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A cta

B ot.B orea l.-O cciden t.S in.



李世清1Κ2Κ赵 琳1Κ2Κ邵明安1Κ张兴昌1Κ上官周平1



摘 要Π对植物与大气间N H3交换的研究进展进行了综述Λ大量研究表明Κ植物冠层能够与大气进行N H3交换Κ交换的大小和方向取决于细胞间隙与大气N H3分压的差异Κ即N H3补偿点Λ大部分农田植物的N H3补偿点大致在1~6nmo l N H3 mo l air范围内Μ在自然条件下ΚN H3补偿点可能接近气孔下腔中的N H3分压Κ也可能接近大气中的N H3浓度Μ生长在低氮输入生态系统;如沼泽地和森林Γ中植物的N H3补偿点几乎为零Λ当外界大气N H3浓度低于补偿点时Κ生长的植被会释放N H3Μ否则Κ植被就会吸收N H3Λ影响N H3补偿点的因素主要包括叶温、光照强度和空气湿度等环境因素以及质外体pH、光呼吸速率及谷氨酰胺合成酶活性等内部因素Λ在植物生长前期Κ与大气间的N H3交换以吸收为主Κ后期则以释放为主Λ植物吸收或释放N H3的大小Κ因研究者、试验材料和试验条件等不同而有很大差异Λ植物地上部分对N H3的吸收途径主要有2条Κ一是通过表皮层吸收Μ一是通过气孔吸收Κ通过表皮层吸收的N H3占气态N H3吸收的3%Κ不是主要吸收途径ΜN H3吸收主要通过气孔进行Κ其吸收量和吸收速率取决于气孔导度、温度及光照等Λ目前对植物N H3释放机理的解释主要是光呼吸氮循环途径和植物衰老时的蛋白质降解途径Κ但有关光呼吸氮循环途径在植物体N H3挥发中的作用远未搞清Λ当前国内、外研究重点主要集中在植物与大气间N H3交换的方向、强度、N H3补偿点及其影响因素Κ植物与大气间发生N H3交换的生理机制Κ大气N H3浓度增加对植物代谢和生理特征的影响等方面Κ而忽视了对植物生态学特征、源库特征、根系分泌物、养分利用效率和不同植物种群间竞争的影响Λ因此Κ进一步深入研究植物与大气间N H3交换Κ不仅可以丰富植物氮素营养理论Κ而且也具有十分重要的环境和生态学意义Λ


中图分类号ΠQ948.12 文献标识码ΠA

Amm on i a exchange between plan t canopy and the a t m osphere-a rev iew L I Sh i2qing1Κ2ΚZHAO L in1Κ2ΚSHAO M ing2an1ΚZHAN G X ing2chang1ΚSHAN GGUAN Zhou2p ing1

;1State Key L abo rato ry of So il E ro si on and D ryland Far m ing on L oess P lateauΚN o rthw est Sci2T ech U niversity of A griculture

and Fo restryΚYanglingΚShaanxi712100ΚCh inaΜ2Co llege of R esources and Environm ental SciencesΚN o rthw est Sci2T ech U niver2

sity of A griculture and Fo restryΚYanglingΚShaanxi712100ΚCh inaΓ

AbstractΠT he research advancem ent of N H3exchange betw een p lant canopy and the atmo sphere w as review ed in th is paper.A lo t of researchers have indicated that the amount and directi on of N H3exchange of p lant canopy and the atmo sphere is depend2 ed on the difference of ammonia partial p ressure betw een intercellular and the atmo sphere2N H3compensati on po int.T he N H3 compensati on po int of mo st crop s ranges from1nmo l N H3 mo l air to6nmo l N H3 mo l airΜunder the natural conditi onsΚthe N H3compensati on po int m ay be near to the ammonia partial p ressure of the substom atal cavityΚand m ay be equal to the N H3 content in the atmo sphere.P lants grow ing in low N input eco system s such as moo rlands and fo rests generally seem to have N H3compensati on po ints to zero.W hen the N H3content in the atmo sphere is low er than the N H3compensati onΚthe grow ing vegetati on can release N H3Κin reverseΚit can be abso rb N H3.Facto rs influencing the N H3compensati on po int m ainly include the environm ental facto rs such as leave temperatureΚligh t density and the air hum idityΚand the internal facto rs such as



作者简介Π李世清;1963-ΓΚ男Κ甘肃省秦安县人Λ博士Κ教授Κ博士生导师Λ主要从事于土壤2植物氮素营养和植物营养生理生态的研究工作ΛE2m ailΠli-sh-qing@
