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Tension between the two countries 两国之间的紧张局势 The world is witnessing deep changes. 世界形势正在发生深刻变化。
• • • • • • • • His indifference 他的冷漠态度 Violence 暴力事件 His arrogance 他的傲慢态度 public dissatisfaction 公众的不满情绪
• 第一句和第二句之间加上“其中”。 • Collectively, the Asian countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together. • Economy :经济规模(具体译法) • Collective—individual
• “No context, no text.” • 根据上下文猜测意思。
• • • • • • • • She was a girl with good manners. 举止得体 These were labeled as good eggs. 新鲜的鸡蛋 Dogs are often regarded as man’s good friends. 忠实的朋友 She was a good chess player. 高明的棋手
• 省略和已有成分重复的词; • 省略本身没有实际含义的词 • Fair and square 公正
• • • • 第二句 Before lower adolescence ? After upper adolescence ? Hangover ?
• 宿醉,酒后不适 • 遗留的感觉和习惯
• 结构增补:说通句子 • 语义增补:说清意思 • 修辞增补(高口):修饰意境
1. 结构增补
• He dismissed the meeting without the speech. • 没有致闭幕词就解散了会议。 • In every Chinese city, we got into the streets, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants. • 在中国,我们每到一个城市就遛大街、逛商店、 游公园、看演出、吃名菜。
• TV business • 电视机行业 • Business: 不可数时,表示行业;可数时, 表示公司,企业 • Small businesses 小型企业
Floor v.
• To floor sb = to knock sb down 把某人打倒 在地 • defeat 打败某人 • 其他美国公司被外国竞争者淘汰出局时 • Floor n. • Take the floor 开始发言 • Have the floor 有发言权
• • • • • • 发展过程 可塑性 适应能力 同化作用 同情心理 全球化 • • • • • • development flexibility adaptability assimilation sympathy globalization
• • • • • A heavy meal A heavy vote A heavy investor A heavy thinker A heavy schedule
2.党员应该虚心倾听群众的意见。 3.他们对这项计划提出了修改意见。 4.大家对这种做法很有意见。 5.他们在会上闹起了意见。 6.你应该听从医生的意见。
Leadership 领导层(具体译法) Keep sb in the dark 让某人蒙在鼓里 Undermine 逐渐削弱 破坏 加强合作 Strengthen cooperation
• • • • • 加强合作→strengthen cooperation 促进发展→promote development 增加机会→increase opportunities 深化改革→deepen reform 推动贸易→facilitate trade
• To protect and serve. (缺名词) • 保护社会服务人民。
2. 语义增补
a. 增加表示时态的词
• • • • • • • • I finished my work. 做完了 She has done a lot of work for them. 已经 She is reading. 正在 He has been studying the whole day. 一直
• The Japanese TVs were taking a heavy toll (on Motorola). • 造成重大损失 使(其市场份额)遭受重创
教程Unit 7(2)
• P.143 • 语义增补(隐含)
3. 修辞增补
• Life is short. • 人生苦短。
2. 语义增补
b. 形容词前增加名词
单一名词加多形容词 • Small, light and expensive iPod Nano • 体积小,质量轻,价格贵
单一形容词加多名词 • Great knowledge,experience and wisdom • 广博的知识、丰富的经验和无穷的智慧
• The United States has long been known as a “melting pot”. • 历来,长期以来
• Her main message was and is, “We’re like everybody else.” • 她(传递)的信息过去是、今天依然是: 我们和别人一样。

• • • • 无缘无故地 for no reason at all 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 I can’t tell the true shape of Lu Shan because I myself am on the mountain. • 化缘 • beg for alms
• • • • • • • • • • Develop a new drug 研制 Develop new products 开发 Develop muscles 锻炼 Develop the film 冲印 Develop a habit 养成

• • • • • • 打牌 打雷 打交道 打架 打猎 打瞌睡
Cutthroat adj.
• • • • • • • 激烈的,无情的 Cutthroat competition Pricing n. 具体译法:price war,价格战 以很低的价格 At very low prices High price
Run…out of
• 把…赶走;把…驱逐出去 • Run out (of ): use up 用完 • The car ran out of oil.
• Highway tolls 高速公路通行费 • Death toll 死亡人数 • Take a heavy toll on…= cause great damage to 造成重大损失、伤亡、灾害 • Heavy rain and floods have taken a heavy toll on China’s southern regions this year.
• His poor sight is a hangover from a bad illness he had. • 他视力不好是他生了一场大病留下的后遗 症。 • economic hangover from past inflation • 之前的通货膨胀留下的后遗症
• 00.3 第一段前三句;第一段最后两句 • 01.3 倒数第五行开始。 • 01.9第一段,尤其是第三句
• Valid = honest • 真实可信 • Going up, down and throughout the organization • 企业内,上,下 企业内部信息传播流畅 • Distort and deceive • 歪曲(事实),欺骗(员工) (结构增补)
• • • • • • •
• That’s why the stage appealed to her, why she learned to speak, to deliver speeches and to feel the vibrations of music, of the radio, of the movement of lips. • 学习说话,学习演说,学习去感受
• 与某人有一面之缘 • happen to have met sb. once • 有缘结识某人 • be lucky to get acquainted with sb.

• 我在班里有人缘。 • I am popular with my classmates. • 聊得投缘 • talk congenially
2. 语义增补
c. 说出原文隐含的意思 • Schooling is compulsory in most states to the age of 16. • 在大多数州,16岁以下儿童必须上学。 • 2001.3真题(第2、3句) • 2002.3真题(第一段最后一句)
• A rising tide of 越来越多Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu,日益泛滥的 • A growing number of 越来越多的
• He had a terrible hangover after the New Year's Eve party. • 在除夕夜的宴会后,他宿醉,十分难受。 • This procedure is a hangover from the old system. • 这样的程序是从旧制度那里沿袭下来的.
• • • • • • Play cards Thunder Make contact with Fight Go hunting Doze off
• • • • 缘分 predestined relationship 血缘 blood relationship
• 机缘凑巧,我找到一份工作。 • As luck would have it, I found a job.
• The loss of his family reduced him into despair. • 失去家人使他陷入绝望的境地。 • Many changes have taken place during the transformation. • 转化过程中发生了许多变化。
• • • •
• 教程p.230-233
抽象名词后加上范畴词: “情况、作用、问题、方法、现象、局 势、状态、政策、做法、习俗、精神、 态度”
• • • • • •
We were impressed by his dedication. 我们对他的敬业精神印象深刻。 He was impressed by Deng’s flexibility. 他对邓小平的灵活态度印象很深。 You are in charge of security. 你去负责安全工作。