BEC商务英语高级写作 报告Report

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将以上英文描写部分进行串联即可 注意使用部分美观连词

可以加入小标题(如同第一部分),可增 强方向性,并且可让考官清楚地看到此部 分的主要内容
单词拼写有无错误 语法、时态使用是否得当 各段落内容是否包含问题所有内容 字数勿超太多,检查过程中可以做一定删改 尽量保持卷面美观(勿修改过多)
I.Findings: (Sample)
Subject Potential
Ecommerce M-People Reducing Cost
Keep or Not Not
Keep Not Keep
Advantages Might help the new staff Developing Market

Your company’s Training Mnager has asked you to write a short report about the training. Write the report for the Training Manager:

Describing the two courses which you found most useful Explaining how you benefited from them Outlining the specific training courses you would like to attend next year Giving reasons why these courses would be useful to you

2.如何定首尾:Basic Structure

先制定首尾有利于写作的大致方向,根据 在第一部分训练中关于Introduction部分的 模板,写出开始部分
Introduction Part:归纳问题所提主要内容 (如上黑体下划线句子,但必须将句子进 行一定修改),开门见山直接进入正题, 根据问题,此文章开头必须包含两点内容:
Scientific Production-line building Media Publishing Advertisement
Reducing Cost Increasing Efficiency More market share Increasing Profit
在此文章中,既然开头已经订出两个目标, 结尾部分可以作为回应起始部分进行归纳 总结:

培训课不错,应该继续 建议加入的新课程会增加培训课实用性,对员工 和公司都有利
根据上述要点进行简单翻译: The training course should be continued, but it should contain the recommend subjects which would benefit both the employees and company.
出两门课程(因为不实用),二是提 出保留两门课程(电子商务和成本控 制),因为受到启发和有实质性意义
New Subjects Advantages Benefits
Operation Management

According to the training course, Developing Potential and Managing People are specific subjects of Human-Resources which have little help for the Marketing Department. But Electronic Commerce does take me into a new world of selling products. As the high-technology developing, we need to study more in this field because it would be the trend of selling and buying products in the future.
BEC Higher
Writing a report
Business Report
Give a description of the business activities, including buying, selling, services and company’s functions or information about these to someone or some groups. Focus on summarizing the problems and giving solutions.
归纳总结培训课 提出建议或意见


修改前:Summarizing the one-day
training course you have just attended and give advice or recommendations. 修改后:The report is about the one-day course I have attended and raise some feasible recommendations for a better training course.

Advertising is focusing on our market share expansion. Our former advertising only published in the newspaper, which cannot follow the new demand of our new product. We can learn from the subject on how to expand our publishing methods and should make a better profit from now.

写 BEC考试的问题要点描述很清晰,将有助于考 生在写作时根据其问题进行分段描述,如上题, 问题要求四点:
A 描述你认为最有用的两门学科 B 解释你从这两门学科有何收益 C 阐述明年你还想参加何种类型培训 D 解释为何这些培训对你有帮助

斜体字部分基本未第二部分均会出现重复 内容,读题是可以迅速略过 粗体下划线部分为问题的主要内容,需要 认真阅读 从题目可以得出此报告需要考生写一篇关 于人力的文章

中文:你参加的一次培训课程和你对本课 程的意见或建议 英文:Summarizing the one-day training course you have just attended and give advice or recommendations. (此种归纳在问题中有出现类似句子,适 当将其修改即可) 针对题目进行选择发挥

其他表达方式:The aim of the report is to summarize the one-day course and recommend some more subjects for a better one.
Ending Part(Conclusion)
Benefits None
New ideas
Same as None Potential Systematic Solving knowledge cost problems
商务和成本管理课程保留,因为此部 分内容较容易发挥且确实有用。 上述主要观点已经表述,则将此观点 造句即可:

市场类(Marketing):主要指商业活动中 商业交易中的各项行为,如交易、销售、 营销、市场扩展等,目的在于增加企业收 入。题目一般包含市场销售、分公司建设、 会展、开拓业务等内容
Basic Structure
Introduction ... 归纳、总起全文及介绍报告 主要内容 Findings ... 说明问题,阐明问题发生原因 Recommendations ... 分析问题解决方法, 提出建议 Conclusion ... 使用该建议的效果或其他可 能性,归纳全文

Besides, since our department’s cost keeps increasing in the last three years, the course of Reducing Cost should also be kept in the future. After taking the course, I have realized that some of our cost subjects are really a waste of money. This course will guide us into a systematically management of the cost control.


综合管理类(General Management):主 要涉及公司内部管理、协调、运作某组织、 项目等多功能的综合学科,目标是使项目、 企业、组织运转更高效。题目一般包含制 度建设、规章完善、部门建设扩展等内容
பைடு நூலகம்
人力资源(Human Resources):人所具 有的脑力和体力劳动总合,包括管理和协 调其相关内容。题目一般包含公司内部员 工情况、教育发展、晋级、士气等内容

什么最好,有什么好处 Recommendations:提出新课程,为什 么加入新课程,有什么获益

段落一经分好,则可以根据四门课程进行 思考(发掘潜能、电子商务、员工管理、 降低成本),根据题目中的斜体部分,可 以制订出两个表格,Findings和 Recommendations

如何读题:同第一部分,快速浏览相同部 分,选择其中一问题作答 快速归纳问题内容,整理出全文开始部分 (Introduction) 抓住问题要点迅速运用积累知识做出扩展

You have recently attended the following one-day courses: Developing Your Potential Trends in Electronic Commerce Managing People Reducing Costs
B可以作为一段,讲述 已经参加课程的情况,即基本框架中 对应的Findings部分(提出问题,解释 问题)
D可以作为一段,提出对今后培训 课程的更改,即基本框架中对应的 Recommendations部分(提出建议)
由上述内容可以看出,定框架实际就是定文章的 主体部分,则

To earn more and take more market share, I recommend Operation Management and Advertising instead of Developing Potential and Managing People. Operation Management should help our production-line building, which would help us to produce more efficiency and to reduce maintenance cost against the old production-line.