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主编 李卫平 张 虹
Part I An Introduction to Transportation
Part II Sample Communications
Part III Practical Readings
Part I
An Introduction to Transportation
vital to procurement, manufacturing, and market distribution. Two fundamental
economic principles impact transportation efficiency: economy of scale and economy of distance. To be effective, movement organizations must operate to the set of basic principles: Centralized control; Regulation; Flexibility; Maximum utilization. Operating to these principles will ensure that the best use is made of expensive resources. This will save time and money, make the operation more profitable and help to minimize any potentially harmful effects on the environment.
high price. Water transport occurs on inland waterways and oceans. Though slower
than other modes, this form of movement is also relatively inexpensive. The last decades have also underlined the growing importance of inter-modal / multimodal transportation, which enabled a higher level of integration between modes, mainly
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Transportation is the operational area of logistics that moves goods from a point of origin to ultimate destination. Whether in the form of materials, components, workin-process, or finished goods, the basic value provided by transportation is to move inventory to the next stage of business process. The performance of transportation is
Part I
An Introduction to Transportation
运输是物流的营运范围,是指商品从原产地到最终目的地地理位置上的传 递。不管是原材料、零件、在线产品还是制成品,运输的基本价值体现在将库
存向下一个业务流程的输送。运输作业 对采购、生产与市场分销至关重要。有
两个基本的影响运输效率的经济型原则,即规模经济和距离经济。为了高效起 见,运输部门必须按照一系列的基本原则来运作:集中控制原则,调控原则, 灵活性原则和最大化利用原则。按照这些原则来运营将确保能够对昂贵的资源 进行最佳利用,这将省时省钱、提高运营利润并且有助于把对环境潜在的有害
Part I
An Introduction to Transportation
Part II
Sample Communications
(The following is a conversation between A, a customer of the company and B, the clerk in a logistics company.) A: Good morning, We'd like to send 10 boxes of dinner sets to Los Angeles by sea or by air. I want to know more about the transportation costs for our final decision. B: Ok. There are several modes of transportation to ship your goods to Los Angeles. And many logistics companies are in this line. Each transportation model involves fixed costs and variable costs. Air service costs are higher. If
影响最低化。 是否准确?
Part I
An Introduction to Transportation
The five primary modes of transportation are rail, road, water, air and pipeline. Each has different economic and service characteristics. Rail transport,owing to its high costs in the construction of the infrastructure is normally suitable for carrying bulk cargo over long distances. Road transport offers more flexibility and versatility to the shipper than virtually any other forms of transportation. Pipelines are primarily used to move petroleum, natural gas, and chemicals. For suitable commodities, pipeline is the most efficient mode of transport. They offer a closed system with little risk of loss of or damage to the products moved and extremely low cost. For long distances, air transportation has an obvious advantage for “time sensitive traffic” but at a relatively
through containerization.
Part I
An Introduction to Transportation
五种主要的运输方式包括铁路、公路、水运、空运和管道运输,每种运输方 式都以各自的经济和服务特点为特征。铁路运输基础设施成本高,通常适合于散 装货的长途运输。公路运输比其他运输方式更能为托运人提供机动灵活与多样化 的运输服务。管道运输主要用于石油、天然气或化学物质等的运输。对于合适的
Part I
An Introduction to Transportation
Regulation of business practices is the oldest form of government control. To provide dependable transportation service and to foster economic development, both federal and state governments have actively engaged in economic regulation. For over 100 years, government regulation sought to make transportation equally accessible and economical to all without any discrimination. Regulatory policy has attempted to foster competition among privately owned transportation companies. To encourage economical and widespread transportation supply, government invested in public infrastructure such as highways, airports, waterways, and deep water ports. However, to actually provide transportation service, the government supported and regulated a system of privately owned for-hire carriers.
Part I
An Introduction to Transportation
Due to transportation’s importance to economic growth, governments believed that carriers needed to be regulated to ensure service availability and stability. Availability means that carrier services would be accessible to all business enterprises. Stability means that carriers would be guaranteed sufficient profits to ensure viable long-term operation. Economic regulation generally sought to achieve its goals by controlling entry, rates, and services. In addition, economic regulatory practice treated each method of transport independently. This practice limited carrier ability to develop intermodal relationships and offerings. By 1970, federal economic regulation had reached the point where it affected 100 percent of rail and air ton-miles, 80 percent of pipeline, 43.1 percent of trucking and 6.7 percent of domestic water carriers. The degree of direct government economic regulation began to decline during the 1970s and took a dramatic turn in 1980 with the passage of major deregulatory legislation. The contemporary economic regulatory environment is dominated by free market competition more or less regulated by anti-trust laws.
离运输,航空运输虽然运价相对较高,但对“时间敏感性强的”运输来讲具有明 显的优势。水运指内河航运和海运,尽管水运速度不及其他运输方式,但其运价 相对便宜。近几十年来多式联运发展迅速,它通过集装箱化,能对各种运输方式 进行有效整合。