第五章 托收

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If the collecting bank is not located near the importer, it will send the documents to a presenting bank in the importer’s city.
4.The drawee (buyer/importer) The drawee is the party that makes cash payment or accepts a draft according to the terms of the collection order in exchange for the documents from the presenting/collecting bank and takes possession of the goods. The drawee is the one on whom a draft is drawn and who owes the indicated amount.
Chapter 5 collection
5.1 introduction
5.1.1 definition: Collection is an arrangement whereby the goods are shipped and a relevant bill of exchange is drawn by the seller on the buyer, and /or shipping documents are forwarded to the seller’s bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent bank located in the domicile(住处) of the buyer.
托收行应当按照常规处理,如自行选择其在付 款地的联行或代理行作为代收行.只要按常 规处理,托收行选择代收行的费用和风险(如 破产)由委托人负担,托收行就不承担责任. (三)代收行 代收行在托收业务中所承担的责任与托收行 基本相同,如核对单据的名称和份数,若有不 符立即通知托收行;代收行在未经托收行同 意前不得擅自变更委托书上的任何条件,
委托申请书的内容包括: (1)委托申请人的名称,地址和有权印鉴; (2)托收付款人的名称,地址或开户行的名称,地 址和帐号. (3)托收所附单据的名称和份数; (4)托收交单方式(D/P,D/A); (5)托收收妥后的收帐要求; (6)托收若遇到拒付或拒绝承兑时应采取的
的必要措施,如是否要求作成拒绝证书,货物抵 港时是否代办存仓保险等. (7)托收费用由谁负担. (8)有关托收的其他要求. (二)托收行 托收行是托收业务的代理收款人,其责任就是 根据委托人的指示办理,并对自己的过失负 责.
Features: (1) Under clean collection, only the draft and, if necessary, an instruction letter are sent out for collection. The documents are sent directly by the exporter to the importer or the exporter’s foreign agent. (2)The exporter is ,in fact ,shipping on openaccount terms. clean collection may also be used when the goods are shipped to agents
In a documentary collection the bank, acting as the exporter’s agent, regulates the timing and sequence of the exchange of goods for value by holding the title documents until the importer either pays the draft or accepts the obligation to do so.
1.缮制托收委托书.托收行在接受委托时应当 根据托收申请书的内容缮制托收委托书,并 将委托书及单据寄给国外的代理行,指示其 向付款人收款. 2.核验单据.托收行应当审慎核对实收单据的 名称与份数是否与申请书中填写的相同,但 除此之外没有进一步审核单据的义务. 托收行按照常规处理业务,对自己的过失承担 责任.凡委托人就某些方面未提出要求的,
另外,国际商会在URC522中还规定了银行的免 责条款: 1.银行对于任何单据的形式,完整性,准确性,真 实性,伪造或法律效力,或对于单据上规定的 或附加的一般和/或特殊条件,概不负责;银行 对于任何单据代表之货物的描述,数量,重量, 质量,状况,包装,交货,价值或存在,或对于货 物的发货人,承运人,运输行,收货人或货物保 险人或其他任何人的诚信,行为和/或疏忽,
Overseas on consignment. (3) A clean collection may represent an underlying trade transaction or a purely financial transaction involving no movement no movement of merchandise and ,therefore, no documents. (4) This method lacks the protection of the documentary collection. It is generally used in countries where a draft is need for legal purpose
(四)付款人 付款人一般是进口商.依据票据法,即为受票人. 付款人有审查单据以决定接受与否的权利, 同时根据托收交单方式承担付款或承兑的 义务.在具备正当理由的前提下,付款人有拒 绝接受单据的权利,但是其拒付理由必须经 得起委托人的抗辩,否则会遭受信用及经济 损失.
(五)需要时的代理. 需要时的代理是委托人指定的代表.付款人被 提示付款时若拒绝付款或拒绝承兑,需要时 的代理可代理委托人办理货物存仓,保险转 售,运回或改变交单条件等事宜.委托人在托 收指示中应明确,完整地规定其权限,否则银 行将不接受该代理的任何指示.
2.The remitting( principal’s/seller’s/exporter’s) bank(托收行) The remitting bank is the bank receiving documentation from the seller for forwarding to the buyer’s bank along with instruction for payment.
否则责任自负;除此之外,代收行负有如下责任: 1.保管好单据.单据是物权代表,进口商取得货 物必须先取得单据.代收行在进口商付款或 承兑之前不可以将单据释放给进口商.付款 人拒付,代收行应当通知托收行,若发出通知 90天后,仍未收到指示,可以将单据退回托收 行.
2.谨慎处理货物.代收行原则上无义务处理货 物,只有在付款人拒付时,才会根据委托人指 示办理存仓,保险等手续.但是,若代收行为了 保护货物,则在天灾人祸等紧急情况下即使 未得到委托人的指示,也可以对货物采取行 动.
5.1.2 parties
The main parties are as follows: 1. The principal (seller/exporter/drawer)(委托 人) The principal is generally the customer of a bank who prepares documentation (collection documents) and submits them to his bank( remitting bank) with a collection order for payment from the buyer (drawee).
偿付能力,执行能力或信誉也概不负责. 2.银行对于任何发电.信件或单据在寄送途中 的延误和/或丢失所引起的后果,或由于任何 电讯工具在传递中的延误,残缺或其他错误, 或由于专门术语在翻译或解释上的错误,不 承担义务或责任;银行对自己所收到的指示 因意思不明而需澄清所引起的延误不负责 任.
银行对由于天灾,暴乱,内乱,叛乱,战争或它们 所不能控制的任何其他原因,或罢工,停工,致 使营业中断所造成的后果,不承担义务或责 任.
5. representative in Case of need It is the representative appointed by the principal to act as case of need in the event of nonacceptance and/ or non-payment, whose power should be clearly and fully stated in the collection.
一.委托人的责任与义务. 1.根据贸易合同的要求交付货物.这是出口商 最基本的合同义务,也是跟单托收的前提条 件. 2.提交符合合同要求的单据.单据是合同项下 货物所有权的代表.出口商在装运货物后,应 将有关单据交给托收行,这些单据的名份数 以及内容均应与合同相符.
3.填写托收申请书,开立汇票,并将托收申请书 和汇票连同商业单据一并交给托收行.委托 申请书一旦为托收行接受,即成为委托人与 托收行之间的法律契约,构成委托-代理关系. 委托人必须全面,准确地表达自己的意图和 要求,根据商业合同条款据实填写申请书.若 填制不当,所引起的后果由委托人自行负责.
3.The collecting bank or presenting bank(代收 行) This is the bank that presents the documents to the buyer and collects cash payment or a promise to pay in the further from the buyer in the exchange for the documents. Normally the collecting bank is a correspondent or branch of the remitting bank in the importer’s country.
Basic forms of documentary collections (1) Documents against payment (D/P). (2)Documents against acceptance (D/A). 2) Clean collections Clean collections are collections on financial instruments without being accompanied by commercial documents ,such as invoice, bill of lading , insurance policy,etc.
5.1.3 types of collection
collection D/P at sight D/P after sight D/A
5.1.3 types of cБайду номын сангаасllection
1. In terms of documents related 1) Documentary collections Documentary collections may be described as collections on financial instruments without being accompanied by financial instruments ,that is, commercial documents without a bill of exchange.