艺考英语讲义 第一课

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一.句型:As time _____ (go)by, the computer was made smaller.

With time ______(go) by, the computer was made smaller.

句型:____ is reported, the bird flu happened in that area.

_____ is reported that the bird flu happened in that area.

______ is reported is that the bird flu happened in that area.


Question:The events i am going to tell you about __________ (happen) ten years ago when I was a student.

Tips: 要看这个先行词在从句中充当什么成分,也即从句中缺地点或者时间状语就用where或者when:从句中缺主语,宾语或者表语(be后面)我们就用关系代词

Examples: This is the very place_______ sells this kind of cellphone.

This is a good place,_______ sells this kind of cellphone.

This is a good place,_______ you can see this kind of cellphone.

The village has developed a lot_______ we learned farming 2 years ago.

He never forgets the winter, _______ he spent with his girlfriend.

He never forgets the winter, _______ he spent the holiday with his girlfriend.

He will always remember the year 2000, at _____ time he became a teacher.

He bought a nice house, ________ the surroundings are lovely. He is a nice guy, ___ ___ I work happily.

注意哦:1.遇到疑问句,先变成肯定句。Is this factory _____ Mr Li once worked in?


3.如果出现介词提前,只能用介词+which (物)或者介词+whom(人),例外:in that 因为;介词+what(名从)

1.Students should involve themselves in community activities_______they can gain experience.

2.The air quality in the city, ______ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months

3.After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, _______urgently needed clean water,medicine and shelter to survive.

4.We live in an age____more information is available with greater ease than ever before.

5.Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature,________,for some reason,had withdrawn from all human society.

6.Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, ______ the audience can buy ice-cream. 8.It is a job_____you are doing sth serious but interesting.

9.Do you think the reason______ he gave is believable?

注意:ing 有双写,但没有去y 改I

begin________ write_________ destroy_________ carry____________ benefit________


1.After I h_______(挂断电话) up I re membered what I’d wanted to say.

2.Take your swimming trunks with you- they might come in handy.

3.H______ difficult life is ,stay motivated and get on with it.

4.It _______(疼) when I try to move my leg.

5.She was involved in a _______(激烈的) argument.

6.I’m trying to _______ habit of staying up too late.

7.Most customers were satisfied with the way their complaints were _______(处理).

8.The book contains __________ (信息) about a wide variety of subjects.

9.___________ 印象于by her enthusiasm, we all admire her a lot.


1.思维检测:How would you compare the day-to-day level of physical activity of people in your country with that of


Nowadays ,__________________ (越来越多的) Chinese people ______________(参加) some kind of sports , especially __________________________________________. Also, ______________________________________(随着生活质量的提升),people ________________________(更加重视) to their physical fitness.__________(然而),compared to American counterparts, we still have a long way to go ____________________________.(从深度和广度上讲).Many Chinese people __________________(仅仅) to select simple sports as jogging ,swimming and other forms of aerobic exercise for lack of sporting room. Skiing, scuba diving, rock climbing, surfing and BMX biking, etc are still new to most Chinese youths, _________________________________________________________________________.

