最新六年级英语Forests and land教案

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Module 3 The natural world

Unit 10 Forests and land




1、provide sth. for sb.“为某人提供某物”,例如,They can provide food for us. 他们可以为我们提供膳食。而provide sb. with sth. 意为“提供给某人某物”,跟前一个短语意思差不多,所以前一例句可以改为:They can provide us with food.

2、区别:in the tree 和on the tree. in the tree 指本身不属于树的东西却藏在树里面了,比如人或动物爬到了树上等。而on the tree是指树上本来就有的东西,比如果实、化等。例如:The apples are on the tree. 苹果长在树上。The cat is in the tree.猫在树上。

3、介词with 的用法:1)“用;使用” 。如:They cook food with wood. 他们用木柴烧饭。2)“和…一起”。如:You can go with us. 你可以和我们一起去。3)“带着”。如:The teacher came into the classroom, with a book in her hand.老师手拿一本书走进了教室。

4、cut down 意为“砍伐;砍倒”。如:Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.[谚语]遮荫之树不可伐。

5、lose one’s home “失去家园”。如:Many people lost their homes because of the flood.很多人由于洪灾失去了家园。

6、复习:use sth. to do sth.= use sth for doing sth.

7、区别:look for; find与find out. look for “寻找”,强调动作。Find“找到”,强调结果。find out “查明真相,弄清缘由”,强调经过费时、周折的调查到最后才得到认证的一种结果。

8、get…from…“从…中得到”,如:We get wool from sheep.我们从羊身上获取羊毛。

9、区别:be made of 与be made from. 前者表示产品的原材料可以从产品本身看出来(物理的形状变化),而后者表示产品的原材料无法从产品本身看出来(化学的性质变化)。

10、How does it feel ?感觉它怎么样?此时how 与what …like意思相近。所以前面一句可改为:What does it feel like? 又如:How does it look? = What does it look like?

11、woolen scarf “羊毛围巾”。有时候我们用形容词来表示物体的材料,如:wooden chair 木椅。我们还可以用名词来修饰另一个名词,用来表示材料,如:metal spoon金属调羹;plastic toy塑料玩具;leather shoes 皮鞋

12、a report on the uses of different materials 一份关于不同材料用处的报告。此处on 意为“关于”,比较正式。



I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1) Trees are very ___________for some birds to build their homes. (importance)

2) There are more and more tall ___________in Shanghai recently. (build)

3) In autumn, the ___________ turn yellow and fall off the trees. (leaf)

4) I have some net-friends from other___________. (country)

II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.(用所给动词的适当形式填空)

1) Stella sometimes___________lunch at school.(have)

2) They ___________(visit) Changfeng Park if it___________ (not rain) tomorrow.

3) Where ___________you___________? Tom is looking for you everewhere. (be)

4) Don’t ___________the river.(pollute)

5) People use trees ___________ furniture. (make)

III. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions.(用适当的介词填空)

1) Birds make their homes___________trees.

2) Oceans provide food___________people.

3) In the countryside, some people cook food ___________ wood.
