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Unit 2 The Olympic Games

Teach ing aims:

1. Let students learn about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games.

2. Develop studentsf reading ability and let them learn different reading


3. Enable students to learn to talk about the Olympic Games.

4. Arouse student§ great interest in the Olympic Games.

Teach ing importa nt poin ts:

1. Let students learn more about the basic knowledge on the Olympic


2. Get students to learn different reading skills.

Teaching difficult points:

1. Develop students reading ability.

2. Enable students to learn to talk about the Olympic Games.

Teach ing methods:

1. Task-based teaching and learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussion

Teach ing aids: The multimedia

Teach ing procedures:

I. Greeti ngs

II. Lead-i n

1. Show a video of Beiji ng 2008 Olympic mascots to lead in the topic.

2. Do a competitio n about the kno wledge of the Olympic Games.

III. Readi ng

Step 1 Fast read ing

Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.

1. Who talked in the in terview? What are they?

2. Why does the man think the girl must be proud?

Step 2 Detailed readi ng

Read the passage quickly and choose the best an swer to each questi on accordi ng to the text.

1. Why did Pausa nias come to our time?

A. Because he wan ted to be a volun teer.

B. Because he wan ted to lear n someth ing about the moder n Olympic Games.

C. Because he wan ted to write a book about the moder n Olympic Games.

D. Because he wan ted to in terview a Chin ese athlete.

2. Why do many coun tries want to host the Olympic Games?

A. To run faster, jump higher and throw further

B. To get a great honor

C. To make the country famous

D. To make money

3. Where do all the competitors live?

A. A hotel

B. A special village

C. A restaura nt

D. A place hired by competitors

4. The last Olympic Games were held in _______ .

A. Beiji ng

B. Atla nta

C. Athe ns

D. Syd ney

5. How did Pausanias feelwhen he learned that all countries could take part in the

moder n Olympic Games?

A. Surprised

B. Excited

C. Proud

D. Upset

Step 3 Skimmi ng

2. Accordi ng to the chart you just filled in, tell the mai n idea of the in terview.

Step 4 Summary

Please complete the passage with proper words.

The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two ____ of Olympic Games. One is the summer Olympics, the other is the Win ter

Olympics. Both of them are held every four years. All countries can take part if their

athletes reach the __________ t o be ________ t o the games. Women are not only

allowed to join in but play an ______________ r ole. A special village is built for

the ________ t o live in, a main ________ build ing, several stadiums for competiti


a gymnasium as well. It ' asgreat ___________

b ut also a great honour to host the

Olympics. It ' just as much a competition to host the Olympics as to win Olympic . The

s still about olive wreath has bee n _________________________ by medals. But it

being able to run faster, jump______ and throw _________ .

IV. Post-readi ng

1. Discussi on

Is being the host of the Olympic Games good or bad?

2. Enjoy a song

V . Homework

Surf the In ternet to find more in formatio n about Olympic Games. You are

expected to share it with your classmates in the next class.
