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目 录

摘要 ............................................................................................................................................ I Abstruct .................................................................................................................................... II

第1章 绪论 (1)

1.1 前言 (1)

1.1.1 背景介绍 (1)

1.1.2 运输机简介 (1)

1.1.3 食品提升皮带机简介 (4)

1.2 方案确定 (5)

1.3 设计方案综述 (6)

第2章 减速器结构的设计 (7)

2.1 电动机的选择 (7)

2.1.1 选择电动机类型和机构形式 (7)

2.1.2 功率的计算 (7)

2.1.3 电动机功率的选择 (7)

2.2.4 确定电动机的转速 (8)

2.2 计算传动装置的总传动比和分配各级传动比 (8)

2.2.1 总传动比 (8)

2.2.2 分配各级传动比 (8)

2.3 传动装置的运动和动力参数 (9)

2.3.1 各轴转速 (9)

2.3.2 各轴的输入功率 (9)

2.3.3 各轴的输入转矩 (9)

2.4 V 带的设计 (10)

2.4.1 确定计算功率ca P (10)

2.4.2 选择带型 (10)

2.4.3 确定带的基准直径1d d 和2d d (10)

2.4.4 确定中心距a 和带轮的基准长度d L (10)

2.4.5 验算小带轮上包角 (11)

2.4.6 确定带的根数 (11)

2.4.7 确定预紧力0F (11)

2.4.8 计算带传动在轴上的力

F (12)


2.4.9 误差验算 (12)

2.4.10 带轮设计 (12)

2.5 高速级齿轮设计 (12)

2.5.1 选齿轮的类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 (12)

2.5.2 按齿面接触强度设计 (12)

2.5.3 按齿根弯曲强度设计 (14)

2.5.4 几何尺寸计算 (15)

2.5.5 验算 (16)

2.5.6 齿轮结构设计 (16)

2.6 低速级齿轮的设计尺寸 (16)

2.7 轴的设计 (17)

2.7.1 初步确定轴的最小直径 (17)

2.7.2 轴的结构设计 (18)

2.8 轴的校验 (20)

2.9 键的选择与校核 (26)

2.10 滚动轴承的选择与校核 (27)

第3章间歇机构 (29)

3.1 槽轮机构 (29)

3.1.1 槽轮机构的组成及工作特点 (29)

3.1.2 槽轮机构的类型及应用 (29)

3.1.3 槽轮机构的运动系数及运动特性 (29)

3.2 棘轮机构 (30)

第4章改向滚筒的设计 (31)

4.1 改向滚筒的结构设计 (31)

4.2 改向滚筒轴的强度校核 (31)

第5章改向压轮的设计 (35)

5.1 改向压轮的结构设计 (35)

5.2 设计方案的比较与选择 (36)

5.3 输送带的跑偏处理 (37)

5.4 拉紧装置 (38)

第6章托辊的设计 (40)

6.1 托辊的类型 (40)

6.2 托辊的设计计算 (41)

第7章食品提升皮带机的安装和操作维护 (44)

7.1 启动和停机 (44)

7.2 食品提升皮带机的维护 (44)

7.3 食品提升皮带机的安装 (44)

结论 (46)

参考文献 (47)

致谢 (48)











The elevator is one kind of realization project material upward transportation machinery, it is one of contemporary most efficient conveyors, it widely utilizes in the mine, the wharf, the chemical industry and so on each kind of situation, but under the different operating mode it to the equipment request is different.

This article take food processing industry as the background, the design promotion food machinery.Food promotion belt fastener is develops in the belt conveyer foundation.Food promotion belt fastener and the traditional belt conveyer is equally by the adhesive tape, the steel belt, the steel textile fiber belt, the plastic tape and the chemical fiber belt and so on takes the transmission material and the hauling work piece transportation machinery.Its characteristic is the load bearing material conveyer also is transmits the power the hauling, this and other transportation machinery has the remarkable difference.This design food promotion belt fastener is one kind of small transport machinery, its bearing capacity request is small, is opposite requests lowly in other belt conveyer cost, the design structure is compact.

This design embarks from the overall construction, has carried on the design and the computation to in the entire installment actuation part and the transmission part.In which in the drive design and the computation, this design choice electrical machinery - reduction gear installment took actuates the equipment; But in the transmission part design, this design has chosen the synchronized band pulley and the drive is connected, thus transmission power.This article other also to in installment changing to the drum, the drag roll and the supporting roller part has carried on the choice design, simultaneously has also made the essential computation and the choice to other supporting facilities.

This design mainly designs the reduction gear the structure, had determined the interior various transmission gear as well as axis each main parameter, as well as changes to the drum design, and has made the multianalysis to its principle of work.

Key words:Reduction gear; Changes to the drum; Pressure roller; Supporting roller
