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中文英文消费偏好preference of consumption

1 产业结构industrial structure 多样性消费diverse consumption

2 产业政策industrial policy 购买力purchasing power

3 产业发展industrial development 规模报酬递增increasing returns to scale

4 财政政策fiscal policy 技术进步technology progress

5 货币政策monetary policy 所有权结构structure of ownership

6 第一、第二、第三产业primary/secondary/tertiary industry 有形产品tangible goods

7 产业结构调整industry structural adjustment 无形产品intangible goods

8 劳动、资本、技术密集型产

labor/capital/technology intensive industry 信息information

9 产业结构演进evolution of industrial structure 信息不对称information asymmetry

10 产业结构演进模式evolutionary pattern of industrial structure 信息不完全incomplete information

11 优化产业结构optimizing the industrial structure 游戏规则game rule

12 瓶颈产业bottleneck industry 制度安排institution arrangement

13 支柱产业mainstay industry 专业化经济程度degree of economies of specializati

14 产业结构升级industrial structure upgrading 资本、劳动比capital--labor ration

15 基础设施产业infrastructure industry 广告advertising

16 自然垄断产业natural monopoly industry 反托拉斯antitrust

17 战略性调整strategic restructuring 配置效率allocative efficiency

18 国内需求domestic demand 价格歧视price discrimination

19 技术升级technological upgrading 掠夺性定价predatory pricing

20 城市化进程urbanization process 限制性定价limit pricing

21 经济增长方式the ecnomic growth mode 兼并merger

22 知识经济knowledge economy 讨价还价bargaining

23 多元化战略diversified strategy 沉淀成本sunk costs

24 产业组织industrial organization 转换成本switching costs

25 市场结构market structure 交易成本transaction costs

26 市场行为market conduct 市场份额market share

27 市场绩效market performance 芝加哥学派Chicago School

28 “结构—行为—绩效”范式"strcture-conduct-performance" paradigm 市场集中度market concentration rate

29 进入壁垒entry barrier 集中度指数concentration indices

30 优势企业dominant firm 排他性交易exclusive dealing

31 新进入者new entrant 博弈games

32 交易费用transaction cost 政府干预government intervention

33 衰退产业declining industries 产品兼容product compatibility

34 公平fairness 价格战price wars

35 搭便车者free riders 产品创新production innovation

36 弱小企业infant firms 市场信誉market reputation

37 横向一体化horizontal integration 搭配销售tie--in sales

38 纵向一体化vertical integration 专利保护patent protection

39 产品多样性product variety 反托拉斯政策antitrust policy

40 企业规模firm size 高技术产业high--tech industry

41 产品差异性product differentiation 强强联合association between strong enterpr

42 垄断monopoly 科技兴农promote agriculture by applying sci advances

43 竞争competition 经济全球化economic globalization

44 垄断集团monopoly group 世界贸易组织WTO(world trade organization)

45 垄断利润monopoly profit 世界经济秩序international economic order

46 垄断价格monopoly price 规模经济economies of scale

47 垄断组织monopoly organization 范围经济economies of scope

48 跨国公司transnational corporation 企业家entrepreneur

49 完全竞争perfect competition 破产bankruptcy

50 垄断竞争monopolistic competition 价格卡特尔price cartels

51 寡头垄断oligopoly 合谋collusion

52 规模经济economies of scale 市场规模market size

53 政府管制regulation 市场秩序market order
