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Chaper1 The Basic Concepts Of Words and Vocabulary

of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.

1. ______is the most important of all characteristics of the basic word stock. Stability national character

2. Nonbasic vocabulary includes all of the following except_______ .


3. According to the origins of the words, English words can be classified into _______ .

words and functional words words and borrowed words

words and dialectal words words and dialectal words

4. Borrowings can be divided into________.

, semantic loans, translationloans, denizens

words, notional words, form words, content words

, portmanteau words, acronyms, initializes

, compounds, converted words and clipped words

5. Apart from the characteristics of basic vocabulary, native words have two other features, namely_________.

and stability in style and high frequency in use

and polysemy and arbitrariness

6.The word beaver(meaning“girl”)is_______ .

dialectal word archaism

7. AIDS as a nonbasic word is_______ .


words include the following word classes except_______ .

9. Vocabulary can refer to the following except_______ .

total number of the words in alanguage

the words used in a particular historical period

the words of a given dialect

words a person knows

is a loan word from_______ .

11. _______ form the mainstream of the basic word stock.

words B. Frenchwords words words

humor is_______ .

translation loan semantic loan denizen alien

and numerals are semantically_______ and have limited_______ .

;use and stability ;collocability and stability

;use and productivity ;productivity andcollectability

is_______ .


,words fall into functional words and content words.

frequency formation

16. The symbolic connection between sound and meaning is almost always_______ .

17. _______ are loan words that have become assimilated in English.

A.Denizens loans loans

, which means “police”,is a(n) _______ word.

19. Wherein which means “in what”is a(n)word. _______

difference between sound and form due to all the following except _______. phonemes than letters

B. stabilization of spelling by printing

of spelling by early scribes

of pronunciation

the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book

1. Lexicology is a branch of linguisticsstudying the origins and_______ of words .

2. A word is a minimal free form of language that has a given sound, meaning and_______ function.

3. In spite of the differences between sound and form,at least_______ percent of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns

the words in language make up its_______ .

word stock is the foundations of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and form the common core of the language.

,begin is a native word.

7. _______ vocabulary include cant,jargon and argot.

8. There is no_______ relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself.

9. _______ are the basic units of sentences.

10. Early borrowings are mostly_______ whereas later loan words remain foreign in sound and spelling.

whether the following statements are true or false

( ) word can be defined in different ways from different points of view.

( ) no circumstances can sound and meaning be intrinsically related.

( ) introduction of printing press resulted in a lot more differences between sound and form.

( ) words a person can use in speaking and writing form his active vocabulary. ( ) principles by which to classify words are usage, notion and origin.

( ) words are more popular than foreign words.

( ) words enjoy the same features as the basic word stock and more.

( )(meaning “old”)is an instance of archaism.

( ) a loan word known as an alien.

( ) time no see is a case of translation loan.

a term for each of the following definitions.
