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・论 著・
石德光1,杜 欣3,胡 森2,姜小国2,晋 桦2,黎君友2
摘要:目的 研究电刺激迷走神经对内毒素(L PS)休克大鼠血压的影响。方法 4组雄性W istar大鼠,切断大鼠双侧颈部迷走神经干或做假手术对照,将左侧迷走神经干远端连接刺激电极,于静脉滴注L PS(10m g・kg-1)即刻持续电刺激(5V、2m s、1H z),同时监测平均动脉压(M ABP),并于静脉滴注L PS后1h检测各组血TN F2Α及皮质醇水平。结果 迷走神经电刺激能缓解L PS引起的低血压休克,同时使血TN F2Α水平较L PS组显著降低(105.39±21.52)pg m l,较(129.80±26.56)pg m l,P<0.05;迷走神经切断能加快L PS休克的产生,使M ABP 下降50%的时间提前(9.65±0.53)m in比(25.72±3.07)m in,P<0.05,且使血TN F2Α水平显著上升(159.07±21.94)pg m l比(129.80±26.56)pg m l,P<0.01,血皮质醇水平显著下降(34.89±3.14)ng m l比(42.83±
2.88)ng m l,P<0.01。结论 电刺激迷走神经可以改善L PS休克大鼠的低血压,而切断迷走神经可使休克症
中图分类号:R322.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100524529(2004)1121249203
Effects of Vagus Nerve Electr ica l Sti m ula tion
on L PS-i nduced Hypoten sion i n Ra ts
SH ID e2guang,DU X in,HU Sen,J I AN G X iao2guo,J I N H ua,L I Jun2you
(D ep a rt m en t of Chest S u rg ery,the251st H osp ita l of PL A,Z hangj iakou,H ebei075000,Ch ina)
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To study the effects of vagu s nerve electrical sti m u lati on on the L PS2induced hypo ten si on in rats.M ETHOD S Fo rty W istar rats w ere random ly divided in to4group s.A n i m als w ere sub jected to b ilateral cervical vago tom y,o r a comparab le sham su rgical p rocedu re in w h ich the vagu s nerves w ere iso lated bu t no t tran sected.T he distal end of a vagu s nerve trunk w as p laced acro ss b i po lar electrodes connected to a sti m u lati on modu le and con tro lled by an acqu isiti on system.Sti m u li w ith con stan t vo ltage(5V,2m s,1H z)w ere app lied to the nerve after adm in istrati on of L PS(10m g・kg-1,E.coli O111∶B4,Sigm a),and the m ean arterial b lood p ressu re(M ABP)w as mon ito red.B lood samp les of these rats w ere co llected at1h after L PS adm in istrati on in all group s.TN F2Αand co rtico sterone in serum w ere determ ined.RESUL TS T he electrical sti m u lati on of the efferen t vagu s nerve sign ifican tly decreased the developm en t of L PS2induced hypo ten si on and TN F con ten ts in serum(105.39±21.52vs L PS group129.80±26.56pg m l,P<0.05),and vago tom y sign ifican tly sho rtened the ti m e to developm en t of shock compared w ith sham2operated con tro ls(ti m e to50%drop in M ABP;9.65±
0.53m in vs25.72±3.07m in,P<0.05)and increased TN F and decreased co rtico sterone con ten ts in serum
(159.07±21.94vs129.80±26.56pg m l,P<0.01;34.89±3.14vs42.83±2.88ng m l,P<0.01).
CONCL USI ONS T he electrical sti m u lati on of the efferen t vagu s nerve cou ld sign ifican tly attenuate the develop2 m en t of L PS2induced hypo ten si on.V ago tom y cou ld sign ifican tly sho rten the ti m e to developm en t of shock com2 pared w ith sham2operated con tro ls.T he resu lts suggested that sti m u lati on of efferen t vagu s nerve activity dow n2 regu late system ic TN F p roducti on and the developm en t of shock du ring lethal endo toxem ia.
Key words:V agu s;M ean arterial b lood p ressu re;T umo r necro sis facto r2Α;Co rtico sterone
近年防治内毒素(L PS)引起的脓毒症、脓毒性
收稿日期:2004202215; 修回日期:2004205229
基金项目:全军医学科研“十五”计划课题(01L081)休克甚至多器官功能障碍综合征(M OD S)的研究,主要集中在采用炎症介质的抗体或拮抗剂等方面,但临床实验结果并不理想。最新的研究表明,迷走神经及其递质对过度炎症反应具有调节作用,然而机