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1) assess 2) attain 3)subsequent 4) prospect 5) arbitrary

Unit 3

6) repatriation 7) fester 8) accommodate 9) token 10) impediment 11) rehabilitation Unit 5

12) impetus

Unit 6

13) commitment 14) dissent 15) successive 16) enterprise 17) retain

Unit 8

18) confiscate 19) atrocity 20) defiance 21) delusion

Unit 9

22) testify 23) rectify 24) consultative 25) bilateral

Unit 10

22) suppress

Unit 11

23) apathy 24) identical 25) stumble 26) impartial

Unit 12

27) stationary 28) intriguing

Unit 13

29) underscore

Unit 14

30) adore

Unit 15

31) augment 32) complement 33) irrespective

Unit 16

34) optimize

Unit 17

35) dogma 36) paralyze 37) approximation


1 Burn the midnight oil

2 fall down on the job

3 hit the books

4 work one’s fingers to the bone

5down to earth 6 put on airs 7 face up to something 8 point one’s finger at someone 9 all or nothing 10 stick to one’s own guns 11 meet sb half way 12 be a copycat 13 cut the apron strings 14 be a yes-man 15 lead somebody by the nose 16 be tough as nails 17 pull oneself together 18 blow up 19 count to ten 20 reach the boiling point 21 give someone the cold shoulder 22 turn one’s back on someone 23 two heads are better than one 24 pool one’s resources

25 have a heart 26 be tight-fisted 27 be in seventh heaven 28 feel blue 29 be on top of the world 30 hit the nail on the head 31 beat around the bush 32 be an old hand at 33 know… like the back of one’s hand 34 be green 35 be not born yesterday

If the World Tourism Organization's forecasts are on target, international tourist arrivals will climb from the present 625 million a year to 1.6 billion in 2020. By this date, travelers will spend over US$ 2 trillion (against US$ 44.5 billion today), making tourism the world's leading industry.


1)今年一季度外贸进出口总值6178.5亿美元(去年同期为6050亿美元), 使中国成为世界最大出口国。

in the first quarter the total import and export was 98.2 billion USD, up 40%

Electronic technology is facilitating this growth by offering access to fare and hotel information and online reservation services. Despite a modest annual growth rate (3.1%), Europe will remain by far the most popular destination (it can expect 717 million international arrivals in 2020, double the 1998 figure), though its market share will decline from 59% to 45%. Growth on the continent will be led by Central and Eastern European countries, where arrivals are expected to increase by 4.8% per year. At the same time, almost half the world's tourists will be coming from Europe. Given this dominance, it is not surprising to find that six European countries among the top ten tourism earners and spenders. The United States holds first place in both categories.

With a 7% per annum growth in international arrivals, the East Asia / Pacific region will overtake the Americas as the second most popular destination, holding a 27% market share in 2020 against 18% by the Americas. But the industry will also be doing its utmost to court the Asian traveler, since East Asia / Pacific is forecast to become the world's second most important generator of tourists, with a 7% annual growth rate, pushing the Americas into third position. China is expected to become the fourth largest source of tourists on the world market, while it is not even among the first twenty today. Both arrivals to and departure from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia are expected to grow by above 5% every year.

While France has held its place as the top destination throughout the 1990s, it will be dethroned in the next decades, with China (excluding Hong Kong) expected to top the list by 2020, even though it is not even featured on it today. Also making an entry into the top ten will be the Russian Federation, Hong Kong, and the Czech Republic.

Despite this growth forecast, tourism is and will remain the privilege of a few; WTO forecasts that only 7% of the world population will travel abroad by 2020.


62. what does the author say is an effect of electronic technology (the world wide web) on tourism?

63. according to the bar graph, in what aspect did the united states lead the world in 1998?

64. the proper words or phrases in the blank should be ________.

65. what big change related to tourism is predicted for china by 2020?

62. it encourages the growth of tourism by making it easier for people to get information about making travel reservations. / offering access to fare and hotel information. / online services, such
