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第一节(共5小题:每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. Who is the host of the dinner?

A. Frank

B. Paul

C. The woman.

2. Which month is the worst according to the woman?

A. May

B. June

C. July.

3. What will the woman probably do

A. See a doctor.

B. Take some time off work.

C. Continue going to work.

4. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Boss and clerk.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Mother and son.

5. How much more did the woman pay for her wedding dress than her sister?

A. $400

B. $300

C. $100

第二节(共15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5)




6. How did the man know about the CD?

A. He read it in the newspaper.

B. He saw it on TV

C. He listened to it on the radio

7. How will the man pay?

A. By Mastercharge.

B. By American Expense.

C. By Vista


8. How much discount can the bike Tim wanted get?

A. 30%.

B. 20%

C. 10%

9. What does the woman want to buy?

A. Trousers.

B. Skirts.

C. Shoes.


10. What’s the probably relationship between the two speakers?

A. Couple.

B. Colleague

C. Friends.

11. What does man like?

A. Saving money.

B. Reading.

C. Shopping.

12. How much did the woman spend on a t-shirt this month?

A. $15

B. $50.

C. $300.


13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In Billy’s house.

B. In the woman’s house.

C. In the teachers’office.

14. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A. Billy’s study.

B. Billy’s brother.

C. Billy’s homework.

15. In which grade is Billy’s brother now?

A. Junior Two.

B. Junior Three.

C. Senior Two.

16. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. Billy’s brother is bad at English.

B. Billy is very good at biology.

C. Billy never did his homework


17. Which university had the largest number of foreign students last year?

A. New York University.

B. The University of California.

C. The University of Southern California.

18. Which country sent the most foreign students to the United States last year?

A. Japan.

B. China.

C. Korea.

19. What were the most popular subjects for international students last year?

A. Business and management.

B. Engineering and math.

C. Math and computer science.

20. How many students studied engineering?

A. About 100,000.

B. About 75,000.

C. About 66 000.





Something strange happened last month at Billy Earl Dade Middle School in Dallas.

The school—with a student population of nearly 900, about 90 percent from

About 150

low-income families—planned to host its first “Breakfast with Dads”.
