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(Why Customer satisfaction is important to tourism?)

Abstract:Based on the literature of tourist satisfaction from home and abroad since 1970s,this paper makes a detailed analysis on what customers satisfaction is;why customer satisfaction is important to attractions,sites and

venues.Simultaneously,three cases are used to demonstrated the main idea of this paper.In the end,the author brings up a few comments on how to manage a visitor attraction triumphantly.

Key words :customers satisfaction ;service;tourism

20世纪70年代以来,随着市场竞争的加剧和顾客消费观念的转变,游客满意度(custom satisfaction)这一新型名词逐渐为业者和旅客所重视,并成为衡量一个景区优秀与否的关键性指标。Since the 1970s of the 20th century,as the market competition intensifies and customers' consumption concepts change,customer satisfaction--this new term,which operators and passengers pay more attention on,and become a key measure of a scenic spot whether the best indicator or not.

它直接影响着顾客对某一景区的初步感知(Preliminary perception),旅游意向(the intention of tourism)等等。

同时,各景区大多都以此为据,适时调整自身的营销策略(marketing strategy),提升服务质量(Quality of Service),改善景区环境等等。It has a direct impact on customers to preliminary perception of scenic spots,the intention of

Tourism ,etc.Meanwhile, various scenic spots are based on that and adjust their marketing strategies to enhance the quality of service as well as improve scenic environment.

因此,顾客满意度对于旅游景区的重要性是不言而喻(self-evident)的。本文将以多年来中外理论研究成果和实践经验为依据,对顾客满意度的概念,重要性以及成功案例等进行系统地分析和阐述。Therefore, the importance of customer satisfaction for tourism is self - evident.This article is based on theories of Chinese and foreign research achievements and experience over the years, the concept of customer satisfaction, and the importance of successful cases to conduct a systematic analysis and exposition.

如今,公认的顾客满意度的定义是Nowadays,the widely accepted definition of customer satisfaction is,

customer care is the totality of all the encounters between a supplier and a customer that together combine to enhance the value of the‘ offer ’to that customer.In other words, customer service is the result of the combined impact of all the points of contact between the firm and its customer.而对于顾客满意度的研究和争论却可以追

溯到20世纪60年代早期。However,researches on customer satisfaction and disputes can be traced back to the Early in the 1960s of the 20th century.

卡迪佐(Cardozo R)、米勒(Miller J A)等探查了期望差异( Aspiration Tense)理论,以及产品绩效(Product Performance)在顾客满意度形成过程中的作用,奠定了这一领域

后来的研究基础①②。Cardozo R. Miller J A Miller explorate the theory of Aspiration Tense,and product performance in the formation process of customer satisfaction later laid a solid foundation in this area.

科查克(Kozak M)则总结了游客满意度研究的4种方法,分别是期望差异模型(expectation disconfirmation model)、差异绩效模型(discon—firmation—performance model)、重要性—绩效分析(importance—performance model)和绩效方法(performance approach)③。Kozak M summarizes four research methods of cutomer satisfaction.

值得一提的是现今被广泛使用于饭店、航空公司、国家公园等的游客满意度测评中的SERVQUAL模型。这一模型由帕拉休曼(Parasuraman A)等提出④,后经其改进,由56因子(Factor)、22个测量量表(Measurement scale)所构成⑤。

而在测量的过程中,又产生了对于服务质量(service quality)的概念,即(an inference about the superiority of a product or service based on rational assessment

of characteristics or attributes,or an affective judgement, an emotional response similar to an attitude.)。

What is worth mentioned is now widely applied in hotels, airlines, national parks and other tourist satisfaction evaluation SERVQUAL model.This model proposed by the Parasuraman A and some others proposed, after its improved, 56 factors and the 22 measure scale constitue the model.

