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合校 1.Darrow School, an independent, co-ed, boarding and day school in New Lebanon, NY, offers a comprehensive college-preparatory curriculum within an atmosphere that supports the pursuit of intellectual curiosity, individual creativity, and the joy of learning. The School has been recognized as a pioneer in the field of “hands-on learning,” and Darrow teachers use real-world topics and a dynamic approach to make the subject matter come alive. Darrow’s small classes, averaging nine students, afford everyone the chance to participate. Head of School Nancy Wolf says, “Because Darrow is a small boarding school, there is an opportunity for strong connections between students and teachers. Teachers get to know students well, and expectations are high. They push students to do their best in classes, athletics, and co-curricular activities.”

Year Founded 1932

Campus Size 365 acres

Yearly Tuition (Boarding Students) $45,600

Yearly Tuition (Day Students) $26,000

Percent Students on Financial Aid 30%

Application Deadline None / Rolling

SSAT Required No

Acceptance Rate 65%

学校简介Darrow达罗中学是一所独立的混合教育学校, 座落于纽约州的New Lebanon, 提供寄宿和走读学习. 学校的大学预备课程充分而完善, 学校的氛围支持学生的好奇心, 个人创造性和寓乐于学. Darrow学校被确认为动手教育的先锋. 学校教师使用真实世界中的主题和充满活力的方式让教学活起来. Darrow学校平均9人的小班教学让每名学生都有机会参与.

美国达罗高中(Darrow School)简介/

Darrow School(达罗中学/高中/学院),创立于1932年,位于纽约学校具有历史意义的Mt. Lebanon Shaker Village,是一所男女合校的私立走读寄宿制中学,学校一直保持着美国夏克尔式的风俗遗产。达罗中学重视培养学生批判性的思维模式和良好的写作能力,学生在一个快乐的学习氛围中,被激发起对知识的好奇心和创造的热情。学校的教师用世界性的话题和活动教学法使课堂生动起来。达罗中学提供小班授课,平均每班只有9人,为每一个学生提供了参与教学活动的机会。这是一个小规模的寄宿学校,有着1:4的师生比例。所以老师就有机会和学生进行深入的交流,可以更了解每个学生,帮助他们在课堂上和课外的各种活动中表现出最好的自己。2005年被国家独立学校联合会授予学术创新领导奖。提供一系列的大学预备课程, 包括写作、文学、历史、语言、数学、自然和艺术等。


2. EF International Academy New York is a unique boarding school in Tarrytown, New York. EF International Academy is an IB World School with students from 40 difference countries

3. 女校 Since 1814, Emma Willard School has been one of the nation’s leading college-preparatory boarding and day schools for young women. At Emma Willard, every possible resource is dedicated to developing in its students the values and skills that form the foundation of a life of accomplishment, leadership, and fulfillment. These include a love for the life of the mind, a commitment to service, courage and confidence, grace and creativity, and collaboration and friendship.

Year Founded 2005 Campus Size 25 acres Enrollment 300

Average Class Size



Yearly Tuition (Boarding Students) $36,900 Yearly Tuition (Day Students) $27,300 Tuition international students $36,900 Tuition 5 day boarding

$36,900 Percent Students on Financial Aid 25% Average Financial Aid Grant $5,000 Merit Scholarships Offered Yes

Application Deadline Mar. 31 / rolling SSAT Required


Year Founded 1814 Campus Size 137 acres



Average Class Size 12 Teacher : Student Ratio 1:5 # of AP/Advanced Courses Offered


Yearly Tuition (Boarding Students) $41,550 Yearly Tuition (Day Students) $26,500 Percent Students on Financial Aid 53% Average Financial Aid Grant

