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【译文】他们报道说,南非企业领导克莱德·余斯,在昨晚上7点 第二频道的新闻中去世了。
【例2】In utter despair, we could imagine what a man would do.
【1修改】They reported on Channel Two’s 7 p.m. news show, that Clyde Yews, a South African business leader, had died.
【1修改】 On Channel Two’s 7 p.m. new show, they reported that Clyde Yews, a South African business leader, had died.
【2修改】We could imagine what a man in utter despair would do.
1. 现在许多大学生为了将来能找到好工作,不惜重金进行美容包 装
2. 产生这一现象的原因 3. 我的看法
Beauty is More than Skin-deep
Nowadays with the job market becoming fiercer, many college students do not hesitate to spend vast sums of money on cosmetics and fashionable clothing to look beautiful. Though it is natural for people to be attracted to beautiful things, it is questionable when they are interested in nothing but their looks.
[例1]听到这个可怕的消息,他心跳加快。 悬垂修饰:Having heard the terrible news, his heart beat fast. 修改:When he heard the terrible news, his heart beat fast.
[例析]为了及时完成工作,机器一直运转着。 悬垂修饰:To finish the work in time, the machine is kept running all the time. 修改:To finish the work in time, we kept the machine running all the time.
In brief, beauty can be vaguely divided into two categories: physical beauty and inner beauty. While these college students are trying hard to make themselves look beautiful, they should also pay more attention to their self-cultivation.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1. 介词词组(prepositional phrases)使用不当造成悬垂
【例1】They reported that Clyde Yews, a South African business leader, had died on Channel Two’s 7 p.m. news show.
• 修饰语的作用是描述其它的词--起修饰、限定、 强调或解释作用。因此,修饰语与它们所描述 的词之间关系紧密,这种关系对读者来说必须 十分清楚,当修饰语与句中的其它词之间的关 系不是特别清楚时,这种修饰被称为悬垂修饰。 悬垂修饰混淆结构会使读者难以理解。分词、 不定式和动名词、省略句作为修饰语时学生受 汉语影响常会出现悬垂现象。使用时要注意它 们同主语的呼应,不可使其无所依附,或错误 依附,进而造成悬垂结构。
Avoid Dangling Construction
Beauty is more than Skin-deep
• Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Beauty is More than Skin-deep. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow.
2. 分词短语(participial phrases)使用不当造成悬垂结构
【例1】Swimming in the lake today, Mrs. Kay Flooring’s diamond wedding ring was lost.
【例2】While climbing up the mountain, the snow began to fall. 【例3】Badly injured in the car accident, they say she was not
This phenomenon can be interpreted from the following aspects. Firstly, it shows that university students have misunderstanding about what beauty is ----it’s not just appearance, it’s also about inner beauty. Secondly, they hold improper views about job hunting----while one should definitely make herself or himself look attractive, her or his capacity of doing the job well is more important.