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Follow the social development to be going to enter the aging stage the social present situation, this article through to the existing electronic medical service product characteristic and the trend of development analysis, the union system design idea, will carry on the bold

innovative design to the future home use electron medical service product. This article mainly unifies the system design and the product design, take lives alone old person as the specific crowd, take the future living alone old person with the health observation system conceptual design as the example, will integrate system design's idea to the family-like monitoring facilities, in the application environment, in the use way, the color, the modelling will carry on the new tentative plan separately, will construct under a new environment, product new use way. During the convenience lives alone which old person uses, the family healthcare project will make a happy tentative plan in the future for the consummation.

How is this article for the purpose of discussing utilizes the conceptual design and the system design method well in the product innovation design process guides the design pattern, the utilization summary induction conceptual thinking method, links to the existing scientific reality, and take the generalization “will live alone old person in the future the home use health observation system's tentative plan” the design work as the discussion basis, practiced has utilized the system design to the conceptual design in the thought to elaborate, while will meet the user need, the development the future life one kind of ideal pattern.


Conceptual design; System design; household; elderly; Industrial Design;


论文 (1)

一、现有家用电子医疗产品的分析 (1)

(一)家用医疗产品的概念 (1)

(二)现有家用医疗产品的分类 (1)

(三)国内与国外家用医疗电子产品的区别 (2)

1 国内外的家用医疗产品品牌概况 (2)

2 国内与国外外家用医疗产品的区别 (2)

(四)家用医疗产品的特点和发展趋势 (3)

二、系统设计在家用电子医疗产品上的应用 (3)

(一)产品的定义 (3)

(二)系统设计的特点 (4)

1、系统设计的定义 (4)

2、产品系统设计的特点和作用 (4)

(三)系统设计应用在家用医疗产品中的重要性和意义 (4)

三、交互设计在产品中的应用原则 (5)

(一)交互设计的概念 (5)

(二)交互设计的应用原则 (5)

四、“独居老人家用健康监测系统的设想”概念设计的展开 (6)

(一)设计的思维 (6)

1、概念想法的产生 (7)

2、系统设计的运用 (8)

3、交互设计在产品上的应用 (10)

(二)设计过程 (11)

1、设计定位 (11)

(1)人群定位 (11)

(2)产品类型定位 (11)

2、使用环境 (11)

3、色彩搭配 (11)

4、形态 (11)

5、使用方式 (12)

(三)技术支持 (12)

(四)方案效果图展示 (12)

(五)VI (17)
