



Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Hale Waihona Puke Active Vocabulary and Passive Vocabulary Question: According to the passage, what is active vocabulary and passive vocabulary respectively?
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading

Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Questions about the Song
1. How many years have you been learning English? 2. What do you think of yourself as far as English learning is concerned? Are you satisfied with the progress you have made? Why or why not?

Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Discussion 1) Do you think it useful to learn English with the help of some strategies? 2) What strategies do you think can be employed in English learning?



▪ 4. delivery n. 1)投递,送交;2)投递的邮件,发送的 货物;3)分娩;4)讲话的方式,演讲风格
▪ ----- Please pay on delivery.
▪ Phr. cash on delivery 货到付现金

take delivery (of sth.) 收到某物

delivery note 货单
▪ 8. echo n.回音,回声,共鸣 vi.发出回声,产生回响 vt. 模仿,重复,附和
▪ ----- They echoed their leader’s every word.
▪ ----- He has no original opinion; he is just his brother’s echo.
▪ Phr. echo sth. (back) (指地方)传回回声

echo to/ with sth. (指地方)产生回声
▪ ----- The valley echoed (back) his song.
▪ ----- The hills echoed to the sound of their laughter.
----- He always wears a sour expression.
▪ acid表示讽刺、刻薄或严厉的批评。 ----- an acid remark ----- I read an acid comment on the political situation.
Book4 Unit One By Miranda
▪ Phr. the company one keeps 经常与之为伍的人;伙伴

大学英语精读课件 [上册]Unit OnePPT幻灯片

大学英语精读课件 [上册]Unit OnePPT幻灯片
2. fluke n. something resulting from a fortunate accident; lucky stroke侥幸的结果;侥幸
1. doughnut n..炸面圈 2. cliché n. idea or expression that has been too much used
and is now outdated; stereotyped phrase; trite expression 陈腔滥调 3. scrutinize v..make a detailed examination of 细查,详审; 审视
[ 3 ] "Your abilities count," explain① of Carnegie Mellon University② in Pittsburgh③, "but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will." In part ﹡, that's because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways.
Unit One
You Are What You Think
1. Text 2. Exercises 3. Supplementary Reading
You Are What You Think
And if you change your mind— from pessimism to optimism—you



Foster Care
Children who are removed from their parents’ or legal guardian’s 监 护 人 homes are cared for in out-of-home placement settings such as foster care homes, group residential homes, residential care facilities or with a family member.
Say Yes to Life, and Say No to Drug
“Illicit非法的 drugs destroy innumerable individual lives and undermine 破 坏 our societies. Confronting正视 the illicit trade in drugs and its effects remains a major challenge for the international community."
2. Illegal drug trade and drug dealer
For some drugs, large-scale ( 大 规 模 ) drug production is not usually located in developed countries where those drugs are illegal -- rather, those drugs are often manufactured or harvested in developing nations where corruption(腐败) and instability(不稳定) allows producers to operate with minimal interference from law enforcement agencies(执法机构).



• Stock 库存 out of / in stock 脱销/仍有库存
• Surplus stock / excess inventory 库存过多
• At cost 以成本价

You can buy the wines at cost.

• The hungry market
• 支持呼吁 ~(for sb./sth.)
• The opportunity of a lifetime 千载难逢的好机 会
• Pass by • I can’t bear to / I can’t stand to • Miss the chance
• With a vengeance 变本加厉的;猛烈地 • After a good rest the workers set to work with a vengeance
enroll enrollment enrollee
Freshmen -- sophomore –junior--- senior--bachelor-- graduate student –master--doctoral student--doctor (Dr.)
Spending money 零花钱=pocket moneya ~ of
• Plead : v. pleaded/pled
• 恳求 ~ (with sb.)(for sth.) ~ to do
• 答辩,抗辩:to ~ of guilty/not guilty
• 找 理由,借口(n passive) ~ sth.(for sth.)
person’s appearance , character ,opinion…… ) Eg. Try to avoid making ~ remarks. Personnel 全体职员 员工 [pl.]



Detailed Reading
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
After Reading
Detailed Reading
Word Study Difficult Sentences Important Words
Word Study
• 1. strategy n. • (1)-- 战略学,兵法
• eg:他又问了她一个问题,仅仅是为了延长谈话时间。
• He asked her another question just to prolong the conversation.
• Many superstitious people believe that this medicine can prolong life.
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
After Reading
Before Reading
How many years have you been
learning English?
What do you think of yourself as far as
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading
After Reading
Unit 1 Some Strategies for Learning English
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading


完成伟大的事业不在于体力, 而在于坚韧不拔 的毅力。
--- 英国作家和评论家 S. 约翰逊
Text Analysis
Text Structure: 3 minutes to scan the text and
finish the following part.
Part I: Para ___1___
Background Information
1) Read the “Want Ads” in newspapers or on the Internet for suitable vacancies(空缺);
A Want Advertisement
Background Information
1. Types of Schools in Britain
Children's education in England is normally divided into two separate stages. They begin with primary education at the age of five and this usually lasts until they are eleven. Then they move to secondary schools, where they stay until they reach sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years of age.
cooperative skills …
Warm-up Activity
3. What are the disadvantages for college students to take a parttime job?

现代大学英语精读lesson0000 共22页PPT资料

现代大学英语精读lesson0000 共22页PPT资料
Massage produces wonderful ~s. After the accident he could feel no ~ in his arm. The moon-landing in 1969 caused a worve unsteadily from side to side; walk with unsteady steps as a result of weakness, intoxication or the carrying of a heavy load, etc.
3. Katie’s knowledge and presence of mind impressed…
presence of mind: the ability to act calmly, quickly and wisely in conditions of sudden danger or surprise
chicken. der. nauseate, nauseous
a feeling or sense; an emotion; strong stimulation, powerful emotion; a state of intense interest or excitement among a large group of people
e.g. to ~ around like a drunk The economy is ~ing from crisis to crisis. The troops ~ed under severe gunfire. a risk-taking boldness that ~s others * syn. reel; totter

大学英语精读第四册unit 5 PPTPPT课件

大学英语精读第四册unit 5 PPTPPT课件

11. humanely conveyed: tenderly or kindly make known to the patients. convey: make known, communicate express eg: I can't convey my feelings in words.
➢Spot Dictation & Summary Writing
➢Proverbs & Quatations
Warm-up Questions
❖ Have you ever been to hospital? What did you think of the doctor’s attitude?
To Lie or Not to Lie--- The Doctor's Dilemma
➢Warm-up Activities
➢Background Information
➢Global Analysis
➢Detailed Study( Words& Phrases)
➢Useful Expressions
பைடு நூலகம்
18. leave in the dark: keep uninformed
eg: Peter kept his parents in the dark about his bad examination results.
He said nothing, leaving me in the dark about his plans.
❖Suppose you are a doctor, what’s your choice: to tell a lie or to tell the truth about your patients?

大学英语精读第三版第册 PPT

大学英语精读第三版第册 PPT

Useful expressions
▪ Plastic surgery ▪ 整形外科
▪ The Making of a Hero
▪ 城镇居民 ▪ 紧急呼叫 ▪ 松懈(努力) ▪ 念叨过去
▪ 钢铁就是怎样炼成得 ▪ City residents
▪ Emergency call
▪ Relax one’s efforts ▪ Dwell on the past
Text interpretation
▪ Answer the questions
Ⅱ prehension 2 on p、144
▪ What type is the text, generally?
A、 narration B、 exposition C、 description D、 argumentation
1. I asked myself the question: What makes a surgeon? 2. The answer, I concluded, was self-confidence、 3. During the first months I was diffident and indecisive、 4. In the last month I grew confident and decisive、 5. In the operating room I was equally confident、 6. Nor was I afraid of making mistakes、 7. A surgeon needs conceit to encourage himself、
▪ More words on pp 147-8
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8.n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向;奔跑的路程 9.In the long run, a richer Mexico means a richer and more secure United States. 10.从长远看,一个富有的墨西哥就意味着一个富有 且更无忧的美国。
细菌耐药与抗菌药物的合理应用施光 峰上海 复旦大 学人寿 保险基 本法宣 导部经 理基本 法课标 研教材 是集体 备课的 主要内 容是高 效课堂 的基础 高校基 建管理 相关法 规培训 七年级 生物下 册第七 章第一 节分析 人类活 动破坏 生态环 境的实 例期权 定价与 动态无 套利
细菌耐药与抗菌药物的合理应用施光 峰上海 复旦大 学人寿 保险基 本法宣 导部经 理基本 法课标 研教材 是集体 备课的 主要内 容是高 效课堂 的基础 高校基 建管理 相关法 规培训 七年级 生物下 册第七 章第一 节分析 人类活 动破坏 生态环 境的实 例期权 定价与 动态无 套利
细菌耐药与抗菌药物的合理应用施光 峰上海 复旦大 学人寿 保险基 本法宣 导部经 理基本 法课标 研教材 是集体 备课的 主要内 容是高 效课堂 的基础 高校基 建管理 相关法 规培训 七年级 生物下 册第七 章第一 节分析 人类活 动破坏 生态环 境的实 例期权 定价与 动态无 套利
vt. 包括;采访,报导;涉及 Newspapers offer information, and they also cover a variety of topics. 报纸给我们提供信息,包含各种类型的主题。
n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物 Usually this reaction is valuable, leading us to take cover if we hear gunfire. 通常这种反应是很有用的。听到枪声,它引导我们寻找掩护;
Tne.r d地aod点ceaser os vt. 认出pré;-r弄eq脏ui;sit用os灯光照射
da vaga
adv. 准确地;恰好
Ter a percepção vi. 沾上ad污doe渍qpue;arfdi满la 是斑点
Conhecer os adrej.q现uis场piteo的lsa;eásr现epae货ra买do卖s的
The figure under the listing for spot rate selling is the one you want . 在现货兑换率卖出的编目底下的那个数字就是您所需要的数字。
He knows how to spot genial smiles on the audience. 他知道怎样向观众们投送亲切的微笑。
细菌耐药与抗菌药物的合理应用施光 峰上海 复旦大 学人寿 保险基 本法宣 导部经 理基本 法课标 研教材 是集体 备课的 主要内 容是高 效课堂 的基础 高校基 建管理 相关法 规培训 七年级 生物下 册第七 章第一 节分析 人类活 动破坏 生态环 境的实 例期权 定价与 动态无 套利
Asia is a bright spot in an otherwise darkening outlook for the world economy. 目前全球其他地区经济前景展望黯淡,而亚洲却是一个亮点。
The changing patterns, buried beneath the headline figures, are very hard to spot. 正在改变的格局眼藏在大标题的数据之下,很难发现。
细菌耐药与抗菌药物的合理应用施光 峰上海 复旦大 学人寿 保险基 本法宣 导部经 理基本 法课标 研教材 是集体 备课的 主要内 容是高 效课堂 的基础 高校基 建管理 相关法 规培训 七年级 生物下 册第七 章第一 节分析 人类活 动破坏 生态环 境的实 例期权 定价与 动态无 套利
细菌耐药与抗菌药物的合理应用施光 峰上海 复旦大 学人寿 保险基 本法宣 导部经 理基本 法课标 研教材 是集体 备课的 主要内 容是高 效课堂 的基础 高校基 建管理 相关法 规培训 七年级 生物下 册第七 章第一 节分析 人类活 动破坏 生态环 境的实 例期权 定价与 动态无 套利
vi. 覆盖;代替 Can you cover for me on Friday? 星期五能不能请你替我顶班?
细菌耐药与抗菌药物的合理应用施光 峰上海 复旦大 学人寿 保险基 本法宣 导部经 理基本 法课标 研教材 是集体 备课的 主要内 容是高 效课堂 的基础 高校基 建管理 相关法 规培训 七年级 生物下 册第七 章第一 节分析 人类活 动破坏 生态环 境的实 例期权 定价与 动态无 套利
2.vi. 经营;奔跑;运转 3.Executives would linger in the halls, hoping to run into him. 4.高级职员们会在大厅里徘徊,希望能够撞见他。
5.vt. 管理,经营;运行;参赛 6.The army believes it must stay in power because no other force can hold the country together and run it competently. 7.军队认为自己必须掌握国家大权,因为别的力量 都无力保持国家的完整并完全掌控它。
Phrase of run:
-in the long run 长远;终究 -long run adj. 长期的 n. 最后 -run away 逃跑;失控 -run out 用完;耗尽;跑出;到期;伸向 -run into 遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇见 -in the short run 从短期看,在不久的将来 -run out of 用完 -run counter to 违反;与…背道而驰 -run off 逃跑;印出;流掉;进行决赛