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中国临床康复 第 10 卷 第 48 期 2006- 12- 25 出版 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation, December 25 2006 Vol. 10 No. 48
பைடு நூலகம்
145 ·综述·
李大伟, 张 玲, 夏作理
hamster. The methods was maturate, the superiority to be the hyperlipidemia model was also gradually emerged, and would be the perfect new choice as rat anciently. CONCLUSION: Establishment of animal model with hyperlipidmia and choice of appropriate animals are very important. Animals as models should reflect the human ’s responses exactly. The physiological and biochemical events of the animals should be similar to those of human as much as possible during the process of hyperlipidmia. Besides, the detection of indexes, the cost and other objective conditions of the experiment should also be considered.
Received: 2006- 03- 23 Accepted: 2006- 03- 26
Abstr act OBJ ECTIVE: Hyperlipidmia and its complications’ detriments has become a very serious worldwide problem. The paper is aimed to synthesize the characteristics, methods to establish the model of hyperlipidmia used in recent years. DATA SOURCES: An on line search of PUBMED database was undertaken with the keywords of “hyperlipidmia, animal, model” to identify the relevant articles published from January 1980 to March 2006 in English. At the same time the Wanfang database had also been retrieved with the same keywords for relevant articles published between January 1994 and March 2006 in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION: The first trial of the papers had been made, and the quotations of each paper also been looked over. Inclusive criteria: Articles about establishment of hyperlipidmia animal models, investigation about fat metabolic pathway of different animals, animal experiments in order to cure and protect against hyperlipidmia were collected. Exclusive criteria: repeated investigation or Meta analysis papers. DATA EXTRACTION: There were 55 papers collected, among them 36 papers accorded with the inclusive criteria, the 19 papers were eliminated because of the old or repeated content. The 36 papers were classified and arranged. Twenty papers of them were selected as reference literatures of this text. There were 6 papers about the ordinary methods to establish model of rat ’s hyperlipidemia, 5 papers about amelioration of the methods, 5 papers about the characteristics of golden yellow hamster and guinea pig, 4 papers about the model establishment method of golden yellow hamster and guinea pig in common use. DATA SYNTHESIS: There were many kinds of animals and methods to establish hyperlipidmia models. In recent years, many researchers had studied the mechanisms of different means to fat metabolism deeply, improved the methods greatly in order to choose the most appropriate animal. Rats had always been the research emphases as it was the most common used animal model for hyperlipidemia. On the basis of the model establishment methods in common use, researchers had improved the ways to made the high fat feed compound and the feeding pathway, and also found a new way to establish model through intraperitoneal injection drugs. All these improvements not only shortened the time to establish models, but also made the model ’s successful rate and stability advanced. The access of rat’s lipid metabolism and the differences with human had been investigated much more fully, at the same time, with the thorough researchs, some animals whose lipid metabolic mechanisms much more adjacent to human had been increasingly used to establish hyperlipidemia models and correlation researchs, like guinea pig and golden yellow
摘要 目 的:高 脂 血 症 及 其 并 发 症 的 危 害 已 成 为 世 界 范 围 严 重 关 切 的 问 题 。 为 此本文对历年来研究者常用的几种建立高脂血症模型的动物不同的特 点 、造 模 方 法 等 内 容 作 以 综 述 。 资料来源: 应用计算机检索 PUBMED 1980- 01 /2006- 03 期间的相关文 章 , 检 索 词 为“hyperlipidemia, animal, model”, 并 限 定 文 章 语 言 种 类 为 English。同时计算 机 检 索 万 方 中 国 期 刊 全 文 数 据 库 1994- 01 /2006- 03 期间的相关文章, 检索词为“高脂血症, 动物, 模型”, 并限定文章语言种 类为中文。 资料选择: 对资料进行初审, 并查看每篇文献后的引文。纳入标准: 文章 所述内容应与建立高脂血症模型的动物、动物脂代谢通路的研究或预 防治疗高脂血症的动物实验等相关。排除标准: 重复研究或 Meta 分 析 类文章。 资料提炼: 共收集到 55 篇相关文献, 36 篇文献符合纳入标准, 排除的 19 篇文献为内容陈旧或重复。对符合纳入标准的 36 篇文献进行分类整 理 , 选 用 其 中 20 篇 作 为 本 文 参 考 文 献 , 其 中 6 篇 涉 及 大 鼠 高 脂 血 症 动 物模型常用造模方法, 5 篇涉及大鼠造模方法的改进, 5 篇涉及金黄地 鼠和豚鼠的特点, 4 篇涉及金黄地鼠和豚鼠常用的造模方法。 资料综合: 建立高脂血症模型的动物、造模方法选择很多。多年来, 国内 外研究者在深入研究动物脂代谢不同通路, 造模方法的不断改进方面 做了大量的富有成效的工作。大鼠作为应用最为广泛的高脂血症模型 动物更是研究重点之一。研究者在大鼠常用造模方法的基础上, 对造模 所用高脂饲料配制方法、喂饲途径上均有所改进, 并建立了通过腹腔注 射给药等新的造模方法。这些改进方法既缩短了造模成功的时间, 同时 也提高了造模的成功率和模型建立之后的稳定性。大鼠脂质代谢通路 与人类的差别随研究的深入也逐渐明朗。与此同时, 一些与人类脂质代 谢机制更为接近的动物如豚鼠、金黄地鼠也较多的应用于高脂血症造 模及相关研究中, 其优越性逐渐显现出来, 成为大鼠等以往常用的高脂 血症模型动物之外的理想选择。 结论: 建立高脂血症模型, 选择理想的实验动物至关重要。作为模型的 动物应能准确反映人类高脂膳食后的反应, 且在高脂血症整个过程中 的 生 理 、生 化 反 应 均 应 尽 可 能 与 人 类 的 反 应 相 吻 合 , 此 外 指 标 检 测 、实 验资金及条件等客观因素也要充分考虑。 主题词: 高脂血症; 模型, 动物; 综述文献
Li DW, Zhang L, Xia ZL.Choice of hyperlipidemia model animals as well as analysis and improvement of common method of establishing models.Zhongguo Linchuang Kangfu 2006F10(48):145- 7(China) 李大伟, 张玲, 夏作理. 建立高脂血症模型的动物选择与常用造模方法分析及改 进[J].中国临床康复, 2006, 10(48):145- 7 [www.zglckf.com]
泰山医学院脑微循环研究所, 山东省泰安市 271000 李大伟★, 男, 1981 年生, 山东省泰安市人, 汉族, 泰山医学院在读硕士, 主要从事糖尿病预防和治疗药物方面的研究。 通讯作者: 夏作理, 教授, 泰山医学院脑微循环研究所, 山东省泰安市 271000 中图分类号:R589.2 文献标识码:B 文 章 编 号:1671- 5926(2006)48- 0145- 03 收稿日期:2006- 03- 23 修回日期:2006- 03- 26 (06- 50- 3- 2005 /ZS·Q)
Choice of hyper lipidemia model animals as well as analysis and impr ovement of common method of establishing models Li Da -wei, Zha ng Ling, Xia Zuo-li Institute of Cerebral Microcirculation, Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000, Shandong Province, China Li Da -wei ★ , Studying for master’s degree, Institute of Cerebral Microcirculation, Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000, Shandong Province, China Cor r espondence to: Xia Zuo-li, Professor, Institute of Cerebral Microcirculation, Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000, Shandong Province, China
பைடு நூலகம்
145 ·综述·
李大伟, 张 玲, 夏作理
hamster. The methods was maturate, the superiority to be the hyperlipidemia model was also gradually emerged, and would be the perfect new choice as rat anciently. CONCLUSION: Establishment of animal model with hyperlipidmia and choice of appropriate animals are very important. Animals as models should reflect the human ’s responses exactly. The physiological and biochemical events of the animals should be similar to those of human as much as possible during the process of hyperlipidmia. Besides, the detection of indexes, the cost and other objective conditions of the experiment should also be considered.
Received: 2006- 03- 23 Accepted: 2006- 03- 26
Abstr act OBJ ECTIVE: Hyperlipidmia and its complications’ detriments has become a very serious worldwide problem. The paper is aimed to synthesize the characteristics, methods to establish the model of hyperlipidmia used in recent years. DATA SOURCES: An on line search of PUBMED database was undertaken with the keywords of “hyperlipidmia, animal, model” to identify the relevant articles published from January 1980 to March 2006 in English. At the same time the Wanfang database had also been retrieved with the same keywords for relevant articles published between January 1994 and March 2006 in Chinese. STUDY SELECTION: The first trial of the papers had been made, and the quotations of each paper also been looked over. Inclusive criteria: Articles about establishment of hyperlipidmia animal models, investigation about fat metabolic pathway of different animals, animal experiments in order to cure and protect against hyperlipidmia were collected. Exclusive criteria: repeated investigation or Meta analysis papers. DATA EXTRACTION: There were 55 papers collected, among them 36 papers accorded with the inclusive criteria, the 19 papers were eliminated because of the old or repeated content. The 36 papers were classified and arranged. Twenty papers of them were selected as reference literatures of this text. There were 6 papers about the ordinary methods to establish model of rat ’s hyperlipidemia, 5 papers about amelioration of the methods, 5 papers about the characteristics of golden yellow hamster and guinea pig, 4 papers about the model establishment method of golden yellow hamster and guinea pig in common use. DATA SYNTHESIS: There were many kinds of animals and methods to establish hyperlipidmia models. In recent years, many researchers had studied the mechanisms of different means to fat metabolism deeply, improved the methods greatly in order to choose the most appropriate animal. Rats had always been the research emphases as it was the most common used animal model for hyperlipidemia. On the basis of the model establishment methods in common use, researchers had improved the ways to made the high fat feed compound and the feeding pathway, and also found a new way to establish model through intraperitoneal injection drugs. All these improvements not only shortened the time to establish models, but also made the model ’s successful rate and stability advanced. The access of rat’s lipid metabolism and the differences with human had been investigated much more fully, at the same time, with the thorough researchs, some animals whose lipid metabolic mechanisms much more adjacent to human had been increasingly used to establish hyperlipidemia models and correlation researchs, like guinea pig and golden yellow
摘要 目 的:高 脂 血 症 及 其 并 发 症 的 危 害 已 成 为 世 界 范 围 严 重 关 切 的 问 题 。 为 此本文对历年来研究者常用的几种建立高脂血症模型的动物不同的特 点 、造 模 方 法 等 内 容 作 以 综 述 。 资料来源: 应用计算机检索 PUBMED 1980- 01 /2006- 03 期间的相关文 章 , 检 索 词 为“hyperlipidemia, animal, model”, 并 限 定 文 章 语 言 种 类 为 English。同时计算 机 检 索 万 方 中 国 期 刊 全 文 数 据 库 1994- 01 /2006- 03 期间的相关文章, 检索词为“高脂血症, 动物, 模型”, 并限定文章语言种 类为中文。 资料选择: 对资料进行初审, 并查看每篇文献后的引文。纳入标准: 文章 所述内容应与建立高脂血症模型的动物、动物脂代谢通路的研究或预 防治疗高脂血症的动物实验等相关。排除标准: 重复研究或 Meta 分 析 类文章。 资料提炼: 共收集到 55 篇相关文献, 36 篇文献符合纳入标准, 排除的 19 篇文献为内容陈旧或重复。对符合纳入标准的 36 篇文献进行分类整 理 , 选 用 其 中 20 篇 作 为 本 文 参 考 文 献 , 其 中 6 篇 涉 及 大 鼠 高 脂 血 症 动 物模型常用造模方法, 5 篇涉及大鼠造模方法的改进, 5 篇涉及金黄地 鼠和豚鼠的特点, 4 篇涉及金黄地鼠和豚鼠常用的造模方法。 资料综合: 建立高脂血症模型的动物、造模方法选择很多。多年来, 国内 外研究者在深入研究动物脂代谢不同通路, 造模方法的不断改进方面 做了大量的富有成效的工作。大鼠作为应用最为广泛的高脂血症模型 动物更是研究重点之一。研究者在大鼠常用造模方法的基础上, 对造模 所用高脂饲料配制方法、喂饲途径上均有所改进, 并建立了通过腹腔注 射给药等新的造模方法。这些改进方法既缩短了造模成功的时间, 同时 也提高了造模的成功率和模型建立之后的稳定性。大鼠脂质代谢通路 与人类的差别随研究的深入也逐渐明朗。与此同时, 一些与人类脂质代 谢机制更为接近的动物如豚鼠、金黄地鼠也较多的应用于高脂血症造 模及相关研究中, 其优越性逐渐显现出来, 成为大鼠等以往常用的高脂 血症模型动物之外的理想选择。 结论: 建立高脂血症模型, 选择理想的实验动物至关重要。作为模型的 动物应能准确反映人类高脂膳食后的反应, 且在高脂血症整个过程中 的 生 理 、生 化 反 应 均 应 尽 可 能 与 人 类 的 反 应 相 吻 合 , 此 外 指 标 检 测 、实 验资金及条件等客观因素也要充分考虑。 主题词: 高脂血症; 模型, 动物; 综述文献
Li DW, Zhang L, Xia ZL.Choice of hyperlipidemia model animals as well as analysis and improvement of common method of establishing models.Zhongguo Linchuang Kangfu 2006F10(48):145- 7(China) 李大伟, 张玲, 夏作理. 建立高脂血症模型的动物选择与常用造模方法分析及改 进[J].中国临床康复, 2006, 10(48):145- 7 [www.zglckf.com]
泰山医学院脑微循环研究所, 山东省泰安市 271000 李大伟★, 男, 1981 年生, 山东省泰安市人, 汉族, 泰山医学院在读硕士, 主要从事糖尿病预防和治疗药物方面的研究。 通讯作者: 夏作理, 教授, 泰山医学院脑微循环研究所, 山东省泰安市 271000 中图分类号:R589.2 文献标识码:B 文 章 编 号:1671- 5926(2006)48- 0145- 03 收稿日期:2006- 03- 23 修回日期:2006- 03- 26 (06- 50- 3- 2005 /ZS·Q)
Choice of hyper lipidemia model animals as well as analysis and impr ovement of common method of establishing models Li Da -wei, Zha ng Ling, Xia Zuo-li Institute of Cerebral Microcirculation, Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000, Shandong Province, China Li Da -wei ★ , Studying for master’s degree, Institute of Cerebral Microcirculation, Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000, Shandong Province, China Cor r espondence to: Xia Zuo-li, Professor, Institute of Cerebral Microcirculation, Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000, Shandong Province, China