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Letters for Establishing Business Relations


Letter 1

(Importer to Exporter) 进口商写给出口商的信

Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counselor’s Office of your Embassy in London, we come to know your name and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm. 承蒙贵国驻伦敦大使馆商务参赞处的介绍,我方获得贵公司名称,并且很开心能与贵方建交。

We are a leading importer of tablecloth from London. We have excellent connections here of the goods and feel sure we can sell large quantities of your goods if we can get your offers at competitive prices. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present. 我方是伦敦经营桌布的重大进口商,对此产品,我方在此地有良好的人脉,并且确信若我方能以低价获得贵方产品,我方定能销售大量贵方商品。若蒙贵方空邮产品目录和目前可供产品的价格表,我方将不胜感激。

As to our standing, please refer to the Bank of England, London. 有关我方资信情况,请向伦敦英格兰银行查询。

We are looking forward to your favorable and prompt reply. 期待贵方有利和即刻的答复。

Letter 2

Reply to the above letter 回复上封信

We welcome your letter of March 21, and thank you for your interest in our commodities. Your wish of establishing business relations coincides with ours. 欢迎贵方3月21日的来信,感谢贵方对我方产


We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for. Also under separate cover, we are sending you some samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship. By the way, we allow a proper discount according to the quantity ordered. 现随函附上几份我方附有插图的目录及价格表一份,里面包含贵方要求的详情。另外,我方另函邮寄贵方一些样品,其



Thank you again for your interest in our products, and look

forward to your early reply. 再次感谢贵方对我方产品感兴趣,期待贵方早日回复。

Letter 3

( Exporter to Importer) 出口商给进口商的信

We write to introduce ourselves with a view to enter into business relations with you. 我方写信自荐想与贵方建立业务关系。

We learn that you are in the market for Chinese textiles, which just fall within our business scope. We therefore enclose a copy of our latest catalogue covering the details of all the items available at present, and hope some of these items will interest you. It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries for any of the items against which we will send you our lowest quotations. 我方得知贵方想要购买中国纺织品,这正是我



As to our standing, please refer to the Bank of England, London. 有关我方资信情况,请向伦敦英格兰银行查询。

We would highly appreciate your reply at your earliest convenience. 若蒙贵方尽早回复,我方将不胜感激。

Letter 4

Reply to the above letter 回复上封信

We have received your letter of March 21, in which you expressed your desire to enter into business relations with us. This is our desire, too. 贵方3月21日来信,我方已收悉。信中贵方表达了想与我方建交的愿望,这也是我方的愿望。

We have studied your catalogue carefully and are interested in Item 10. We shall be pleased to receive from you the samples and all necessary information regarding the products. Meanwhile, please quote a competitive price. 我方已仔细研究过贵方产品目录,并对贵方第10号商品感兴趣。若蒙贵方邮寄有关该产品的样品及所有必要信息,我方将非常开心。同时,请报有竞争力的价格。

Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. 若贵方价格有竞争力,发货日期可以接受,我方将大量订货。

We look forward to hearing from you soon. 期待贵方早日答复。
