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Unit 13 Paper clothes show.


Teaching aims and demands 通过学习,进一步熟悉和掌握衣物的英语名称读音





Expressions in communication Please come and show us your paper clothes.

This is my T-shirt.

These are my shorts.

Is that yours

Yes, this is mine.

It’s beautiful.

Which one is different

A pair of trousers (shoes/socks/jeans)


Key words and expressions 衣物:a shirt, a dress, a skirt, a jacket, a hat, socks, coat

a T-shirt, glasses, trousers, shorts, a vest, shoes jeans

名词性物主代词:yours, mine, his, hers, ours, theirs,


Materials for teaching 各种衣物(实物),用纸画的或做的小衣物


字母组合ch 的读音及图片



教师上课的时候将衣服卡片拿出来,对学生说:“Look here, everybody. These are my clothes. Do you know what they are This is my skirt. It’s beautiful. I like it very much. Do you think it’s beautiful This is my coat. It’s very nice too. Who’d like to come here and try my coat” 教师举裙子问学生。接着,教师又举外衣问学生:“What do you call this Yes, it’s a coat. Now look here. What are these” 教师边说边拿

出一条长裤并指着两条裤腿问:“What are these” 教师又必要提醒学生单复数。接着,教

师依次拿出自己带的其他衣物问,比如,shirt (男用的,女衬衣应该是blouse), dress, shorts, hat, jacket, socks, shoes 等。如果教师没有带实物,也可以用自己身上穿的衣


找学生试穿自己的衣服。示范之后,教师对学生说:“Now who has made some paper clothes Please show them to me.” 教师先让大家举手示意。然后,教师说:“Now listen carefully. Who has made a dress, please come here with your dress.” 教师让所有做裙子的同学

拿着自己自制或画的纸裙子站到前面给大家看,教师对这些裙子要发表看法说“Oh, this is very good. It’s beautiful. I like it very much. That’s wonderful. It’s so lovely.” 等赞扬的话。同时,教师问大家:“Do you like these dresses Which dress do you like

best” 教师应在问话中强化dress 这个单词,让学生熟悉这个单词。接着,教师对这些同学说:“Thank you, please go back. Now next, who has made some trousers/pants Please come to the front with your trousers or pants.” 教师用类似的方法,将其他的同学都依次叫到前面,让他们展示自己做的衣服,但教师也要同时带领大家学、说这些衣物的英语名称。在大家熟悉这些衣物名称之后,教师要给学生示范名词性物主代词的用法。教师可以这样举例说:“Look, this is my dress. This is mine.” 教师边说边把句子写在黑板上。

This is my dress. This is mine. Mine


This is your pencil-case. This is yours. yours

This is his pencil. This is his. His

This is her book. This is hers. hers

教师问大家:“Have you noticed something We have some new words. Mine 代替上面句子中的‘我的连衣裙,’yours 代替上面句子中的your pencil-case. His 代替上面句子中的his pencil. 而hers 代替上面句子中的哪两个词呢”学生应该能回答该问题。接着教师对学生说:“Now listen carefully. I’m going to say a few sentences. ‘Your book is here, but mine is the re.’ 这里的mine代替上面的哪两个词‘This is my bike, but yours is there.’ 这里的‘yours’ 代替上面句子中的什么‘This is Lily’s picture, but Mary’s is not here.’ ‘Mary’s’ 代替的是上面句子中的什么”教师这样追问的时候,大部分学生基本能明白,所以,教师就可以带着大家多读读这些单词,以保证学生们能记住。请学生两人一组做对话,以书中的为例。

单元教学活动2 Listen, read and colour..


skirt — pink hat — bluedress —red glasses —black

jacket —green T-shirt—orangeshorts —brown socks —purple

shirt —yellow trousers —grey 说完后,全对的的同学教师适当鼓励。

单元教学活动3 Listen, look, point and say.

第三部分是字母ch 的组合练习。这一类的组合比较多,但单词中的字母数量也相对多一些,教师可以找一些简单的词进行听写,比如 chin, lunch, much, chess, chest, chair, chick, china, choose, 个别的字母组合,如ck 可以直接告诉学生写就可以了。多跟录音朗读几遍加深印象。

单元教学活动4 point and say.

第四部分是游戏活动,其目的是综合练习所学的衣物名称。教师可以先让学生复习一下这些名词,然后再进行游戏活动。教师可以这样组织课堂:“Now let’s play a word game. Before we do this game, let’s go over the words. Let’s say them together.”大家读了一遍后,教师继续说:“Now let’s play the game. This game is very easy. But it’s also difficult. One person goes to say these from the very beginning. From here, and then to here.” 教师用手指着说:“If you can say each word correctly, you’ll get 2 points. If you can say all these, you can get 50 points for the first round. Then you say them again from the very beginning. If you can say them without stopping. You’ll get another 50 points. But if you stop somewhere, then you count the words and add the points to the first score. Are you clear now Let’s do it.”教师让学生开始玩
