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• And this device is also used to produced nonce words. pensable ← indispensable gainly(姿态优美的)← ungainly
V. Conclusion
• Back-formed words created by back-formation can be used to enhance different styles of writing: some in political or scientific styles of writing, some in colloquial or journalistic style.
• A. Verbs back-formed from nouns ending in – er , -ar , -or, -sion , -tion, etc. automate ← automation edit ← editor televise ← television appreciate ← appreciation
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• Some back-formations in English come from words ending in –s that were singular but were mistaken for plurals. sherry ← sherris pea ← pease
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I. Definition
• Back-formation is an abnormal type of wordformation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from an already existing longer word in the vocabulary.
negate(否定; 否认)← negation butch(屠宰)← butcher
destruct ← destruction audit(审计)← auditor(审计员) spring-clean(大扫除)←spring-cleaning proofread(校对)←proofreader(校对者)
• In modern English, a number of backformation words have become the common core in the English vocabulary, such as aircondition, automate, beg, edit, televise, etc.
• D. There are a few nouns back-formed form adjectives. gloom ← gloomy greed ←greedy
• E. Many new back-formation verbs come from compounds: house-keep ←housekeeper sight-see ←sight-seeing daydream ← daydreamer
Thank you!
II.Back-formation & Clipping
• Both are the process of shortening in form, because they create shortened words from longer words.
• Clipping does not change the word-class and meaning of the original word, while backformation does.
• B. Verbs back-formed from nouns in other forms diagnose ← diagnosis enthuse ← enthusiasm
• C. Verbs back-formed from adjective. laze← lazy drowse (打瞌睡)←drowsy(昏昏欲睡的)