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1, AIDS [eidz]

abbr. 获得性免疫缺乏综合症;爱滋病(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)2, acidophilic cell carcinoma 嗜酸细胞癌

3, ACTH cell adenoma 促肾上腺皮质激素细胞腺瘤

4, AML abbr. 急性髓细胞性白血病(Acute Myelocytic Leukemia)

5, acidophilic cell adenoma 嗜酸性细胞腺瘤

6, adenocarcinoma ['ædənəu,kɑ:si'nəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 腺癌;恶性腺瘤

7, adenomatous polyp 腺瘤性息肉

8, adenoma [,ædi'nəumə] n. [肿瘤] 腺瘤

9, adenosquamous carcinoma 腺鳞癌

10, adrenocortical adenoma 肾上腺皮质腺瘤

11, adrenocortical carcinoma 肾上腺皮质癌

12, angiosarcoma [,ændʒiəusɑ:'kəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 血管肉瘤

13, apudoma n. 胺前体摄取与脱羧细胞瘤

14, architectural atypia 结构异型性

15, astrocytoma [,æstrəsai'təumə]

n. [肿瘤] 星形细胞瘤

16, atypia n. 异型性;非典型;不标准

17, dysplasia [dis'pleiziə]

n. 异生

18, basal cell carcinoma [肿瘤] 基底细胞癌

19, basophile cell adenoma 嗜碱性细胞腺瘤

20, benign tumor 良性肿瘤

21, borderline tumor 交界性肿瘤

22, primary bronchogenic carcinoma 原发性支气管肺癌

23, bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 细支气管肺泡癌

24, Burkitt lymphoma [肿瘤] 伯基特淋巴瘤

25, cachexia [kə'keksiə]

n. [内科] 恶病质

26, cancer ['kænsə]

n. 癌症;恶性肿瘤

27, carcinogen [kɑ:'sinədʒən]

n. 致癌物质

28, carcinoma [,kɑ:si'nəumə]

n. [医]癌

29, carcinoma of esophagus 食道癌,食管癌

30, carcinoma of large intestine 大肠癌

31, carcinoma of pancreas 胰腺癌

32, carcinoma of stomach 胃癌

33, carcinoma of breast 乳腺癌

34, carcinoma of the larynx 喉癌

35, carcinoma of the lung 肺癌

36, carcinoma of the prostate 前列腺癌

37, carcinosarcoma [,kɑ:sinəusɑ:'kəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 癌肉瘤

38, C-cell carcinoma C细胞癌

39, cellular atypia 细胞异型性

40, cellular oncogene 细胞癌基因

41, central neurocytoma 中枢神经细胞瘤

42, cervical adenocarcinoma 宫颈腺癌,子宫颈腺癌

43, cervical carcinoma 宫颈癌

44, cervical epithelial dysplasia 子宫颈上皮非典型增生

45, chondrosarcoma [,kɔndrəusɑ:'kəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 软骨肉瘤

46, choriocarcinoma ['kɔ:riəu,kɑ:si'nəumə]

n. 绒(毛)膜癌

47, chondroma [kɔn'drəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 软骨瘤

48, chromophobe cell adenoma 嫌色性细胞腺瘤

49, CML abbr. 慢性髓性白血病(Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia)

50, Tis abbr. 原位癌(Tumor in situ)

51, colloid carcinoma 胶质性癌

52, colorectal cancer 结肠直肠癌

53, comedocarcinoma [kɔmidəuka:si'nəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 粉刺性癌

54, degree of differentiation 分化程度

55, differentiation [,difərenʃi'eiʃən]

n. 分化

56, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 弥漫性大B胞淋巴瘤

57, dysgerminoma [dis,dʒə:mi'nəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 无性细胞瘤;未分化胚细胞瘤

58, colloid adenoma 胶样腺瘤;胶腺瘤;胶样型腺瘤

59, embryonal adenoma 胚胎性腺瘤;胚腺瘤;胚胎型腺瘤

60, embryonal carcinoma 胚胎性癌

61, endometrial carcinoma 子宫内膜癌

62, ependymoma [e,pendi'məumə]

n. [肿瘤] 室管膜瘤;室管膜细胞瘤

63, FAP abbr. 家族性腺瘤性息肉病(Familial Adenomatous Polyposis)64, fibrillary astrocytoma 纤维型星形胶质细胞瘤

65, fibrosarcoma [,faibrəusɑ:'kəumə]

n. [肿瘤] 纤维肉瘤

66, follicular adenoma 滤泡性腺瘤;滤泡腺瘤;滤泡状腺瘤

67, follicular carcinoma 滤胞癌

68, follicular lymphoma 滤泡性淋巴瘤;滤泡型淋巴瘤;滤泡淋巴瘤69, ganglion cell tumors 神经节细胞瘤

70, giant cell glioblastoma 巨细胞型胶质母细胞瘤

71, GBM abbr. 多形性胶质母细胞瘤(GlioBlastoma Multiform)

72, glioblastoma ['ɡlaiəu,blæs'təumə]

n. 胶质母细胞瘤

73, glioma [ɡlai'əumə]

n. 胶质瘤;[肿瘤] 神经胶质瘤

74, granulosa cell tumor 颗粒细胞瘤
