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•The six exogenousɛkˈsɑdʒənəs] factors 外感六淫
•The seven emotions 七情
•Improper [ɪmˈprɔpə] diet 饮食失调(不适当)
•Over strain 过度疲劳
•Lack of physical exercise 缺乏锻炼
·Traumatic injuries;external[eksˈtə:nl] injury 创伤、外伤
Traumatic [trɔ:ˈmætɪk]外伤用的
•Bitten by animal and insect 蛇虫鼠咬
·Stagnated blood and phlegm[flem] fluid[ˈflu:ɪd]瘀血痰湿
[ˈstæɡneit]vi.停滞, 不流动, 不发展phlegm [flem] 1.痰2.冷静,镇定
fluid [ˈflu:ɪd]液体流体
·外感: diseases caused by exogenous evils[ekˈsɔdʒinəs]外因的
·六淫: six evils[ˈi:vəl]坏的
•风邪: wind - evil
•寒邪: cold - evil
•暑邪: summer heat-evil
•湿邪: wetness - evil
•燥邪: dryness - evil
•火邪: fire - evil
•热邪: heat - evil
·惊恐伤肾: fear impairing kidney[imˈpɛə] vt.损害, 削弱
•悲忧伤肺: sadness impairing lung
•思虑伤脾: worry impairing spleen
·暴喜伤心: overwhelming joy impairing heart [ˌəuvəˈhwelm] vt难以禁受•大怒伤肝: rage impairing liver vi.n
•deficiency[diˈfiʃənsi] 虚
•excess 实超过, 过多之量
•exterior 表 interior 里
•Yin 阴 Yang 阳 Cold 寒 Heat 热
· rising and falling of vital energy and evils 邪正盛衰[ˈvaitəl] 必不可少的
·阴阳失调 disharmony of Yin and Yang [ˈdisˈhɑ:məni]不调和
·气血失调 disorder of Qi and Blood
·虚中夹实, deficiency complicated with excess
·上盛下虚, excess in upper and deficiency in lower
·真实假虚, true excess disease with false deficient manifestation
·表虚/实, exterior deficiency/excess
·里虚/实, interior deficiency/excess
·阳盛/虚, yang excessiveness / deficiency
·阴阳偏衰, deficiency of either yin or yang
·虚阳上浮, deficient yang with upper manifestation显示
·阴虚发热, fever due to yin deficiency
•阴虚火旺, hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency活动过度
•虚火上炎, deficient fire flaring up 加剧、突发vi
•阳损及阴, yang deficiency involving yin
•亡阴/阳, yin/yang depletion [dɪˈpli:ʃən]用尽
•阴阳离决, divorce of yin-yang 分离
•真寒假热, true cold disease with false heat manifestation 表现
•寒热错杂, intermingled cold and heat [ˌɪntəˈmɪŋgəl] vt、vi(使)混合•表热里寒, exterior heat with interior cold
•Four diagnostic 四诊
•Inspection Observation 望诊检查,视察
•Listening and smelling闻诊
•Inquiry Auscultation and Olfaction 问诊
•Palpation and pulse taking切诊 [pʌls]
•Body palpation按诊
•Abdominal examination 腹诊 [æbˈdɔmənəl] 腹部
•Symptoms 症状[ˈsimptəm]
•Syndrome 综合症[ˈsindrəum]
•Physiotherapy 物理疗法[ˌfiziəuˈθerəpi]
•Sign 体征
•心悸 Palpitation [pælpiˈteiʃn]
•怔忡 Fearful throbbing[θrɔb]vi搏动
•乏力 Lack of strength
•目眩 dizzy vision[ˈdizi] 眩晕 [ˈviʒən] 视力, 视觉
•眩晕 dizziness
•头重 heavy-headedness
•神疲 lassitude of spirit [ˈlæsɪˌtju:d] 无精打采
•昏厥 fainting[feint]
•多梦 profuse dream [prəˈfju:s] 浪费的
•健忘 forgetfulness
•胸闷 oppression in the chest [əˈpreʃən]压抑
•短气 shortness of breath
•烦躁 agitation[ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃən]
•反胃 stomach reflux [ˈri:flʌks]逆流,退潮
•恶心 nausea [ˈnɔ:zi:ə,
•干呕 dry retching[retʃ]vi 干呕
•呕吐 vomiting[ˈvɔmit] vt.vi .n
•呃逆 hiccup[ˈhɪkəp]
•吐酸 acid regurgitation [ˈæsid] ,酸的[riˌɡə:dʒiˈteiʃən]回流
•痞满 stuffiness and fullness,闷
•胃脘痛 stomach duct pain [dʌkt] 导管
•口苦 bitter taste in the mouth
•口臭 fetid mouth odor [ˈfetɪd] 恶臭的 [ˈəudə]气味,名声
•口淡 bland taste in the mouth[blænd] 清淡的
•厌食 anorexia[ˌænəˈreksi:ə]
•fear of cold 畏寒
•aversion to cold 恶寒. [əˈvə:ʃən] 厌恶
•shivering 寒战的 [ˈʃivəriŋ]
•High fever 壮热
•tidal fever 潮热[ˈtaɪdl]
•alternating chills and fever 寒热往来 [ˈɔ:ltɜ:ˌnɪtɪŋ]交替的[tʃil]寒冷· Vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles 五心烦热
[ˈveksɪŋ] 使人烦恼的[pɑ:m] 手掌[səul]脚心
· nasal congestion 鼻塞 [ˈneɪzəl]鼻的 [kənˈdʒestʃən] 阻塞
•dyspnea 喘[disˈpni:ə]
•frequent urination 小便频数 [ˈjuəriˈneiʃən]撒尿
•reddish red urine 小便黄赤 [ˈredɪʃ]淡红色的[ˈjuərin
•inhibited urination 小便不利 [ɪnˈhɪbɪtɪd] 压抑的,拘谨的
•hematuria 尿血
•Stone strangury 石淋[ˈstræŋɡjuri]
•sloppy stool 便溏 [ˈslɔpi:] 太稀的 [stu:l] 大便
•Hard bound stool 大便硬结 [baund]被捆绑的
•diarrhea 泄泻 [ˌdaɪəˈri:ə]
•tenesmus 里急后重 [təˈnezməs]
•Qi collapse 气脱 [kəˈlæps] 倒塌, 崩溃
•Qi stagnation 气滞stægˈneɪʃən]
•Blood stasis 血瘀 [ˈsteisis]
•Flooding 血崩
•sunken middle qi 中气下陷 [ˈsʌŋkən] 下陷的
•insufficiency of middle qi 中气不足 [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənsi:] 不足•disharmony of qi and blood 气血失调 [ˈdisˈhɑ:məni] 不调和
•dual deficiency of qi and blood 气血两虚 ['duəl]两部分的, •blazing of qi and blood 气血两燔 [ˈbleiziŋ]炽热的
•Heat entering pericardium 热入心包 [ˌperiˈkɑ:djəm]心包膜
· impairment of fluid 伤津 [imˈpɛəmənt]损伤
•器质性精神障碍 Organic psychoses [psai'kəusi:z]
•精神分裂症 Schizophrenia [,skidzəu'freniə]
•情感性精神障碍 Affective psychoses [psai'kəusi:z]
•神经症 Neuroses [njuə'rəusi:z]
情感 affection
情绪 emotion
心境 mood
自知力 insight
定向力 orientation
精神障碍 Mental illness
精神紊乱 Mental disorder
•器质性精神病 organic psychosis [ɔ:'ɡænik] [psai'kəusis]
•遗忘综合症amnestic [æm'nistic] syndrome
•谵妄 delirium [di'liriəm]
•痴呆 dementia [di'menʃiə]
•精神分裂症 schizophrenia [,skidzəu'freniə]
•偏执型paranoid ['pærənɔid] type
•紧张型catatonic [,kætə'tɔnik] type
•青春型 hebephrenic type
•单纯型 simple type
•未分化型 Undifferentiated [,ʌndifə'renʃieitid] type
•残留型 Residual type
•精神分裂症后抑郁 Post-schizophrenia depression [,skidzəu'freniə]
神经症 neurosis [njuə'rəusis]
恐惧症 phobia ['fəubiə]
焦虑症 Anxiety
广泛性焦虑症 generalized anxiety disorder[dɪsˈɔrdɚ] 不适;疾病
强迫症 obsessive-compulsive disorder obsessive[əbˈsɛsɪv, ɑb-]固执偏执的compulsive[kəmˈpʌlsɪv] 极有趣的,令人着迷的2. 因着迷而引起的,上瘾的3. 强迫性的
•心境障碍 mood disorder
•狂躁 mania
•抑郁 depression
•易激惹 irritability [,iritə'biləti]
•双相障碍 biplor disorder
•意志增强 hyperbulia [haipə'bjuliə]
•意志减弱 hypobulia [haipɔ'bjuliə]
•恶劣心境 dysthymic [dis'θimik] disorder
•环性心境障碍 cyclothymia [,saikləu'θaimiə]
•抗抑郁药antidepressant drugs [,æntidi'presənt]
Inspection of Vitality [vaɪˈtælɪti:] 生活力/complexion 面色[kəmˈplekʃən] aggravated(加剧)alcohol酒精
•coldness of limbs
•The patient has been drinking alcohol for more than 20 years.
·patient has repeated attacks of stomachache for 20 years with marked deterioration(恶化) when he is hungry, relief after food intake.
For the recent half year, the symptoms above became more serious which were manifested as consistent pain in the stomach, belching[beltʃ]嗳气and regurgitation[riˌɡə:dʒiˈteiʃən回流, moving and distending[dɪˈstend] 肿胀 pain due to fullness in chest and abdomen æbˈdəʊmən] 腹部 and anorexia[ˌænəˈreksi:ə] (厌食)。
·he pain aggravates when hungry but it relieves after food intake. And that is the typical signs of stomachache.
·preference for curling up when lying喜蜷卧
•·The prolonged disease consumes the spleen Yang energy, which makes the spleen fail to transport and distribute分布 the fluid and thus leads to reduced appetite, aggravated pain when diarrhea [ˌdaɪəˈri:ə] . 腹泻, preference for press and warm, sallow complexion, pale and tender tongue.
·As about the white and yellow coating which is slightly greasy, it results from failure to transport and distribute due to Yang deficiency.
·Diagnosis of modern medicine: Chronic gastritis[gæˈstraɪtɪs]
Diagnosis of T.C.M: Stomachache (spleen and kidney Yang deficiency accompanied by blood stasis
·Therapeutic Principle: warming and tonifying (补益) the spleen and kidney , driving cold to relieve pain, promoting the circulation of blood to remove blood stasis.治疗原则:温补脾肾,驱寒止痛 ,兼活血化淤
· The Heart The Small Intestine
The Liver The Gallbladder
The Stomach The Spleen
The Large Intestine[ɪnˈtestɪn] 肠 The Lung
The Bladder[ˈblædə] The Kidney
The Triple Energizers[ˈenədʒaizə]
·Theory of meridians and collaterals 经络学说[kəˈlætərəl]
Meridians and collaterals 经络
meridian 经脉 [məˈrɪdi:ən]
Meridian - energy 经气
Twelve Meridians 十二经脉,
Three Yang Meridians of the Hand 手三阳经
Three Yin meridians of the foot 足三阴经
·手太阴肺经, Lung Meridian of Hand - Taiyin;
手阳明大肠经, Large Intestine Meridian of Hand - Yangming;
足阳明胃经, Stomach Meridian of Foot - Yangming;
足太阴脾经, The Spleen Meridian of Foot - Taiyin;
手少阴心经, Heart Meridian of Hand - Shaoyin;
手太阳小肠经, Small Intestine Meridian of Hand - Taiyang;
足太阳膀胱经, The Urinary Bladder Meridian of Foot - Taiyang;
足少阴肾经, The Kidney Meridian of Foot - Shaoyin;
手厥阴心包经, Pericardium Meridian of Hand - Jueyin;
手少阳三焦经, Sanjiao Meridian of Hand - Shaoyang;
足少阳胆经, The Gall Bladder Meridian of Foot - Shaoyang;
足厥阴肝经, The Liver Meridian of Foot - Jueyin;
· Left hemisphere左脑
•cerebrum 大脑 cerebro-=brain
•cerebrospinal 脑脊髓的 cerebrovascular 脑血管意外
•Vascular 血管的 adj.
•Brainstem 脑干
•Cerebellum 小脑
•encephalon 脑
•encephalopathy 脑病
·Chief complaint: Right-sided arm and leg weak for one day。
·speak vaguely, right mouth droop右侧口角下垂,言语不清
·Physical examination : revealed right extremity muscle strength is 3 degree, right Babinski’s sign (+). 体检右侧肢体肌力3级,巴氏征阳性。
·History : hypertension,diabetes, and hyperlipidemia病史:高血压,糖尿病[ˌdaɪəˈbi:tɪs,高脂血症[ˈhaipəˌlipiˈdi:miə],
·How to identify stroke? 如何鉴别中风
1、Ask the individual to smile. 请病人微笑
2、Ask him or her to raise both arms.请他(她)抬手
3、Ask the person to speak a simple sentence.请他(她)说一个简单句子
·the person has a problem with any of these functions
·Cerebral infarction[inˈfɑ:kʃən] 脑缺血
Cerebral hemorrhage[ˈhemərɪdʒ] 脑出血
·ischemic stroke 缺血性中风(缺血性的):b lood vessel that supplies blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot—brain tissue [ˈtisju:]is ischemic 血管堵塞-脑组织缺血
· Stroke – hemorrhagic 出血性中风(出血的):b lood vessel in part of the brain becomes weak and bursts open, causing blood to leak into the brain----bleeding 血管破裂,血液外漏
·A clot may break off from another place in the blood vessels of the brain, or some other part of the body, and travel up to the brain to block a smaller artery[ˈɑ:t əri]动脉. This is called an embolism [ˈembəlizəm]栓子。
Artery 动脉 vessles血管 clot 栓子 block 堵塞
Embolic 栓塞的 Embolism栓塞 Thrombus血栓 n. thrombotic 血栓形成的 adj. hemorrhagic 出血的 hemorrhage 脑出血
· abrupt onset/sudden onset发生of symptoms, which vary from person to person depending on which part of the brain or eye is starved of blood。
·they may occur on and off for the first day or two, or get worse gradually 病情稳定于发病的第一二天或逐渐加重。
·A numb [nʌm] 麻木的or weak feeling in the face - Faciolplegia [ˌfeiʃiəuˈpli:d ʒiə]面瘫 / hemiplegia[ˌhemiˈpli:dʒiə]偏瘫 / paralysis[pəˈrælɪsɪs]瘫痪aphasia[əˈfeɪʒə]失语症 dysphasia[disˈfeiʒiə]言语障碍症
dizziness [ˈdɪzɪnɪs]头昏眼花 dysphagia[disˈfeidʒiə]吞咽困难 unconsciousness 意识不清
·spatial and perceptual difficulty—bilatteral ignore 空间和感知觉障碍-单侧忽略
·Apraxia [əˈpræksiə]: Unable to control muscles, movements is uncoordinated[ˈʌnk əuˈɔ:dineitid] and “jerky” [ˈdʒəki]。
·a slow and cautious behaviour 行动缓慢 [ˈkɔ:ʃəs] 小心的
·reflexes反射 dementia 痴呆 depression 抑郁
·A CT scan of the brain is often done soon after symptoms of a stroke begin. 尽快做 CT
·can reveal which blood vessel is blocked or bleeding
·Attention to diet, which should be varied, but low in saturated浸透的[ˈsætʃəreitid] fat, alcohol, and salt, and high in fibre, fruit and vegetables. 饮食控制,低盐,低脂,高纤维素和蔬菜水果
·Avoidance of smoking - this is absolutely essential. 避免吸烟
·Stress management - stress in life is unavoidable but can be reduced by various strategies including exercise, changing attitudes to work, meditation思考and relaxation. 压力调节,改变工作、生活态度,放松。
·1. Fire and heat of lung, stomach, and liver meridians rise to scorch the nose. 肺经热甚,胃火炽盛,肝火上扰,上灼于鼻
·2.Yin deficiency causes hyperactive fire, scorch nasal blood vessels.
·3.Qi deficiency of spleen fail to keep blood circulating within blood vessels. 气不摄血,血溢脉外
·1.Syndrome of excessive heat of lung meridian 肺经热盛证
Dispelling [dɪˈspel]驱散 wind and clearing away heat,cooling blood to check bleeding. Prescription:Sangju Decoction in combination with Xiebai Powder。
·2.Syndrome of excessive fire of the stomach。
Purging[pə:dʒ] the stomach fire,cooling blood to check抑制bleeding. Prescription:Xijiao Dihuang Decoction [diˈkɔkʃən]汤 modified。
·3.Syndrome of liver fire stirring the upper 肝火上扰证
Clearing away heat from the liver and purging fire,cooling blood to stop bleeding.
Prescription:Longdan Xiegan Decoction modified
·4.Syndrome of yin deficiency of the liver and kidney 肝肾阴虚证
Nourishing [ˈnʌriʃ] 滋养the liver and kidney,descending fire to check bleeding. Prescription:Zhibai Dihuang Pill modified
·5.Syndrome of qi deficiency of the spleen 脾气虚弱证
Strengthening the kidney and invigorating qi,keeping blood circulating within blood vessels to stop bleeding.
Prescription:Guipi Decoction modified
external acoustic meatus 外耳道 hydrops积液
drum membrane鼓膜 middle ear中耳
vertigo眩晕(天旋地转) dizziness头晕
nasal obstruction鼻塞 nasal itch鼻痒
snoring打鼾 sneeze喷嚏
nasal discharge / nasal mucus鼻涕 olfactory嗅觉
voice声音 cough咳嗽
sputum痰 pus脓液
hoarseness声嘶 sore throat咽痛
: pulmonary肺的 respiratory 呼吸的 asthma 哮喘 bronchi支气管 pleural胸膜的
Oral cavity 口腔
Oesophagus 食道
Stomach 胃
Intestine 肠
Duodenum 十二指肠
Jejunum 空肠
Ileu 回肠
Cecum 盲肠(appendix 阑尾)
Colon 结肠
Rectum 直肠
Anus 肛门
Indigestion (dyspepsia,消化不良)
Heartburn 烧心
Fullness 饱胀
early satiety 早饱
flatulence 胃肠胀气
hiccups 呃逆
belching 打嗝
dysphagia 吞咽困难
Abdominal pain 腹痛
Persistent /constant pain 持续性痛
Paroxysmal pain 阵发性痛
Colicky pain 绞痛
Sharp pain 锐痛
Stabbing pain 刺痛
Bursting pain 胀痛
Dull ache 隐痛
Wandering pain 游走性疼痛
Knifelike pain 刀割样痛Generalized (extensive or diffuse) pain 弥漫性疼痛
Pain being relieved by…疼痛于……时减轻Pain being exacerbated by…疼痛于……时加重
Pain radiating to …疼痛发射至……Appetite 食欲
Nausea 恶心
Vomiting 呕吐
Difficulty in bowel movement 排便困难
Diarrhea 腹泻
Watery stool 水样便
Mucous stool 粘液便
Bloody stool 血便
Tarry stool 柏油样便
Melena 黑便Constipation 便秘Haemorrhage 出血
·red tongue with yellow greasy coating
·Prone position 俯卧位
Oxygen therapy 吸氧
Bronchodilator 支气管扩张剂
expectorants 祛痰剂
Fluid therapy 补液支持治疗。