unvoiced. He breaks.I stop(ends with the unvoiced P /p/). I stop. He stops./s/---unvoiced S. Stops. Now as I said you already follow this rule and there reallyisn’t anything you don’ t know.But on rule No.2, now this one you probably do not do, So pay close attention to this rule. When adding an S to a word to make a plural. If a word ends with any of these sounds S Z SH CH orDG(J)as in Judge. Don’t worry. You really don’t need to memorize this. It will become automatic. When you add an S ending, this time, we always add the ending IZZZZZ with the voiced Z. It doesn’t matter that it’s spelled with an S. It’s never S, unvoiced, never. It’s always IZZZZZ with voiced Z. Ok. Do this with me. Put your hand on your throat, cause I want you to feel the vibration in your neck and say IZZZZZ. Feel that right here IZZZZZ. Ok, so let’s look at the word Page, for example, which ends in a voiced sound. One Page becomes Two Page with that voiced Z. Two Pages. It’s not Two Pages/s/,unvoiced,no. It’ s Two Pages /z/ with the voiced Z. Even though you spell the word like this, in American English you pronunce the word like this PAGEZZ. You’ re probably saying I never knew that. See what you’ re learning from me. Ok, let’s look at another word in the word BUS, for example, BUS ends with an S sound /s/. BUS. So if you make a plural, you’ re going to add the ending IZZZZZ with the voiced Z. So we’ ve got One Bus or Two Buses. Buses. Two Buses. The last sound you hear is that voiced Z, Buses.Next one. Lunch. Lunch ends with the CH sound[ʧ]. So we’ve got One Lunch or Two Lunches. Lunches./IIIZ/. Very good. Let’s do some verbs. Raise. Meaning like to raise my hand. This word is a bit unusual because even though it is spelled with an S, it’ s pronunced with the voiced Z. So we say I Raise with the voiced Z ending. And he Raises. Raise. He Raises his hand. It’s voiced. Next one. Brush. Like to Brush our teeth. I Brush. He Brushes. Brushes. It’ s a voiced ending. Push. I Push. He Pushes. He pushes. Very good. By voicing these endings, your speech will become clearer, sharper and cleaner. Most likely you haven’ t noticed that American English spoken this way, but now as I pointed out listen forward when you hear people speak. To an a native listener, this makes a very big difference.Ok, here comes the thrid rule. This one’ s easy. If a word ends with a vowel sound, all you do is add a voiced Z. It’s simple. Let’s look at the word Tree. The last sound you hear in that word is the vowel /EE/ and remember a vowel is always voiced. So the word ends in a voiced sound. Tree. So what you wanna do if you’ re going to add an S to word like this to make a plural is you continue the voicing throughout the whole word and add on a voiced Z. Sohere we go. You’ve got One Tree or Two Trees. It’s not Trees /s/ with the unvoiced S. It’s Tress /z/ with that voiced ending. You see that. Another example, the word Day. It ends with the voiced sound /e/, so you have One Day or Two Days. It’s not D ays/s/---unvoiced S. Days/z/, with voiced Z ending. Next one. Shoe. One shoe. Two shoes. Next is the verb Fly, which ends with the voiced sound[аɪ]. So you’ ve got I Fly. He Flys.Keep that ending voiced. Flys. The last sound you hear in the word Game is the M sound/m/, which is a voiced consonant. So because of that, when you add an S, the S should also be voiced. One game. Two games. Games. Another word. Head ends with the voiced D/d/, so we got One Head or Two Heads. Heads. It’s voiced. Two hea ds. Very good. Next word. Train ends with the voiced n. See that? So you’ ve got One Train or Two Trains. Two Trains with the voiced Z ending. Song ends with the voiced NG sound, so if you make a plural, don’t forget to add a voiced Z ending. You’ ve got One So ng or Two Songs. Two Songs.Now what I just showed you take some practice to actually incorporate into your English. But I can tell you from pastexperiencethat most my clients were able tomaster these S and Z voiced endings in just a few weeks.Ok, now for something else. As you know by now, English is a difficult and crazy language. All these words that I’m going to show you now are written with an S, however, they’ re all pronunced with voiced Z. Why this is I have no idea, but this is how English is.Here we go. The word Is. It’s not /Is/(unvoiced). It’s pronunced as if it were a Z/IZ/. This is good. You hear that. Is. His. Same thing. It also has a voiced Z ending. His mom is Mary. As. You pronunce it with voiced Z. As the phone ring. Was, whichis a very common word. It was raining.These, voiced ending. These are my children. Those. Those are my books. Easy, again, the S is like a voiced Z. Easy. This is easy. Because, which is another common word. Because we were late.Ok, now let’s do some practice with reading passages. Each of these has many voiced and unvoiced S and Z sounds. All of the unvoiced Z sounds you’ ll see are underlined. If you printed out the training manual using a color printer, you’ ll notice that the voiced Z sounds are all printed in red. This will help you visually see which sounds should be voiced. I’ m going o slow and exaggerate the sounds. You may just wanna listen to me first, then stop the video, practise on your own and then later on watch thisvideo again and pratice with me. Whatever feels right to you. Now this first one has many voiced Z sounds. Here we go.Another zippy, zappy, crazy day comes to a close. As we zoom up to Joe’s snooze zone,Zoe Jones of Zodiac Zoo plays with her zipper. Very good. Next one.Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things. O, here’ s the last one.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges into juice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Very good. Now another good way to practise these voiced S and Z endings is to do a naming activity. What you do is you just sit in your rome and out loud name everything you see. First in singular form, and then in plural form. For example, you look around and you say out loud One door, Two doors with the voiced Z ending. One table. Two tables. One computer. Two computers. One light. Twolights. Some of my clients found this to be very helpful. In addition, try listening for these voiced sounds when you hear native-borned Americans speak. It’s very good ear-training and that’ ll help you improve. Soon , slowly begin to put these sounds into your ownspeech. You’ ll find that by adding these voiced endings your English will sound cleaner and people will have an easier time understanding you. Believe me it’s going to really make an improvement.Before we finish, I have one more suggestion that comes from clients who have taken this program. I think it’s really a good idea. If you can find a very small mirror and attach it maybe with some tape right onto the side of your computer monitor right next to the screen. By having a mirror right in front of you during our sessions you can easily read the text on the screen, watch my mouth and then look right into the mirror at your own mouth. You’ ll be able to compare your mouthwith what I’m doing. And。


discuss personal problems openly.
He is a very private person. If he has a problem in his family he doesn’t want to air his dirty laundry in public.
bat an eyelash
show emotion.
He was filled with emotion during his speech, but she didn’t bat an eyelash.
bawl out
The team was bawled out after they lost the game.
all along
all the time.
She was accepted into the university, but she knew all along that she’d get in.
all ears
eager to listen.
I was excited to hear about her vacation. When she told me about it, I was all ears.
e board
legitimate, legal.
She knows it shouldn’t be kept a secret. She wants to keep everything above board.
across the board
big stink
an angry and loud complaint.



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above boardlegitimate, legal.She knows it shouldn’t be kept a secret. She wants to keep everything above board.across the boardincluding everyone or everything.The company had a successful year. All salaries were increased by 10% across the board.air one’s dirty laundry in publicdiscuss personal problems openly.He is a very private person. If he has a problem in his family he doesn’t want to air his dirty laundry in public. all alongall the time.She was accepted into the university, but she k new all along that she’d get in.all earseager to listen.I was excited to hear about her vacation. When she told me about it, I was all ears.all thumbsclumsy, unable to fix things.Don’t ask me to put that clock back together. I’m all arm and a lega large amount of money. cost an arm and a leg to fix the stove. ants in one’s pants nervous, anxious.He wasn’t sure if he would be chosen to win the award. He had ants in his doesn’t fall far from the treethe being similar to a parent or family member.He acts just like his father. You know, the apple doesn’t fall far from the of one’s eyesomeone special, usually a son or daughter.Although he loves his son, his daughter is the apple of his faultresponsible for making errors.He is at fault for all the errors on the oddsin disagreement. He is at odds with his one’s beck and callalways ready to do what is ordered.Whenever she calls him, he’s always helping her. He is at her bec k and one’s wit’s endanxious, frantic.I need to speak with him to finish the report by tomorrow but he’s not available. I’m at my wit’s end!at the end of one’s ropedesperate, with nowhere to turn.I’ve tried every which way to figure out this problem but I can’t. I’m at the end of my rope!back on one’s feetfinancially or physically healthy again.Since sales improved, he is doing better and he’s getting back on his feet.back out ofwithdraw, end an obligation or promise.I made a deal with my friend to help him at work. When I became too busy, I had to back out of it.back to the drawing boardrethink an idea, need to start over.When my supervisor told me that our idea would not work, we had to go back to the drawing board to come up with something else.backbonecourage.He has no backbone because he was afraid to reprimand her.backseat drivepassenger who tells you how to drive.I’ll never drive Joe to the airport again. He kept on wanting me to take another road which I knew was wrong. He is such a backseat driver.bail one out 21. –help.Thanks for picking me up when my car broke down. You really bailed me out of a bad situation.ballpark figureapproximate amount.When I asked the contractor how much it would be to remodel the kitchen, he gave me a ballpark figure.bang for the buckvalue for the money spent.Newspaper advertising works well for us because we get the best bang for the on itbe sure of, count on.I’ll be there to help you. You can bank on it.banker’s hoursshort work hours.He loves his job because on Friday, he gets to work banker’s hours.bark up the wrong treemake a wrong choice or a false assumption.If he thinks that I’m going to help him paint his house, well he’s barking up the wrong tree.bat a thousandhave a perfect record.He is so happy that everyone he invited to the party is coming. He’s batting a thousand.bat an eyelashshow emotion.He was filled with emotion during his speech, but she didn’t bat an eyelash.bawl outreprimand.The team was bawled out after they lost the beside one’s selfbe very upset. I was so mad when I heardthat she was making up stories about me that I was beside myself.beat around the bushavoid giving a clear answer.I didn’t want to hurt his feelings and tell him that he wasn’t selected for the team. So when he asked me if I had any information, I basically beat around the bush.beat someone to the punchdo something before someone else can.She was going to buy the last red dress that the store had, but I beat her to the punch and bought it first.beat the rapescape punishment.There was not enough evidence to convict him, so he beat the rap and was set free.behind the 8-ballin trouble.My department is late on its deadline. We are behind the 8-ball.bend over backwardstry very hard.He’ll bend over backwards to help any of his friends.bide one’s timewait patiently for the right opportunity.I’m just going to bide my time. I know that eventually a position will o pen.big shotimportant person.Since he was given a promotion, he’s been acting like a big shot.big stinkan angry and loud complaint.She made a big stink when her meal was served cold.birds and beesfacts about sex and birth.The girl’s mother told her daughter about the birds and the bees during the summer holidays.bit off more than one can chewtrying to do more than one can physically and mentally handle. I told her I would help her in herjob, but it seems that’s all I’ve been doing latel y. I think I bit off more than I could chew.bite one’s tonguekeep oneself from speaking.I had to bite my tongue in order not to tell him that he won the raffle.bite the dustdie, disappear.Our old TV didn’t work yesterday. I guess it finally bit t he dust.blabtalk too much.She is always blabbing about her supervisor’s personal life to her friends.blabbermouthperson who talks too much and tells secrets.He is such a blabbermouth that there is no way Bob will be surprised for his sheepa family member with a bad reputation.John’s way of life is so different from all of ours. He is known as the black sheep of the family.blind datea date arranged for two people who don’t know each other.Many married couples have met on a blind date.blow itlose a chance, make a mistake.I knew I blew it when I forgot my lines in the play.blow overend, pass.She knew her coworkers will eventually forget how she messed up the filing system in the office. She couldn’t wait for the incident to blow over.blow the whistleexpose, betray.I just found out that he’s been stealing from our company for the past year. I don’t want it to continue and I’ve decided to blow the whistle.boil downmake shorter, condense.This whole complicated si tuation just boils down to something simple…it’s either a yes or a no.bombfail, be unsuccessful.The whole cast was very sad that the show bombed on Broadway.bone to pick with someonecomplaint, argument.I heard that you have rejected my proposal. I’m upset and have a bone to pick with you.boob tubetelevision set.What is on the boob tube tonight?bookwormperson who reads a lot.The library is the perfect place for her to work because she is such a bookworm.boozeliquor.hey kept bottles of booze behind the bar.botch upmake a mistake, ruin.I asked for her help with my watercolor painting. But when she decided to add some purple paint, I knew that she completely botched it up.bottom lineend result, ultimate cause.He never practiced the piano, so the bottom line is, he can’t play very well.bouncenot acceptable because of insufficient funds in the bank.If your check bounces, I will need to charge you extra money.brainintelligent person.She is such a brain, she will figure out how to solve the problem.brainstormvery smart idea.I have got a brainstorm! Let’s start giving out free samples of our products.bread and butterbasic needs of life (food, shelter, clothing).The voters are worried about bread and butter issues like jobs and taxes.break one’s necktry very hard.She broke her neck last night trying to finalize the proposal.break the iceovercome formality or shyness with others.He started the meeting by telling a joke. He was hoping the joke would break the ice. break the newstell a surprising fact.She broke the news and told him that she was going to move to another city.break upseparate.They needed to break up their engagement because she fell in love with someone else. break evenhave expenses equal to profits.The company did not make a profit this year. We just broke even.breathe a wordtell.Please don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.breezeeasy.Last night’s homework was a breeze.bring home the bacoearn the family’s income.He stays home and raises the children and she brings home the bacon.brokehaving no money.I can’t go to the restaurant tonight because I’m broke.brown bagbring one’s lunch from home.For the meeting on Friday, we’ve all decided to brown bag it.buckdollar.I’m low this week on cash. Can I borrow a few bucks to get me through the week? buckle downstudy or work very hard.Last semester his grades were very low, so this year he decided to buckle down.buddy-buddyvery friendly.She’s gotten to b e very buddy-buddy with her boss.bugannoy, bother.It bugs me every time he asks to borrow a pencil.bulldozeintimidate, coerce.I did not want to work on the fundraising committee, but I feel I was bulldozed into itbumworthless person.As long as I have known him, he never worked and always borrowed from other people. He is such a bum! burn a hole in one’s pocketmoney to be spent quickly.The bonus he received must have burned a hole in his pocket. He ended up buying a car the next day.bury the hatchetmake peace.Although we had gotten into a big fight last month, we decided to bury the hatchet and become friends again. butt ininterfere.Please don’t butt in to our conversation, it’s personal.butter upflatter for selfish reasons.I buttered up my boss before Iasked him off for the upcoming hook or by crookby any means necessary.Even though we have to fly to get to your wedding, we will be there by hook or by the skin of one’s teethby a very small margin.Our team won by the skin of our it quitsstop, finish.I have worked all day and am exhausted. I‘ve decided to call it offcancel.The game was called off because of on the carpetreprimand.He was called on the carpet for losing all the financial someone’s bluffhave someone prove what he says.I don’t think Bob knows as much as he says. I think we should call his the shotsbe in charge, give orders.We knew who the supervisor was because she called all the shots.canfire, dismiss.I was canned and no longer am working for the company.can of wormscomplex problem or complicated situation.It opened up a large can of worms when the company decided to talk about the union contract.carried awayadversely influenced by strong emotion.He was carried away by his effective sales approach and bought the remainder of his products.catch onunderstand, figure out.I am beginning to catch on to this algebra.catch someone red-handedfind one in the act of doing something wrong.The police came and the bank robber was caught red handedcaught shortI didn’t have enough money to pay the bill. I was caught short.chalk uprecord, score.Chalk up another one for the team. They won the championship.change of hearta change in the way one feels about something.I wasn’t planning to spend the holidays with my family, but after speaking with my mother, I had a change of heart. chickenfeeda small amount of money.Taking the whole family on that cruise is certainly not going to be chickenfeed.chip incontribute.We are all going to chip in and give the teacher a gift.chip off the old blockchild who looks or acts just like his or her parent.He reminds me so much of his f ather. He’s a chip off the old block.chip on one’s shoulderquarrelsome attitude, quick to anger. I was afraid to ask her for a favor. It looked like she had a chip on her shoulder. cincheasy.Adding and subtracting was always a cinch.clamp downbecome stricter.Because he came home from the party so late, his father said he will start to clamp down on his curfew.clean upmake a big profit.Since he started his new business, he’s really cleaning up.cleargo through.When will this check clear my bank?clear the aircalm anger and remove misunderstanding.We were tired of fighting, so we decided to start talking and clear the air.close shavenarrow escape.It was a close shave getting out of the burning building.coast is clearno enemy is in sight.Take the present out of the closet when the coast is clear.come a long waymake great progress.He came a long way in his recovery from surgery.come acrossfind or meet by chance.If you come across any pictures of my friends from high school, let me know.come apart at the seamsbe upset and lose control.I almost came apart at the seams when I saw the taxicab hit my car.come cleantell the truth.I came clean when I knew I was caught in a lie.come hell or high waterno matter what happens.Come hell or high water, I’ll for sure be at that meeting.come off itstop kidding, boasting or making believe.Herbert said he was the only one who could do the job. I told him to come off it.come on strongoverwhelm with excessively strong language or personality. The car salesman came on too strong and angered my wife. come through with flying colorssucceed, win, exceed.When he graduated with honors, it was evident that he came through with flying color.comebackto be successful again.The actress made an outstanding comeback on the stage, after her bout with pneumonia.conlie, swindle, trick.His boss conned him into working on the weekend for no pay.cook someone’s goosecreate big problems for someone.He knew that when he was caught in a lie his goose was cooked.cough upgive money unwillingly, give up a secret.You said that you would help pay for their wedding. Well, it’s been three months cough it up. count onrely on, trust.I could always count on my best friend.cover for someoneprotect someone.Please cover me, if I end up not knowing what to say at the meeting.crack downThe police are beginning to crack down on teenagers who are out too late at night.cream of the cropthe best of a group, top-choice.This university only accepts the cream of the crop.creepsthe fear, uneasiness.It gives me the creeps every time I pass the strange looking house.crocodile tearsshow of sorrow that is not really felt.He cried crocodile tears when he discove red that he couldn’t go to the meeting.crop uphappen quickly without warning.I had to stay at work late yesterday. Some new work cropped up.cross one’s mind 127. – think of, occur quickly to someone. It did notcross my mind to thank her for my birthday card.cut corners128. –limit one’s buying. She was way over budget for thewedding, so she needed to cut corners.cut down on129. – use less, reduce. My doctor wants me to cutdown on sugar.cut the mustard130. - succeed, do well enough what needs to be done.He wasn’t able to cut the mustard so he had to leave the army after onlyone year.cut outhave talent for, be suited for.She is not cut out for the swim team. She’s too slow.cut someone down to sizeprove someone is not as good as he or she thinks.John thought he was the smartest student in the class. We needed to cut him down to size.dawn onbecome clear, begin to understand.It finally dawned on me that I missed our anniversary.dead-end jobposition with no future.He decided to go back to college because he realized he had a dead- end job. dig upfind, recall, discover.Have you dug up any information on the new employee?dime a dozencommon, easily obtained.Those shiny stones are not worth anything. They are a dime a outcriticize, abuse, scoldSometimes he’s nasty and insulting. He can really dish out.divedisreputable, low class bar or nightclub.I did not like where he brought me last night. It was a real the trickbe successful, achieve a good result. The recipeneeds a little help. I think salt may do the withoutlive without something.When the television broke, I knew that I could do without it for a week or two. doctor it upfix temporarily.The hem on the dress ripped. I doctored it up with some tape.double checkreinvestigate thoroughly, look again for errors.This column does not add up. I will double check it for a mistake.double-crossbetray.I cannot double-cross my best friend.doughmoney.He makes a lot of dough.down and outhaving no money, no success.Although he was successful a few years ago, today I hear he’s down and out. down in the dumpsunhappy.She’s been down in the dumps ever since she lost her job.down the drainwasted, lost.I don’t like to throw my money down the drain.down to earthhaving good sense, practical.My fiancée is friendly and sensible. She’s very down to earth.draw the lineset the limit.He sets an early curfew for his children. He draws the line at 10:00 PM.dress upwear one’s best clothing.We need to dress up for this wedding.dressed to killwear one’s finest clothing.She was dressed to kill when I saw her at the convention last year.dribs and drabslittle by little, small quantities.She told us the story in dribs and attry to say, insinuate.What were you driving at when you said that insulting comment?drive someone up a wallmake someone crazy.My son is driving me up a wall!drop in the bucketa small amount.The cost of fixing the sink is a drop in the bucket compared to replacing the whole sink. drop outone who doesn’t complete a study course.My cousin dropped out of college.drown one’s sorrowsdrink liquor to forget one’s problems.I was so upset last night, that I drowned my sorrows at the bar.dumpget rid of, reject.I can’t believe you dumped your girlfriend.dwell ontalk and think about something all the time.I know it is a big decision, but you shouldn’t dwell on it all day.eager beaverambitious, hard working.Charlie gets to work at 7:00 am everyday. He is an eager beaver.earfulinteresting gossip, information.My friend found out about the local politician. I got an earful.egg someone onpush, urge.My wife didn’t want to take the job, but I egge d her on.elbow greasestrength for cleaning.I needed to use a lot of elbow grease to get the dirt off the floor.elbow roomenough space to be comfortable.It was so tight in that restaurant. There wasn’t any elbow room.end upfinish.I heard that you got lost on your way home last night. Where did you end up?every Tom, Dick and Harrythe average person, nobody special.It seemed like every Tom, Dick and Harry came out to purchase tickets for the movie.face the musicmeet one’s punishment, accept the consequences.When he got caught stealing the money from the bank, he realized that soon he would have to face the music. face up toaccept something unpleasant or difficult. You need to face up to the fact that you did not win the election. fair and squarehonest, honestly. I won the contest fair and square.fall apartstop working properly, deteriorate. His old car finally fell apart.fall behindnot be able to keep up, fail to maintain a schedule or rate of speed.When she couldn’t go to schoo l because of her illness, she significantly fell behind in her work.fall forbegin to love, have strong emotions for. I fell for her as soon as I met her.fall offdecrease.Sales have been falling off since the economy has slowed down.fall throughfail, collapseThe big sale I made at work yesterday fell through this morning.false alarmwarning or report that is untrue. She thought that she was pregnant, but it was a false alarm.far-fetchedunlikely, exaggerated.The possibility of her receiving a full scholarship is very buckmoney obtained easily and often unethically.I know a way we can make a fast buck.feather in one’s capproud achievement. His speech went well at the corporate meeting. It was a feather in his cap.fed up withhad enough, disgusted with.She was fed up with his attitude at the office.feel in one’s bonesknow by intuition, feel certain without evidence.I believe he is going to get the promotion. I can just feel it in my bones.feel like a million bucksfeel wonderful.I felt like a million bucks when I wore my new suit to the wedding.feel like two centsfeel ashamed or embarrassed.I felt like two cents when I dropped the birthday cake on the floor.feel sorry for pity.She felt sorry for him when she heard the news of his accident.fender benderminor accident.I had a fender bender on my way to work this morning.fiddle aroundwork without a definite plan and knowledge. The clock was broken, so he fiddled around with it until he got it to work. figure outtry to understand, solve.She couldn’t figure out one of her math problems.fill someone intell a person the details.We had the meeting yesterday when you were out. Let me fill you in on what you missed.find faultcomplain, criticize.She always seems to find fault with any of my out of watersomeone who does not fit in.She felt like a fish out of water when she went to the party in her formal dress while everyone else was wearing jeans. fishysuspicious, false sounding.Your company is giving you a month off from work? That sounds a bit fishy.fix someone uparrange a date for someone. I fixed her up with my best friend.flip one’s lidget angry, go crazy, become very excited.He flipped his lid when he found out his son stole some candy from the store.floor someonesurprise, confuse.I was floored when I found out they had made me a surprise birthday party.flopfailureHis business ended up being a off the handleget angry.Her mother flew off the handle when she found out that her daughter dropped out of the coopleave suddenly, run away.As soon as he turned eighteen years old, he flew the, untrustworthy.I don’t want to buy my computer from that store. It’s a fly-by-night company; they may not bein business next year.foot in the dooropening, hopeful beginning of success.It is not my idea of a perfect job, but at least I have my foot in the door witha great company.foot the billpay.Who is going to foot the bill for the office renovations?for a songat a low price, cheap.He got his new car for a song.for the birdsterrible, awful.I work long hours and hardly get paid. This job is for the birds.for the time beingat the present time.For the time being, let’s not make any changes to the, disorder.When the teacher left for a meeting, it was a free-for-all in the classroom.freeloadget things that others pay for.When my friend moved into my apartment, stayed for a year and never contributed any money,I knew he was a freeloader.from the bottom of one’s heartwith great feeling, sincerely.My sister thanked me from the bottom of her heart for saving her dog’s life.from the left fieldunexpectedly, with an odd or unclear connection to the subject.We were in the middle of a business meeting when, out from left field, he asked about the weather.from scratchfrom the very beginning, starting with raw materials. This chocolate was not made from a cake mix, she made it from scratch.fumebe angry.When I heard that she was talking about me to other people, I was just fuming.gallshameless, insolent attitude.She spent all of her money on clothes and music, and then she asked to borrow money for groceries. She has gall. gamewilling, ready.Okay, you want to make plans to go to China?Okay, I’m game.get a grip on oneselftake control of one’s feelings .When he lost the soccer game, he couldn’t stop crying. I told him to get a grip on hims elf.get a kick out ofenjoy.I get a kick out of it every time I see her dance.get a load ofhave a good look at.Get a load of those fancy cars driving down the street.get aheadbecome successful.She is saving all her money, so that one day she can get ahead.get alongmanage.He realized that he was able to get along quite well without his partner.get around tofinally find time to do something.I have put it off for months, but I finally got around to cleaning the windows.get atmean, hint.You tell me that I am slow at work. What are trying to get at.get away with murdernot be punished for wrongdoing.He’s the boss’s son and comes in late everyday, but we can’t complain. He’s getting away with murder.get cold feetbe afraid at the last minute, lose confidence.I was prepared to make a speech, but I got cold feet when I saw how many people were going to hear it.get down to brass tacksbegin important work or business.Get off the phone so that we can discuss business. Let’s get d own to brass tacks.get evenget revenge, settle the score.I was so upset when she insulted me last week. I want to get even with her.get the runaroundbe sent from place to place without getting the information needed.It took me four hours to renew my driver’s license. I was sent to almost every department and seemed to get the runaround.get in on the ground floorstart from the beginning so you’ll have full advantage of any favorable outcome.He is a very wealthy man. He was one Microsoft’s first employees and got in on theground floor.get in the swing of thingsadapt or adjust to a new environment.After working two weeks in the new department, I finally got into the swing of things.get off the groundmake a successful beginning, go ahead.He will finally take his project and get it off the ground in the coming year.get off one’s backleave someone alone, don’t bother.She reminded me that I had to prepare for my trip out of town. I wish she would get off my back.get off on the wrong footmake a bad start.Having a fight with a co-worker on my first day of work was not a good idea. I got off on the wrong foot.get off the groundmake progress, make a good start.I finally got my business off the ground.get one’s goatmake someone disgusted, annoyed, angry.Sitting in traffic for 5 hours really got my goat.get out from underend a worrisome situation.I am glad that I am working again and making money. I finally got out from under my bills.get out ofwithdraw.I would really like to get out of going to the holiday party.get out of handlose control.The party really got out of hand when they started drinking alcohol.get something off one’s chestunburden yourself, tell what’s bothering you. I feel better ever since I told him my problem and got it off my chest.get the axbe fired.My company finally realized that he wasn’t doing his job. They gave him the ax.get the show on the road。

(完整word版)Online Training Manual 美语发音视频教程

(完整word版)Online Training Manual 美语发音视频教程

Session One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR TipsYour mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss. Your tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.R at the beginning of wordsRockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceR sentenceThe round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.R at the end of words or after a vowelCarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYearTurnPoorR in the middle of wordsVeryDirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneR BlendsR is the strongest sound of the blend.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of wordsTrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakR blends in the middle of wordsSubtractWaitressNutritionAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayR practice sentencesThe story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.W TipsPractice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound. W SentenceWhat will we do?Comparing R and WRick – WickRight – WhiteRemember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once. W at the beginning of wordsWhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingW in the middle of wordsAlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodW practice sentencesThe wind from the west was very wet. (Notice very has a /v/ sound)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Q words (produced as a KW sound)QuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltChoirParagraph PracticeRay was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingV oicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, creating a buzzing sound. Say Ahhhh. Can you feel the vibrations in your neck? All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not.Paired Consonants:P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZThree rules for S&Z endingsRule 1If a word ends in a sound that is unvoiced (such as P, T, K, F), you add an unvoiced /S/Examples:1 cup,2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)1 cat,2 cats (the t in cat is unvoiced, so just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksI stop, he stopsRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 Pages1 Bus2 Buses1 Lunch2 LunchesI Raise, He RaisesI Brush, He BrushesI Push, He PushesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 Days1 Shoe,2 ShoesI Fly, He Flies1 Game,2 Games1 Head,2 Heads1 Train,2 Trains1 Song,2 SongsSome common words where S’s are pronounced as Z’sIs (This is good)His (His mom is Mary)As (As the phone rang)Was (It was raining)These (These are my children)Those (Those are my books)Easy (This is easy)Because (Because we were late.)Paragraph PracticeNotice that all voiced S/Z sounds are underlined.Another z ippy, z appy, cra z y day come s to a clo s e. A s we z oom up to Joe’s snoo z e z one, Z oe Jone s of Z odiac Z oo play s with her z ipper.Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges intojuice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Session Three1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundFlat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThanksThickThunderThursdayThinkUnvoiced TH at the middle of wordsAnythingBathmatToothpickAthleticMouthwashUnvoiced TH at the end of wordsBathNorthBeneathFourthSouthThe V oiced TH SoundV oiced TH at the beginning of wordsThe (The book)That (That house)They (They came over)Them (Give them water)There (There it is)This (This is my nose)Those (Those boys are good)These (These are my parents)V oiced TH in the middle of wordsClothingLeatherMotherAnotherWeatherNorthernV oiced TH at the end of wordsSmoothBatheBreathePractice PhrasesThis and thatA tableclothWinter clothingAthens, GreeceThat’s the oneHer skin is smoothThirty Day’s noticeA famous authorHere and thereFalse teethThread the needleA thoughtful giftThunder and lighteningThumbs upPractice SentencesThelma arrived in town last Thursday.I’m having trouble threading this needle.I need thirty three thick thermometers.The thing they like best about Athens is the weather. This thrilling novel was written by a famous author. He will be through with his work at three-thirty. Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.They thought they were going to Northern Spain.Which tablecloth shall we use for the party?That was the thirty-third theatre to open.THR BlendsThread (thread the needle)Throw (throw the ball)Throat (my throat is sore)Thrill (a thrilling ride)Three (three more days)Threw (yesterday he threw the ball)Throne (the king sits on a throne)Paragraph PracticeNurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver thirty three boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletin boards with thumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to insure their worthiness; otherwise they needed to be thrown away.TH ExceptionsAlthough the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T.ThomasThompsonTheresaThailandThamesEstherThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D.Examples:Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better BedderButter BudderV oiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butt er’s bi tter. If I put it in my batter, it’ll make my batter bitter.Session Four1. Consonant ‘F’2. Consonant ‘V’3. The Unvoiced ‘SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘ZSH’ SoundConsonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Practice Words with ‘F’FootFindFinallyFamilyFreedomLaughTelephoneSymphonyRoughPractice SentencesDo you feel like a physical wreck?Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue?Have you had enough of feeling rough?Why don’t you fight fever with Pharaoh’s Friend.A medicine that is tough on Flu.Practice Words with ‘V’V ote (is not Wote)VineOvenEvaluateV oiceTravelRiverEveryGloveAliveLeaveComparing F and VFeel – VealSafe – SaveFat – VatFine – VineFace – VaseFan – VanFoul – V owelProof – ProvePractice PhrasesA famous athleteA food vendorThe Foreign ServiceSummer vacationV ocabulary testOver the rainbowOur first victoryHarvard UniversityHusband and wifeVery well donePractice Sentences1.Her promotion in the firm was well deserved.2.There was only one survivor on the island.4.Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.5.The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists.6.Dave gave me his car so that I could driv e on New Year’s E ve.3.There were several dents in the rear fender.7.Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket.NOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH SoundTo make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice wordsBeginningSheSugarSureShadowSheepShirtShoeShapeChicagoChefMiddleNationMotionMissionSpecialReputationOfficialMachineFishingInsuranceSunshineOceanTissueAdditionSubtractionEndRushDishEstablishSplashIrishFreshFinishSH SentencesThe fishing trip was planned and we left to go to the ocean.Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar?Sharon gave a special performance.He will be stationed in Washington, D.C, the nat ion’s capital.She went to a fashion show after taking a shower.She sells seashells by the seashore.The social club was praised for their cooperation.SH PracticeJoe’s weather ma chine shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore.Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.The V oiced ZSH SoundThe Voiced ZSH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added.ZSH practice wordsMiddleUsual(U→zshu→al)UnusualUsuallyVisionVisualConclusionAsiaVersionDivisionCasualTelevisionEndBeigeMassagePrestigePractice SentencesIt’s not unu sual for people to study division in Asia.I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion.The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building.List things that are appropriate for each column. Then say them out loud in full sentences for practice.Example: It’s usually hot in the summer.It’s unusual for me to be late for an appointment.UsuallyUnusualHot in the summerLate for appointmentsSession Five1. Consonant LL Tips:Your bottom jaw should be as wide open as possible.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keepi ng your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue.L at the beginning of wordsLunchLocalLondonLearnLargeLifeLobbyLibraryLuckyLiftLaughLongL in the middle of wordsInflationBelieveV olumeGlueElevatorSolvePullingFloodDeleteElectAliveColorL at the end of a wordTo produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement. (Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.)Practice wordsWillBallTallCallSmallControlBowlAppleMiraclePowerfulControlFinancialPeopleL SentencesThe lollipop fell into the cool water.Her driver’s license was pulled out of the blue golf bag. Blake’s bowling ball fell under his tools.Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.The school was a mile away from the hill.The golf club was made of steel.Al’s goal was to play baseball with Carol.A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list. It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.FL Blend PoemA flea and a fly, flew up in a flue.Said the flea, “Let us fly!”Said the fly, “Let us flee!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Practice using WillWill you empty the garbage?Will you ask her to clean the kitchen?Will you prepare a meal for the children?When will you begin your studies at college?When will she purchase the dress for her wedding? Why will he ask them to stay late at work?Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?How will they know if our flight is delayed?Where will the child be going next year?Where will they put all of the pillows?What will she do with the millions of dollars she won? Comparing R and LRed - LedRick - LickReef - LeafRear - LearRest - LessGrass - GlassCrime - ClimbFree - FleeL and R CombinationsSeal ringToll roadAlreadyCivil rightsRailroadRivalryCoral reefJewelrySchoolroomGravel roadSession Six1.Word EndingsMake sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully. Don’t drop off or shorten the endings!P endingsI hope the group will sleep on the ship.The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap?B endingsWe cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.T endingsKate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.The sailboat came into the port to join the fleet.What bait will make the fish bite? A cricket or a piece of meat?D endingsFred will decide which sled should be painted red.David tried to send a refund back to England.He could not hide his report card behind the chalk board.Three rules for ED endingsMany verbs that are in the past tense end in ED. (Example: Today I walk, yesterday I walked)Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an Unvoiced TExample:Jump →jumped. (pronounced jump T)Walk →Walked yesterday I walked. (pronounced walk T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample:Rub →Rubbed Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed. (pronounced rub-D)Clean →Cleaned I cleaned the kitchen.Pour →Poured I poured the milk.Scrub →Scrubbed I scrubbed the floor.Tag →Tagged I tagged the clothing.Spill →Spilled I spilled the juice.Trim →Trimmed I trimmed the tree.Move →Moved I moved to California.Buzz →Buzzed The clock buzzed all night.Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced EDExample:Lift →Lifted Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.Heat →Heated I heated up my dinner.V ote →V oted He voted this morning.Hand →Handed He handed me his report.Trade →Traded I traded in my old car.Add →Added She added some information.All voiced D endings are underlined to help you remember to add voi cing.Bob raked the leaves and then started to wash his car. He then loaded up the dishwasher and finished washing his dishes.Susan spilled her drink on the spotted rug.She cleaned it up with a napkin, which wasted a lot of time.He thanked me and offered me money, if I picked up the used equipment.Three Nasal Sounds: M N NGPractice Ng endingsRingSingThingBringPractice sentencesI have a feeling that she is working too much.She has been wearing a hearing aid so that she could sing.He is looking forward to speaking at the Thanksgiving celebration. Session Seven1. CH sound2. The American J sound (DG)3. Consonant HCH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-chAmerican J V oiced as in J-u-dgeCh at the beginning of wordsChinaCherryChargeChocolateChallengeCheeseChunkChairmanCh in the middle of wordsKey chainLunch boxRichardPictureTeacherFortuneNatureBeach ballCh at the end of wordsDetachTeachPorchMarchPatchWrenchCoachApproachCh exerciseChop-chop, children, it’s Charlie’s Kitchen adventure!Today, Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.American J at the beginning of wordsJuiceJumpJuggleJuryJapanGiantGeneticJuniorGenerateGermanAmerican J in the middle of wordsAlgebraLegendMagicSubjectDigestRejoiceObjectiveMajestyEducateSuggestionAmerican J at the end of wordsAgeCollegePostageStagePledgeVillageAveragePageCourageKnowledgeAmerican J exerciseA German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant, who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.Consonant HWhen an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream.Practice: Ha... Ha… Ha.H at the beginning of wordsHandHideHopeHairHouseHarvardHoneyHappyWhoWholeH word pairsOld- HoldIs- HisIt- HitAt- HatArm- HarmIll- HillAte- HateAs- HasH in the middle of wordsAheadBehaveAnyhowInhaleDownhillDehydrateWholeheartedOverhaulH exerciseHe thought that he should….He thought that he should wash the car.He thought that he should thank his teacher.He thought that he should watch television.He thought that he should use the telephone.He thought that he should shut the door.He thought that he should breathe deeply. (V oiced TH)He thought that he should tell the truth.Henry the hungry hippo, who hogged a huge heap of one hundred hamburgers, has had hiccups for one whole week.Session Eight1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IThe best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.Front V owels: (From high to low)EE - I - AE - EH – A [ i:] [ i ] [ ei ] [ e ] [ æ ]EE - I - AE - EH - AEE - I - AE - EH - AEE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het(nonsense word)A as in HatHeat - Hate - Het - HatBack V owels: (From high to low)OO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot (nonsense word)Boot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotComparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.Heat – HitKeen – KinDeal – DillSeek – SickSeen – SinReap – RipTeal - TillBean –Been (Bean is high. I ate a bean. Been is low. I have been here.)Feed Seen TeenI’ve been buying beans.EE V owel SoundRemember, smile and think high.SeeMeEachEvenKeyGreenTreeVeryHappySoftlyMaryBusyFinallyCountryEE PracticeSpeeding on the FreewayHappily eating cheeseHe and SheSkiing very RapidlyShe sees a monkey eating honey. We see a pony stealing money. Who can he see? It must be me!I V owel SoundBitBillLiftFizzKitchenBuildBiggerChimpFifthListenBusinessFistDisplayLiveFishDiscussFigFiftyBeenEE and I PracticeThe beans have been cooking since six o’clock. Sit in that seat by the window.We ate our meal, by the mill.The seal will live in the ocean.Tim’s team grinned after seeing the green field. Pip and Pete shipped the sheep cheaply.Those bins are for Bill’s beans.Does Jim still stea l Jill’s jeans?The girls put concrete on Ji ll’s sneakers.Pick cherries at their peak or you will eat the pits. He hit the baseball and felt the heatHe hit the baseball and felt the heatSession Nine1. Vowel OW2. Vowel AEV owel OThe Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE O V owel SoundOpenOatmealBlownBoldOwnerPhoneColdRobeCoachRotateLoanSlowRoadO PracticeHow did you know that?I don’t know where the hole is on the coat.Does Joe know how to drive on the road?I need to blow my nose when I have a cold.Has it ever snowed in Rhode Island?Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio. This low is no joke. So folks, don’t go out without coats! Woke and WontPractice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke = WOW + KWon’t = WOW + ‘NTI want the ball.I won’t give you the ball.She wants to sleep.She woke up.He wants to buy a car.He won’t buy a car.They want to speak with you.He won’t speak with you.V owel AEAgeAidEightAbleChainDateEighteenFakeLazyMadeBabyGainChangeGaveNationDayPaperAngelBasicAE PracticeThe ape gave the trainer a cane.David began shaving when he was eighteen.The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.The baby snake lived in a painted cage.My neighbors basement was changed from blue to beige.Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with Lazy Day Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day! The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee TexasUtahVermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Session Ten1. Vowel OO2. Vowel UH3. Vowel EHOO V owel Sound BlueBoothNewsJuiceLoosenRulerFoodChooseMoodMovingLoopKnewToothSmoothPoolMoonShoesZooGrewOO PracticeThe room in the school was very cool.Tuesday at noon in the studio.Viewing the moon on June nights.Do you remember the woman who lived in a shoe?She hadn’t a clue w hat to do when her family grew.Well, through your help, they are moving in June into two big boots.Double OO words that are pronounced as UHFood has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)UH Vowel Sound (that are spelled with OO)FootTookCookShookStoodGoodLookBookWoolSwooshLower vowel (Uh)Would you help me?Hollywood, CaliforniaWould you please order the wood from Hollywood?Very good!UH Practice (All OO sounds are in boldface, all UH sounds are underlined.) He took a good look under the hood and found a flute.Julie enjoys good books after school.He put his foot in the new boot.She took her students to the brook to wash their shoes.We pulled him out of the swimming pool.The fool ate until he was full.EH V owel SoundsEggGetFriendEntranceBetterHealthyLettuceWrenchSpreadBestReadyEveryRedExitCheckFenceHeadsetNecklaceWealthEH PracticeResting on the edge of the bed.Ten letters from the enemy.Dennis will enter the festival.The message was given to the chef.Hello again, friends! Let’s do a w eather check. Well, whoever said temperatures are getting better, better get ready to spend a wet weekend in Tennessee.Session Eleven1. V owel AU as in Out2. V owel AH as in Top3. V owel A as in HatA V owel SoundBackDadFaxValueSatHatchJacketTaxiAppleCatchRabbitA PracticeThe fat cat wore a jacket.Pack your sack and bring your magnet.He sang about an actor named Jack.AU Vowel SoundThis is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood.Begin this sound wi th the A sound as in hat…Then, slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA –wn…TA – wnDowntown DowntownAU PracticeNowHouseRoundLoudGownSoundOuchOutFoundSouthOunceReboundMouthBounceFlowerThousandSpoutCountAU PracticeThe brown couch is downstairs.Her house is on the South side of the mountain.I was proud of the sounds that came out of my mouth.Are VS OurAre (Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our(Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.)Our meeting is in one hour.Think of the word Our as having two syllables.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way). Are/Our Practice SentencesAre you going to our house?Sales are down, but our projections for next year are very good.Our plans will be changing in the next hour.Are you sure that our meeting will be an hour late?AH V owel SoundO words that are pronounced with AHHotTopStopProbablyFollowNotBlobSockMopProductSolveProblemAH Practice (AH sounds are underlined)Bob opened the box and followed the instructions.Tom put some cotton, rocks and a doorknob in his locker.My mom made a concrete model of a hockey rink.Session Twelve1. Tongue TwistersF, W, V oiced ZFuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?V oiced VVincent vowed vengeance very viciously.PPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?。



美式英语发音教程美语发音视频教程01:辅音R和W的发音方法和训练Session One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR TipsYour mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss.Your tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.R at the beginning of wordsRock Rip Reach Road Rain Rich Rome Raise Robe RiceR at the end of words or after a vowelCar Far Star Door Bear Four Air Year Turn PoorR in the middle of wordsVery Direction Arrange Erase Correct Marry Garage OriginalHurry Zero Marine Berry Operation Caring Arrive EveryoneR sentenceThe round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.R BlendsR is the strongest sound of the blend.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of wordsTraining Trust Trip Great Tropical Bring Print PresidentProduct Cracker Crawl BreakR blends in the middle of wordsSubtract Waitress Nutrition AustraliaIntroduce Compress Oppression BetrayR practice sentencesThe story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.W TipsPractice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound.W Sentence What will we do?Comparing R and WRick – Wick Right – WhiteRemember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once.W at the beginning of wordsWhy Which When What Wipe Wish Weight WingW in the middle of wordsAlways Away Beware Rewind Awake Someone Halloween HollywoodW practice sentencesThe wind from the west was very wet. (Notice very has a /v/ sound)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Q words (produced as a KW sound)Question Quiet Queen Qualify Quit Quebec Quilt ChoirParagraph PracticeRay was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. Hewould be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.美语发音视频教程02:由学s和z音标引出的辅音对比练习Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingVoicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, creating a buzzing sound. Say Ahhhh. Can you feel the vibrations in your neck? All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not.Paired Consonants:P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZThree rules for S&Z endingsRule 1If a word ends in a sound that is unvoiced (such as P, T, K, F), you add an unvoiced /S/Examples:1 cup,2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)1 cat,2 cats (the t in cat is unvoiced, so just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksI stop, he stopsRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 Pages 1 Bus 2 Buses 1 Lunch 2 LunchesI Raise, He Raises I Brush, He Brushes I Push, He PushesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees) 1 Day, 2 Days1 Shoe,2 Shoes I Fly, He Flies 1 Game, 2 Games1 Head,2 Heads 1 Train, 2 Trains 1 Song, 2 SongsSome common words where S’s are pronounced as Z’sIS HIS AS WAS THESE THOSE EASY BECAUSEParagraph PracticeNotice that all voiced S/Z sounds are underlined.Another z ippy, z appy, cra z y day come s to a clo s e. A s we z oom up to Joe’s snoo z e z one, Z oe Jone s of Z odiac Z oo play s with her z ipper.Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges into juice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.美语发音视频教程03:th, thr和t音标发音学习及练习Session Three1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundFlat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThanks Thick Thunder Thursday ThinkUnvoiced TH at the middle of wordsAnything Bathmat Toothpick Athletic MouthwashUnvoiced TH at the end of wordsBath North Beneath Fourth SouthThe Voiced TH SoundVoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThe (The book) That (That house)They (They came over) Them (Give them water)There (There it is) This (This is my nose)Those (Those boys are good) These (These are my parents)Voiced TH in the middle of wordsClothing Leather Mother Another Weather NorthernVoiced TH at the end of wordsSmooth Bathe Breathe Practice Phrases This and that A tablecloth Winter clothing Athens, Greece That’s the one Her skin is smoothThirty Day’s notice A famous author Here and there False teethThread the needle A thoughtful gift Thunder and lightening Thumbs upPractice SentencesThelma arrived in town last Thursday.I’m having trouble threading this needle.I need 33 thick thermometers.The thing they like best about Athens is the weather.This thrilling novel was written by a famous author.He will be through with his work at three-thirty.Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.They thought they were going to Northern Spain.Which tablecloth shall we use for the party?That was the thirty-third theatre to open.THR BlendsThread (thread the needle) Throw (throw the ball)Throat (my throat is sore) Thrill (a thrilling ride)Three (three more days) Threw (he threw the ball)Throne (the king sits on a throne)Paragraph PracticeNurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver 33 boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletin boards with thumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to insure their worthiness; otherwise they needed to be thrown away.TH ExceptionsAlthough the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T.Thomas Thompson Theresa Thailand Thames Esther ThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D.Examples:Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better Bedder Butter BudderVoiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter, it’ll make my batter bitter.美语发音视频教程04:F, V, SH和ZSH发音详解及区别Session Four1. Consonant ‘F’2. Consonant ‘V’3. The Unvoiced ‘SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘ZSH’ SoundConsonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Practice Words with ‘F’Foot Find Finally Family Freedom Laugh Telephone Symphony RoughPractice SentencesDo you feel like a physical wreck?Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue?Have you had enough of feeling rough?Why don’t you fight fever withPharaoh’s Friend.A medicine that is tough on Flu.Practice Words with ‘V’Vote Vine Oven Evaluate Voice Travel River Every Glove Alive LeaveComparing F and VFeel – Veal Safe – Save Fat – Vat Fine – VineFace – Vase Fan – Van Foul – Vowel Proof – ProvePractice PhrasesA famous athlete A food vendor The Foreign Service Summer vacationVocabulary test Over the rainbow Our first victory Harvard UniversityHusband and wife Very well donePractice SentencesHer promotion in the firm was well deserved.There was only one survivor on the island.Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists.Dave gave me his car so that I could drive on New Year’s Eve.There were several dents in the rear fender.Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket.NOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH SoundTo make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice wordsBeginning She Sugar Sure Shadow Sheep Shirt Shoe ShoeShape Chicago Chef Middle Nation Motion Mission Special ReputationOfficial Machine Fishing Insurance Sunshine Ocean Tissue Addition Subtraction End Rush Dish Establish SplashIrish Fresh FinishSH SentencesThe fishing trip was planned and we left to go to the ocean.Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar?Sharon gave a special performance.He will be stationed in Washington, D.C, the nation’s capital.She went to a fashion show after taking a shower.She sells seashells by the seashore.The social club was praised for their cooperation.SH PracticeJoe’s weather machine shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore.Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.The Voiced ZSH SoundThe Voiced ZSH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added.Usual(Uzshual)ZSH practice wordsMiddle Usual Unusual Usually Vision Visual Conclusion PrestigeAsia Version Division Casual Television End Beige MassagePractice SentencesIt’s not unusual for people to study division in Asia.I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion.The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building.List things that are appropriate for each column. Then say them out loud in full sentences for practice. Example: It’s usually hot in the summer.It’s unusual for me to be late for an appointment.UsuallyUnusualHot in the summerLate for appointments美语发音视频教程05:辅音L的发音详解Session Five1. Consonant LL Tips:Your bottom jaw should be as wide open as possible.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth. Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keeping your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue.L at the beginning of wordsLunch Local London Learn Large Life LobbyLibrary Lucky Lift Laugh LongL in the middle of wordsInflation Believe Volume Glue Elevator Solve Pulling Flood Delete Elect Alive ColorL at the end of a wordTo produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement.(Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.)Practice wordsWill Ball Tall Call Small Control Bowl Apple Miracle Powerful Control Financial PeopleL SentencesThe lollipop fell into the cool water.Her driver’s license was pulled out of the blue golf bag.Blake’s bowling ball fell under his tools.Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.The school was a mile away from the hill.The golf club was made of steel.Al’s goal was to play baseball with Carol.A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list.It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.FL Blend PoemA flea and a fly, flew up in a flue.Said the flea, “Let us fly!”Said the fly, “Let us flee!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Practice using WillWill you empty the garbage?Will you ask her to clean the kitchen?Will you prepare a meal for the children?When will you begin your studies at college?When will she purchase the dress for her wedding?Why will he ask them to stay late at work?Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?How will they know if our flight is delayed?Where will the child be going next year?Where will they put all of the pillows?What will she do with the millions of dollars she won?Comparing R and LRed - Led Rick - Lick Reef - Leaf Rear - LearRest - Less Grass - Glass Crime - Climb Free - FleeL and R CombinationsSeal ring Toll road Already Civil rights Railroad RivalryCoral reef Jewelry Schoolroom Gravel road美语发音视频教程06:单词结尾的发音注意事项Session Six1.Word EndingsMake sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully. Don’t drop off or shorten the endings!P endingsI hope the group will sleep on the ship.The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap?B endingsWe cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.T endingsKate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.The sailboat came into the port to join the fleet.What bait will make the fish bite? A cricket or a piece of meat?D endingsFred will decide which sled should be painted red.David tried to send a refund back to England.He could not hide his report card behind the chalk board.Three rules for ED endingsMany verbs that are in the past tense end in ED. (Example: Today I walk, yesterday I walked)Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an Unvoiced TExample:Today I jump, yesterday I jumped. (pronounced jump T)Today I walk, yesterday I walked. (pronounced walk T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample:Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed. (pronounced rub-D)I cleaned the kitchen. I poured the milk. I scrubbed the floor.I tagged the clothing. I spilled some juice. I trimmed the tree.I moved to California. The clock buzzed all night.Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced EDExample:Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.I heated up my dinner. He voted this morning.He handed me his report. I traded in my old car. She added some information.All voiced D endings are underlined to help you remember to add voicing.Bob raked the leaves and then started to wash his car. He then loaded up the dishwasher and finished washing his dishes.Susan spilled her drink on the spotted rug. She cleaned it up with a napkin, which wasted a lot of time. He thanked me and offered me money, if I picked up the used equipment.Three Nasal Sounds: M N NGPractice Ng endingsRing Sing Thing BringPractice sentencesI have a feeling that she is working too much.She has been wearing a hearing aid so that she could sing.He is looking forward to speaking at the Thanksgiving celebration.美语发音视频教程07:音标字母组合ch, dg和hSession Seven1. CH sound2. The American J sound (DG)3. Consonant HCH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-chAmerican J Voiced as in J-u-dgeCh at the beginning of wordsChina Cherry Charge Chocolate Challenge Cheese Chunk ChairmanCh in the middle of wordsKey chain Lunch box Richard Picture Teacher Fortune Nature Beach ballCh at the end of wordsDetach Teach Porch March Patch Wrench Coach ApproachCh exerciseChop-chop, children, it’s Charlie’s Kitchen adventure!Today, Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.American J at the beginning of wordsJuice Jump Juggle Jury Japan Giant Genetic Junior Generate GermanAmerican J in the middle of wordsAlgebra Legend Magic Subject Digest Rejoice Objective Majesty Educate SuggestionAmerican J at the end of wordsAge College Postage Stage Pledge Village Average Page Courage Knowl edgeAmerican J exerciseA German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant, who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.Consonant HWhen an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream.Practice: Ha... Ha… Ha.H at the beginning of wordsHand Hide Hope Hair House Harvard Honey Happy Who WholeH word pairsOld- Hold Is- His It- Hit At- Hat Arm- Harm Ill- Hill Ate- Hate As- HasH in the middle of wordsAhead Behave AnyhowInhale Downhill Dehydrate Wholehearted OverhaulH exerciseHe thought that he should…. Wash the car. Thank his teacher.Watch television. Use the telephone. Shut the door.Breathe deeply. (Voiced TH) Tell the truth.Henry the hungry hippo, who hogged a huge heap of one hundred hamburgers, has had hiccups for one whole week.美语发音视频教程08:美语元音ee和iSession Eight1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IThe best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.Front Vowels: (From high to low)EE as in HeatI as in Hit AE as in Hate EH as in Het (nonsense word)A as in Hat Back Vowels: (From high to low)OO as in BootU as in Book OW as in Boat AW as in BoughtAH as in Bot (nonsense word)Comparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.Heat – Hit Keen – Kin Deal – Dill Seek – Sick Seen – Sin Reap – Rip Teal - TillBean –Been (Bean is high. I ate a bean. Been is low. I have been here.)EE Vowel SoundRemember, smile and think high.See Me Each Even Key Green Tree Very Happy Softly MaryBusyFinallyCountryEE Practice Speeding on the FreewayHappily eating cheese He and SheSkiing very Rapidly She sees a monkey eating honey.We see a pony stealing money. Who can he see?It must be me! I Vowel SoundBit Bill Lift Fizz Kitchen Build Bigger Chimp Fifth Listen Business Fist Display Filming Live Fish Discuss Fig Fifty BeenEE and I Practice (All EE sounds are underlined.)The beans have been cooking since six o’clock.Sit in that seat by the window.We ate our meal, by the mill.The seal will live in the ocean.Tim’s team grinned after seeing the green field.Pip and Pete shipped the sheep cheaply.Those bins are for Bill’s beans.Does Jim still steal Jill’s jeans?The girls put concrete on Jill’s sneakers.Pick cherries at their peak or you will eat the pits美语发音视频教程09:元音OW和AESession Nine1. Vowel OW2. Vowel AEVowel OThe Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWEO Vowel SoundOpen Oatmeal Blown Bold Owner Phone Cold Robe Coach Rotate Loan Slow Road RoamO PracticeHow did you know that?I don’t know where the hole is on the coat.Does Joe know how to drive on the road?I need to blow my nose when I have a cold.Has it ever snowed in Rhode Island?Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio.This low is no joke. So folks, don’t go out without coats!Woke and WontPractice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke = WOW + KWon’t = WOW + ‘NTI want the ball.I won’t give you the ball.She wants to sleep.She woke up.He wants to buy a car.He won’t buy a car.They want to speak with you.He won’t speak with you.Vowel AEAge Aid Eight Able Chain Date Eighteen Fake Lazy Made Baby Gain Change Gave Nation Day Paper Angel Basic FaceAE PracticeThe ape gave the trainer a cane.David began shaving when he was eighteen.The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.The baby snake lived in a painted cage.My neighbors basement was changed from blue to beige.Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with LazyDay Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day!The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York NorthCarolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming美语发音视频教程10:元音字母组合OO,UH和EHSession Ten1. Vowel OO2. Vowel UH3. Vowel EHOO Vowel SoundBlue Booth News Juice Loosen Ruler Food Choose Mood Moving Loop Knew Tooth Smooth Pool Moon Shoes Zoo Grew RoomOO PracticeThe room in the school was very cool.Tuesday at noon in the studio.Viewing the moon on June nights.Do you remember the woman who lived in a shoe?She hadn’t a clue what to do when her family grew.Well, through your help, they are moving in June into two big boots.Double OO words that are pronounced as UHFood has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)UH Vowel Sound (that are spelled with OO)Foot Took Cook Shook Stood Good Look Book Wool Swoosh Lower vowel (Uh) WoodWould you help me? Hollywood, CaliforniaUH Practice (All OO sounds are in boldface, all UH sounds are underlined.)He took a good look under the hood and found a flute.Julie enjoys good books after school.He put his foot in the new boot.She took her students to the brook to wash their shoes.We pulled him out of the swimming pool.The fool ate until he was full.EH Vowel SoundsEgg Get Friend Next Entrance Better Healthy Lettuce WrenchSpread Best Ready Every Red Exit Check Fence HeadsetNecklace WealthEH PracticeResting on the edge of the bed.Ten letters from the enemy.Dennis will enter the festival.The message was given to the chef.Hello again, friends! Let’s do a weather check. Well, whoever said temperatures are getting better, better get ready to spend a wet weekend in Tennessee.美语发音视频教程11:元音字母组合AU, AH和ASession Eleven1. Vowel AU as in Out2. Vowel AH as in Top3. Vowel A as in HatA Vowel SoundBack Dad Fax Value Sat Hatch Jacket Taxi Apple Catch Rabbit TackA PracticeThe fat cat wore a jacket.Pack your sack and bring your magnet.He sang about an actor named Jack.AU Vowel SoundThis is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood.Begin this sound with the A sound as in hat…Then, slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA – wn…TA – wnAU PracticeNow House Round Loud Gown Sound Ouch Out Found Sout Ounce Rebound Mouth Bounce Flower Thousand Spout CountThe brown couch is downstairs.Her house is on the South side of the mountain.I was proud of the sounds that came out of my mouth.Are VS OurAre (Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our (Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.)Think of the word Our as having two syllables.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way).Are/Our Practice SentencesAre you going to our house?Sales are down, but our projections for next year are very good.Our plans will be changing in the next hour.Are you sure that our meeting will be an hour late?AH Vowel SoundO words that are pronounced with AHHot Top Stop Probably Follow Not Blob Sock Mop Product Solve ProblemAH Practice (AH sounds are underlined)Bob opened the box and followed the instructions.Tom put some cotton, rocks and a doorknob in his locker.His mom made a concrete model of a hockey rink.美语发音视频教程12:英语绕口令练习Session Twelve1. Tongue TwistersF, W, Voiced ZFuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?Voiced VVincent vowed vengeance very viciously.PPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?SH, S and ZShe sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,I’m sure she sells seashore shells.W, CH, and Final ConsonantsHow much wood, would a woodchuck chuck,If a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldIf a woodchuck could chuck wood.WWhich witch, wished which wicked wish?While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows with warm washing water.If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?RRoberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.B, BR, and BL blendsBradley’s big black bath brush broke.Bradley’s big black bath brush broke.THTom threw Tim thirteen thumbtacks.He threw three free throws.There are thirty-three thousand birthdays on the third of every month.The father gathered smooth feathers for Thanksgiving.The sixth graders are enthusiastic about Jonathan’s birthday.GR, and GL blendsGreen glass globes glow greenly.L, OO vowelAluminum Linoleum,Won’t I would if I could! But I can’t, so I won’t!Woke I woke, he woke, she woke, they woke. We all woke up.美语发音视频教程13:吞音及语音语调练习Session Thirteen1. Phrase Reductions2. Intonation PhraseReductions 省略法,吞音练习:Going to try (gunna try) I’m gunna try to finish this book.Want to eat (wanna eat) Do you wanna eat at seven o’clock?Have to start(hafta start) I hafta start a diet tomorrow.Has to try (hasta try) He hasta try harder.Got to leave (gotta leave) I gotta leave in fifteen minutes.Ought to believe (oughta believe) She oughta believe what he is saying.Out of bed (outa bed) I got outa bed when I heard the alarm clock.Did you go (Didja go) Didja go to the store?Would he help (Woody help) Woody help me move the furniture?Won’t you play (Woncha play) Woncha play one more song on the piano?Didn’t you know (Didincha know) Didincha know that she was coming home tomorrow?Is he (Izzy) Izzy the one that called?What do you want (Whadaya_want)Give it to me (GividaMe) Gividame right away.Intonation Practice 语音语调练习:Have you ever tried one of Diane’s Donuts? They are so delicious. I have eaten many different kinds of donuts, from all over the country; however, I have never tasted anything, quite like Donuts made by Diane. I have been told that she uses the finest and freshest ingredients that money can buy. The best flour, the best eggs and the best milk. I am sure, that once you taste these incredible donuts, you will run and tell all of your friends.Syllable Stress 单词的音节:Generally, two-syllable words have stress on the first syllable.Two-Syllable Words stress 1st syllableSofa Oven After Finger Station Second Enter Often Uncle Carpet Father Children Walking Jacket Lucky CommentTwo-Syllable Words stress 2nd syllableDelete Decline Survive Protect Adopt Advance Below Resolve Advice Acquit Control Arrive Involve Massage Disease RelateGenerally, three-syllable words have stress on the second syllable.Three-Syllable Words stress 2nd syllableReduction Arrangement Audition Companion Detective Ambitious Companion Appliance Discover Unlawful Conclusion Assemble Adjustment Affected Acceptance FerociousSyllable Stress Practice 音节练习:The pictures are fantastic.He needs permission to find a solution.The party is in honor of his retirement.Her son exhibited bad behavior on their vacation.Comparative SentencesJoe drinks cheap wine.Sue only drinks expensive wine.Don’t forget his birthday.We would never forget his birthday.She’s planning to leave tomorrow.。

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S e s s i o n O n e1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR TipsYour mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss.Your tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.R at the beginning of wordsRockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceR sentenceThe round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.R at the end of words or after a vowelCarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYearTurnPoorR in the middle of wordsVeryDirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneR BlendsR is the strongest sound of the blend.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of wordsTrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakR blends in the middle of wordsSubtractWaitressNutritionAustraliaIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayR practice sentencesThe story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover truck.Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.W TipsPractice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound.W SentenceWhat will we do?Comparing R and WRick – WickRight – WhiteRemember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once.W at the beginning of wordsWhyWhichWhatWipeWishWeightWingW in the middle of wordsAlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHalloweenHollywoodW practice sentencesThe wind from the west was very wet. (Notice very has a /v/ sound)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Q words (produced as a KW sound)QuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltChoirParagraph PracticeRay was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingV oicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, creating a buzzing sound. Say Ahhhh. Can you feel the vibrations in your neck? All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not. Paired Consonants:P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZThree rules for S&Z endingsRule 1Examples:1 cup,2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)1 cat,2 cats (the t in cat is unvoiced, so just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksI stop, he stopsRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 Pages1 Bus2 Buses1 Lunch2 LunchesI Raise, He RaisesI Brush, He BrushesI Push, He PushesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 Days1 Shoe,2 ShoesI Fly, He Flies1 Game,2 Games1 Head,2 Heads1 Train,2 Trains1 Song,2 SongsSom e common words where S’s are pronounced as Z’sIs (This is good)His (His mom is Mary)As (As the phone rang)Was (It was raining)These (These are my children)Those (Those are my books)Easy (This is easy)Because (Because we were late.)Paragraph PracticeNotice that all voiced S/Z sounds are underlined.Another z ippy, z appy, cra z y day come s to a clo s e. A s we z oom up to Joe’s snoo z e z one, Z oe Jone s of Z odiac Z oo play s with her z ipper.Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Session Three1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundFlat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound. Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThanksThickThunderThursdayThinkUnvoiced TH at the middle of wordsAnythingBathmatToothpickAthleticMouthwashUnvoiced TH at the end of wordsBathNorthBeneathFourthSouthThe V oiced TH SoundV oiced TH at the beginning of wordsThe (The book)That (That house)They (They came over)Them (Give them water)There (There it is)This (This is my nose)Those (Those boys are good)These (These are my parents)V oiced TH in the middle of wordsClothingLeatherMotherWeatherNorthernV oiced TH at the end of wordsSmoothBatheBreathePractice PhrasesThis and thatA tableclothWinter clothingAthens, GreeceThat’s the oneHer skin is smoothThirty Day’s noticeA famous authorHere and thereFalse teethThread the needleA thoughtful giftThunder and lighteningThumbs upPractice SentencesThelma arrived in town last Thursday.I’m having trouble threading this needle.I need thirty three thick thermometers.The thing they like best about Athens is the weather.This thrilling novel was written by a famous author.He will be through with his work at three-thirty.Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.They thought they were going to Northern Spain.Which tablecloth shall we use for the party?That was the thirty-third theatre to open.THR BlendsThread (thread the needle)Throw (throw the ball)Throat (my throat is sore)Thrill (a thrilling ride)Three (three more days)Threw (yesterday he threw the ball)Throne (the king sits on a throne)Paragraph PracticeNurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver thirty three boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletin boards with thumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes,to be thrown away.TH ExceptionsAlthough the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T.ThomasThompsonTheresaThailandThamesEstherThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D.Examples:Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better BedderButter BudderV oiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butt er’s bi tter. If I put it in my batter, it’ll make my batter bitter.Session Four1. Consonant ‘F’2. Consonant ‘V’3. The Unvoiced ‘SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘ZSH’ SoundConsonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Practice Words with ‘F’FootFindFinallyFamilyFreedomLaughTelephoneSymphonyRoughPractice SentencesDo you feel like a physical wreck?Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue?Have you had enough of feeling rough?Why don’t you fight fever with Pharaoh’s Friend.A medicine that is tough on Flu.Practice Words with ‘V’V ote (is not Wote)VineRiverEveryGloveAliveLeaveComparing F and VFeel – VealSafe – SaveFat – VatFine – VineFace – VaseFan – VanFoul – V owelProof – ProvePractice PhrasesA famous athleteA food vendorThe Foreign ServiceSummer vacationV ocabulary testOver the rainbowOur first victoryHarvard UniversityHusband and wifeVery well donePractice Sentences1.Her promotion in the firm was well deserved.2.There was only one survivor on the island.4.Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.5.The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists.6.Dave gave me his car so that I could driv e on New Year’s E ve.3.There were several dents in the rear fender.7.Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket.NOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH SoundTo make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice wordsBeginningSheSugarSureShapeChicagoChefMiddleNationMotionMissionSpecialReputationOfficialMachineFishingInsuranceSunshineOceanTissueAdditionSubtractionEndRushDishEstablishSplashIrishFreshFinishSH SentencesThe fishing trip was planned and we left to go to the ocean.Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar?Sharon gave a special performance.He will be stationed in Washington, D.C, the nat ion’s capital.She went to a fashion show after taking a shower.She sells seashells by the seashore.The social club was praised for their cooperation.SH PracticeJoe’s weather ma chine shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore. Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.The V oiced ZSH SoundThe Voiced ZSH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added. ZSH practice wordsMiddleUsual(U→zshu→al)UnusualConclusionAsiaVersionDivisionCasualTelevisionEndBeigeMassagePrestigePractice SentencesIt’s not unu sual for people to study division in Asia.I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion.The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building.List things that are appropriate for each column. Then say them out loud in full sentences for practice. Example: It’s usually hot in the summer.It’s unusual for me to be late for an appointment.UsuallyUnusualHot in the summerLate for appointmentsSession Five1. Consonant LL Tips:Your bottom jaw should be as wide open as possible.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth. Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keeping your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue. L at the beginning of wordsLunchLocalLondonLearnLargeLifeLobbyLibraryLuckyLiftLaughLongL in the middle of wordsInflationBelieveGlueElevatorSolvePullingFloodDeleteElectAliveColorL at the end of a wordTo produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement.(Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.)Practice wordsWillBallTallCallSmallControlBowlAppleMiraclePowerfulControlFinancialPeopleL SentencesThe lollipop fell into the cool water.Her driver’s license was pulled out of the blue golf bag.Blake’s bowling ball fell under his tools.Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.The school was a mile away from the hill.The golf club was made of steel.Al’s goal was to play baseball with Carol.A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list.It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.FL Blend PoemA flea and a fly, flew up in a flue.Said the flea, “Let us fly!”Said the fly, “Let us flee!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Practice using WillWill you empty the garbage?Will you prepare a meal for the children?When will you begin your studies at college?When will she purchase the dress for her wedding?Why will he ask them to stay late at work?Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?How will they know if our flight is delayed?Where will the child be going next year?Where will they put all of the pillows?What will she do with the millions of dollars she won?Comparing R and LRed - LedRick - LickReef - LeafRear - LearRest - LessGrass - GlassCrime - ClimbFree - FleeL and R CombinationsSeal ringToll roadAlreadyCivil rightsRailroadRivalryCoral reefJewelrySchoolroomGravel roadSession Six1.Word EndingsMake sure that the final sounds in your wo rds come through clearly and fully. Don’t drop off or shorten the endings!P endingsI hope the group will sleep on the ship.The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap?B endingsWe cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.T endingsKate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.The sailboat came into the port to join the fleet.What bait will make the fish bite? A cricket or a piece of meat?Fred will decide which sled should be painted red.David tried to send a refund back to England.He could not hide his report card behind the chalk board.Three rules for ED endingsMany verbs that are in the past tense end in ED. (Example: Today I walk, yesterday I walked)Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an Unvoiced TExample:Jump →jumped. (pronounced jump T)Walk →Walked yesterday I walked. (pronounced walk T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample:Rub →Rubbed Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed. (pronounced rub-D)Clean →Cleaned I cleaned the kitchen.Pour →Poured I poured the milk.Scrub →Scrubbed I scrubbed the floor.Tag →Tagged I tagged the clothing.Spill →Spilled I spilled the juice.Trim →Trimmed I trimmed the tree.Move →Moved I moved to California.Buzz →Buzzed The clock buzzed all night.Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced EDExample:Lift →Lifted Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.Heat →Heated I heated up my dinner.V ote →V oted He voted this morning.Hand →Handed He handed me his report.Trade →Traded I traded in my old car.Add →Added She added some information.All voiced D endings are underlined to help you remember to add voi cing.Bob raked the leaves and then started to wash his car. He then loaded up the dishwasher and finished washing his dishes.Susan spilled her drink on the spotted rug.She cleaned it up with a napkin, which wasted a lot of time.He thanked me and offered me money, if I picked up the used equipment.Three Nasal Sounds: M N NGPractice Ng endingsRingSingThingBringPractice sentencesI have a feeling that she is working too much.She has been wearing a hearing aid so that she could sing.Session Seven1. CH sound2. The American J sound (DG)3. Consonant HCH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-chAmerican J V oiced as in J-u-dgeCh at the beginning of wordsChinaCherryChargeChocolateChallengeCheeseChunkChairmanCh in the middle of wordsKey chainLunch boxRichardPictureTeacherFortuneNatureBeach ballCh at the end of wordsDetachTeachPorchMarchPatchWrenchCoachApproachCh exerciseChop-chop, children, it’s Charlie’s Kitchen adventure!Today, Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake. American J at the beginning of wordsJuiceJumpJuggleJuryJapanGiantGeneticJuniorGenerateAmerican J in the middle of wordsAlgebraLegendMagicSubjectDigestRejoiceObjectiveMajestyEducateSuggestionAmerican J at the end of wordsAgeCollegePostageStagePledgeVillageAveragePageCourageKnowledgeAmerican J exerciseA German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant, who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.Consonant HWhen an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream. Practice: Ha... Ha… Ha.H at the beginning of wordsHandHideHopeHairHouseHarvardHoneyHappyWhoWholeH word pairsOld- HoldIs- HisIt- HitAt- HatArm- HarmIll- HillAs- HasH in the middle of wordsAheadBehaveAnyhowInhaleDownhillDehydrateWholeheartedOverhaulH exerciseHe thought that he should….He thought that he should wash the car.He thought that he should thank his teacher.He thought that he should watch television.He thought that he should use the telephone.He thought that he should shut the door.He thought that he should breathe deeply. (V oiced TH)He thought that he should tell the truth.Henry the hungry hippo, who hogged a huge heap of one hundred hamburgers, has had hiccups for one whole week.Session Eight1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IThe best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.Front V owels: (From high to low)EE - I - AE - EH – A [ i:] [ i ] [ ei ] [ e ] [ æ ]EE - I - AE - EH - AEE - I - AE - EH - AEE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het(nonsense word)A as in HatHeat - Hate - Het - HatBack V owels: (From high to low)OO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot (nonsense word)Boot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotComparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.Heat – HitKeen – KinDeal – DillSeek – SickSeen – SinReap – RipTeal - TillBean –Been (Bean is high. I ate a bean. Been is low. I have been here.)Feed Seen TeenI’ve been buying beans.EE V owel SoundRemember, smile and think high.SeeMeEachEvenKeyGreenTreeVeryHappySoftlyMaryBusyFinallyCountryEE PracticeSpeeding on the FreewayHappily eating cheeseHe and SheSkiing very RapidlyShe sees a monkey eating honey. We see a pony stealing money. Who can he see? It must be me!I V owel SoundBitBillLiftFizzKitchenBuildBiggerChimpFifthListenBusinessDisplayFilmingLiveFishDiscussFigFiftyBeenEE and I PracticeThe beans have been cooking since six o’clock. Sit in that seat by the window.We ate our meal, by the mill.The seal will live in the ocean.Tim’s team grinned after seeing the green field. Pip and Pete shipped the sheep cheaply.Those bins are for Bill’s beans.Does Jim still stea l Jill’s jeans?The girls put concrete on Jill’s sneakers.Pick cherries at their peak or you will eat the pits. He hit the baseball and felt the heatHe hit the baseball and felt the heatSession Nine1. Vowel OW2. Vowel AEV owel OThe Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE O V owel SoundOpenOatmealBlownBoldOwnerPhoneColdRobeCoachRotateLoanSlowRoadRoamO PracticeHow did you know that?I don’t know where the hole is on the coat.Does Joe know how to drive on the road?I need to blow my nose when I have a cold.Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio.This low is no joke. So folks, don’t go out without coats!Woke and WontPractice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke = WOW + KWon’t = WOW + ‘NTI want the ball.I won’t give you the ball.She wants to sleep.She woke up.He wants to buy a car.He won’t buy a car.They want to speak with you.He won’t speak with you.V owel AEAgeAidEightAbleChainDateEighteenFakeLazyMadeBabyGainChangeGaveNationDayPaperAngelBasicFaceAE PracticeThe ape gave the trainer a cane.David began shaving when he was eighteen.The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.The baby snake lived in a painted cage.My neighbors basement was changed from blue to beige.Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with Lazy Day Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day! The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)AlabamaAlaskaArkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia HawaiiIdahoIllinois IndianaIowaKansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska NevadaNew Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee TexasUtah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia WisconsinSession Ten1. Vowel OO2. Vowel UH3. Vowel EHOO V owel SoundBlueBoothNewsJuiceLoosenRulerFoodChooseMoodMovingLoopKnewToothSmoothPoolMoonShoesZooGrewRoomOO PracticeThe room in the school was very cool.Tuesday at noon in the studio.Viewing the moon on June nights.Do you remember the woman who lived in a shoe?She hadn’t a clue w hat to do when her family grew.Well, through your help, they are moving in June into two big boots. Double OO words that are pronounced as UHFood has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)UH Vowel Sound (that are spelled with OO)FootTookCookShookStoodGoodLookBookWoolSwooshLower vowel (Uh)Would you help me?Hollywood, CaliforniaWould you please order the wood from Hollywood?Very good!UH Practice (All OO sounds are in boldface, all UH sounds are underlined.)He took a good look under the hood and found a flute.Julie enjoys good books after school.He put his foot in the new boot.She took her students to the brook to wash their shoes.We pulled him out of the swimming pool.The fool ate until he was full.EH V owel SoundsEggGetFriendNextEntranceBetterHealthyLettuceWrenchSpreadBestReadyEveryRedExitCheckFenceHeadsetNecklaceWealthEH PracticeResting on the edge of the bed.Ten letters from the enemy.Dennis will enter the festival.The message was given to the chef.Hello again, friends! Let’s do a weather check. Well, whoever said temperatures are getting better, better get ready to spend a wet weekend in Tennessee.Session Eleven1. V owel AU as in Out2. V owel AH as in Top3. V owel A as in HatA V owel SoundBackDadFaxValueSatHatchJacketTaxiAppleCatchRabbitTackA PracticeThe fat cat wore a jacket.Pack your sack and bring your magnet.He sang about an actor named Jack.AU Vowel SoundThis is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood. Begin this sound with the A sound as in hat…Then, slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA –wn…TA – wnDowntown DowntownAU PracticeNowHouseRoundLoudGownSoundOuchOutFoundSouthOunceReboundMouthBounceFlowerThousandSpoutCountAU PracticeThe brown couch is downstairs.Her house is on the South side of the mountain.I was proud of the sounds that came out of my mouth.Are VS OurAre (Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our (Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.) Our meeting is in one hour.Think of the word Our as having two syllables.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way).Are/Our Practice SentencesAre you going to our house?Sales are down, but our projections for next year are very good.Our plans will be changing in the next hour.Are you sure that our meeting will be an hour late?AH V owel SoundO words that are pronounced with AHHotTopStopProbablyFollowNotBlobSockMopProductSolveProblemAH Practice (AH sounds are underlined)Bob opened the box and followed the instructions.Tom put some cotton, rocks and a doorknob in his locker.My mom made a concrete model of a hockey rink.Session Twelve1. Tongue TwistersF, W, V oiced ZFuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy w asn’t fuzzy, was he? V oiced VVincent vowed vengeance very viciously.PPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?SH, S and ZShe sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,I’m sure she sells seashore shells.W, CH, and Final ConsonantsHow much wood, would a woodchuck chuck,If a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldIf a woodchuck could chuck wood.WWhich witch, wished which wicked wish?While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s win dows with warm washing water.If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?RRoberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.B, BR, and BL blendsBradley’s big black bath brush broke.Bradley’s big black bath brush broke.THTom threw Tim thirteen thumbtacks.He threw three free throws.There are thirty-three thousand birthdays on the third of every month.The father gathered smooth feathers for Thanksgiving.The sixth graders are enthusiastic about Jonathan’s birthday.GR, and GL blendsGreen glass globes glow greenly.L, OO vowelAluminum Linoleum, Aluminum Linoleum, Aluminum Linoleum,Won’tI would if I could! But I can’t, so I won’t!WokeI woke, he woke, she woke, they woke. We all woke up.Session Thirteen1. Phrase Reductions2. Intonation PhraseReductionsGoing to try (gunna try)I’m gunna try to finish this book.(gunna try)Want to eat (wanna eat)Do you wanna eat at seven o’clock?(wanna eat)Have to start(hafta start)I hafta start a diet tomorrow.(hafta start)Has to try (hasta try)He hasta try harder.(hasta try)Got to leave (gotta leave)I (very) gotta leave in fifteen minutes.(gotta leave)Ought to believe (oughta believe)She (very)oughta believe what he is saying.(oughta believe)Out of bed (outa bed)。



Pronunciation WorkshopInstructor:Paul GruberIntroduction:(01:17-02:27)When you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. This program will show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly and showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech.How to Practice(02:35-03:15)Speak slowlyUse a Loud VoiceExaggerate Your Mouth MovementsWhat would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow.The Key to Success(03:15-05:15)Being aware of your errorsRecognizing mistakes when you hear themWhen most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements.Arrangement of this program(05:15-05:45)During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds. Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, like ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh and ooo. And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds.Session One(05:55-22:34)1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR Tips(07:07-09:00)Mouth and lips come tightly forward as if you would be saying the OO sound. Tongue moves back.Now one way of checking if you’re doing this correctly with your tongue is by actually putting your finger around an inch into your mouth while saying an R sound. You should be able to take the tip of your finger and feel the tip of your tongue.Practice (09:00-12:34)R at the beginning of words (like Rock Rain)Bringing your mouth forward and pulling your tongue back.R at the end of words or after a vowel (like Car Far Air Poor)Your tongue hasta pull back and also your lips close a little bit in the front. The R needs to be very strong and you need to close the word.R in the middle of words(like Very Arrange Everyone)Your tongue is back and your lips are coming all the way forward.R Blends (12:34-14:10)The ‘R’ is always the strongest sound of the blend.Your lips come forward before you even say the word.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of words(Training Trust)R blends in the middle of words(Subtract Waitress)W Tips(similar to R)(15:34-17:42)Practice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound. Remember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once.Practice(17:43-19:24)W at the beginning of words(like Why Which )W in the middle of words(like Always Away)Don’t forget to bring your mouth fo rward at the beginning of each word.Q sounds (Q=KW) (19:24-20:18)For example, the word Quick is pronounced with the K and the strong W sound. KWICK, like that.Session Two (22:50-44:25)1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingVoicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, producing a sound. All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not. (24:35-26:23)Paired Consonants: (26:23-29:11)P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZConsonant S & Consonant Z :(29:11-30:00)The S consonant, made with the air going through your front teeth. /s/ the S sound is unvoiced.You just add voicing. What would the S sound become /s/---/z/. It will become a Z sound/z/. So S has no voicing /s/, Z has voicing/z/. So we say the S sound and Z sound are also Pair Consonants. And this brings us to what I would like to cover today---S sounds/s/, Z sounds /z/and how they work in terms of word endings.Three rules for S&Z endings (30:11-38:27)Rule 1If the last sound in a word is unvoiced, and you’re adding an S, well, then the S remains unvoiced, too.Examples:1 cup,2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 PagesI Raise, He RaisesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 DaysI Fly, He FliesSome common words where S’s are pronounced as Z’s(38:27-39:50)Is His As Was These Those Easy BecauseSession Three (44:41-61:15)1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH Sound (46:55-49:53)Flat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of words(Thanks Thick)Unvoiced TH at the middle of words(Anything Bathmat)Unvoiced TH at the end of words(Bath North)The Voiced TH Sound (49:53-53:05)To make a voiced TH sound[ð], you just need to add voicing to the unvoiced th sound. There’s the voiced TH. You should be able to feel the strong vibration in your throat and on your tongue[ð].Voiced TH at the beginning of words (The That)Voiced TH in the middle of words (Clothing Mother)Voiced TH at the end of words (Smooth Bathe)THR Blends: the combination of TH sound and the R sound (55:18-56:30)Be aware that the R is the strongest sound of the blend and it’s louder than the TH.So when you say a word which begins with THR. First make the TH sound and then strongly push out the R.(Thread throw)TH Exceptions (58:20-60:47)Although the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T.Thomas Thompson Theresa Thailand Thames Esther ThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D.Examples: Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better Bedder Butter BudderVoiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butt er’s bitter. If I put it in my batt er, it’ll make my ba tter bitter.Session Four(61:28-80:21)1. Consonant ‘F’2. Consonant ‘V’3. The Unvoiced ‘SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘SH’ SoundConsonants F and V(62:40-63:39)Consonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Fs and Vs are friction sounds and not that loud. So we stretch these sounds out a little bit, so they can be clearly heard.Practice F and V(63:40-72:46)The OF ExceptionNOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH Sound (72:48-73:36)To make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice (73:36-76:29)The Voiced SH Sound [ʒ] (76:29-77:00)The Voiced SH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added. To produce this sound, first make a [ʃ] sound and then you add voicing [ʃ] --[ ʒ]-, like that. [ʒ]. Now, for some people this may take a little bit of practice, you should feel the vibrations right here in your throat [ʒ].SH practice (77:00-78:31)Usual(U→zshu→al)Put your hand on your throat and feel for the vibration in the second syllable U-ZSHU-AL.Session Five (80:25-93:20)1. Consonant LL Tips: (81:05-83:05)Your bottom jaw should be down and your mouth should be wide open.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keeping your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue.Practice(83:05-87:48)To produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement.(Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.)FL Blend (87:48-89:05)Here we’ re combining two sounds that we have already covered. The F sound and now the L sound. Don’ t forget to first bite your lips for that F/f/, like that and then quickly push your tongue up and against your teeth for the L to creat the FL blend FlyComparing R and L(90:52-92:12)Keep in mind when you’ re producing an L, your tongue moves forward and up behind your tip. When you’ re producing an R sound, your lips move forward but your tongue moves all the way back. Basically, the L and the R are completely opposite sounds.L and R Combinations (92:12-93:02)These words and phrases having an L sound and an R sound right next to each other. This forces you to make a clear L and then roll it right into a strong R. Example: Seal ringSession Six(93:30-106:35)1.Word EndingsOften people who speak English as a second language drop the endings or final sounds off their words, well, they do not pronunce the final sounds correctly.Make sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully. Don’t drop off or shorten the endings!(94:12- 95:50)Practice P/B/T/D ending(95:50-98:48)Three rules for ED endings(98:48-103:10)Many verbs that are in the past tense end in ED.Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an Unvoiced T Example: Jump → jumped. (pronounced jump T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample: Rub → Rubbed Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed. (pronounced rub-D)Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced IDExample: Lift → Lifted Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.Three Nasal Sounds: M N NG(104:09-106:15)Try to say the M sound /m/ while closing off your nose. You see you can not do it. Because the M sound comes out of your nose. It’s the nasal sound.Same thing with the NG sound-- [ŋ]-- comes out of your nose. It’s a combination of a N and a G and it’s found at the ends of words, like Ri ng and Sing. And I want you to realize that there’s not a /k/ K sound.Session Seven (106.48-118:02)1. CH sound [ʧ]2. The American J sound (DG)3. Consonant HCh sound and J sound (107:37-109:24)CH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-ch, It’s a combination of the T sound/t/ and the SH sound [ʃ]. When you put these two sounds together, you get a [ʧ]. It’s an unvoiced sound.American J Voiced as in J-u-dge, if you take this CH sound and you keep everything in your mouth the same, you just add voicing. It becomes an American J sound [ʤ]. CH [ʧ], unvoiced. J, voiced.Practice(109:24-113:20)Consonant H (113:28-114:12)When an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream. Practice: Ha... Ha… Ha.Put your hand in front of your mouth for this exercise. You should be able to feel the airstream come out onto the palm of your hand.Note that some words in English that begin with the letter W are also pronunced just like an HPractice (114:12-117:09)Session Eight (118:14-129:48)1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IAmerican English Vowels (118:47-120:18)There are five vowel letters in English: A E I O and U. But there are around 15 vowel sounds and some vowels have as many as 10 different spellings.Vowel sounds are made by slightly changing the Size, Shape and the Tension of the muscle in your mouth, your tongue and your lips. A small change can produce an entirely different sound. Instead of giving you diagrams of tongue placement---how round your lips should be or how far you should open your mouth. I believe the best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.To help teach you the American vowel sounds, I’ ll separate them to two groups: front vowels and back vowels. When your ton gue rises up in the front, it’ s a front vowel. When your tongue rises up in the back, it’ s a back vowelFront Vowels: (From high to low)(120:18-123:50)EE - I - AE - EH – A [ i:] [ i ] [ ei ] [ e ] [ æ ]EE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het (nonsense word)A as in HatHeat - Hate - Het - HatBack Vowels: (From high to low)(121:45-122:59)OO - Uh - Oh - Aw - Ah [ u:] [ u ] [ əʊ ] [ ɔ ] [ ɑ ]OO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot(nonsense word)Boot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotComparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)(122:59-129:42)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.EE Vowel SoundRemember, smile and think high.i vowel soundSession Nine(130:00-144:42)1. Vowel OW2. Vowel AEVowel O (131:10-132:45)The Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWEWoke and Wont(134:51-137:50)Practice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke: Whoa(W)+KWon't: Whoa(W)+ntVowel AE (137:50-138:22)This sound is a combination of two vowel sounds. You start with an A and then you glide up to an E. A—E, A—E. Notice how my mouth also closes a little bit at the end of the vowel A—E.The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)(140:35-144:25)Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas CaliforniaSession Ten(144:52-154:18)1. Vowel OO2. Vowel UH3. Vowel EHOO Vowel Sound(146:08-146:37)Bring your lips tight and forwardDouble OO words that are pronounced as UH(148:18-149:19) Food has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)EH Vowel Sounds(151:51-152:12)It’ s made with the front of the tongue low.Session Eleven(154:29-163:09)1. Vowel A as in Hat2. Vowel AU as in Out3. Vowel AH as in TopA Vowel Sound(155:20-155:49)Your mouth has to be wide open.AU Vowel Sound(156:47-158:34)This is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood. Begin this sound with the A sound as in hat…Then, slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA –wn…TA – wnDowntown DowntownAre VS Our(159:59-161:02)Are(Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our(Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.) Our meeting is in one hour.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way).Session Twelve(163:21-176:42)1. Tongue TwistersF, W, Voiced Z(164:49-165:46)Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?Voiced V (165:46-166:18)Vincent vowed vengeance very viciously.P (166:18-167:33)Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?SH, S and Z(167:33-168:49)She sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,I’m su re she sells seashore shells.W, CH, and Final Consonants(168:49-169:54)How much wood, would a woodchuck chuck,If a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldIf a woodchuck could chuck wood.W(169:54-171:31)Which witch, wished which wicked wish?While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows with warm washing water.If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?R(171:31-172:05)Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.B, BR, and BL blends(172:05-172:39)Bradley’s big black bath brush broke.Bradley’s big black bath brush broke.TH(172:39-174:15)Tom threw Tim thirteen thumbtacks.He threw three free throws.There are thirty-three thousand birthdays on the third of every month.The father gathered smooth feathers for Thanksgiving.The sixth graders are enthusiastic about Jonathan’s birthday.GR, and GL blends(174:15-174:44)Green glass globes glow greenly.L, OO vowel(174:44-175:20)Aluminum Linoleum, Aluminum Linoleum, Aluminum Linoleum,Won’t(175:20-175:58)I would if I could! But I can’t, so I won’t!Woke(175:58-176:31)I woke, he woke, she woke, they woke. We all woke up.Session Thirteen(176:53-190:10)1. Phrase Reductions2. Intonation PhrasePhrase Reductions(177:37-181:42)Phrase Reductions: in conversational English, words are often broken down or not fully pronunciated. Two and three words are sometimes squeezed together to creat easy-to-say phrases.Going to try (gonna try)I’m gonna try to finish this book.(gonna try)Want to eat (wanna eat)Do you wanna eat at seven o’clock?(wanna eat)Have to start(hafta start)I hafta start a diet tomorrow.(hafta start)Has to try (hasta try)He hasta try harder.(hasta try)Got to leave (gotta leave)I (very) gotta leave in fifteen minutes.(gotta leave)Ought to believe (oughta believe)She (very) oughta believe what he is saying.(oughta believe)Out of bed (outa bed)I got outa bed when I heard the alarm clock.(outa bed)Did you go (Didja go)Didja go to the store?(Didja go)Would he help (Woody help)Woody help me move the furniture?(Woody help)Won’t you play (Woncha play)Woncha play one more song on the piano?(Woncha play)Didn’t you know (Didincha know)Didincha know that she was coming home tomorrow?(Didincha know)Is he (Izzy)Izzy the one that called?(Izzy)What do you want (Whadaya_want)Give it to me (GividaMe)Gividame right (now)away.(GividaMe)Intonation (181:43-184:48)English is a very musical language. As we speak our words and phrases go all the way up and then they come all the way down, much like the music does.In American English, words that carry the highest information of value in a sentence are given more emphasis with increase loudness—a higher pitch and sometimes a longer duration.Asking questions: voice goes up at the end of a question(184:48-185:28) Syllable Stress (185:28-189:45)Generally, two-syllable words have stress on the first syllable.Two-Syllable Words stress 1st syllableCommentTwo-Syllable Words stress 2nd syllableDeleteGenerally, three-syllable words have stress on the second syllable.Three-Syllable Words stress 2nd syllableReductionSession Fourteen(190:22-203:10)1. Putting it all together – Part I2. The 10 Key steps towards ImprovementPhoto album(192:40-193:52)Keeping a family photograph album is a good way to save family memories for yourself and future generations of your family. Very old pictures can be taken to a photo shop and reprinted so that they can be placed in an album. Be sure to write on the back of the picture any information you remember about the people in it. Also, write the date if you remember it. Looking at photo albums is a relaxing way to spend the day and it is a fun activity to share with family and friends. Your children, grandchildren and their children will appreciate your efforts too.The Public Library(193:52-195:15)Your library card can be your ticket to entertainment, current events and new ideas. Almost every city has a public library and there is no charge for a library card. Libraries have books about many subjects, but there are also other things at the library. These include books on cassette tape, videotapes, large print b ooks, CD’s, DVD’s and magazines. Many have free programs in the afternoon or evening about travel, hobbies or other topics of interest. Some cities also have a bookmobile or traveling library, which brings the library right into your neighborhood.John D. Rockefeller(195:16-196:43)John D. Rockefeller did three amazing things. First, he acquired probably the greatest fortune in all history. He started out in life digging potatoes under the hot sun for four cents an hour. In those days, there were not half a dozen men in all the United States who were worth even one million dollars. Eventually, John D. managed to collect a fortune said to be anywhere from one to two billion dollars. And yet, the first girl he fell in love with refused to marry him.The reason given was because her mother refused to allow her daughter to throw herself away on a man who had such poor prospects.Stars(196:45-198:17)How many stars can you see on a dark, clear night? You can see about three thousand (3,000)stars with your eyes alone. But keep in mind that you are viewing only part of the sky. If the whole sky were visible, you could count about five thousand (5,000) stars. If you look through a small telescope you might see as many as six hundred thousand (600,000) stars. Through the most powerful telescopes, astronomers can spot millions of stars. No one is sure exactly how many stars there are altogether, but astronomers believe there are at least two hundred (200) billion, billion stars out in space.The 10 Keys towards Improvement(198:17-202:58)1. Practice and listen.2. Do not leave off the endings of your words.3. Make a list of frequently used words.4. Open your mouth more when you speak English.5. Don’t be afraid to speak.6. Read aloud in English for ten to 15 minutes every day.7. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation errors.8. Watch the mouth movements of native speakers and try to imitate them.9. Buy books on tape. Read along with the tape out loud.10. Be patient.Session Fifteen(203:22-225:40)1.Putting it all together – Part IIA foreign student(205:11-206:28)When a student from another country comes to study in the United States, he has to find out for himself the answers to many questions, and he has many problems to think about. Where should he live? Would it be better living in a dormitory or in a private room off campus? Should he spend all of his time studying, or should he take advantage of the many cultural and social activities that are offered? At first, he may not feel that he fits in with the American culture. He may not feel confident when he speaks. Little by little, however, he learns how to handle himself in various situations. Finally he begins to feel very secure and ‘at home’. Unfortunately, this long-awaited feeling doesn’t develop suddenly. It takes time.Volcanoes(206:28-207:53)Volcanoes are holes in the Earth’s crust which allow molten rock to escape from beneath. The molten rock, or lava, may flow out gently or it may be blasted high in the air with gas and ash in a violent explosion. There are eight hundred and fifty active volcanoes around the world. Do you know where these mountains of fire are found? Three quarters of them are found within a zone called the “Ring of Fire.” One edge of the zone stretches along the west coast of the Americas from Chile to Alaska. The other edge runs along the east coast of Asia from Siberia to New Zealand. Twenty percent of these volcanoes are located in Indonesia. Other big groupings are in Japan, The Aleutian Islands, and Central America.The Chinese Language(207:53-210:04)Chinese is a most unusual language. It differs from English and most other major languages in that it has hundreds of different dialects. A person who lives in one section of the vast country of China, often cannot understand a fellow Chinese who lives in another section. These two major dialects are Cantonese and Mandarin. Cantonese is a southern dialect. Mandarin, a dialect that originated in northern China, is spoken by more Chinese than any other dialect.Non-Chinese people often say that the Chinese seem to “sing” their language. Chinese sounds as though it is sung, because many words are only one-syllable long and because the tone of voice changes for each word. As in English, many words havemore than one meaning. The speaker’s tone of voice indicates each word’s specific meaning.Even more fascinating than the variety of spoken sounds is the Chinese written language. It has no alphabet. Instead, it employs signs called “characters.” Each spoken word in the language is represented by a separate character. Originally, the characters were drawings that depicted the meanings of the words, but over the years, they have simplified, and most no longer look like the things they represent.The Supercontinent(210:04-211:49)Around one hundred (100) to one hundred and fifty (150) million years ago, there may have been only one continent on our planet. At least that is what some earth scientists have decided after years of research. If you look at the map of the world carefully, you can see that the present-day continents could be thought of as the pieces to a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. In your imagination carefully put the pieces together to form the supercontinent. You will see that if you took away the South Atlantic Ocean and pressed South America and Africa together they would fit very nicely. You could continue removing oceans and seas and put other parts of the world together quite easily until you get to those last two pieces of Australia and Antarctica. Scientists believe that the continents of Australia and Antarctica were once linked together. They may have split slowly off from the supercontinent and then separated from each other as recently as forty (40) million years ago.The 50 Most Mispronounced Words in English(212:39-223:27)AccountingArgueActuallyAvailableArrangementsBasicallyBusinessCallsCompleteContinueContributeCorporation Differences Directly Exactly Educational Every Exceptional Familiar Financial Frustrating General Immediately Inconvenience Introduce Irrational Justice Likeable Loosen Measurements Middle Multiple National Original Outrageous Particular Partnership Problem Prohibit Quality Question Referring Regardless Request Similar Specific. . . .ValueVisualizeVulnerableWorking21 / 21。

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Sounds and speech rulesSpeak slowlyUse a loud voiceExaggerate your mouth movementsvowel soundsA E I O Uahh ohh eee ehh ihh oooconsonant soundsb ch s t f g sh w...Session One1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR TipsYour mouth and lips come forward, like you are going to kiss.(u)Your tongue moves back in your mouth, NOT forward.R at the beginning of wordsRockRipReachRoadRainRichRomeRaiseRobeRiceR sentenceThe round rooste r rushed into the wrong road.R at the end of words or after a vowelCarFarStarDoorBearFourAirYearTurnPoorR in the middle of words u rVeryDirectionArrangeEraseCorrectMarryGarageOriginalHurryZeroMarineBerryOperationCaringArriveEveryoneR Blends混合R is the strongest sound of the blend.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of wordsTrainingTrustTripGreatTropicalBringPrintPresidentProductCrackerCrawlBreakR blends in the middle of wordsSubtractWaitressNutritionIntroduceCompressOppressionBetrayR practice sentencesThe story he read on the radio was incorrect.Her career in the law firm is permanent.Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover truck. Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport.The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.W TipsPractice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound. W SentenceWhat will we do?Comparing R and WRick – WickRight – WhiteRemember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once. W at the beginning of wordsWhyWhichWhenWhatWipeWishWeightWingW in the middle of wordsAlwaysAwayBewareAwakeSomeoneRewindHollywoodW practice sentencesThe wind from the west was very wet. (Notice very has a /v/ sound)We woke up and washed the white washcloth.We waited for the waitress to give us water.We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin.Q words (produced as a KW sound KR) CHQuestionQuietQueenQualifyQuitQuebecQuiltChoirParagraph PracticeRay was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Fred’s profession was designing railroad tracks and his career involved traveling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and white. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand-new roller coaster.Session Two1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingV oicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, creating a buzzing sound. Say Ahhhh. Can you feel the vibrations in your neck? All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not.Paired Consonants:P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZThree rules for S&Z endingsRule 1If a word ends in a sound that is unvoiced (such as P, T, K, F), you add an unvoiced /S/Examples:1 cup,2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)1 cat,2 cats (the t in cat is unvoiced, so just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksI stop, he stopsRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 Pages Pagezz!!!!!!1 Bus2 Buses1 Lunch2 LunchesI Raise, He RaisesI Brush, He BrushesI Push, He PushesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 Days1 Shoe,2 ShoesI Fly, He Flies1 Game,2 Games1 Head,2 Heads1 Train,2 Trains1 Song,2 SongsSome common words w here S’s are pronounced as Z’sIs (This is good)His (His mom is Mary)As (As the phone rang)Was (It was raining)These (These are my children)Those (Those are my books)Easy (This is easy)Because (Because we were late.)Paragraph PracticeNotice that all voiced S/Z sounds are underlined.Another z ippy, z appy, cra z y day come s to a clo s e. A s we z oom up to Joe’s snoo z e z one, Z oe Jone s of Z odiac Z oo play s with her z ipper.Last week, Jim’s brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things.On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early and first squeezed oranges into juice. I then got dressed and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took many pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.Session Three1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH SoundFlat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of wordsThanksThickThunderThursdayThinkUnvoiced TH at the middle of wordsAnythingBathmatToothpickAthleticMouthwashUnvoiced TH at the end of words BathNorthBeneathFourthSouthThe V oiced TH SoundV oiced TH at the beginning of words The (The book)That (That house)They (They came over)Them (Give them water)There (There it is)This (This is my nose)Those (Those boys are good) These (These are my parents)V oiced TH in the middle of words ClothingLeatherMotherAnotherWeatherNorthernV oiced TH at the end of words SmoothBatheBreathePractice PhrasesThis and thatA tableclothWinter clothingAthens, GreeceThat’s the oneHer skin is smoothThirty Day’s noticeA famous authorHere and thereFalse teethThread the needleA thoughtful giftThunder and lighteningThumbs upPractice SentencesThelma arrived in town last Thursday.I’m having trouble threading this needle.I need thirty three thick thermometers.The thing they like best about Athens is the weather.This thrilling novel was written by a famous author.He will be through with his work at three-thirty.Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing.They thought they were going to Northern Spain.Which tablecloth shall we use for the party?That was the thirty-third theatre to open.THR BlendsThread (thread the needle)Throw (throw the ball)Throat (my throat is sore)Thrill (a thrilling ride)Three (three more days)Threw (yesterday he threw the ball)Throne (the king sits on a throne)Paragraph PracticeNurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver thirty three boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletin boards with thumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to insure their worthiness; otherwise they needed to be thrown away.TH ExceptionsAlthough the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T.ThomasThompsonTheresaThailandThamesEstherThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D.Examples:Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better BedderButter BudderV oiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butt er’s bi tter. If I put it in my batt er, it’ll make my ba tter bitter.Session Four1. Consonant ‘F’2. Consonant ‘V’3. The Unvoiced ‘SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘ZSH’ SoundConsonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Practice Words with ‘F’FootFindFinallyFamilyFreedomLaughTelephoneSymphonyRoughPractice SentencesDo you feel like a physical wreck?Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue?Have you had enough of feeling rough?Why don’t you fight fever with Pharaoh’s Friend.A medicine that is tough on Flu.Practice Words with ‘V’V ote (is not Wote)VineOvenEvaluateV oiceTravelRiverEveryGloveAliveLeaveComparing F and VFeel – VealSafe – SaveFat – VatFine – VineFace – VaseFan – VanFoul – V owelProof – ProvePractice PhrasesA famous athleteA food vendorThe Foreign ServiceSummer vacationV ocabulary testOver the rainbowOur first victoryHarvard UniversityHusband and wifeVery well donePractice Sentences1.Her promotion in the firm was well deserved.2.There was only one survivor on the island.4.Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve.5.The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists.6.Dave gave me his car so that I could driv e on New Year’s E ve.3.There were several dents in the rear fender.7.Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket.NOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH SoundTo make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice wordsBeginningSheSugarSureShadowSheepShirtShoeShapeChicagoChefMiddleNationMotionMissionSpecialReputationOfficialMachineFishingInsuranceSunshineOceanTissueAdditionSubtractionEndRushDishEstablishSplashIrishFreshFinishSH SentencesThe fishing trip was planned and we left to go to the ocean.Was the chef ashamed to use the precious sugar?Sharon gave a special performance.He will be stationed in Washington, D.C, the nat ion’s capital.She went to a fashion show after taking a shower.She sells seashells by the seashore.The social club was praised for their cooperation.SH PracticeJoe’s weather ma chine shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore.Ships in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution.The V oiced ZSH SoundThe Voiced ZSH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added.ZSH practice wordsMiddleUsual(U→zshu→al)UnusualUsuallyVisionVisualConclusionAsiaVersionDivisionCasualTelevisionEndBeigeMassagePrestigePractice SentencesIt’s not unu sual for people to study division in Asia.I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion.The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building.List things that are appropriate for each column. Then say them out loud in full sentences for practice.Example: It’s usually hot in the summer.It’s unusual for me to be late for an appointment.UsuallyUnusualHot in the summerLate for appointmentsSession Five1. Consonant LL Tips:Your bottom jaw should be as wide open as possible.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keeping your bottom jaw lowered and open while on ly raising your tongue.L at the beginning of wordsLunchLocalLondonLearnLargeLifeLobbyLibraryLuckyLiftLaughLongL in the middle of wordsInflationBelieveV olumeGlueElevatorSolvePullingFloodDeleteElectAliveColorL at the end of a wordTo produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongueupward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement. (Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.)Practice wordsWillBallTallCallSmallControlBowlAppleMiraclePowerfulControlFinancialPeopleL SentencesThe lollipop fell into the cool water.Her driver’s lic ense was pulled out of the blue golf bag.Blake’s bowling ball fell under his tools.Carl could not locate the lemons or the limes.The school was a mile away from the hill.The golf club was made of steel.Al’s goal was to play baseball with Carol.A certified letter was delivered for the enrollment list.It was revealing to look at the smiling lawyer.FL Blend PoemA flea and a fly, flew up in a flue.Said the flea, “Let us fly!”Said the fly, “Let us flee!”So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Practice using WillWill you empty the garbage?Will you ask her to clean the kitchen?Will you prepare a meal for the children?When will you begin your studies at college?When will she purchase the dress for her wedding?Why will he ask them to stay late at work?Why will she bring her baby to the meeting?How will they know if our flight is delayed?Where will the child be going next year?Where will they put all of the pillows?What will she do with the millions of dollars she won?Comparing R and LRed - LedRick - LickReef - LeafRear - LearRest - LessGrass - GlassCrime - ClimbFree - FleeL and R CombinationsSeal ringToll roadAlreadyCivil rightsRailroadRivalryCoral reefJewelrySchoolroomGravel roadSession Six1.Word EndingsMake sure that the final sounds in your words come through clearly and fully. Don’t drop off or shorten the endings!P endingsI hope the group will sleep on the ship.The soda pop spilled out of the cup, over the map and onto her lap.Was the Egg Drop Soup cheap?B endingsWe cleaned the cobweb from the doorknob in the bathtub.Rob broke his golf club when he slipped on the ice cube.The crab was under the cement slab at the yacht club.The ticket stub was found in the taxicab.T endingsKate left her cat on the mat as she flew a kite.The sailboat came into the port to join the fleet.What bait will make the fish bite? A cricket or a piece of meat?D endingsFred will decide which sled should be painted red.David tried to send a refund back to England.He could not hide his report card behind the chalk board.Three rules for ED endingsMany verbs that are in the past tense end in ED. (Example: Today I walk, yesterday I walked)Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an Unvoiced TExample:Jump →jumped. (pronounced jump T)Walk →Walked yesterday I walked. (pronounced walk T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample:Rub →Rubbed Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed. (pronounced rub-D)Clean →Cleaned I cleaned the kitchen.Pour →Poured I poured the milk.Scrub →Scrubbed I scrubbed the floor.Tag →Tagged I tagged the clothing.Spill →Spilled I spilled the juice.Trim →Trimmed I trimmed the tree.Move →Moved I moved to California.Buzz →Buzzed The clock buzzed all night.Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced EDExample:Lift →Lifted Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.Heat →Heated I heated up my dinner.V ote →V oted He voted this morning.Hand →Handed He handed me his report.Trade →Traded I traded in my old car.Add →Added She added some information.All voiced D endings are underlined to help you remember to add voi cing.Bob raked the leaves and then started to wash his car. He then loaded up the dishwasher and finished washing his dishes.Susan spilled her drink on the spotted rug.She cleaned it up with a napkin, which wasted a lot of time.He thanked me and offered me money, if I picked up the used equipment. Three Nasal Sounds: M N NGPractice Ng endingsRingSingThingBringPractice sentencesI have a feeling that she is working too much.She has been wearing a hearing aid so that she could sing.He is looking forward to speaking at the Thanksgiving celebration. Session Seven1. CH sound2. The American J sound (DG)3. Consonant HCH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-chAmerican J V oiced as in J-u-dgeCh at the beginning of wordsChinaCherryChargeChocolateChallengeCheeseChunkChairmanCh in the middle of wordsKey chainLunch boxRichardPictureTeacherFortuneNatureBeach ballCh at the end of wordsTeachPorchMarchPatchWrenchCoachApproachCh exerciseChop-chop, children, it’s Charlie’s Kitchen adventure!Today, Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.American J at the beginning of wordsJuiceJumpJuggleJuryJapanGiantGeneticJuniorGenerateGermanAmerican J in the middle of wordsAlgebraLegendMagicSubjectDigestRejoiceObjectiveMajestyEducateSuggestionAmerican J at the end of wordsAgeCollegePostageStagePledgeAveragePageCourageKnowledgeAmerican J exerciseA German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant, who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.Consonant HWhen an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream.Practice: Ha... Ha… Ha.H at the beginning of wordsHandHideHopeHairHouseHarvardHoneyHappyWhoWholeH word pairsOld- HoldIs- HisIt- HitAt- HatArm- HarmIll- HillAte- HateAs- HasH in the middle of wordsAheadBehaveAnyhowInhaleDownhillDehydrateWholeheartedOverhaulH exerciseHe thought that he should….He thought that he should wash the car.He thought that he should thank his teacher.He thought that he should watch television.He thought that he should use the telephone.He thought that he should shut the door.He thought that he should breathe deeply. (V oiced TH)He thought that he should tell the truth.Henry the hungry hippo, who hogged a huge heap of one hundred hamburgers, has had hiccups for one whole week.Session Eight1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IThe best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.Front V owels: (From high to low)EE - I - AE - EH – A [ i:] [ i ] [ ei ] [ e ] [ æ ]EE - I - AE - EH - AEE - I - AE - EH - AEE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het(nonsense word)A as in HatHeat - Hate - Het - HatBack V owels: (From high to low)OO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO - Uh - Oh - Aw - AhOO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot (nonsense word)Boot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotBoot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotComparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.Heat – HitKeen – KinDeal – DillSeek – SickSeen – SinReap – RipTeal - TillBean –Been (Bean is high. I ate a bean. Been is low. I have been here.)Feed Seen TeenI’ve been buying beans.EE V owel SoundRemember, smile and think high.SeeMeEachEvenKeyGreenTreeVeryHappySoftlyMaryBusyFinallyCountryEE PracticeSpeeding on the FreewayHappily eating cheeseHe and SheSkiing very RapidlyShe sees a monkey eating honey. We see a pony stealing money. Who can he see? It must be me!I V owel SoundBitBillFizzKitchenBuildBiggerChimpFifthListenBusinessFistDisplayFilmingLiveFishDiscussFigFiftyBeenEE and I PracticeThe beans have been cooking since six o’clock. Sit in that seat by the window.We ate our meal, by the mill.The seal will live in the ocean.Tim’s team grinned after seeing the green field. Pip and Pete shipped the sheep cheaply.Those bins are for Bill’s beans.Does Jim still stea l Jill’s jeans?The girls put concrete on Jill’s sneakers.Pick cherries at their peak or you will eat the pits. He hit the baseball and felt the heatHe hit the baseball and felt the heatSession Nine1. Vowel OW2. Vowel AEV owel OThe Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE O V owel SoundOpenOatmealBoldOwnerPhoneColdRobeCoachRotateLoanSlowRoadRoamO PracticeHow did you know that?I don’t know where the hole is on the coat.Does Joe know how to drive on the road?I need to blow my nose when I have a cold.Has it ever snowed in Rhode Island?Cold winds will slowly blow snow over most of Ohio. This low is no joke. So folks, don’t go out without coats! Woke and WontPractice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke = WOW + KWon’t = WOW + ‘NTI want the ball.I won’t give you the ball.She wants to sleep.She woke up.He wants to buy a car.He won’t buy a car.They want to speak with you.He won’t speak with you.V owel AEAgeAidEightAbleChainDateEighteenFakeMadeBabyGainChangeGaveNationDayPaperAngelBasicFaceAE PracticeThe ape gave the trainer a cane.David began shaving when he was eighteen.The rainbow appeared when daylight changed.The baby snake lived in a painted cage.My neighbors basement was changed from blue to beige.Hey, take away the strain! Weigh the gains of a great break with Lazy Day Vacations. Lines are open eight till late. They aim to make your day! The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska NevadaNew Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee TexasUtahVermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Session Ten1. Vowel OO2. Vowel UH3. Vowel EHOO V owel Sound BlueBoothNewsJuiceLoosenRulerFoodChooseMoodMovingLoopKnewToothSmoothPoolMoonShoesZooGrewRoomOO PracticeThe room in the school was very cool.Tuesday at noon in the studio.Viewing the moon on June nights.Do you remember the woman who lived in a shoe?She hadn’t a clue what to do when her fa mily grew.Well, through your help, they are moving in June into two big boots.Double OO words that are pronounced as UHFood has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)UH Vowel Sound (that are spelled with OO)FootTookCookShookStoodGoodLookBookWoolSwooshLower vowel (Uh)Would you help me?Hollywood, CaliforniaWould you please order the wood from Hollywood?Very good!UH Practice (All OO sounds are in boldface, all UH sounds are underlined.)He took a good look under the hood and found a flute.Julie enjoys good books after school.He put his foot in the new boot.She took her students to the brook to wash their shoes.We pulled him out of the swimming pool.The fool ate until he was full.EH V owel SoundsEggGetFriendNextEntranceBetterHealthyLettuceWrenchSpreadBestReadyEveryRedExitCheckFenceHeadsetNecklaceWealthEH PracticeResting on the edge of the bed.Ten letters from the enemy.Dennis will enter the festival.The message was given to the chef.Hello again, fr iends! Let’s do a weather check. Well, whoever said temperatures are getting better, better get ready to spend a wet weekend in Tennessee.Session Eleven1. V owel AU as in Out2. V owel AH as in Top3. V owel A as in HatA V owel SoundDadFaxValueSatHatchJacketTaxiAppleCatchRabbitTackA PracticeThe fat cat wore a jacket.Pack your sack and bring your magnet.He sang about an actor named Jack.AU Vowel SoundThis is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood.Begin this sound with the A sound as in hat…Then, slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA –wn…TA – wnDowntown DowntownAU PracticeNowHouseRoundLoudGownSoundOuchOutFoundSouthOunceReboundMouthBounceFlowerThousandSpoutAU PracticeThe brown couch is downstairs.Her house is on the South side of the mountain.I was proud of the sounds that came out of my mouth.Are VS OurAre (Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our(Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.)Our meeting is in one hour.Think of the word Our as having two syllables.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way). Are/Our Practice SentencesAre you going to our house?Sales are down, but our projections for next year are very good.Our plans will be changing in the next hour.Are you sure that our meeting will be an hour late?AH V owel SoundO words that are pronounced with AHHotTopStopProbablyFollowNotBlobSockMopProductSolveProblemAH Practice (AH sounds are underlined)Bob opened the box and followed the instructions.Tom put some cotton, rocks and a doorknob in his locker.My mom made a concrete model of a hockey rink.Session Twelve1. Tongue TwistersF, W, V oiced ZFuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?V oiced VVincent vowed vengeance very viciously.PPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?SH, S and ZShe sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,I’m sure she sells seashor e shells.W, CH, and Final ConsonantsHow much wood, would a woodchuck chuck,If a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldIf a woodchuck could chuck wood.WWhich witch, wished which wicked wish?While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows with warm washing water.If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?RRoberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.B, BR, and BL blendsBradley’s big black bath brush broke.Bradley’s big black bath brush broke.THTom threw Tim thirteen thumbtacks.He threw three free throws.There are thirty-three thousand birthdays on the third of every month.The father gathered smooth feathers for Thanksgiving.The sixth graders are enthusiastic about Jonathan’s birthday.。
