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•The six exogenousɛkˈsɑdʒənəs] factors 外感六淫
•The seven emotions 七情
•Improper [ɪmˈprɔpə] diet 饮食失调(不适当)
•Over strain 过度疲劳
•Lack of physical exercise 缺乏锻炼
·Traumatic injuries;external[eksˈtə:nl] injury 创伤、外伤
Traumatic [trɔ:ˈmætɪk]外伤用的
•Bitten by animal and insect 蛇虫鼠咬
·Stagnated blood and phlegm[flem] fluid[ˈflu:ɪd]瘀血痰湿
[ˈstæɡneit]vi.停滞, 不流动, 不发展phlegm [flem] 1.痰2.冷静,镇定
fluid [ˈflu:ɪd]液体流体
·外感: diseases caused by exogenous evils[ekˈsɔdʒinəs]外因的
·六淫: six evils[ˈi:vəl]坏的
•风邪: wind - evil
•寒邪: cold - evil
•暑邪: summer heat-evil
•湿邪: wetness - evil
•燥邪: dryness - evil
•火邪: fire - evil
•热邪: heat - evil
·惊恐伤肾: fear impairing kidney[imˈpɛə] vt.损害, 削弱
•悲忧伤肺: sadness impairing lung
•思虑伤脾: worry impairing spleen
·暴喜伤心: overwhelming joy impairing heart [ˌəuvəˈhwelm] vt难以禁受•大怒伤肝: rage impairing liver vi.n
•deficiency[diˈfiʃənsi] 虚
•excess 实超过, 过多之量
•exterior 表 interior 里
•Yin 阴 Yang 阳 Cold 寒 Heat 热
· rising and falling of vital energy and evils 邪正盛衰[ˈvaitəl] 必不可少的
·阴阳失调 disharmony of Yin and Yang [ˈdisˈhɑ:məni]不调和
·气血失调 disorder of Qi and Blood
·虚中夹实, deficiency complicated with excess
·上盛下虚, excess in upper and deficiency in lower
·真实假虚, true excess disease with false deficient manifestation
·表虚/实, exterior deficiency/excess
·里虚/实, interior deficiency/excess
·阳盛/虚, yang excessiveness / deficiency
·阴阳偏衰, deficiency of either yin or yang
·虚阳上浮, deficient yang with upper manifestation显示
·阴虚发热, fever due to yin deficiency
•阴虚火旺, hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency活动过度
•虚火上炎, deficient fire flaring up 加剧、突发vi
•阳损及阴, yang deficiency involving yin
•亡阴/阳, yin/yang depletion [dɪˈpli:ʃən]用尽
•阴阳离决, divorce of yin-yang 分离
•真寒假热, true cold disease with false heat manifestation 表现
•寒热错杂, intermingled cold and heat [ˌɪntəˈmɪŋgəl] vt、vi(使)混合•表热里寒, exterior heat with interior cold
•Four diagnostic 四诊
•Inspection Observation 望诊检查,视察
•Listening and smelling闻诊
•Inquiry Auscultation and Olfaction 问诊
•Palpation and pulse taking切诊 [pʌls]
•Body palpation按诊
•Abdominal examination 腹诊 [æbˈdɔmənəl] 腹部
•Symptoms 症状[ˈsimptəm]
•Syndrome 综合症[ˈsindrəum]
•Physiotherapy 物理疗法[ˌfiziəuˈθerəpi]
•Sign 体征
•心悸 Palpitation [pælpiˈteiʃn]
•怔忡 Fearful throbbing[θrɔb]vi搏动
•乏力 Lack of strength
•目眩 dizzy vision[ˈdizi] 眩晕 [ˈviʒən] 视力, 视觉
•眩晕 dizziness
•头重 heavy-headedness
•神疲 lassitude of spirit [ˈlæsɪˌtju:d] 无精打采
•昏厥 fainting[feint]
•多梦 profuse dream [prəˈfju:s] 浪费的
•健忘 forgetfulness
•胸闷 oppression in the chest [əˈpreʃən]压抑
•短气 shortness of breath
•烦躁 agitation[ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃən]
•反胃 stomach reflux [ˈri:flʌks]逆流,退潮
•恶心 nausea [ˈnɔ:zi:ə,
•干呕 dry retching[retʃ]vi 干呕
•呕吐 vomiting[ˈvɔmit] vt.vi .n
•呃逆 hiccup[ˈhɪkəp]
•吐酸 acid regurgitation [ˈæsid] ,酸的[riˌɡə:dʒiˈteiʃən]回流
•痞满 stuffiness and fullness,闷
•胃脘痛 stomach duct pain [dʌkt] 导管
•口苦 bitter taste in the mouth
•口臭 fetid mouth odor [ˈfetɪd] 恶臭的 [ˈəudə]气味,名声
•口淡 bland taste in the mouth[blænd] 清淡的