



人教版高中英语选修九课文w o r d文档-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1选修9 Unit 1 Breaking records-Reading"THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. More than twenty of these he still holds, including the record for having the most records. But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places.Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hooping in Australia, pogo stick jumping under water in South America, and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America.While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination.Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are walking. You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay on your head.While Ashrita makes standing on top of a 75 cm Swiss ball look easy, it is not. It takes a lot of concentration and a great sense of balance to stay on it. You have to struggle to stay on top especially when your legs start shaking.And what about somersaulting along a road for 12 miles Somersaulting is a tough event as you have to overcome dizziness, extreme tiredness and pain. You are permitted to rest for only five minutes in every hour of rolling but you are allowed to stop briefly to vomit.Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another event in which Ashrita is outstanding. Lunges are extremely hard on your legs. You start by standing and then you step forward with the fight foot while touching the left knee to the ground. Then you stand up again and step forward with the left foot while touching the fight knee to the ground. Imagine doing this for a mile!Yet this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete. As a child he was very unfit and was not at all interested in sports. However, he was fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records.How Ashrita came to be a sportsman is an interesting story. As a teenager, he began searching for a deeper meaning in life. He studied Eastern religions and, aged 16, discovered an Indian meditation teacher called Sri Chinmoy who lived in his neighbourhood in New York City. Since that time in the early 1970s, Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy's students. Sri Chinmoy says that it is just as important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves. He believes that there is no limit to people's physical abilities.When Ashrita came third in a 24-hour bicycle marathon in New York's Central Park in 1978, he knew that he would one day get into the Guinness Book of World Records. He had been urged by his spiritual leader to enter the marathon even though he had done no training. So, when he won third place, he came to the understanding that his body was just an instrument of the spirit and that he seemed to be able to use his spirit to accomplish anything. From then on, Ashrita refused to accept any physical limitation.With this new confidence, Asharita broke his first Guinness record with 27,000 jumping jacks in 1979. The motivation to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to Sri Chinmoy. Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he reaches a point where he feels he cannot physically do any more. At that moment, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his teacher.Ashrita always acknowledges his teacher in his record-breaking attempts.In fact, he often wears a T-shirt with Sri Chinmoy's words on the back. The words are:"There is only one perfect road. It is ahead of you, always ahead of you."FOCUS ON ...Lance ArmstrongDate of Birth: 8th September, 1971Country: USALance Armstrong's Guinness record for the fastest average speed at the Tour de France was set in 1999 with an average speed of 40.27 km/hr. In his teens he was a triathlete but at 16 he began to concentrate on cycling. He was an amateur cyclist before the 1992 Olympic Games but turned professional after he had competed in the Games. In the following few years, he won numerous titles, and by 1996 he had become the world's number one. However, in October 1996, he discovered he had cancer and had to leave cycling. Successfully fighting his illness, Armstrong officially returned to racing in 1998. In 1999 he won the Tour de France and in 2003 he achieved his goal of winning five Tours de France.Michellie JonesDate of Birth: 9th June, 1969Country: AustraliaIn 1988 Michellie Jones helped establish the multi-sport event, the triathlon, in Australia. After completing her teaching qualifications in 1990, she concentrated on the triathlon. In 1991, she finished third at the world championships. In 1992 and 1993, she was the International Triathlon Union World Champion. Since then, she has never finished lower than fourth in any of the world championships she has competed in. At the Sydney Olympics in 2000 she won the silver medal in the Women's Triathlon, the first time the event had been included in the Olympic Games. Recently, for the first time in 15 years, Jones was not selected as part of the national team and therefore did not compete in the 2004 Olympics in Athens.Fu MingxiaDate of Birth: 16th August, 1978Country: ChinaFu Mingxia first stood on top of the 10-metre diving platform at the age of nine. At 12 years old she won a Guinness Record when she became the youngest female to win the women's world title for platform diving at the World Championships in Australia in 1991. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, she took the gold medal in the women's 10-metre platform, becoming the youngest Olympic diving champion of all time. This was followed by great success at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games where she won gold for both the 10-metre platform and the three-metre springboard. This made her the first woman in Olympic diving history to win three gold medals. She retired from diving after Atlanta and went to study economics at university. While there she decided to make a comeback and went on to compete at the Sydney Olympic Games, where she won her fourth Olympic gold, again making Olympic history.Martin StrelDate of Birth: 1st October, 1954Country: SloveniaStrel was trained as a guitarist before he became a professional marathon swimmer in 1978. He has a passion for swimming the world's great rivers. In 2000, he was the first person ever to swim the entire length of the Danube River in Europe - a distance of 3,004 kilometres in 58 days. For this, he attained his first entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. Then in 2001 he broke the Guinness record for non-stop swimming - 504.5 kilometres in the Danube River in 84 hours and 10 minutes. Martin won his third entry in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002 when he beat his own record for long distance swimming by swimming the length of the Mississippi River in North America in 68 days, a total of 3,797 kilometres. Then in 2003 he became the firstman to have swum the whole 1,929 kilometres of the difficult Parana River in South America.In 2004, Strel again broke his own Guinness record by swimming the length of the dangerous Changjiang River (4,600 km), the third longest fiver in the world.选修9 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans-ReadingSRILING THE OCERNSWe may well wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made it possible to plot a ship's position on a map. The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not at the mercy of the sea even though they did not have modern navigational aids. So how did they navigate so wellRead these pages from an encyclopedia.Page 1:Using nature to help Keeping alongside the coastlineThis seems to have been the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk.Using celestial bodiesNorth StarAt the North Pole the North Star is at its highest position in the sky, but at the equator it is along the horizon. So accomplished navigators were able to use it to plot their positions.SunOn a clear day especially during the summer the sailors could use the sun overhead at midday to navigate by. They can use the height of the sun to work out their latitude.CloudsSea captains observed the clouds over islands. There is a special cloud formation which indicates there is land close by.Using wildlifeSeaweedSailors often saw seaweed in the sea and could tell by the colour and smell how long it had been them. If it was fresh and smelled strongly,then the ship was close to land.BirdsSea birds could be used to show the way to land when it was nowhere to be seen. In the evening nesting birds return to land and their nests. So seamen could follow the birds to land even if they were offshore and in the open sea.Using the weatherFogFog gathers at sea as well as over streams or rivers. Seamen used it to help identify the position of a stream or river when they were close to land.WindsWise seamen used the winds to direct their sailing. They could accelerate the speed, but they could also be dangerous. So the Vikings would observe the winds before and during their outward or return journeys.Using the seaCertain tides and currents could be used by skillful sailors to carry ships to their destination.These skills helped sailors explore the seas and discover new lands. They increased their ability to navigate new seas when they used instruments.Page 2:Using navigational instruments to helpFinding longitudeThere was no secure method of measuring longitude until the 17th century when the British solved this theoretical problem. Nobody knew that the earth moved westwards 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time. An early method of measuring speed involved throwing a knotted rope tied to a log over the side of the ship. The rope was tied to a log which was then thrown into the sea. As the ship advanced through the water the knots were counted as they passed through a seaman's hands. The number of knots that were counted during a fixed period of time gave the speed of the ship in nautical miles per hour.Later, when seamen began to use the compass in the 12th century they could calculate longitude using complicated mathematical tables. The compass has a special magnetic pointer which always indicates the North Pole, so it is used to help find the direction that the ship needs to go. In this way the ship could set a straight course even in the middle of the ocean.Finding latitudeThe Bearing CircleIt was the first instrument to measure the sun's position. A seaman would measure the sun's shadow and compare it with the height of the sun at midday. Then he could tell if he was sailing on his correct rather than a random course.A Bearing CircleThe AstrolabeThe astrolabe, quadrant and sextant are all connected. They are developments of one another. The earliest, the astrolabe, was a special all-in-one tool for telling the position of the ship in relation to the sun and various stars which covered the whole sky. This gave the seamen the local time and allowed them to find their latitude at sea. However, it was awkward to use as one of the points of reference was the moving ship itself.The QuadrantThis was a more precise and simplified version of the astrolabe. It measured how high stars were above the horizon using a quarter circle rather than the full circle of the astrolabe.It was easier to handle because it was more portable. Its shortcoming was that it still used the moving ship as one of the fixed points of reference. As the ship rose and plunged in the waves, it was extremely difficult to be accurate with any reading.The sextantThe sextant was the updated version of the astrolabe and quadrant which reduced the tendency to make mistakes. It proved to be the most accurate and reliable of these early navigational instruments. It works by measuring the angle between two fixed objects outside the ship using two mirrors. This made the calculations more precise and easier to do.THE GREATEST NAVIGATIONAL JOURNEY:A LESSON IN SURVIVALI am proud to have sailed with Captain Bligh on his journey of over 40 days through about 4,000miles in an open boat across the Pacific Ocean in 1789. Our outward voyage in the "Bounty" to Tahiti had been filled with the kind of incidents that I thought would be my stories when Ireturned home. But how wrong I was! On our departure from Tahiti, some of the crew took over the ship.They deposited the captain into a small boat to let him find his own way home. But who else was to go with him Those of us on board the "Bounty" were caught in a dilemma. Was it better to risk certain death by sitting close together on a small, crowded open boat with very little food and water Or should one stay on the "Bounty" with the crew and face certain death from the British Navy if caught The drawback of staying on the ship seemed to grow as I thought about how wrong it was to treat Captain Bligh in this way. So I joined him in the small boat. As dusk fell, we seemed to face an uncertain future. We had no charts and the only instruments the captain was allowed to take with him were a compass and a quadrant.Once we were at sea, our routine every day was the same. At sunrise and sunset the captain measured our position using the quadrant and set the course using the compass. It was extremely difficult for us to get a correct reading from the quadrant as the boat moved constantly. The captain used a system called "dead reckoning". He knew there was land directly northwest of our original position. So his task was to make sure we stayed on that course. As you can see from the map we kept to a straight course pretty well. In addition, the captain kept us all busy reading the tables to work out our position. Although this took a great deal of time, it didn't matter. Time was, after all, what we had a lot of!Our daily food was shared equally among us all: one piece of bread and one cup of water. It was starvation quantities but the extreme lack of water was the hardest to cope with psychologically. Imagine all that water around you, but none of it was safe to drink because the salt in it would drive you mad! All the time the captain tried to preserve our good spirits by telling stories and talking hopefully about what we would do when we got back to England. We only half believed him.The tension in the boat got worse as the supply of food and water gradually disappeared. We could foresee that we would die if we could not reach land very soon and we sank gradually into a sleepy, half-alive state. The captain was as weak as the rest of us, but he was determined not to give up. He continued his navigational measurements every day. He kept us busy and tried to take our minds off our stomachs and our thirst. He kept us alive.You could not imagine a more disturbing sight than what we looked like when arriving in Timor over forty days after being set loose in our small boat. Our clothes were torn, we had fever and our faces showed the hardships we had suffered. But after a rest, some good meals and some new clothes, everything changed. We couldn't stop talking about our voyage and everybody wanted to hear about it. We were the heroes who had escaped the jaws of death by completing the greatest navigational feat of all time!选修9 Unit 3 Australia-ReadingGLIMPSES OF AUSTRALIAAUSTRALIACapital: Canberra Offcial name: Commonwealth of AustraliaArea: 7,686,850 km2 Population: 20 millionHighest point: Mount Kosciuszko, 2,228 metres above sea levelLowest point: Lake Eyre, 15 metres below sea levelAustralia is the only country that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country in the world and is in the smallest continent - Oceania. It is a mainly dry country with only a few coastal areas that have adequate rainfall to support a large population. Approximately 80 of Australians live inthe south-eastern coastal area, which includes Australia's two largest cities – Melbourne and Sydney. The centre of the continent, which is mainly desert and dry grassland, has few settlements.Australia is famous for its huge, open spaces, bright sunshine, enormous number of sheep and cattle and its unusual wildlife, which include kangaroos and koalas. Australia is a popular destination with tourists from all over the world who come to experience its unique ecology.Australia is made up of six states. Like the states in America, Australian states are autonomous in some areas of government. However, Australia has a federal government responsible for matters that affect people all over the country, such as defence, foreign policy and taxation. The federal parliament is located in Canberra.CITIZENSHIP CEREMONIES PLANNED AROUND AUSTRALIA On 26 January, Australia Day, in over 200 locations across the nation , more than 9,000 people will become Australian citizens."By these citizenship ceremonies we welcome those who have come from overseas from many different cultural and social backgrounds into our communities and our nation," said the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. "Australia Day celebrations that include people from so many birthplaces are an excellent way to encourage tolerance, respect and friendship among all the people of Australia."Most citizenship ceremonies will be followed by displays of singing and dancing from many of the migrants' homelands and the tasting of food from all over the world.Go by plane and see cloudsGo by TRAIN and see AustraliaEnjoy 3 nights on board the Indian-PacificOn this 4,352-km journey from Sydney to Perth via Adelaide you'll view some ot Australias unique scenery from the superb Blue Mountains to the treeless plains of the Nuliarbor. Along the way you will spot a fascinating variety of wildlife.Enjoy 2 nights on board the GhanAs you travel from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs, you'll observe some of Australia'smost spectacular landscapes - from the rolling hills surrounding Adelaide to the rusty reds of Australia's centre and the tropical splendour of Darwin.For more information, timetables and fares go to .au/trains.htmDear Shen Ping,I wish you could see this amazing rock. It is part of one of Australia's 14 Worm Heritage Sites andrises about 335 metres out of a vast, flat sandy plain. A t different times of the day it appears tochange co/our, from grey-red at sunrise, to golden and finally to burning red at dusk. Aboriginal people have lived near Uluru for thousands of years and yout can walk around it with an Aboriainal guide to learn about their customs, art, religion and day-to-day life. It is also possible to climb the rock, but most people don't do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred. I’ll be back in Sydney in a fortnight because I've made a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth.love JackTours outside HobartDrive 250 km northwestwards from Hobart along the A10 highway and you'll arrive at the southern end of the magnificent Cradle Mountain National Park and World Heritage area. This park is famous for its mountain peaks, lakes and ancient forests. A popular attraction for activetourists is the 80-km walking track that joins the southern and northern ends of the park. There are also a range of short walks.Reading and discussingBefore you read the following text, read the title and look at the pictures. Discuss with a partner what you expect to read about in the text.AUSTRALIA’S DANGEROUS CREATURESAustralia is home to more than 170 different kinds of snake and 115 of these are poisonous. In fact, Australia has more kinds of venomous snake than any other country in the world. Luckily, the poison of most snakes can kill or paralyze only small creatures.A few varieties, however, can kill humans, so it is just as well that snakes are very shy and usually attack only if they are disturbed and feel threatened.There are also approximately 2,000 different kinds of spider in Australia and, like snakes, most have a poisonous bite. However, the majority have no effect on humans or cause only mild sickness.Only a few have venom that is powerful enough to kill a human being. While a small number of Australians are bitten by spiders each year, most recover without any medical treatment.The seas around Australia contain over 160 different kinds of shark, which vary in size from just 20 centimetres to over 14 metres. However, although they look dangerous because of their wide mouths and sharp teeth, all but two or three kinds are harmless to humans.Another potentially dangerous sea animal is the jellyfish. Most kinds of poisonous jellyfish can cause severe pain to anyone who touches them but the poison of the box jellyfish can actually kill a human, especially if that person has a weak heart. The tiniest amount of poison from a box jellyfish can kill in less than five minutes and it is probably the most poisonous animal in the world.There is one other dangerous animal in Australia worth mentioning, and that is the crocodile. Although two types of crocodile live in Australia, only the saltwater crocodile has been known to kill humans. This crocodile moves very quickly when it sees something it considers to be food, and from time to time a crocodile has snatched someone before he or she is even aware that the crocodile is there.You might think that with all these dangerous animals Australia is an unsafe place to live in or visit. However, this is far from the truth. There are no more than a handful of shark attacks each year and only three deaths have been reported in the last five years.Similarly, in the last three years there have been only two reported deaths from crocodile attacks. Since 1956, when an anti-venom treatment for redback spider bites was developed, there have been no deaths from redbacks, and since 1981 when a treatment was developed for funnelweb spider poison, there have been no deaths from this spider either. Treatments for jellyfish stings and s~aakebites have also been developed and in the last five years there have been only three deaths from jellyfish stings and about the same number from snakebites.选修9 Unit 4 Exploring plants-ReadingPLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIESThe plants in our gardens look so familiar that often we do not realize that many of them actually come from countries far away. Collecting "exotic" plants, as they are called, dates back to the earliest times. Many ancient civilisations saw the value of bringing back plants from distant lands. The first plant collecting expedition recorded in history was around 1500 BC when the Queen of Egypt sent ships away to gather plants, animals and other goods.However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. Europe had become interested in scientific discovery and the European middle classes took great interest in collecting new plants. Thisattraction to exotic plants grew as European nations, like the Netherlands, Britain and Spain, moved into other parts of the world like Asia and Australia. Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions, often facing many dangers including disease,near-starvation, severe environments and conflicts with the local people.An important group of collectors were Frencn Catholic missionaries who, by the middle of the 18th century, were beginning to set themselves up in China. One such missionary, Fatherd'Incarville, was sent to Beijing in the 1740s. He collected seeds of trees and bushes including those of the Tree of Heaven. Just before he died, he sent some Tree of Heaven seeds to England. They arrived in 1751 and plants from these seeds were grown throughout Europe and later, in 1784, the species was introduced in North America.Sir Joseph Banks was a very famous British plant collector, who accompanied James Cook on his first voyage from England to Oceania. The purpose of the trip for Banks was to record the plant and animal life they came across. He and his team collected examples whenever they went onto dry land. In 1769, Banks collected vast quantities of plants in the land now known as Australia. None of these plants had been recorded by Europeans before. Cook called the bay where the Endeavour had anchored Botany Bay.Keeping plants alive during long land or sea voyages was an enormous challenge. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after long sea voyages or trips across land between Asia and Europe. One plant explorer lost several years' work when his plants were mined with seawater.The world of plant exploration was completely changed with Dr Nathaniel Ward's invention of a tightly sealed portable glass container. This invention, called the Wardian case, allowed plants to be transported on long journeys. In 1833, Ward shipped two cases of British plants to Sydney, Australia. All the plants survived the six-month journey. In 1835, the cases made a return trip with some Australian species that had never been successfully transported before. After eight months at sea, they arrived safely in London.A British man called Robert Fortune was one of the earliest plant collectors to use Wardian cases. He made several trips to China between 1843 and 1859. At that time, there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his fluency in Chinese and dressed as a Chinese man, even shaving his head in the Chinese style. He experienced many adventures including huge thunderstorms in the Yellow Sea and pirates on the Yangtze River. Not only did Fortune introduce over 120 species of plants to Western gardens but he also shipped 20,000 tea plants from Shanghai to India, where a successful tea industry was established.The second half of the nineteenth century was a very important period of plant exploration. During this time many Catholic missionaries were sent to China from France. They valued the study of the natural sciences and many of the missionaries knew a lot about plants and animals.Their expeditions resulted in huge plant collections, which were sent back to France. One of the collectors was Father Farges, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him. This tree was later called the Dove Tree. He sent the seeds back to France in1897 but only one seed grew.Although the missionaries collected large numbers of soecimens. there was not enough material for growing particular species in Western gardens. However, European botanists were very excited with the knowledge that China had a vast variety of plants, so many plant collectors were sent on collecting trips to China. One of these collectors was E H Wilson who, in 1899, was able to collect a large quantity of seeds of the Dove Tree that Father Farges had discovered. Wilson and other plant collectors introduced many new plants to Western gardens.Reading and discussingBefore you read the text on page 38, have a quick glance at it. What is the text about What do the pictures show you What is the chart aboutFLOWERS AND THEIR ANIMAIL POLLINATORSOver time, many flowering plants and their animal pollinators have evolved together. The plant needs the animal to pollinate it and the animal is rewarded with food called nectar when it visits the flowers. Pollen becomes attached to the animal during its visit to a flower and is then passed on to another plant's blossom on its next visit. So pollination takes place, therefore increasing the chances of the survival of the plant species.Through evolution, most flowers have adapted to attract specific types of pollinators. Bees, moths and butterflies are the most importantpollinators. Flies, wasps, beetles and other animals such as birds and bats are less common.The type of pollinator depends on the characteristics of the flower such as its colour, shape, size and smell. For example, yellow flowers attract bees, while red flowers attract butterflies. The nectar in some flowers can only be reached by a bird with a long bill or a long-tongued moth or butterfly. The chart below describes some features of flowers that attract certain kinds of pollinators.Pollinator Typical flower characteristicsBees Colour: bright yellow, blue; the flower often has a special pattern to guide the bees to the nectar inside.Shape: the petals are wide enough for bees to land on;usually the nectar is at the end of a small, narrow tube whose length is the same as the tongue of a particular species.Smell: delicate, fragrant.Butterflies Colour: red, orange.Shape: the petals form a tube of a suitable length for butterflies. Tiny flowers are often in tight bunches that provide a place for butterflies to land on, eg daisies.Smell: odourless.Moths Colour: white, light-coloured so moths can see them at night.Shape: the petals form a deep tube to match the length of a specific moth's tongue. The petals lie fiat or bend back so the moth can get close to the flower.Smell: strong, sweet perfume, typically only given outat night.Flies Colour: dull-coloured, brownish red.Smell: strong like rotting meat.。



1.选修九Unit1 Breaking records-Reading打破记录"THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"“路永在前方”Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. 阿什里塔·弗曼是一位热衷挑战并想争创吉尼斯世界纪录的运动员。

Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. 在过去的25年中,他大约已经打破了93项吉尼斯世界纪录。

More than twenty of these he still holds, including the record for having the most records. 至今,他仍然是其中20多项纪录的保持者,还包括拥有最多的吉尼斯纪录这一项。

But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places. 但是这些纪录并不是像游泳或足球等一般运动项目那样创建的,而是阿什里塔试图在非常有趣的地点,在富有想象力的运动项目中打破的。

Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hooping in Australia, pogo stick jumping under water in South America, and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America. 最近,阿什里塔完成了他的梦想:在所有的七大洲中都破一项纪录,其中包括在澳洲玩呼啦圈,在南美洲的水下做弹簧单高跷游戏,在北美洲的热气球中做膝部深弯曲运动。



French missionary and naturalist. Born at Monclar-de-Quercy, Tarn-et-Garonne. He was sent to China in 1867 and remained stationed in north-east Sichuan until 1903. Although he had always nurtured an interest in the local flora and fauna, it was not until 1892 that he started to collect herbarium specimens in earnest. During the eleven years before he moved south to Chongqing, he collected and preserved over Pè re Paul Guillaume Farges (1844 1912) 4,000 specimens.
Special plants
Do you have a courtyard or some pot plants on your balcony? Do you know where these plants come from? Are they Chinese plants or do they come from another country?
Result: Seeds of the tree of Heaven were sent to ________, England and were grown Throughout _________ ____ . Europe In 1784, It was______ introduced in ______ _______ North America

人教高中英语选修9 U2 Sailing the oceans Using language (共6

人教高中英语选修9 U2 Sailing the oceans Using language (共6
1. Why do you think this writer describes his journey as one of the greatest in navigational history? Do you agree? Give your reasons.
2. What kind of leadership qualities do you think Captain Bligh showed? Are these the only qualities needed for a good captain?
A sample letter report
Dear Sir,
I think Captain Bligh should certainly receive a special medal for his amazing voyage across the sea to Timor. This is a journey that could not have been completed without great navigational skill. In addition Captain Bligh did not lose one man.
3. We couldn’t get a correct reading from the quadrant as the weather was bad. F 4. Working out our position took us a great deal of time which made us worried. F 5. The extreme lack of water was the hardest to cope with. T



【人教版】英语课本原文(必修1~选修9)及部分翻译必修1 第一单元Reading 阅读ANNE’S BEST FRIENDDo you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942.Thursday 15, June, 1944Dear kitty,I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.…For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose u ntil half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was ope n. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face……Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.Yours,AnneUsing Language? 语言运用Reading and listening?? 读与听1? Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers and predict what Miss Wang will say. After listening, check and discuss her advice.Dear Miss Wang,I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate others gossiping. What should I do?Yours,LisaReading and writing?? 读与写Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiaodong. He is also asking for some advice. Read the letter on the right carefully and help Miss Wang answer it.Dear Miss Wang,I’m a student from Huzhou Senior High School. I have a problem. I’m not very good at communicating with people. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them. So I feel quite lonely sometimes. I do want to change this situation, but I don’t know how. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.Yours,Xiaodong2? Decide which are the best ideas and put them into an order. Then write down your advice and explain how it will help. Each idea can make one paragraph. The following sample and the expressions may help youDear Xiaodong,I’m sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you follow my advice. Here are some tips to help you.First, why not…?If you do this,…Secondly, you could / can …Then / That way, …Thirdly, it would be a good idea if …By doing this, …I hope you will find these ideas useful.YoursMiss Wang2? 决定哪些是最好并把它们按顺序组织起来。

高中英语(人教版 选修9)Unit 4 Section_Ⅰ Warming Up - Reading — Pre-reading

高中英语(人教版 选修9)Unit 4 Section_Ⅰ Warming Up - Reading — Pre-reading

Section_ⅠWarming Up & Reading —Pre­readingWhile everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers around his house, few people know how to keep them for as long as possible.This may be done by keeping in mind a few simple facts.An important thing to remember about cut flowers is that they are sensitive to temperature.For example,studies have shown that cut carnations (康乃馨) retain their freshness eight times longer when kept at 12℃ than when kept at 26℃.Keeping freshly harvested flowers at the right temperatures is probably the most important aspect of flower care.Flowers can't live very long by nature.Their biological purpose is simply to attract birds or insects, such as bees.After that, they quickly dry up and die.The process by which flowers consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, called respiration,_generates the energy the flower needs to give the flower its shape and color.The making of seeds also depends on this energy.While all living things respire, flowers have a high level of respiration.A result of all this respiration is heat, and for flowers the level of heat relative to the mass of the flower is very high.Respiration also brings about the eventual death of the flower.Thus thegreater the level of respiration, the sooner the flower dies.How, then, to control the rate at which flowers die?By controlling respiration.How is respiration controlled?By controlling temperature.We know that respiration produces heat, but the reverse is also true.Thus by maintaining low temperatures, respiration is reduced and the cut flower will age more slowly.Another vital factor in keeping cut flowers is the quality of the water in which they are placed.Flowers find it difficult to “drink” water that is dirty or otherwise polluted.Even when water looks and smells clean, it almost certainly contains harmful substances that can endanger the flowers.To rid the water of these unwanted substances, household chlorine bleach (含氯漂白剂) can be used in small quantities.It is recommended that 15 drops of chlorine bleach (at 4% solu tion) be added to each litre of water.The water and solution should also be replaced each day.True (T) or False (F):1.The key to prolonging the life of cut flowers fresh is to keep newly picked flowers at the right temperature.( )2.The underlined word “respiration” in paragraph three probably means breathing.( )3.Flower respiration gives the flower its shape and color.( )4.The cleaner the water looks and smells, the better.( )答案:1.T 2.T 3.F 4.FⅠ.高频单词点击1.courtyard n.庭院;院子;天井2.balcony n.阳台;包厢3.distant adj.远的,远处的→distance n.距离,间距;远方;远处4.conflict n.斗争;冲突→conflicting adj.相反的5.goods n.货物6.anchor n.锚vi.抛锚,锚定7.tight adj.紧的,紧密的→tightly adv.紧紧地;坚固地8.container n.容器→contain v.包含,容纳,装盛9.restriction n.限制,约束→restrict v.限制10.fluency n.流利,流畅→fluent adj.流利的→fluently adv.流利地11.shave vt. & vi.剃;刮n.刮脸,刮胡子,修面→shaver n. 剃须刀12.thunderstorm n.雷雨,雷暴13.appeal n.恳求;呼吁vi.(对某人)有吸引力→appealing adj.有吸引力的,有趣的14.botanist n. 植物学家→botany n. 植物学→botanical adj. 植物学的Ⅱ.重点短语必记1.adapt to 适应于2.date back to 追溯到;远在……年代3.on a large scale 大规模地4.take interest in 对……感兴趣5.set up 资助;(使)开始从事某种职业6.come across 遇到;碰见7.quantities of 大量的8.appeal to (对……)有吸引力;呼吁9.a vast variety of 大量的,各种各样的Ⅲ.常用句型必备1.Collecting_“exotic”_plants,_as_they_are_called,_dates back to the earliest times.2.However, it_was_not_until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale.3.Cook called the bay where the Endeavour had anchored Botany bay.4.Not_only_did_Fortune_introduce over 120 species of plants to Western gardens but_he_also_shipped 20,000 tea plants ...Ⅳ.课文大意理解1.Which one of the following is the topic of Paragraph 1?A.When plant collecting began.B.When and where plant collecting began on a large scale.C.Wardian case.D.Problem of keeping plants alive on long trips.2.What happened in the 1740s?A.Plants from Heaven seeds were grown throughout Europe.B.A French Catholic missionary called Father d' Incarville was sent to Beijing.C.Some Tree of Heaven seeds arrived in England.D.The tree of Heaven was introduced into North America.3.Transporting plants over long distances was a big problem.Why was this?A.It was hard to keep them alive during long trips.B.The weather is bad.C.It costs too much.D.There is not enough water.4.How did French missionaries come to be plant collectors?A.They believed in God.B.When they were in universities they studied natural science.C.They valued the study of the natural sciences and many of them knew a lot about plants and animals.D.They learned from other plant collectors.5.Who was able to collect a large quantity of seeds of the Dove Tree that Father Farges had discovered?A.Father Farges.B.Robert Fortune.C.E H Wilson.D.Dr Nathaniel.答案:1~5 ABACCⅤ.根据课文改错1.The first plant collecting expedition records in history was around 1500 BC.records→recorded2.However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries what the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale.what→that3.Brave young men grasped the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions.grasped→took4.At that time, there were restrictions to the movement of Europeans.to→on5.Father Farges collected 37 seeds from a tree that has appealed to him.has→hadⅥ.课文缩写填空The plants in our gardens look familiar, __1__ in fact many of them date back __2__ many years ago.In the past, many civilisations saw the value of bringing back plants.So many of them did it.__3__, it wasn't popular until the 18th and 19th centuries.At that time, many brave young men took the opportunity __4__ (find) new plants, such as Father d'Incarville, sir Joseph Banks.But keeping plant alive wasan enormous challenge. __5__ (face) the problem, Dr Nathaniel Ward __6__ (invent) the Wardian case.Between 1843 and 1859, there were__7__ (restrict) on the movement of Europeans and so, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his __8__ (fluent) in Chinese even __9__ (shave) his head in the Chinese style. He experienced many adventures and succeed shipping plants to the western countries.Although the missionaries collected large numbers of specimens, there was not enough material __10__ growing particular species in western gardens, many plant collectors managed to introduce many new plants to western gardens.答案:1.but 2.to 3.However 4.to find 5.Facing 6.invented 7.restrictions 8.fluency 9.shaving 10.for。



1421 Some people think a Chinese fleet led by Zheng He may have visited Australia. 1606 A Dutch sea captain first mapped the north coast.
1644 Abel Tasman made a map on which he combined all known land and guessed the rest. 1770 Che east coast of the continent 1802 Mathew Flinders sailed around the continent, mapped it and called it Australia.
Since you’ve learned so much about Australia in this Unit, choose several aspects that you think are interesting to write a report (e.g. its animals, plants, scenery, cities, beaches, people, leisure activities, history or something else).
5. Which of the student's answers do you
agree with and why? Remember, that
you first need to decide what “discovered” means and what “ Australia” means. Many possible answers will depend on how students interpret discovered and Australia.



Unit 4 Exploring plantsPart 2 Teaching Resources第二部分教学资源Section 1 Backgrounds f or Unit 4 Exploring plants1.Importance of PlantsPlants form the basic food staple for all life forms. They a re the major source of food and oxygen on earth, since no animal can supply these necessary components without p lants. Th e cattle we eat as beef, feed on grasses and the fish we eat, consume algae and are therefore dependen t on plants for well being. Other important uses of plants include, providing shelter for animals, providing materials for clothing (cotton fibers), paper products, medicines and other chemicals, producing coal from once living plant materi al, reducing wind speed and noise level s, and reducing soil erosion and water runoff.2. The life cycle of a plantThe life cycle of a plant varies depending on the individual species. There are, however, certain requirements for life that most plants need. The growth of a plant is dependent upon light, water, oxygen, car bo n dioxide, minerals in the soil, temperature and microbes in the soil. Light, water, and carbon dioxide are needed for photosynthesis which produces food for the plant. Oxygen is needed when it is dark, because the plant then needs oxygen to maintain itself.。



高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***Unit 1 Living wellⅠWarming up1. Game playing: Take out a piece of paper and a pen, then draw a face on the paper with your eyes close.How did you feel when you were doing so?2. Do you think people with a disability can live well?Can you name some famous disabled people?What can you learn from them?Conclusion: They’re broken in body but firm in spirit. (身残志坚)3. Do they face more challenges in life?Would you like to read some stories about them?ⅡPre-reading: get clo se to “family village”Q: What is the website about?A: It tells stories of the disabled.ⅢReading: MARTY’S STORYⅰFast reading for general ideas.1.Marty is ___________ person.A. a healthyB. an illC. a disabledD. a rich2. Marty has __________ disease.A. a mentalB. a muscleC. an eyeD. a leg3. What’s Marty’s dream?A. Playing professional football and possibly representing his country in the World Cup.B. Being a doctor.C. Being a college student.D. Being a basketball player.4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The doctor could give Marty’s disease a name.B. The doctor knew how to make Marty well.C. Someone in the world could cure the disease.D.No one could give Marty’s disease a name.5. Which of the following is false?A. Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed.B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.D. Marty disability has made him more independent.Medical Record of MartyName: MartyGender: maleDisease: an unknown muscle diseaseSymptoms: clumsy and drop things or bump into furnitureⅱSecond reading: Match the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1: How his life has become easierPara.2: The advantages of his diseasePara.3: An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.Para.4: How his disability developedPara.5: Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.ⅲThird reading1. In what does Marty tell his story? ( He tells his story in order of time.)before 10: What kind of life does he lead? How did he feel at that time?after 10 : What happened to him? What about his feeling? What was his problem when he was in primary school?at high school: How did he describe his life at high school?now: How is his life like? What about his feeling?2. How did his feeling change?Conclusion: the change of Marty’s feeling: hopeful puzzled worried regretful happy satisfied3. What kind of person do you think Marty is?From his motto: Live one day at a time, we can see that Marty is an /a optimistic, brave, stupid, pessimistic, independent, strong-minded…person.4. Why has his fellow students’ conduct changed towards Marty?A. Because they are now high school students.B. Because they are all disabled people.C. Because Marty is now a healthy boy like them.D. Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich and full a life as everyone else.ⅳ SummaryMarty Fielding has a muscle disease that sometimes makes him very weak and he can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. The doctors don’t know how to make him better. Fortunately, Marty has learned to adapt to his disability. He used to dream about one day playing professional football and representing (represent) his country in the World Cup. He doesn’t look any different from other people. So sometimes kids laugh at him when he gets out of breath. Life is much easier (easy) at high school than it was at primary school. Even when he is made fun of, he does not get annoyed. (annoy) Disabled as he is, Marty has become stronger and more independent. He suggests that we normal people should give the disabled more encouragement rather than laugh at them.。



boiled water and some cooking oil.
Third listening
Listen to the first part again and
complete the table of conditions that each
dish of seeds was given.
Dish A tap water, warm temperature, oxygen Dish B tap water, cold temperature, oxygen Dish C no water, warm temperature, oxygen Dish D boiled water, oil, warm temperature, no oxygen
● what the “procedure” tells you (the steps you carry out to set up the experiment); ● the grammatical structures used for each section of the report.
On the bench.
4. What materials do the students need to set up the experiment? Four dishes and four pieces of cloth, a dish of seeds, some tap water, some
Fourth listening
Now listen to the second part of the
tape in which the class discusses the

人教版新课标英语课文汇总 -- 选修 9

人教版新课标英语课文汇总 -- 选修 9

选修9 Unit 1 BREAKING RECORDS-READING"THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. More than twenty of these he still holds, including the record for having the most records. But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places.Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hooping in Australia, pogo stick jumping under water in South America, and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America. While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination.Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are walking. You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay on your head.While Ashrita makes standing on top of a 75 cm Swiss ball look easy, it is not. It takes a lot of concentration and a great sense of balance to stay on it. You have to struggle to stay on top especially when your legs start shaking.And what about somersaulting along a road for 12 miles? Somersaulting is a tough event as you have to overcome dizziness, extreme tiredness and pain. You are permitted to rest for only five minutes in every hour of rolling but you are allowed to stop briefly to vomit.Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another event in which Ashrita is outstanding. Lunges are extremely hard on your legs. You start by standing and then you step forward with the fight foot while touching the left knee to the ground. Then you stand up again and step forward with the left foot while touching the fight knee to the ground. Imagine doing this for a mile!Yet this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete. As a child he was very unfit and was not at all interested in sports. However, he was fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records.How Ashrita came to be a sportsman is an interesting story. As a teenager, he began searching for a deeper meaning in life. He studied Eastern religions and, aged 16, discovered an Indian meditation teacher called Sri Chinmoy who lived in his neighbourhood in New York City. Since that time in the early 1970s, Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy's students. Sri Chinmoy says that it is just as important for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their minds, hearts and spiritual selves. He believes that there is no limit to people's physical abilities.When Ashrita came third in a 24-hour bicycle marathon in New York's Central Park in 1978, he knew that he would one day get into the Guinness Book of World Records. He had been urged by his spiritual leader to enter the marathon even though he had done no training. So, when he won third place, he came to the understanding that his body was just an instrument of the spirit and that he seemed to be able to use his spirit to accomplish anything. From then on, Ashrita refused to accept any physical limitation.With this new confidence, Asharita broke his first Guinness record with 27,000 jumping jacks in 1979. The motivation to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to Sri Chinmoy. Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he reaches a point where he feels he cannot physically do any more. At that moment, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his teacher.Ashrita always acknowledges his teacher in his record-breaking attempts. In fact, he often wears a T-shirt with Sri Chinmoy's words on the back. The words are:"There is only one perfect road. It is ahead of you, always ahead of you."FOCUS ON...Lance ArmstrongDate of Birth: 8th September, 1971Country: USALance Armstrong's Guinness record for the fastest average speed at the Tour de France was set in 1999 with an average speed of 40.27 km/hr. In his teens he was a triathlete but at 16 he began to concentrate on cycling. He was an amateur cyclist before the 1992 Olympic Games but turned professional after he had competed in the Games. In the following few years, he won numerous titles, and by 1996 he had become the world's number one. However, in October 1996, he discovered he had cancer andhad to leave cycling. Successfully fighting his illness, Armstrong officially returned to racing in 1998. In 1999 he won the Tour de France and in 2003 he achieved his goal of winning five Tours de France.Michellie JonesDate of Birth: 9th June, 1969Country: AustraliaIn 1988 Michellie Jones helped establish the multi-sport event, the triathlon, in Australia. After completing her teaching qualifications in 1990, she concentrated on the triathlon. In 1991, she finished third at the world championships. In 1992 and 1993, she was the International Triathlon Union World Champion. Since then, she has never finished lower than fourth in any of the world championships she has competed in. At the Sydney Olympics in 2000 she won the silver medal in the Women's Triathlon, the first time the event had been included in the Olympic Games. Recently, for the first time in 15 years, Jones was not selected as part of the national team and therefore did not compete in the 2004 Olympics in Athens.Fu MingxiaDate of Birth: 16th August, 1978Country: ChinaFu Mingxia first stood on top of the 10-metre diving platform at the age of nine. At 12 years old she won a Guinness Record when she became the youngest female to win the women's world title for platform diving at the World Championships in Australia in 1991. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, she took the gold medal in the women's 10-metre platform, becoming the youngest Olympic diving champion of all time. This was followed by great success at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games where she won gold for both the 10-metre platform and the three-metre springboard. This made her the first woman in Olympic diving history to win three gold medals. She retired from diving after Atlanta and went to study economics at university. While there she decided to make a comeback and went on to compete at the Sydney Olympic Games, where she won her fourth Olympic gold, again making Olympic history.Martin StrelDate of Birth: 1st October, 1954Country: SloveniaStrel was trained as a guitarist before he became a professional marathon swimmer in 1978. He has a passion for swimming the world's great rivers. In 2000, he was the first person ever to swim the entire length of the Danube River in Europe - a distance of 3,004 kilometres in 58 days. For this, he attained his first entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. Then in 2001 he broke the Guinness record for non-stop swimming - 504.5 kilometres in the Danube River in 84 hours and 10 minutes. Martin won his third entry in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2002 when he beat his own record for long distance swimming by swimming the length of the Mississippi River in North America in 68 days, a total of 3,797 kilometres. Then in 2003 he became the first man to have swum the whole 1,929 kilometres of the difficult Parana River in South America.In 2004, Strel again broke his own Guinness record by swimming the length of the dangerous Changjiang River (4,600 km), the third longest fiver in the world.选修9 Unit 2 SAILING THE OCEANS-READINGSRILING THE OCERNSWe may well wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made it possible to plot a ship'sposition on a map. The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not at the mercy of the sea even though they did not have modern navigational aids. So how did they navigate so well? Read these pages from an encyclopedia.Page 1:Using nature to help Keeping alongside the coastlineThis seems to have been the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk.Using celestial bodiesNorth StarAt the North Pole the North Star is at its highest position in the sky, but at the equator it is along the horizon. So accomplished navigators were able to use it to plot their positions.SunOn a clear day especially during the summer the sailors could use the sun overhead at midday to navigate by. They can use the height of the sun to work out their latitude.CloudsSea captains observed the clouds over islands. There is a special cloud formation which indicates there is land close by. Using wildlifeSeaweedSailors often saw seaweed in the sea and could tell by the colour and smell how long it had been them. If it was fresh and smelled strongly, then the ship was close to land.BirdsSea birds could be used to show the way to land when it was nowhere to be seen. In the evening nesting birds return to land and their nests. So seamen could follow the birds to land even if they were offshore and in the open sea.Using the weatherFogFog gathers at sea as well as over streams or rivers. Seamen used it to help identify the position of a stream or river when they were close to land.WindsWise seamen used the winds to direct their sailing. They could accelerate the speed, but they could also be dangerous. So the Vikings would observe the winds before and during their outward or return journeys.Using the seaCertain tides and currents could be used by skillful sailors to carry ships to their destination.These skills helped sailors explore the seas and discover new lands. They increased their ability to navigate new seas when they used instruments.Page 2:Using navigational instruments to helpFinding longitudeThere was no secure method of measuring longitude until the 17th century when the British solved this theoretical problem. Nobody knew that the earth moved westwards 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time. An early method of measuring speed involved throwing a knotted rope tied to a log over the side of the ship. The rope was tied to a log which was then thrown into the sea. As the ship advanced through the water the knots were counted as they passed through a seaman's hands. The number of knots that were counted during a fixed period of time gave the speed of the ship in nautical miles per hour.Later, when seamen began to use the compass in the 12th century they could calculate longitude using complicated mathematical tables. The compass has a special magnetic pointer which always indicates the North Pole, so it is used to help find the direction that the ship needs to go. In this way the ship could set a straight course even in the middle of the ocean.Finding latitudeThe Bearing CircleIt was the first instrument to measure the sun's position. A seaman would measure the sun's shadow and compare it with the height of the sun at midday. Then he could tell if he was sailing on his correct rather than a random course.A Bearing CircleThe AstrolabeThe astrolabe, quadrant and sextant are all connected. They are developments of one another. The earliest, the astrolabe, was a special all-in-one tool for telling the position of the ship in relation to the sun and various stars which covered the whole sky. This gave the seamen the local time and allowed them to find their latitude at sea. However, it was awkward to use as one of the points of reference was the moving ship itself.The QuadrantThis was a more precise and simplified version of the astrolabe. It measured how high stars were above the horizon using a quarter circle rather than the full circle of the astrolabe. It was easier to handle because it was more portable. Its shortcoming was that it still used the moving ship as one of the fixed points of reference. As the ship rose and plunged in the waves, it was extremely difficult to be accurate with any reading.The sextantThe sextant was the updated version of the astrolabe and quadrant which reduced the tendency to make mistakes. It proved to be the most accurate and reliable of these early navigational instruments. It works by measuring the angle between two fixed objects outside the ship using two mirrors. This made the calculations more precise and easier to do.THE GREATEST NAVIGATIONAL JOURNEY:A LESSON IN SURVIVALI am proud to have sailed with Captain Bligh on his journey of over 40 days through about 4,000miles in an open boat across the Pacific Ocean in 1789. Our outward voyage in the "Bounty" to Tahiti had been filled with the kind of incidents that I thought would be my stories when I returned home. But how wrong I was! On our departure from Tahiti, some of the crew took over the ship. They deposited the captain into a small boat to let him find his own way home. But who else was to go with him? Those of us on board the "Bounty" were caught in a dilemma. Was it better to risk certain death by sitting close together on a small, crowded open boat with very little food and water? Or should one stay on the "Bounty" with the crew and face certain death from the British Navy if caught? The drawback of staying on the ship seemed to grow as I thought about how wrong it was to treat Captain Bligh in this way. So I joined him in the small boat. As dusk fell, we seemed to face an uncertain future. We had no charts and the only instruments the captain was allowed to take with him were a compass and a quadrant.Once we were at sea, our routine every day was the same. At sunrise and sunset the captain measured our position using the quadrant and set the course using the compass. It was extremely difficult for us to get a correct reading from the quadrant as the boat moved constantly. The captain used a system called "dead reckoning". He knew there was land directly northwest of our original position. So his task was to make sure we stayed on that course. As you can see from the map we kept to a straight course pretty well. In addition, the captain kept us all busy reading the tables to work out our position. Although this took a great deal of time, it didn't matter. Time was, after all, what we had a lot of!Our daily food was shared equally among us all: one piece of bread and one cup of water. It was starvation quantities but the extreme lack of water was the hardest to cope with psychologically. Imagine all that water around you, but none of it was safe to drink because the salt in it would drive you mad! All the time the captain tried to preserve our good spirits by telling stories and talking hopefully about what we would do when we got back to England. We only half believed him. The tension in the boat got worse as the supply of food and water gradually disappeared. We could foresee that we would die if we could not reach land very soon and we sank gradually into a sleepy, half-alive state. The captain was as weak as the rest of us, but he was determined not to give up. He continued his navigational measurements every day. He kept us busy and tried to take our minds off our stomachs and our thirst. He kept us alive.You could not imagine a more disturbing sight than what we looked like when arriving in Timor over forty days afterbeing set loose in our small boat. Our clothes were torn, we had fever and our faces showed the hardships we had suffered. But after a rest, some good meals and some new clothes, everything changed. We couldn't stop talking about our voyage and everybody wanted to hear about it. We were the heroes who had escaped the jaws of death by completing the greatest navigational feat of all time!选修9 Unit 3 AUSTRALIA-READINGGLIMPSES OF AUSTRALIAAUSTRALIACapital: Canberra Offcial name: Commonwealth of AustraliaArea: 7,686,850 km2Population: 20 millionHighest point: Mount Kosciuszko, 2,228 metres above sea levelLowest point: Lake Eyre, 15 metres below sea levelAustralia is the only country that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country in the world and is in the smallest continent - Oceania. It is a mainly dry country with only a few coastal areas that have adequate rainfall to support a large population. Approximately 80 of Australians live in the south-eastern coastal area, which includes Australia's two largest cities –Melbourne and Sydney. The centre of the continent, which is mainly desert and dry grassland, has few settlements.Australia is famous for its huge, open spaces, bright sunshine, enormous number of sheep and cattle and its unusual wildlife, which include kangaroos and koalas. Australia is a popular destination with tourists from all over the world who come to experience its unique ecology.Australia is made up of six states. Like the states in America, Australian states are autonomous in some areas of government. However, Australia has a federal government responsible for matters that affect people all over the country, such as defence, foreign policy and taxation. The federal parliament is located in Canberra.CITIZENSHIP CEREMONIES PLANNED AROUND AUSTRALIAOn 26 January, Australia Day, in over 200 locations across the nation, more than 9,000 people will become Australian citizens."By these citizenship ceremonies we welcome those who have come from overseas from many different cultural and social backgrounds into our communities and our nation," said the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. "Australia Day celebrations that include people from so many birthplaces are an excellent way to encourage tolerance, respect and friendship among all the people of Australia."Most citizenship ceremonies will be followed by displays of singing and dancing from many of the migrants' homelands and the tasting of food from all over the world.Go by plane and see cloudsGo by TRAIN and see AustraliaEnjoy 3 nights on board the Indian-PacificOn this 4,352-km journey from Sydney to Perth via Adelaide you'll view some ot Australias unique scenery from the superb Blue Mountains to the treeless plains of the Nuliarbor. Along the way you will spot a fascinating variety of wildlife. Enjoy 2 nights on board the GhanAs you travel from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs, you'll observe some of Australia's most spectacular landscapes - from the rolling hills surrounding Adelaide to the rusty reds of Australia's centre and the tropical splendour of Darwin. For more information, timetables and fares go to .au/trains.htmDear Shen Ping,I wish you could see this amazing rock. It is part of one of Australia's 14 Worm Heritage Sites and rises about 335 metres out of a vast, flat sandy plain. A t different times of the day it appears to change co/our, from grey-red at sunrise, to golden and finally to burning red at dusk. Aboriginal people have lived near Uluru for thousands of years and your can walk around it with an Aboriainal guide to learn about their customs, art, religion and day-to-day life. It is also possible to climb the rock, but most people don't do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred.I’ll be back in Sydney in a fortnight because I've made a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth.love JackTours outside HobartDrive 250 km northwestwards from Hobart along the A10 highway and you'll arrive at the southern end of the magnificent Cradle Mountain National Park and World Heritage area. This park is famous for its mountain peaks, lakes and ancient forests. A popular attraction for active tourists is the 80-km walking track that joins the southern and northern ends of the park. There are also a range of short walks.Reading and discussingBefore you read the following text, read the title and look at the pictures. Discuss with a partner what you expect to read about in the text.AUSTRALIA’S DANGEROUS CREATURESAustralia is home to more than 170 different kinds of snake and 115 of these are poisonous. In fact, Australia has more kinds of venomous snake than any other country in the world. Luckily, the poison of most snakes can kill or paralyze only small creatures.A few varieties, however, can kill humans, so it is just as well that snakes are very shy and usually attack only if they are disturbed and feel threatened.There are also approximately 2,000 different kinds of spider in Australia and, like snakes, most have a poisonous bite. However, the majority have no effect on humans or cause only mild sickness. Only a few have venom that is powerful enough to kill a human being. While a small number of Australians are bitten by spiders each year, most recover without any medical treatment.The seas around Australia contain over 160 different kinds of shark, which vary in size from just 20 centimetres to over 14 metres. However, although they look dangerous because of their wide mouths and sharp teeth, all but two or three kinds are harmless to humans.Another potentially dangerous sea animal is the jellyfish. Most kinds of poisonous jellyfish can cause severe pain to anyone who touches them but the poison of the box jellyfish can actually kill a human, especially if that person has a weak heart. The tiniest amount of poison from a box jellyfish can kill in less than five minutes and it is probably the most poisonous animal in the world.There is one other dangerous animal in Australia worth mentioning, and that is the crocodile. Although two types of crocodile live in Australia, only the saltwater crocodile has been known to kill humans. This crocodile moves very quickly when it sees something it considers to be food, and from time to time a crocodile has snatched someone before he or she is even aware that the crocodile is there.You might think that with all these dangerous animals Australia is an unsafe place to live in or visit. However, this is far from the truth. There are no more than a handful of shark attacks each year and only three deaths have been reported in the last five years. Similarly, in the last three years there have been only two reported deaths from crocodile attacks. Since 1956, when an anti-venom treatment for redback spider bites was developed, there have been no deaths from redbacks, and since 1981 when a treatment was developed for funnelweb spider poison, there have been no deaths from this spider either. Treatments for jellyfish stings and snakebites have also been developed and in the last five years there have been only three deaths from jellyfish stings and about the same number from snakebites.选修9 Unit 4 EXPLORING PLANTS-READINGPLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIESThe plants in our gardens look so familiar that often we do not realize that many of them actually come from countries far away. Collecting "exotic" plants, as they are called, dates back to the earliest times. Many ancient civilisations saw the value of bringing back plants from distant lands. The first plant collecting expedition recorded in history was around 1500 BC when the Queen of Egypt sent ships away to gather plants, animals and other goods.However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. Europe had become interested in scientific discovery and the European middle classes took great interest in collecting new plants. This attraction to exotic plants grew as European nations, like the Netherlands, Britain and Spain, moved into other parts of the world like Asia and Australia. Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions, often facing many dangers including disease,near-starvation, severe environments and conflicts with the local people.An important group of collectors were Frencn Catholic missionaries who, by the middle of the 18th century, were beginning to set themselves up in China. One such missionary, Father d'Incarville, was sent to Beijing in the 1740s. He collected seeds of trees and bushes including those of the Tree of Heaven. Just before he died, he sent some Tree of Heaven seeds to England. They arrived in 1751 and plants from these seeds were grown throughout Europe and later, in 1784, the species was introduced in North America.Sir Joseph Banks was a very famous British plant collector, who accompanied James Cook on his first voyage from England to Oceania. The purpose of the trip for Banks was to record the plant and animal life they came across. He and his team collected examples whenever they went onto dry land. In 1769, Banks collected vast quantities of plants in the land now known as Australia. None of these plants had been recorded by Europeans before. Cook called the bay where the Endeavour had anchored Botany Bay.Keeping plants alive during long land or sea voyages was an enormous challenge. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after long sea voyages or trips across land between Asia and Europe. One plant explorer lost several years' work when his plants were mined with seawater.The world of plant exploration was completely changed with Dr Nathaniel Ward's invention of a tightly sealed portable glass container. This invention, called the Wardian case, allowed plants to be transported on long journeys. In 1833, Ward shipped two cases of British plants to Sydney, Australia. All the plants survived the six-month journey. In 1835, the cases made a return trip with some Australian species that had never been successfully transported before. After eight months at sea, they arrived safely in London.A British man called Robert Fortune was one of the earliest plant collectors to use Wardian cases. He made several trips to China between 1843 and 1859. At that time, there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his fluency in Chinese and dressed as a Chinese man, even shaving his head in the Chinese style. He experienced many adventures including huge thunderstorms in the Yellow Sea and pirates on the Yangtze River. Not only did Fortune introduce over 120 species of plants to Western gardens but he also shipped 20,000 tea plants from Shanghai to India, where a successful tea industry was established.The second half of the nineteenth century was a very important period of plant exploration. During this time many Catholic missionaries were sent to China from France. They valued the study of the natural sciences and many of the missionaries knew a lot about plants and animals. Their expeditions resulted in huge plant collections, which were sent back to France. One of the collectors was Father Farges, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him. This tree was later called the Dove Tree. He sent the seeds back to France in1897 but only one seed grew.Although the missionaries collected large numbers of soecimens. there was not enough material for growing particular species in Western gardens. However, European botanists were very excited with the knowledge that China had a vast variety of plants, so many plant collectors were sent on collecting trips to China. One of these collectors was E H Wilson who, in 1899, was able to collect a large quantity of seeds of the Dove Tree that Father Farges had discovered. Wilson andother plant collectors introduced many new plants to Western gardens.Reading and discussingBefore you read the text on page 38, have a quick glance at it. What is the text about? What do the pictures show you? What is the chart about?FLOWERS AND THEIR ANIMAIL POLLINATORSOver time, many flowering plants and their animal pollinators have evolved together. The plant needs the animal to pollinate it and the animal is rewarded with food called nectar when it visits the flowers. Pollen becomes attached to the animal during its visit to a flower and is then passed on to another plant's blossom on its next visit. So pollination takes place, therefore increasing the chances of the survival of the plant species.Through evolution, most flowers have adapted to attract specific types of pollinators. Bees, moths and butterflies are the most importantpollinators. Flies, wasps, beetles and other animals such as birds and bats are less common.The type of pollinator depends on the characteristics of the flower such as its colour, shape, size and smell. For example, yellow flowers attract bees, while red flowers attract butterflies. The nectar in some flowers can only be reached by a bird with a long bill or a long-tongued moth or butterfly. The chart below describes some features of flowers that attract certain kinds of pollinators.Pollinator Typical flower characteristicsBees Colour: bright yellow, blue; the flower often has a special pattern to guide the bees to the nectar inside.Shape: the petals are wide enough for bees to land on; usually the nectar is at the end of a small, narrow tube whose length is the same as the tongue of a particular species.Smell: delicate, fragrant.Butterflies Colour: red, orange.Shape: the petals form a tube of a suitable length for butterflies. Tiny flowers are often in tight bunches that provide a place for butterflies to land on, eg daisies.Smell: odourless.Moths Colour: white, light-coloured so moths can see them at night.Shape: the petals form a deep tube to match the length of a specific moth's tongue. The petals lie fiat or bend back so the moth can get close to the flower.Smell: strong, sweet perfume, typically only given outat night.Flies Colour: dull-coloured, brownish red.Smell: strong like rotting meat.Humming-birds Colour: brightly coloured, especially red and orange.Shape: tube-shaped; petals bent back so birds can get close.Smell: no odour.Bats Colour: white, light-coloured so bats can see them at night.Shape: open at night; large, strong with wide mouths for long tongues.Smell: musty, fruity smell.选修9 Unit 5 INSIDE ADVERTISING-READINGHOW ADVERTISINC WORKSDo you know how many advertisements you are exposed to in your daily life? Every day, we pass by advertisements on buses and billboards, on trains and in train stations, in shop windows, outside restaurants and on public notice boards. At home, we see advertisements in magazines and newspapers and in the middle of our favourite television programmes. We hear advertisements on the radio and come across them on the Internet. Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements. With so many messages from advertisers。

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人教版高中英语选修九Unit Five  Inside advertising.docx

高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***Unit Five Inside advertising课程标准中的内容标准:本单元的中心话题是广告。




2.(交际) 学会表达对事物的不同看法。



学习领域与主题内容及要求目标层次人教版选修九UnitFiveInsideadvertising理解掌握运用1.1.1. 话题:Talking about advertising andadvertisements; ways to make effectiveads, advertising controls.√1.1.2功能:1. expressing different views of anargument. 表达不同观点。

You are quite right.I quite agree with you.I think so, too.I see your point, but…Tha’s ridiculous.Not at all.I’m afraid I can/t accept that.I wouldn’t say that.√That not how I see it.I’m afraid I have a different opinion.No problem.No way.√1.1.3 Understanding vocabulary(理解词汇)(学生只需认识,不作为测试的内容考查)conscience, corporation, visual,generate, stereo, liter, mature, decent,ethics, beware1.1.4 Grasping vocabulary(掌握词汇)√(学生能够掌握其意义、用法、搭配,可作为考查内容)billboard, casual,garment, inform, association, target, basis,technique, budget, broadcast, rely, refresh,murder, suitcase, actress, typist, fluent,hostess, invitation, appoint, chairman,raise, dial, operator, misleading, ban1.1.5 Applying vocabulary(应用词汇)√(学生在写作中能够运用下列词汇)Turn…into…, advertiser, advert, fit into,lane, feature, expense, response, have nouse for, partly, sheet, spokesman,alcoholic, promote, immoral, offending,consumer, trustworthy1.1.6语法:复习宾语补足语the object √√Committee members recently appointedme their chairman.(名词作宾补)They made Ronaldo, the soccer star, thespokesman of their product.(名词作宾补)I find it very difficult to raise the money.(形容词作宾补)As my neighbor is a troublemaker, I haveto keep myself away from him.(副词作宾补)Please remember me to your parents. (介词短语作宾补)His speech left the president n a veryawkward situation. (介词短语作宾补)Really good advertising persuades peopleto behave in certain ways. (动词不定式做宾补)Committee members have asked me to tellyou how much we all appreciate yourdonation. (动词不定式做宾补)Many people consider advertisementsoffending. (-ing形式作宾补)Through the window, could see the raincoming down in sheets. (-ing形式作宾补)She is going to have the novel translated.(过去分词作宾补)I’d like to have the goods delivereddirectly to my office. (过去分词作宾补)1.1.7句型结构:With so many messages √√from advertisers filling our daily lives, it isimportant to understand howadvertisements work.It makes sense to make computer gameads that appeal to this group.Would really good advertising persuadeyou to buy products and services you arenot interested in or have no use for?As we are flooded with advertisements inour modern world, many schools believe itis their duty to educate students aboutadvertising.Part One重点知识点I. 重点单词和词组P. 41Words: persuade, effectivePhrases: in magazines, in any way, keep in mind.P. 42Words: billboard, advertiser, announcement, adolescentPhrases: be exposed to, pass by, come across, attach to, turn into, it make sense, appeal to, fit intoP. 43Words: feature, conscience, worthy, corporation, afford, expense, via, generate, response, stereo, subsequentlyPhrases: grab the attention of, rely on, run out, have no use forP. 48Words: dishonest, inappropriate, alcoholic, tobacco, promote, immoralPhrases: make statementP. 49Words: decent, ethical, offending, beware, consumerPhrases: be flood with, be ware ofP. 50Words: trustworthy, containPhrases: be protected from, opinion ofPart Two单元目标检测I. 根据下列句子意思用所给词的正确形式或所给汉语填空(1X20=20’)1.The a__________ period is one's best time, so we shall make full use of it.2.Some of the more advanced __________(特征) of the software make the new versionextremely popular.3.After he had committed the crime, his c__________ was troubled.4.We drove along a muddy l__________ to reach the farmhouse.5.She felt she was not __________(受尊敬的) to be on the stage with all these glamorouspeople.6.__________(随后), new guidelines were issued to all employees as a response to thequestion.7.Don't you think it's i__________ to leave thousands of children without an education?8.Medical e__________ can be quite high if you are not insured.9.He quoted the words of another famous leader in r__________ to the journalist's question.10.The textbooks you use should be a__________ to the level of the students.11.The news program came to us __________(通过) satellite.12.The new ambassador is more __________(成熟) than his predecessor.13.We've had several phone calls already this morning from __________(广告商).14.Decision makers do not have a blank __________(纸) upon which they can inscribe theirown policy proposals.15.Howe was turning into an __________ (酒鬼)because of the stress of his job.16.Some people found his jokes funny but others were deeply o__________.17.The ban on cigarette advertising will upset the t__________ corporation.18.Young people’s awareness of environmental issues is p__________ through publicitymaterial.19.It was very d__________ of you to lie to them about your qualifications.20.Leave a spare key with a t__________ neighbor.II. 用所给词的词组适当形式填空(1X10=10’)1.You'd better go home before your money _______________.(run)2.Your speech didn't _______________ (come); nobody understood your opinion.3.The office _______________(flood) applications for the job last month.4.He _______________ (use) a single glove so he threw it out of the window.5.The United Nations _______________ (appeal) the people of the developed countries foraiding those of the backward countries.6.The country ________ (govern) elected representatives of the people.7.Another trip abroad this year is ____________(question) because we have enough money.8.Her mind __________ (occupy) alarming questions.9.Would you please ____________(substitute) me tomorrow?10.The children have been _________(comfort) me through all of this.III.语法填空(2X10=20’)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(每空1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。


dawn. And at dawn we rose and knocked at the gate of the city.
8. Once we were at sea, our routine every day was the same. routine n. 例行公事, 常规, 日常事务, 程序
When Captain Bligh returned home he was treated as a hero. It was discussed whether he should receive a special medal or not. Get into groups of four and discuss these questions. Then role-play the dialogue.
great detail. 他能把每件小事的细节都记得清楚。 incident 附带的小事件,事端,政变 accident 意外事故 event 重大事件
e.g. How did the accident happen? 这起事故是怎么发生的? July 7th Incident 七七事变 What were the chief events of last year? 去年主要的大事是什么?
•1、teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多 深远。
•2、gladly would learn, and gladly teach.勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。 •3、is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. •4、好的教师是让学生发现真理,而不只是传授知识。 •5、be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。


2020人教版高三英语选修九电子课 本课件【全册】
Unit 2 Saililing the oceans
2020人教版高三英语选修九电子课 本课件【全册】
2020人教版高三英语选修九电子课 本课件【全册】
Unit 3 Australia
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Unit 4 Exploring plants
2020人教版高三英语选修九电子课 本课件【全册】
Unit 5 Inside advertising
2020人教版高三英语选修九电子课 本课件【全册】
WorkbookUnit 1 Breaking records
2020人教版高三英语选修九电子 课本课件【全册】目录

0002页 0083页 0226页 0281页 0317页 0333页 0404页 0427页 0429页
目录 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans Unit 4 Exploring plants WorkbookUnit 1 Breaking records Unit 3 Australia Unit 5 Inside advertising Grammar vocabulary Changes in international phonetic symbols for English
2020人教版高三英语选修九电子课 本课件【全册】
Unit 1 Breaking records
2020人教版高三英语选修九电子课 本课件【全册】
Unit 2 Sailing the oceans

人教高中英语选修9 Unit3 Australia-Using language

人教高中英语选修9 Unit3 Australia-Using language

4. Listen once more and discuss the following questions with a partner.
1). Why did Wei Ping misunderstand Bob when he said “ When we walk through the bush…”?
A funnelweb spider
A brown snake
A box jellyfish
A saltwater crocodile
1. How many poisonous snakes and how many poisonous spiders are there in Australia? Are they all capable of killing humans? 115 different kinds of snakes and most of the 2,000 different kinds of spiders. Only a few kinds of spiders and snakes are capable of killing humans.
B: Well, why don’t you come camping with me and my friends?
P: Oh, that’s very kind of you but … B: But? P: Well, you see I’m terrified of snakes.
B: Really? Oh, you don’t have to worry. Snakes are scared of humans and they move away as soon as they hear you coming. Just remember to make a lot of noise with your feet.



Task 4
Listen once more and give your definition.
1. surf 2. surf lfesaver 3. surf lifesaving club 4. nipper 5. ironman/ woman competition
surf (v.) : to ride the waves into the beach on a surf board; surf (n.): the waves in the sea that are close to the shore and have white foam on the top. surf lifesaver: someone who rescues people who get in trouble in the waves.
3. How much does the government pay
the surf lifesavers who keep the beaches safe? It costs nothing. Surf lifesavers are
volunteers, they work for free.
Several times during the summer, surf lifesaving clubs hold carnivals at which they display their lifesaving skills and hold competitions between different clubs. Each club has a different uniform, consisting of a swimming costume and a T-shirt. Lifesavers also wear caps in their club colors so that they can be easily identified when they are in the water.



3) Why is the position of the sun and various stars useful for working out latitude? The position of the sun and stars are useful for working out latitude because they are fixed points in the sky and their movements in relation to the earth are already known. So they can be used to measure a ship's position.
and the astrolabe ,
quadrant or sextant
to find out your
position , return to
your former course.
What would you do Plan of action
if :
You were offshore but you needed more food and water.
1. How do you think seamen found their way before modern accurate methods of navigation were invented? Kept close to the shore, used nature such as the sun, wind, birds, tide, etc, to help them, and used some of the instruments including a compass, astrolabe, etc.
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选修9 Unit 1 Breaking records-Reading"THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"Ashrita Furma n is a sportsma n who likes the challe nge of break ing Guinn ess records. Over the last 25 years, he has broke n approximately 93 Guinn ess records. More tha n twenty of these he still holds, including the record for having the most records. But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places.Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hoop ing in Australia, pogo stick jump ing un der water in South America, and perform ing deep knee bends in a hot air ballo on in North America.While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination.Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are walk ing. You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay on your head.While Ashrita makes standing on top of a 75 cm Swiss ball look easy, it is not. It takes a lot of concentration and a great sense of balanee to stay on it. You have to struggle to stay on top especially whe n your legs start shak ing.And what about somersault ing along a road for 12 miles? Somersault ing is a tough eve nt as you have to overcome dizz in ess, extreme tired ness and pai n. You are permitted to rest for on ly five minutes in every hour of rolling but you are allowed to stop briefly to vomit.Covering a mile in the fastest time while doing gymnastically correct lunges is yet another eve nt in which Ashrita is outsta nding. Lun ges are extremely hard on your legs. You start by standing and then you step forward with the fight foot while touching the left knee to the ground. Then you stand up again and step forward with the left foot while touching the fight knee to the groun d. Imag ine doing this for a mile!Yet this talented sportsman is not a natural athlete. As a child he was very unfit and was not at all in terested in sports. However, he was fasc in ated by the Guinn ess Book of World Records.How Ashrita came to be a sportsman is an interesting story. As a teenager, he began searching for a deeper meaning in life. He studied Eastern religions and, aged 16, discovered an Indian meditation teacher called Sri Chinmoy who lived in his neighbourhood in New York City. Since that time in the early 1970s, Ashrita has been one of Sri Chinmoy's students. Sri Chinmoy says that it is just as importa nt for people to develop their bodies as it is to develop their min ds, hearts and spiritual selves. He believes that there is no limit to people's physical abilities.When Ashrita came third in a 24-hour bicycle marathon in New York's Central Park in 1978, he knew that he would one day get into the Guinn ess Book of World Records. He had bee n urged by his spiritual leader to en ter the marath on eve n though he had done no training. So, whe n he won third place, he came to the understanding that his body was just an instrument of the spirit and that he seemed to be able to use his spirit to accomplish anything. From the n on, Ashrita refused to accept any physical limitatio n.With this new con fide nce, Asharita broke his first Guinn ess record with 27,000 jumpi ng jacks in 1979. The motivation to keep trying to break records comes through his devotion to Sri Chinmoy. Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he reaches a point where he feels he cannot physically do any more. At that moment, he goes deep within himself and connects with his soul and his teacher.Ashrita always ack no wledges his teacher in his record-break ing attempts.In fact, he ofte n wears a T-shirt with Sri Chinmoy's words on the back. The words are:"There is only one perfect road. It is ahead of you, always ahead of you."FOCUS ON ...Lance Armstro ngDate of Birth: 8th September, 1971Cou ntry: USALance Armstro ng's Guinn ess record for the fastest average speed at the Tour de France was set in 1999 with an average speed of 40.27 km/hr. I n his tee ns he was a triathlete but at 16 he bega n to concentrate on cycling. He was an amateur cyclist before the 1992 Olympic Games but turned professional after he had competed in the Games. In the following few years, he won numerous titles, and by 1996 he had become the world's number one. However, in October 1996, he discovered he had cancer and had to leave cycling. Successfully fighting his illness, Armstrong officially returned to racing in 1998. In 1999 he won the Tour de France and in 2003 he achieved his goal of winning five Tours de Fran ce.Michellie JonesDate of Birth: 9th Jun e, 1969Coun try: AustraliaIn 1988 Michellie Jones helped establish the multi-sport eve nt, the triathl on, in Australia. After complet ing her teachi ng qualificati ons in 1990, she concen trated on the triathl on. In 1991, she fini shed third at the world champi on ships. In 1992 and 1993, she was the Intern ati onal Triathlo n Union World Champi on. Since the n, she has n ever fini shed lower tha n fourth in any of the world champi on ships she has competed in. At the Sydney Olympics in 2000 she won the silver medal in the Wome n's Triathl on, the first time the eve nt had bee n in cluded in the Olympic Games. Rece ntly, for the first time in 15 years, Jones was not selected as part of the national team and therefore did not compete in the 2004 Olympics in Athe ns.Fu Mi ngxiaDate of Birth: 16th August, 1978 Coun try: ChinaFu Mingxia first stood on top of the 10-metre diving platform at the age of nine. At 12 years old she won a Guinn ess Record whe n she became the youn gest female to win the wome n's world title for platform diving at the World Championships in Australia in 1991. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, she took the gold medal in the women's 10-metre platform, becoming the youngest Olympic diving champion of all time. This was followed by great successat the 1996 Atla nta Olympic Games where she won gold for both the 10-metre platform and the three-metre springboard. This made her the first woman in Olympic diving history to win three gold medals. She retired from diving after Atlanta and went to study economics at university. While there she decided to make a comeback and went on to compete at the Sydney Olympic Games, where she won her fourth Olympic gold, again making Olympic history.Marti n StrelDate of Birth: 1st October, 1954 Coun try: Slove niaStrel was trained as a guitarist before he became a professional marathon swimmer in 1978. He has a passion for swimming the world's great rivers. In 2000, he was the first person ever to swim the entire length of the Danube River in Europe - a distance of 3,004 kilometres in 58 days. For this, he atta ined his first en try in the Guinn ess Book of World Records. The n in 2001 he broke the Guinn ess record for non-stop swimmi ng - 504.5 kilometres in the Dan ube River in 84 hours and 10 mi nu tes. Marti n won his third entry in the Guinn ess Book of World Records in 2002 whe n he beat his own record for long distance swimming by swimming the length of the Mississippi River in North America in 68 days, a total of 3,797 kilometres. Then in 2003 he became the first man to have swum the whole 1,929 kilometres of the difficult ParanaRiver in South America.In 2004, Strel aga in broke his own Guinn ess record by swim ming the len gth of the dan gerous Chan gjia ng River (4,600 km), the third Ion gest fiver in the world.选修9 Unit 2 Sailing the oceans-ReadingSRILING THE OCERNSWe may well won der how seame n explored the ocea ns before latitude and Ion gitude made itpossible to plot a ship's position on a map. The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not at the mercy of the sea even though they did not have modern navigational aids. So how did they n avigate so well? Read these pages from an en cyclopedia.Page 1:Using n ature to help Keep ing alon gside the coastl ineThis seems to have been the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk.Using celestial bodiesNorth StarAt the North Pole the North Star is at its highest position in the sky, but at the equator it is along the horizon. So accomplished navigators were able to use it to plot their positions.SunOn a clear day especially duri ng the summer the sailors could use the sun overhead at midday to n avigate by. They can use the height of the sun to work out their latitude.CloudsSea captains observed the clouds over islands. There is a special cloud formation which in dicates there is land close by.Using wildlifeSeaweedSailors ofte n saw seaweed in the sea and could tell by the colour and smell how long it had been them. If it was fresh and smelled strongly,then the ship was close to land.BirdsSea birds could be used to show the way to land whe n it was no where to be see n. In the evening nesting birds return to land and their nests. So seamen could follow the birds to land even if they were offshore and in the ope n sea.Using the weatherFogFog gathers at sea as well as over streams or rivers. Seamen used it to help identify the position of a stream or river whe n they were close to land.Win dsWise seamen used the winds to direct their sailing. They could accelerate the speed, but they could also be dan gerous. So the Vik ings would observe the winds before and duri ng their outward or retur n jour neys.Using the seaCertain tides and currents could be used by skillful sailors to carry ships to their desti nati on. These skills helped sailors explore the seas and discover new Ian ds. They in creased their ability to n avigate new seas whe n they used in strume nts.Page 2:Using navigational instruments to helpFinding Ion gitudeThere was no secure method of measuring Iongitude until the 17th century when the British solved this theoretical problem. Nobody knew that the earth moved westwards 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did know an approximate method of calculating Iongitude using speed and time. An early method of measuring speed invoIved throwing a knotted rope tied to a log over the side of the ship. The rope was tied to a log which was then thrown into the sea. As the ship advaneed through the water the knots were coun ted as they passed through a seama n's han ds. The nu mber of knots that were counted during a fixed period of time gave the speed of the ship in nautical miles per hour.Later, when seamen began to use the compass in the 12th century they could calculate Ion gitude using complicated mathematical tables. The compass has a special magn etic poin ter which always in dicates the North Pole, so it is used to help find the directi on that the ship n eeds to go. In this way the ship could set a straight course eve n in the middle of the ocea n.Finding latitudeThe Beari ng CircleIt was the first instrument to measure the sun's position. A seaman would measure the sun's shadow and compare it with the height of the sun at midday. Then he could tell if he was sailing on his correct rather tha n a ran dom course.A Beari ng CircleThe AstrolabeThe astrolabe, quadra nt and sexta nt are all conn ected. They are developme nts of one ano ther. The earliest, the astrolabe, was a special all-in-one tool for telling the position of the ship in relation to the sun and various stars which covered the whole sky. This gave the seame n the local time and allowed them to find their latitude at sea. However, it was awkward to use as one of the points of refere nee was the moving ship itself.The Quadra ntThis was a more precise and simplified vers ion of the astrolabe. It measured how high stars were above the horiz on using a quarter circle rather tha n the full circle of the astrolabe .It was easier to handle because it was more portable. Its shortcoming was that it still used the moving ship as one of the fixed points of referenee. As the ship rose and plunged in the waves, it was extremely difficult to be accurate with any reading.The sexta ntThe sexta nt was the updated versi on of the astrolabe and quadra nt which reduced the tendency to make mistakes. It proved to be the most accurate and reliable of these early navigational instruments. It works by measuring the angle between two fixed objects outside the ship using two mirrors. This made the calculati ons more precise and easier to do.THE GREATEST NAVIGATIONAL JOURNEY:A LESSON IN SURVIV ALI am proud to have sailed with Capta in Bligh on his journey of over 40 days through about4,000miles in an ope n boat across the Pacific Ocea n in 1789. Our outward voyage in the "Bo un ty" to Tahiti had been filled with the kind of incidents that I thought would be my stories when I returned home. But how wrong I was! On our departure from Tahiti, some of the crew took over the ship.They deposited the captain into a small boat to let him find his own way home. But who else was to go with him? Those of us on board the "Bounty" were caught in a dilemma. Was it better to risk certain death by sitting close together on a small, crowded open boat with very little food and water? Or should one stay on the "Bo un ty" with the crew and face certa in death from the British Navy if caught? The drawback of stay ing on the ship seemed to grow as I thought about how wrong it was to treat Captain Bligh in this way. So I joined him in the small boat. As dusk fell, we seemed to face an uncertain future. We had no charts and the only instruments the captain was allowed to take with him were a compass and a quadra nt.Once we were at sea, our routi ne every day was the same. At sun rise and sun set the capta in measured our positi on using the quadra nt and set the course using the compass. It was extremely difficult for us to get a correct readi ng from the quadra nt as the boat moved con sta ntly. The capta in used a system called "dead reck onin g". He knew there was land directly n orthwest of our orig inal position. So his task was to make sure we stayed on that course. As you can see from the map we kept to a straight course pretty well. In additi on, the capta in kept us all busy readi ng the tables to work out our positi on. Although this took a great deal of time, it did n't matter. Time was, after all, what we had a lot of!Our daily food was shared equally among us all: one piece of bread and one cup of water. It was starvatio n qua ntities but the extreme lack of water was the hardest to cope with psychologically. Imagine all that water around you, but none of it was safe to drink because the salt in it would driveyou mad! All the time the captain tried to preserve our good spirits by telling stories and talking hopefully about what we would do whe n we got back to En gla nd. We only half believed him.The tension in the boat got worse as the supply of food and water gradually disappeared. We could foresee that we would die if we could not reach land very soon and we sank gradually into a sleepy, half-alive state. The captain was as weak as the rest of us, but he was determined not to give up. He continued his navigational measurements every day. He kept us busy and tried to take our minds off our stomachs and our thirst. He kept us alive.You could not imagine a more disturbing sight than what we looked like when arriving in Timor over forty days after being set loose in our small boat. Our clothes were torn, we had fever and our faces showed the hardships we had suffered. But after a rest, some good meals and some new clothes, everythi ng cha nged. We could n't stop talk ing about our voyage and everybody wan ted to hear about it. We were the heroes who had escaped the jaws of death by completing the greatest navigational feat of all time!选修9 Unit 3 Australia-ReadingGLIMPSES OF AUSTRALIAAUSTRALIACapital: Can berra Offcial n ame: Common wealth of AustraliaArea: 7,686,850 km2 Populatio n: 20 millio nHighest point: Mount Kosciuszko, 2,228 metres above sea levelLowest point: Lake Eyre, 15 metres below sea levelAustralia is the only country that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country in the world and is in the smallest continent - Oceania. It is a mainly dry country with only a few coastal areas that have adequate rain fall to support a large populati on. Approximately 80 of Australia ns live in the south-eastern coastal area, which includes Australia's two largest cities -Melbourne and Sydney. The centre of the continent, which is mainly desert and dry grassland, has few settlements.Australia is famous for its huge, ope n spaces, bright sunshine, eno rmous nu mber of sheep and cattle and its unusual wildlife, which include kangaroos and koalas. Australia is a popular destination with tourists from all over the world who come to experience its unique ecology.Australia is made up of six states. Like the states in America, Australian states are autonomous in some areas of gover nment. However, Australia has a federal gover nment resp on sible for matters that affect people all over the country, such as defence,foreign policy and taxation. The federal parliame nt is located in Can berra.CITIZENSHIP CEREMONIES PLANNED AROUND AUSTRALIAOn 26 Janu ary, Australia Day, in over 200 locatio ns across the n ati on , more tha n 9,000 people will become Australia n citize ns."By these citize nship cerem onies we welcome those who have come from overseas from many differe nt cultural and social backgro unds into our com mun ities and our n ati on,” said the Mini ster for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. "Australia Day celebrations that include people from so many birthplaces are an excelle nt way to en courage tolera nce, respect and frie ndship among all the people of Australia."Most citize nship cerem onies will be followed by displays of singing and dancing from many of the migra nts' homela nds and the tasti ng of food from all over the world.Go by pla ne and see cloudsGo by TRAIN and see AustraliaEnjoy 3 ni ghts on board the In dia n-PacificOn this 4,352-km journey from Sydney to Perth via Adelaide you'll view some ot Australiasunique scenery from the superb Blue Mountains to the treeless plains of the Nuliarbor. Along the way you will spot a fascinating variety of wildlife.Enjoy 2 ni ghts on board the GhanAs you travel from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Sprin gs, you'll observe some of Australia's most spectacular Ian dscapes - from the rolli ng hills surro unding Adelaide to the rusty reds ofAustralia's centre and the tropical sple ndour of Darwi n.For more in formati on, timetables and fares go toDear She n Ping,I wish you could see this amazing rock. It is part of one of Australia's 14 Worm Heritage Sites andrises about 335 metres out of a vast, flat sandy plain. A t different times of the day it appears to cha nge co/our, from grey-red at sun rise, to golde n and fin ally to bur ning red at dusk. Aboriginal people have lived near Uluru for thousands of years and yout can walk around it with an Aboriainal guide to learn about their customs, art, religion and day-to-day life. It is also possible to climb the rock, but most people don't do this out of respect for the Aborig inal people who con sider the rock to be sacred. I bdcklibeSyd ney in a fortni ght because「ve made a reservati on on the Indian Pacific train to Perth.love JackTours outside Hobart Drive 250 km northwestwards from Hobart along the A10 highway and you'll arrive at the southern end of the magnificent Cradle Mountain National Park and World Heritage area. This park is famous for its mountain peaks, lakes and ancient forests. A popular attraction for active tourists is the 80-km walk ing track that joi ns the souther n and n orther n ends of the park. There are also a range of short walks.Read ing and discuss ingBefore you read the following text, read the title and look at the pictures. Discuss with a part ner what you expect to read about in the text.AUSTRALIA S DANGEROUS CREATURESAustralia is home to more tha n 170 differe nt kinds of sn ake and 115 of these are pois ono us. In fact, Australia has more kinds of venomous snake than any other country in the world. Luckily, the poison of most snakes can kill or paralyze only small creatures.A few varieties, however, can kill humans, so it is just as well that snakes are very shy and usually attack only if they are disturbed and feel threate ned.There are also approximately 2,000 differe nt kinds of spider in Australia an d, like sn akes, most have a poisonous bite. However, the majority have no effect on humans or cause only mild sick ness. Only a few have venom that is powerful eno ugh to kill a huma n being. While a small nu mber of Australia ns are bitte n by spiders each year, most recover without any medical treatme nt.The seas around Australia contain over 160 different kinds of shark, which vary in size from just 20 centimetres to over 14 metres. However, although they look dangerous because of their wide mouths and sharp teeth, all but two or three kinds are harmless to huma ns.Another potentially dangerous sea animal is the jellyfish. Most kinds of poisonous jellyfish can cause severe pain to anyone who touches them but the pois on of the box jellyfish can actually kill a human, especially if that person has a weak heart. The tiniest amount of poison from a box jellyfishcan kill in less than five minutes and it is probably the most poisonous animal in the world.There is one other dangerous animal in Australia worth mentioning, and that is the crocodile. Although two types of crocodile live in Australia, only the saltwater crocodile has been known to kill humans. This crocodile moves very quickly when it sees something it considers to be food, and from time to time a crocodile has sn atched some one before he or she is eve n aware that the crocodile is there.You might think that with all these dangerous animals Australia is an unsafe place to live in or visit. However, this is far from the truth. There are no more than a handful of shark attacks each year and only three deaths have been reported in the last five years.Similarly, in the last three years there have bee n on ly two reported deaths from crocodile attacks. Si nee 1956, whe n an an ti-ve nom treatment for redback spider bites was developed, there have been no deaths from redbacks, and since 1981 whe n a treatme nt was developed for funn elweb spider pois on, there have bee n no deaths from this spider either. Treatments for jellyfish stings and s~aakebites have also been developed and in the last five years there have been only three deaths from jellyfish stings and about the same nu mber from sn akebites.选修9 Unit 4 Exploring plants-ReadingPLANT EXPLORATION IN THE 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIESThe pla nts in our garde ns look so familiar that ofte n we do not realize that many of them actually come from coun tries far away. Collect ing "exotic" pla nts, as they are called, dates back to the earliest times. Many ancient civilisations saw the value of bringing back plants from distant Ian ds. The first pla nt collect ing expediti on recorded in history was around 1500 BC whe n the Quee n of Egypt sent ships away to gather pla nts, ani mals and other goods.However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. Europe had become interested in scientific discovery and the European middle classes took great interest in collecting new plants. Thisattraction to exotic plants grew as European nations, like the Netherlands, Britain and Spain, moved in to other parts of the world like Asia and Australia. Brave young men took the opport unity of going on bota ni cal expediti ons, ofte n facing many dan gers in clud ing disease ,n ear-starvati on, severe en vir onments and con flicts with the local people.An important group of collectors were Frencn Catholic missionaries who, by the middle of the18th cen tury, were beg inning to set themselves up in Chi na. One such missi on ary, Father d'l ncarville, was sent to Beiji ng in the 1740s. He collected seeds of trees and bushes in clud ing those of the Tree of Heave n. Just before he died, he sent some Tree of Heave n seeds to En gla nd. They arrived in 1751 and pla nts from these seeds were grow n throughout Europe and later, i n 1784, the species was in troduced in North America.Sir Joseph Banks was a very famous British pla nt collector, who accompa nied James Cook on his first voyage from England to Oceania. The purpose of the trip for Banks was to record the plant and ani mal life they came across. He and his team collected examples whe never they went on to dry land. In 1769, Banks collected vast quantities of plants in the land now known as Australia. None of these pla nts had bee n recorded by Europea ns before. Cook called the bay where the En deavour had an chored Bota ny Bay.Keep ing pla nts alive duri ng long land or sea voyages was an eno rmous challe nge. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after long sea voyages or trips across land between Asia and Europe. One pla nt explorer lost several years' work whe n his pla nts were mi ned with seawater.The world of pla nt explorati on was completely cha nged with Dr Natha niel Ward's inven ti on of a tightly sealed portable glass container. This invention, called the Wardian case, allowed plants to be transported on long journeys. In 1833, Ward shipped two casesof British plants to Sydney, Australia. All the pla nts survived the six-m on th journey. In 1835, the cases made a return trip with some Australia n species that had n ever bee n successfully tran sported before. After eight mon ths at sea, they arrived safely in London.A British man called Robert Fortune was one of the earliest plant collectors to use Wardian cases. He made several trips to China between 1843 and 1859. At that time, there were restrictions on the moveme nt of Europea ns and so, in order to travel unno ticed, he developed his flue ncy in Chin ese and dressed as a Chin ese man, eve n shav ing his head in the Chin ese style. He experie need many adventures including huge thunderstorms in the Yellow Sea and pirates on the Yangtze River. Not only did Fort une in troduce over 120 species of pla nts to Wester n garde ns but he also shipped 20,000 tea pla nts from Shan ghai to In dia, where a successful tea in dustry was established.The second half of the nineteenth century was a very important period of plant exploration. During this time many Catholic missionaries were sent to China from France. They valued the study of the n atural scie ncesa nd many of the missi on aries knew a lot about pla nts and ani mals. Their expediti ons resulted in huge pla nt collecti ons, which were sent back to Fran ce. One of the collectors was Father Farges, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him. This tree was later called the Dove Tree. He sent the seeds back to France in1897 but only one seed grew.Although the missi on aries collected large nu mbers of soecime ns. there was not eno ugh material for grow ing particular species in Western garde ns. However, Europea n bota ni sts were very excited with the knowledge that China had a vast variety of plants, so many plant collectors were sent on collect ing trips to Chi na. One of these collectors was E H Wils on who, in 1899, was able to collect a large qua ntity of seeds of the Dove Tree that Father Farges had discovered. Wils on and other pla nt collectors in troduced many new pla nts to Western garde ns.Readi ng and discuss ingBefore you read the text on page 38, have a quick gla nee at it. What is the text about? What do the pictures show you? What is the chart about?FLOWERS AND THEIR ANIMAIL POLLINATORSOver time, many flowering plants and their animal pollinators have evolved together. The plant needs the animal to pollinate it and the animal is rewarded with food called nectar when it visits the flowers. Pollen becomes attached to the animal during its visit to a flower and is then passed on to ano ther pla nt's blossom on its n ext visit. So poll in ati on takes place, therefore in creas ing the cha nces of the survival of the pla nt species.Through evolution, most flowers have adapted to attract specific types of pollinators. Bees, moths and butterflies are the most importa ntpolli nators. Flies, wasps, beetles and other ani mals such as birds and bats are less com mon.The type of pollinator depends on the characteristics of the flower such as its colour, shape, size and smell. For example, yellow flowers attract bees, while red flowers attract butterflies. The n ectar in some flowers can only be reached by a bird with a long bill or a Ion g-t on gued moth or butterfly. The chart below describes some features of flowers that attract certain kinds of polli nators.Polli nator Typical flower characteristicsBees Colour: bright yellow, blue; the flower often has a special pattern to guide the bees to the n ectar in side.。
