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(总分:100分 时量:90分钟)

第一部分 知识运用(共两节,满分30分。)

第一节 单项选择题(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分。)

( )1. She is such ____ honest boy that we all like her. She likes helping ____ others as well. A. a, the B. an, the C. the, / D. an, / ( )2. --Is this book for ______? --No, it isn ’t. It is ______ .

A. yours; mine

B. me; his

C. they; mine

D. us; me

( )3. He became a famous writer when he was .

A. in his fifty

B. in his fifties

C. in fifty years old

D. in fifties ( )4. ---Did you bring some books here?

--Yes, I brought______ here , but I can’t find______ now.

A. one, one

B. it, it

C. it, one

D. one , it ( )5. ─M arry wants to know if you ___a picnic tomorrow. ─Yes. But if it___, we'll visit the museum.

A. have , will rain

B. will have , will rain

C. will have, rains

D. have , rains ( )6. -- How many students are there in your class?

-- ______ the students is fifty-one. ______ of them are girls. A. A number of; Two third B. A number of; Two thirds C. The number of; Two third D. The number of; Two thirds ( )7. We must do everything we can ______ our earth cleaner and safer.

A. to make

B. making

C. make

D. made

( )8. —Mr. Tang is very strict ______ his students and strict ______ his teaching work.

—What a good teacher! A. with ,in

B. in ,with

C. in, in

D. with, on

( )9. ---You can hardly see the words on the blackboard, ________? --- ______. They are too small.

A. can ’t you; Yes, I can

B. can ’t you; No, I can ’t

C. can you; Yes, I can

D. can you; No, I can ’t ( )10. ________ straight ahead, and you will find a shopping center. A. Going

B. If you go

C. Go

D. To go

( )11. No one in the factory but Tom and I __________ that the doorkeeper lives here. A. knows B. know C. have known D. am to know ( )12. Is this the school ________you want to study in next term? A. that B. where C. what D. in which ( )13. --______ heavy snow it is!

--Cool! ______ . Why not going outside and make a snowman?

A. What a ; So is it

B. How; So is it

C. What a; So it is

D. How; So it is

毕业学校: 姓名:


( )14.---Mary ,why are you still here ?They have set off.

---I’m sorry, but I __________when to set off.

A.was told

B. didn’t tell

C. told

D. wasn’t told ( )15. -- Could you tell me____________ his hometown?

-- For about a week.

A. how soon Tom will leave

B. how soon Tom will be away from

C. how long Tom has been away from

D. how long has Tom been away from



When I was young, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. In his spare time, he was always planting trees. The good doctor had some interesting views about planting trees. He didn’t often 16 his trees and he often beat them with a rolled-up newspaper to 17 them up and push them to grow 18 .

I didn’t understand why. “Watering plants too often is bad for them,” Dr. Gibbs 19 when I asked him one day. “You have to make things 20 for them. Those trees that aren’t watered enough will have to grow deeper into the 21 for water, and then they will be strong.”

To be honest, I didn’t 22 what the doctor had told me. I planted a few trees several years ago. I still 23 to water my trees and take good care of them every week. I wanted to make sure that my trees would grow much 24 than his.

Twenty-five years later, when I came back to my hometown to 25 those trees, I was shocked. Dr. Gibbs’trees were extremely tall and big. My trees, 26 , were very weak. Dr. Gibbs’ views suddenly came back to me. Hard 27 seemed to be good for Dr. Gibbs’ trees.

I used to try to make my sons’life comfortable and easy. Since then, I 28 a lot. When children are growing up, they have to meet with lots of 29 like Dr. Gibbs’ trees which can lead them to be strong and brave people to 30 everything.

( )16. A. plant B. grow C. notice D. water ( ) 17. A. take B. turn C. wake D. set

( )18. A. faster B. slower C. smaller D. thinner ( )19. A. explained B. thought C. believed D. agreed ( )20. A. easy B. hard C. interesting D. comfortable ( )21. A. river B. pool C. ground D. rock

( ) 22. A. like B. think C. believe D. know ( )23. A. refused B. tried C. hoped D. helped ( )24. A. longer B. wider C. worse D. better ( )25. A. check B. cut C. water D. plant ( )26. A. but B. however C. still D.though
