
荧光屏衍射斑点的排列反映了试样表面原子的二 维排列,由斑点间距、电子波长可知原子间距。
不断改变入射电子的能量(波长),荧光屏上某 斑点的强度随入射电子能量的变化曲线---”强度 特性“、”亮度特性“、I—V或I—E曲线反映二、 三层原子二维排列、层间距离、层间原子相对位 置、吸收原子和基体原子间相对位置信息。
试样位于O点,以O为圆心、1/λ为半径作爱氏球, 与入射线相交于O*,过O*作与试样表面平行的二维倒 易点阵,过二维阵点作垂线垂直于二维点阵面,垂线能 与爱氏球相交的倒易点所代表的点阵列满足衍射条件。 衍射方向为O至交点方向。
低能电子衍射以半球形荧光屏(接收极)接收信息。 荧光屏上显示的衍射花样由若干衍射斑点(衍射
线与荧光屏的交点)组成; 每一个斑点对应于样品表面一个晶列的衍射,亦
即相应于一个倒易点,因而低能电子衍射花样是 样品表面二维倒易点阵的投影像。 荧光屏上与倒易原点对应的衍射斑点(00)处于入 射线的镜面反射方向上。
同理:d0k= r λ b*
说明:荧光屏(投影面)上斑点图像为二维倒 易点阵的放大像,放大倍数为r λ 。测出的斑点 间距除以r λ ,得到二维倒易点阵a*、 b*,由 此可求出a、b及表面点阵排列。
低能电子衍射的厄瓦尔德图解 (a)电子束正入射 (b)电子束斜入射
1-电子枪阴极 2-聚焦杯 3-样品 4-接收器


2d sin θ = nλ
倒易晶格 reciprocal lattice
真实基矢 倒易基矢
av1 ~ av2
av1* ~ av2*
真实基矢 倒易基矢
b1 ~ b2
v b2
av1* ⋅ av1 = av2* ⋅ av2 = 1 av1* ⋅ av2 = av2* ⋅ av1 = 0
Ewald Sphere 厄华德球
A' B' = r sin θ = r a * = rλa * 1λ
E1 > E2 > E3
入射电子能量的影响 (00)点位置不变
LEED Patterns from Cu(110)
(4x2) c(4x2)
a2* is parallel to a2
⇒ The angle, A, between a1 a1* is 0 The angle, A , between a2 a2* is 0
⇒ | a1*| = 1 / | a1 |
| a2*| = 1 / | a2 |
⇒ If | a1 | = 1 unit, | a1*| = 1 unit
⇒ | b1 | = 2| a1 | = 2units; | b1*| = ½ unit | b2 | = 2| a2 | = 2units; | b2*| = ½unit
1. | b1 | = | b2 | = √2 units; | b1*| = | b2*| = 1/ √2 units 2. rotated by 45°
低能电子衍射(LEED) Low Energy Electron Diffraction

(1)由于电子波波长很短,一般只有千分之几nm, 按布拉格方程2dsin=可知,电子衍射的2角很小(一 般为几度),即入射电子束和衍射电子束都近乎平行 于衍射晶面。
由衍射矢量方程(s-s0)/=r*,设K=s/、K=s0/、 g=r*,则有
此即为电子衍射分析时(一般文献中)常用的衍射矢 量方程表达式。
立方晶系多晶体电子衍射标定时应用的关 系式:R21:R22:…:R2n=N1:N2:…:Nn 在立方晶 系单晶电子衍射标定时仍适用,此时R=R。 单晶电子衍射花样标定的主要方法为: 尝试核算法 标准花样对照法
“180不唯一性”或“偶合不唯一性”现象的产生,根 源在于一幅衍射花样仅仅提供了样品的“二维信息”。
通过样品倾斜(绕衍射斑点某点列转动),可获得另一晶带 电子衍射花样。而两个衍射花样组合可提供样品三维信息。
通过对两个花样的指数标定及两晶带夹角计算值与实测 (倾斜角)值的比较,即可有效消除上述之“不唯一性”。
式中:N——衍射晶面干涉指数平方和,即 N=H2+K2+L2。
对于同一物相、同一衍射花样各圆环而言,(C2/a2) 为常数,故按式(8-7),有
设样品至感光平面的距离为L(可称为 相机长度),O与P的距离为R,

电 子 束
将能量为5~500eV范围的单色电子入 射于样品表面,通过电子与晶体相互作用,一 部分电子以相干散射 相干散射的形式反射 反射到真空中, 相干散射 反射 所形成的衍射束进入可移动的接收器进行 强度测量,或者再被加速至荧光屏,给出 可观察的衍射图像。
入射电子在样品内只可能受到不多于一次 的散射; 入射电子波在样品内传播的过程中,强度 的衰减可以忽略,即衍射波强度始终远小 于入射波强度,否则衍射波会发生较为显 著的再次衍射。
电子束( ~ 电子束(5~500eV) ) 倾斜度大约 1゜~2゜ ゜ ゜
பைடு நூலகம்
TiS2会聚束电子衍射带轴图样 会聚束电子衍射带轴图样
NiAl多层模的组织形貌(a),大范围衍射花样 , 多层模的组织形貌( ),大范围衍射花样(b), ),大范围衍射花样 多层模的组织形貌 单个晶粒的选区衍射(c) 单个晶粒的选区衍射
——LEED(low energy electron diffraction)
1927年,C.J.戴维孙和L.H.革末在观察镍 单晶表面对能量为100电子伏的电子束进行 散射时,发现了散射束强度随空间分布的不连 续性,即晶体对电子的衍射现象。
当电子波(具有一定能量的电子)落到晶 体上时,被晶体中原子散射,各散射电子 波之间产生互相干涉现象。晶体中每个原 子均对电子进行散射,使电子改变其方向 和波长。

透射电子显微镜技术是一种利用透射 电镜观察物质内部微细结构的方法, 具有高分辨率和高放大倍数的特点。 随着科技的不断进步,透射电子显微 镜技术的应用范围越来越广泛,在材 料科学、生物学、医学等领域得到广 泛应用。
例如,在材料科学领域,透射电子显 微镜技术可用于研究材料的晶体结构 和相变行为,为新材料的开发和优化 提供有力支持。在生物学领域,透射 电子显微镜技术可用于研究细胞器和 生物大分子的结构和功能,为生命科 学和医学研究提供新的视角。
电子显微镜的放大倍数较高,能够观察到非常细微的结构细节,是研究物质结构和 形貌的重要工具之一。
电子源是电子显微镜中的核心部件之一,它能够产生用于观察和成像的 电子束。
电子源通常由加热阴极、栅极和加速电极等部分组成,通过加热阴极使 得电子逸出并经过栅极和加速电极的调制和加速,形成用于成像的电子
电子衍射可以揭示细胞内部的超微 结构,有助于理解细胞的生理和病 理过程。
电子衍射可以用于研究固体表面 的晶体结构和化学组成,对表面 改性和催化等应用具有指导意义
通过电子衍射可以分析表面应力 状态,有助于理解表面行为的物
电子衍射可以研究表面吸附分子 的结构和反应活性,对表面化学 和工业催化等领域有重要意义。
高能电子衍射技术是一种利用高能电子束进行物质结构分析的方法,具有高分辨 率和高灵敏度的特点。随着科技的不断进步,高能电子衍射技术的应用范围越来 越广泛,在材料科学、生物学、医学等领域发挥着重要作用。
例如,在材料科学领域,高能电子衍射技术可用于研究材料的微观结构和晶体取 向,为新材料的开发和优化提供有力支持。在生物学领域,高能电子衍射技术可 用于研究生物大分子的结构和功能,为药物设计和疾病治疗提供新的思路。

低能电子衍射Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

低能电子衍射(LEED) 低能电子衍射
Low Energy Electron Diffraction
为精确计算LEED谱的细节, 为精确计算LEED谱的细节,除需要从理论上计算晶体原子对 LEED谱的细节 低能电子的散射外,还要考虑多次散射, 低能电子的散射外,还要考虑多次散射,非弹性碰撞及温度 效应等问题.考虑多重散射的理论称为动力学理论. 效应等问题.考虑多重散射的理论称为动力学理论. 这些问题是很复杂的,必须做一些假定才能简化计算, 这些问题是很复杂的,必须做一些假定才能简化计算,并得 到和实际相近的结果.由于动力学的复杂性, 1980年前后 年前后, 到和实际相近的结果.由于动力学的复杂性,到1980年前后, 只有大约一百多种表面结构被确定. 只有大约一百多种表面结构被确定.
低能电子衍射图形提供的只是有关表面周期性的信息, 低能电子衍射图形提供的只是有关表面周期性的信息,即元 格的大小和形状,他不能给出有关原子的位置. 格的大小和形状,他不能给出有关原子的位置.表面层与衬 底之间的距离和有关元格中原子分布的信息. 底之间的距离和有关元格中原子分布的信息 . 例如在立方 001)面上形成C( C(2 结构时, (001) 面上形成 C(2×2) 结构时 , 表层原子相对衬底可以有四 种不同的位置, 种不同的位置,而表层与衬底顶层的间距则取决于表层原子 取何种位置. 取何种位置.
低能电子衍射(LEED),利用能量较低的电子束(20-500eV) ,利用能量较低的电子束 低能电子衍射 进行电子衍射的技术.是将能量为5~ 进行电子衍射的技术.是将能量为 ~500eV范围的单色电 范围的单色电 子入射于样品表面,通过电子与晶体相互作用 通过电子与晶体相互作用,一部分电子以 子入射于样品表面 通过电子与晶体相互作用 一部分电子以 相干散射的形式反射到真空中, 相干散射的形式反射到真空中,所形成的衍射束进入可移动 的接收器进行测量,或者被加速至荧光屏, 的接收器进行测量,或者被加速至荧光屏,给出可观察的衍 射图像. 射图像. LEED已成为表面原子结构实验研究的标准手段. 已成为表面原子结构实验研究的标准手段. 已成为表面原子结构实验研究的标准手段 LEED在表面研究中的功用:5个 在表面研究中的功用: 个 在表面研究中的功用 研究表面结构的LEED实验分两类:一类实验所的信息是电 实验分两类: 研究表面结构的 实验分两类 子弹性相干散射形成的衍射图样, 图样. 子弹性相干散射形成的衍射图样, LEED图样.另一类实验 图样 得到I-V曲线 称为低能电子衍射谱. 曲线, 得到 曲线,称为低能电子衍射谱.

Aims previous | next On completion of this TLP you should:∙Understand why the spots on an electron diffraction pattern appear where they do.∙Know how to index a diffraction pattern from a sample with a known lattice.Introduction:Electrons can act as waves as well as particles; this is a consequence of quantum mechanics. A series of electrons hitting an object is exactly equivalent to a beam of electron waves hitting the object and it produces a diffraction pattern in the same way as a beam of X-rays does.The two important differences between electron and X-ray diffraction are that (1) electrons have a much smaller wavelength than X-rays, and (2) the sample is very thin in the direction of the electron beam (of the order of 100 nm or less) - it has to be thin so that enough electrons can get through to form a diffraction pattern without being absorbed. These factors conspire to have a fortunate effect on the Ewald sphere construction (see The Ewald sphere in the X-ray Diffraction TLP) and diffraction pattern:1. The thin sample makes the reciprocal lattice points longer in thereciprocal direction corresponding to the real-space dimension in which the sample is thin:It should be noted that there is not necessarily always a particular plane oriented like this. However, it is usual for identification of crystallinephases in a sample to orient the sample so that the electron beam isparallel to a low index lattice direction, as this makes the electrondiffraction pattern easier to interpret.2. The small electron wavelength makes the radius of the Ewald spherevery large (recall its radius is 1/λ). The small electron wavelength alsomakes the diffraction angles θ small (1-2°); this can be seen bysubstituting a wavelength of 2.51 x 10-12 m into the Bragg equation (see The Bragg law in the X-ray Diffraction TLP).These make the Ewald sphere diagram look like this so that whole layers of the reciprocal lattice end up projected onto the film or screen:Note that the large (strong) spot in the middle is the straight-through beam (the beam which has passed through the sample without diffracting). This always has the index 000.Caution 1: systematic (kinetic) absences appear in electron diffraction patterns just as in X-ray diffraction patterns, for the same reason: the various features of the lattice or motif diffract electrons in the same direction but the phase factors from the various features cancel, leaving an absence.Caution 2: sometimes where there should be a systematic absence, the spot appears to be still there. This is because of the strong interaction between electrons and atoms: there is a small but significant probability that an electron will be diffracted twice, from two planes one after another - i.e. in two different reciprocal lattice directions one after another. These two directions can add up so that the twice-diffracted electron may arrive at a position in reciprocal space where there is a systematic absence. As an example, the diagram below is a schematic of the [011] electron diffraction pattern of silicon: the 200 type reflections are systematically absent. The intensity at the 200 reflections is caused by double diffraction (arising from the addition of the two reciprocal lattice vectors shown). Thus, in words, intensity can occur in the 200 reflectionfrom, firstly, diffraction from the 11planes, followed by, secondly, difraction by the 1 1 planes as the electron wave passes throught the specimen.Mathematics relating the real space to the electron diffraction patternThe distance, r hkl , on the pattern between the spot hkl and the spot 000 is related to the interplanar spacing between the hkl planes of atoms, d hkl , bythe following equation:(Derivation )where L is the distance between the sample and the film/screen.We can therefore say that the diffraction pattern is a projection of thereciprocal lattice with projection factor L , because reciprocal lattice vectors have length 1/d hkl .Relation 2Since the diffraction pattern is a projection of the reciprocal lattice, the angle between the lines joining spots h 1k 1l 1 and h 2k 2l 2 to spot 000 is the same as the angle between the reciprocal lattice vectors [h 1k 1l 1]* and [h 2k 2l 2]*. This is also equal to the angle between the (h 1k 1l 1) and (h 2k 2l 2) planes, orequivalently the angle between the normals to the (h 1k 1l 1) and (h 2k 2l 2)planes. This angle is θin the diagram below.Using these two relations between the diffraction pattern and the reciprocal lattice, we are now able to index the electron diffraction pattern from a specimen of a known crystal structure.The two pages linked to here refer only to indexing the central region of the diffraction pattern - the rest will be dealt with later.back Indexing with the orientation of the electron beamknownFrom the Ewald sphere diagram, we know that the zero order Laue zone (ZOLZ) contains reflections hkl where hu + kv + lw= 0 (the Weiss zone law). This ZOLZ can be identified by finding two reciprocal lattice vectors in theZOLZ. Suppose these two reciprocal lattice vectors are h1a* + k1b* + l1c* and h2a* + k2b* + l2c*. Then we knowh1u + k1v + l1w= 0andh2u + k2v + l2w= 0and that the angle between these reciprocal lattice vectors is the angle between the h1k1l1 and h2k2l2 planes.Other reflections in the electron diffraction pattern can then be deduced from simple vector addition, with the proviso that the indices of the reciprocal lattice vectors are integers and that they are not forbidden by the lattice. The pattern can then be built up manually or by computer.Example of indexing with a known electron beam orientationbackSuppose the material under examination is copper, and suppose the electron beam direction is [211]. Copper has a cubic close packed structure with a lattice parameter, a, of 0.361 nm. Allowed reflections must have h,k,l either all even or all odd. Thus the planes with the highest interplanar spacings (and hence those that give rise to reflections with the smallest r hkl values) are {111}, {200}, {220}, {311}, {222}, etc.Looking at the {111} planes, it is apparent that the Weiss zone law is obeyedfor (11) when [uvw] =[211]. Hence 11 is a possible reciprocal latticevector.No {200} plane will obey the Weiss zone law for [uvw] = [211], but of the{220} planes it is apparent that (02) will. Hence 02is a second possible reciprocal lattice vector.The angle between the 11 and 02reciprocal lattice vectors is 90° - the dot product of these two reciprocal lattice vectors is zero. The ratio of thelengths of these two reciprocal lattice vectors is . These are the two shortest reciprocal lattice vectors in the [211] electron diffraction pattern. Thus the pattern looks like:back Indexing with the orientation of the electron beamunknownIf we do not know the beam orientation, it is rather more difficult to find which reciprocal plane is the one projected down onto the film.One approach is to consult tables of angles and distance ratios for the low index reflections for the structure of the crystal we are imaging. Again, we will use copper as an example.Table of anglesThe angles in this table are the angles between the reciprocal lattice vectors given at the sides of the table in the appropriate row and column. Such aTable of distance ratiosThe dimensionless numbers in the central portion are the ratios of the 1/d hklexcluded. Thus for copper, which has an F lattice, the reflections are those with h ,k ,l all even or all odd.Now we pick two spots on the diffraction pattern and measure the angle between them and the ratio of their distances from the 000 spot - and see if they correspond to any of the values in the tables.View an exampleOnce we know for sure what two of the non-collinear dots are, we can index the rest of the pattern by vector addition.Example of indexing with an unknown electron beamorientationbackIf were 72.5° and we were to measure the ratio x/y and find it to benumerically equal to 1.66 then we could be reasonably convinced that the dot at Y could be labelled as the 200 spot, and the dot at X could be labelled as 113. In this case our predicted electron beam direction is in thedirection common to the 200 and 113 planes, i.e. [03]. This particular electron diffraction pattern has a central rectangular repeat. If this is correct, further spots on this diffraction pattern can be indexed in aself-consistent manner by vector addition.Laue zoneSo far we have been looking at the central region of the diffraction pattern. This is only a part of the total diffraction pattern. If we look again at the Ewald sphere construction, we have:We have been indexing the portion in the middle with the 000 spot in it. However, there are also areas of diffraction spots at the edges of the film, caused by the Ewald sphere intersecting points in an adjacent parallel plane containing reciprocal lattice points. (If the film was small or the camera length large it is possible that it did not catch these spots at the side, so that we sometimes only have the middle part.)These outlying parts of the diffraction pattern are called Higher Order Laue Zones (HOLZs). Each of the HOLZs can be described by an equation of the general formhu + kv + hw Nwhere:∙N is always an integer, and is called the order of the Laue zone.∙[uvw] is the direction of the incident electron beam.∙hkl are the co-ordinates of an allowed reflection in the N th order Laue zone.The middle part of the diffraction pattern, with 000 in it, is the zero order Laue zone (ZOLZ), because it comes from the plane for which N =0: an allowed reflection hkl in the ZOLZ is joined to the origin 000 by a reciprocal lattice vector that lies in the ZOLZ. For the ZOLZ the electron beam [uvw] and the allowed reflection hkl satisfy the Weiss zone law hu + kv + lw= 0. The next layer up has a value N =1, then N =2, and so on, as shown.From the geometry of the way in which the Ewald sphere intersects the HOLZs, the radius of the N th HOLZ ring, R n, in reciprocal space, is given to a very good approximation by the formulaassuming that the wavelength of the electrons is much less than the modulus |uvw| of the direction [uvw] in the crystal parallel to the electron beam direction. Thus, HOLZs are seen more easily at lower voltages (e.g. 100 kV rather than 300 kV) and when the electron beam is parallel to a relatively high index direction in a crystal.It is possible to index the reflections in the HOLZs on a diffraction pattern. Examples of such indexing are given in the book Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials by D B Williams and C B Carter.Kikuchi lines previous | next Kikuchi lines often appear on electron diffraction patterns:An example of a "two-beam" electron diffraction pattern with a number of Kikuchi lines.A pair of Kikuchi lines is arrowed.[The term "two-beam" denotes the fact that the straight-through beam, 000, and one diffraction spot are both diffracting very strongly. The intensity of all spots in this electron diffraction pattern are significantly weaker by comparison with these two beams.](Click on image to view larger version)We will not learn to index the Kikuchi lines in this TLP. Instead, we will explain their origin and behaviour with the help of the following animation.Kikuchi lines are interesting because of what they do when the crystal is moved in the beam. Diffraction spots fade or become brighter when the crystal is rotated or tilted, but stay in the same places; the Kikuchi lines move across the screen.The difference in behaviour can be explained by the position of the effective source of the electrons that are Bragg-scattered to produce the two phenomena. The diffraction spots are produced directly from the electron beam, which either hits or misses the Bragg angle for each plane; so the spot is either present or absent depending on the orientation of the crystal. The source of the electrons that are Bragg-scattered to give Kikuchi lines is the set of inelastic scattering sites within the crystal. When the crystal is tilted the effective source of these inelastically scattered electrons is moved, but there are always still some electrons hitting a plane at the Bragg angle - they merely emerge at an angle different to the one that they did before the crystal was tilted.Using polycrystalline materials in the TEM previous | next Just as with X-rays, a completely isotropic fine-grained polycrystalline sample will give a diffraction pattern of concentric rings in the zero order Laue zone (ZOLZ), as the many small crystals at random orientations produce a continuous angular distribution of hkl spots at distance 1/d hkl from the 000 spot - a ring of radius 1/d hkl around the 000 spot for each allowed reflection. The rings are then indexed according to the order of allowed reflections within the ZOLZ.As the grain size increases, the rings within the diffraction pattern break up into discontinuous rings containing discrete reflections. If there is any texture (preferred orientation) within the specimen, arcs may be seen instead of complete rings.Convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED)previous | next When a convergent beam is used instead of a parallel beam of electrons, the rays converge to a point within the specimen and come out the other side inverted like a camera. However, we do not look at the inverted image; we look at the diffraction pattern, with the spots magnified:Depending on the camera length chosen, either the zero order Laue zone can be examined or the zero order Laue zone and higher order Laue zones. Two examples of CBED images are shown below. The symmetry seen is such patterns can be related to the space group symmetry of the specimen.Examples of CBED images:Diffraction pattern showing a zero order Laue zone with a mirror in the pattern as shown(Click on image to view larger version)Diffraction pattern showing a first order Lauezone(Click on image to view larger version)Using other methods in conjunction with electrondiffraction previous | next Electron diffraction is a powerful technique - but other techniques must be used with it to put the results in context. This is a brief synopsis of how other methods can be used to help.Optical imagingThis is a very important way of analysing a specimen. Using the naked eye and optical microscopes we can determine down to a point-to-point resolution limited by the wavelength of light how many phases there are and how they relate to one another. We can also infer what type of material they are likely to be and how they may have been processed.Chemical analysisA wide range of chemical techniques can be used to find out what components are present in the different phases and in what proportions. This will narrow the field of possible elements that we need to consider when analysing ourdiffraction results. These techniques range from simple chemical tests, through infrared spectroscopy of organic samples, to a wide variety of chemical characterisation techniques that can often be performed within thetransmission electron microscope.TEM imagingUsing the TEM to image the same area of sample that is being used toproduce the diffraction pattern is an invaluable technique:Nitrided surface layer of austenitic stainlesssteel(Click on image to view larger version)Diffraction pattern from nitrided surface layer of austenitic stainless steel (Click on image to view larger version) Using the image to verify that the double dots in the diffraction pattern arebeing caused by the two crystal structures either side of the twin boundary, we can index the pattern and determine the twin plane and the crystal structures either side of it.Summary previous | next In this teaching and learning package we have considered how electron diffraction patterns are formed in the transmission electron microscope. The principles of how to index spot electron diffraction patterns have been discussed in some detail. Although we have considered how to index electron diffraction patterns from relatively simple crystal structures toillustrate the basic principles, these principles are generic and can therefore be applied to any crystal structure. We have also considered other features of electron diffraction patterns such as the formation of Kikuchi lines, the formation of convergent beam electron diffraction patterns and theformation of higher index Laue zones.。

• 在进行电子衍射操作时采用薄晶样品,略为偏离布拉格条件的 电子束也能发生衍射;
• 由于电子波的波长短,使晶体产生的衍射花样能比较直观地反 映经体内各晶面的位相;
• 原子对电子的散射能力远高于它对X射线的善射能力,故电子衍 射束的强度较大,摄取衍射花样时曝光时间仅需数秒。
• 若F (hkl) =0,即使满足布拉格方程也不可能在衍射方向上得到衍射束的强度。此时每个晶胞内原
• 只有当F (hkl) ≠ 0时,才能保证得到衍射束。 • 所以 F (hkl) ≠ 0是产生衍射束的充分条件。 • 计算结构因子时要把晶胞中的所有原子考虑在内。
粒子性:E,p 波动性:λ,ν
E mc2 h p mv
E mc2
h h
p mv
若 v<<c,则m=m0;若v →c,则
ε≈150eV λ≈0.1nm
ε≈100keV λ≈0.0037nm
一、电子衍射原理 电子衍射与X射线衍射区别
• 在电子衍射操作时,即使晶带轴和电子束的轴线 严格保持重合(即对称入射)时,仍可使g矢量端 点不在爱瓦尔德球面上的晶面产生衍射,即入射 束与晶面的夹角和精确的布拉格角θB(θB=sin-1 )存在某偏差Δθ时,衍射强度变弱但不一定为零
,此时衍射方2向dhk的l 变化并不明显
• 图示出了倒易杆和爱瓦尔德球相交情况,杆子的总长为2/t
透射电镜的最大特点是既可以得到 电子显微像又可以得到电子衍射花 样。晶体样品的微观组织特征和微 区晶体学性质可以在同一台仪器中 得到反映。

介绍低能电子衍射实验所使用的 仪器和设备。
组成பைடு நூலகம்
了解低能电子衍射实验仪器的组 成和各部分的功能。
详细描述低能电子衍射实验的操 作步骤和常见注意事项。
《低能电子衍射LEE》PPT 课件
这是一份关于低能电子衍射(LEE)的PPT课件。通过介绍低能电子衍射的概念、 实验仪器、应用和未来发展,展示了这一技术在材料研究中的重要性。
1 简介
2 相关概念
3 实验原理
分析低能电子衍射面临的挑战以及 带来的机遇,如仪器改进和数据处 理。
1 总结
2 展望
3 参考资料
提供一些低能电子衍射在材料研究中的典型 应用案例,如纳米材料研究和界面分析。
展望低能电子衍射技术的未来发展 和潜力。
探讨低能电子衍射领域的发展趋势, 如新材料研究和高分辨率成像。

新开近代物理实验讲义之七 -----电子衍射实验讲义一 实验目的1 验证电子具有波动性的假设;2 了解电子衍射和电子衍射实验对物理学发展的意义;3 了解电子衍射在研究晶体结构中的应用; 二 实验仪器电子衍射,真空机组,复合真空计,数码相机,微机 三 实验原理 (一)、电子的波粒二象性波在传播过程中遇到障碍物时会绕过障碍物继续传播,在经典物理学中称为波的衍射,光在传播过程表现出波的衍射性,光还表现出干涉和偏振现象,表明光有波动性;光电效应揭示光与物质相互作用时表现出粒子性,其能量有一个不能连续分割的最小单元,即普朗克1900年首先作为一个基本假设提出来的普朗克关系hv E =E 为光子的能量,v 为光的频率,h 为普朗克常数,光具有波粒二象性。
电子在与电磁场相互作用时表现为粒子性,在另一些相互作用过程中是否会表现出波动性?德布罗意从光的波粒二象性得到启发,在1923-1924年间提出电子具有波粒二象性的假设,k p E==,ωE 为电子的能量,p为电子的动量,v πω2=为平面波的圆频率,k 为平面波的波矢量,π2/h = 为约化普朗克常数;波矢量的大小与波长λ的关系为λπ/2=k ,k p=称为德布罗意关系。
电子被电场加速后,电子的动能等于电子的电荷乘加速电压,即eV E k =考虑到高速运动的相对论效应,电子的动量)2(12mc E E cp k +=λ 由德布罗意关系得)2/1(222mc E E mc hck k +=λ真空中的光速s A c o/1099793.218⨯=,电子的静止质量26/10511.0c eV m ⨯=,普朗克常数eV A hc eVs h o4151023986.1,1013571.4⨯=⨯=-,当电子所受的加速电压为V 伏特,则电子的动能VeV E k =,电子的德布罗意波长o A V V)1089.41(1507-⨯-≈λ, (1)加速电压为100伏特,电子的德布罗意波长为oA 225.1。

电子衍射在生物学中的 应用
电子衍射技术在大分子结构分析中发挥 着重要作用,尤其在蛋白质晶体学领域 。通过电子衍射,可以解析蛋白质晶体 的空间结构,为理解蛋白质功能和设计 新药物提供关键信息。
当电子束以一定能量和方向入射 到晶体或非晶体材料上时,会发 生衍射,即电子的运动轨迹发生
衍射现象可以通过布拉格方程( nλ=2dsinθ)进行描述,其中λ 为入射电子波长,d为晶面间距
电子衍射的波长比X射线短, 因此具有更高的分辨率和灵敏 度,能够更准确地测定晶格常 数和晶体结构。
电子衍射还可以用于分析生物膜上的 膜蛋白,如通道蛋白和转运蛋白。这 些蛋白在物质跨膜运输和信号转导过 程中发挥关键作用。
通过电子衍射技术,可以详细描述病毒的形 态和大小,这对于病毒分类、鉴定和疫苗设 计具有重要意义。
病毒的结构通常由蛋白质外壳和内部的核酸 组成。电子衍射技术可以解析病毒的精细结 构,揭示其组装机制和感染机制,为抗病毒 药物的设计提供理论支持。
扫描电子显微镜是利用电子束扫描样品表面,通过收集和分析二次电子、反射电子等信号来观察样品 表面形貌和特征的实验方法。
扫描电子显微镜具有较高的空间分辨率和放大倍数,能够观察样品表面的细微结构和形貌变化。在实 验过程中,需要对样品进行镀金或碳涂覆等处理,以增加导电性和二次电子信号的收集效率。
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§ 13.3 低能电子衍射原理
一.低能电子衍射原理 1.二维电子衍射方向 低能电子衍射线来自于样品表面(几个原子层)
的相干散射。衍射方向(衍射必要条件)可近 似由二维劳埃方程描述
将二维点阵视为三维点阵特例,二维点阵衍 射方向亦可由衍射矢量方程描述,可写为 (S-S0)/=r*HK=Ha*+Kb*(+0c*)
由于晶体结构的周期性在表面中断,单晶表面的 原子排列有3种可能的状态
单晶表面原子排列的可能状态 (a)体原子的暴露面
维持原体内周期性对应位置,表面原子面暴露。 (b) 表面驰豫
表面原子平面排列周期性不变,层间距变化。 (c) 表面重构
阴极-VP低能电子枪发射电子,经三级加速聚焦 杯聚焦,打在试样上,发射电子干涉波,在荧光 屏上的电子斑点排列表征表面原子二维排列规律。 斑点间距反映原子间距。
低能电子衍射装置必须采用无油的超高真空系统, 真空度要优于1.33×10-7Pa,以避免晶体表面吸 收残余气体分子造成表面污染,使固有表面衍射 图发生变化。
低能电子衍射以半球形荧光屏(接收极)接收信息。 荧光屏上显示的衍射花样由若干衍射斑点(衍射
线与荧光屏的交点)组成; 每一个斑点对应于样品表面一个晶列的衍射,亦
即相应于一个倒易点,因而低能电子衍射花样是 样品表面二维倒易点阵的投影像。 荧光屏上与倒易原点对应的衍射斑点(00)处于入 射线的镜面反射方向上。
表达其周期性的点阵基本单元称为(单元)网格。 网格由表示其形状及大小的两个矢量a与b描述,
称为(二维)点阵基矢或单元网格矢量。 与三维点阵的排列规则可用14种布拉菲点阵表达
相似,二维点阵的排列可用5种二维布拉菲点阵 表达 正方、长方、菱形(面心长方)、六角、平行 四边形。
§ 13.4 低能电子衍射分析与应用
由样品衍射花样确定a*与b*的方向,并 按有关公式求得a*与b*,从而确定样品表 面二维倒易点阵单元网格,进而按倒易基矢 与正点阵基矢的对应关系确定样品表面点阵 单元网格的形状与大小。
试样位于O点,以O为圆心、1/λ为半径作爱氏球, 与入射线相交于O*,过O*作与试样表面平行的二维倒 易点阵,过二维阵点作垂线垂直于二维点阵面,垂线能 与爱氏球相交的倒易点所代表的点阵列满足衍射条件。 衍射方向为O至交点方向。
1.定义:对于由点阵基矢a与b定义的二维点阵,若由点 阵基矢a*与b*定义的二维点阵满足 a* ·a=b*·b=1
a* ·b=b*·a =0 则称a*与b*定义的点阵是a与b定义的点阵的倒易点阵。 2.性质:
a* ⊥b, b * ⊥a a*=1/asinθ, b *=1/asinθ
第二篇 电子显微分析
第十三章 低能电子衍射
◆二维点阵 ◆低能电子衍射LEED
Low Energy Electron Diffraction
低能电子衍射是指以能量为10~500eV的 电子束照射晶体样品表面产生的衍射现象。给出 样品表面1~5个原子层的结构信息,是研究晶体 表面结构的重要方法。
§ 13.1 单晶表面原子排列与二维点阵
同理:d0k= r λ b*
说明:荧光屏(投影面)上斑点图像为二维倒 易点阵的放大像,放大倍数为r λ 。测出的斑点 间距除以r λ ,得到二维倒易点阵a*、 b*,由 此可求出a、b及表面点阵排列。
低能电子衍射的厄瓦尔德图解 (a)电子束正入射 (b)电子束斜入射
◆表面原子位置(单元网格内原子位置、吸附原子相对于基底原 子位置等)及沿表面深度方向(两三个原子层)原子三维排列情 况(层间距、层间原子相对位置、吸附是否导致表面重构等);
◆分析表面结构缺陷(点缺陷、台阶表面、镶嵌结构、应变结构、 规则和不规则的畴界和反畴界)等。
◆不仅应用于半导体、金属及合金等材料表面结构与缺陷的分 析及吸附、偏析和重构相的分析,也应用于气体吸附、脱附 及化学反应、外延生长、沉积、催化等过程的研究;
■ 二维倒易点阵矢量垂直于原子列(hk) ■ 二维倒易点阵矢量ghk=1/dhk ■ 二维倒易点代表一原子列 ■ 二维倒易点阵阵点延伸为倒易杆
§ 13.2 低能电子衍射仪
一.低能电子衍射仪 主要由电子光学系统、记录系统、超高真空系统和控 制电源组成。
1-电子枪阴极 2-聚焦杯 3-样品 4-接收器
试样接地,阴极电位为-VP(-10-- -500V). 半球形荧光屏及四个半球形网状栅极(栅丝直径
25μm,栅丝间距0.25mm).G1极接地,与试样 间无电场,电子可自由运动。G2G3为排斥极,接 等于-VP电位,使非弹性散射电子不能穿过。G4 接容地。对半接 球收 荧极 光屏屏蔽接作接用5k,v减(少0—G73与kv接)收,极对间穿的过电栅 极的电子束起加速作用,增加电子的能量(亮 度)。
在爱氏球后方的半球荧光屏上的斑点,实为垂线与 爱氏球交点的延伸放大,所以,LEED图像为二维点阵 在荧光D图像与表面二维点阵关系
g=1/dhk= (1/λ)sinφ dh0=r sinφ (r荧光屏的半径) =r a*/ (1/λ) =r λ a*
此外在低能电子衍射装置中都装备有原位清洗表 面或制备清洁表面的辅助装置,可实现原位的溅 射剥蚀、在超高真空中沉积新鲜表面等。
荧光屏衍射斑点的排列反映了试样表面原子的二 维排列,由斑点间距、电子波长可知原子间距。
不断改变入射电子的能量(波长),荧光屏上某 斑点的强度随入射电子能量的变化曲线---”强度 特性“、”亮度特性“、I—V或I—E曲线反映二、 三层原子二维排列、层间距离、层间原子相对位 置、吸收原子和基体原子间相对位置信息。