• 1、名词转化为动词
The magnificent Great Hall of the People impressed us
2)他的画的特点是笔力沉着,色彩鲜艳。His paintings
are characterized by steady strokes and bright colors.
enthusiasm of his hospitality.
She is physically weak but mentally sound.
(动2词)的操转作译机器需要懂得机名器词的的一转些译性能。 形容词或副词的转译
The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its function(动词转
He went to the shop for a bottle of sauce.(动词转译介词)
• 长嗟短叹 -- sighing deeply
• 发号施令-- issue orders
• 土崩瓦解-- fall apart
•2021/3/7两面三刀-- two-fCaHEcNeLI d tactics
4. 语态转换
• 在英汉两种语言当中都有主动和被动两种语态 。在英语中被动语态的使用频率要远远高于汉 语。如果一味按照汉语原句的语态来翻译,会 使译文显得十分别扭。
Practice Please.
• 1. 我不觉得用英语与外国人交谈有什么困难。 • I don’t think it difficult to speak to a
foreigner in English.
• 2. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
• Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
• 这个小男孩在放学回家的路上受了伤 。
• The little boy was hurt on his way home from school.
• 门锁好了。The door has been locked up.
• 新教材在印刷中。
• New 2021/3/7 textbooks are CbHEeNLiIng printed.
2. 减词:
• 汉语喜欢重复,英语崇尚简洁。汉语的重复作为一种修辞 手段有两种作用。一是为了强调,重复表达一个意思,或 增添修饰语,加强语气。二是为了便于词语搭配,或平衡 节奏,增加可读性。这些在汉语里习以为常的重复词语或 句式,到了英语里要么不合逻辑,要么累赘冗长。所以翻 译时都要有所删减省略。
• 6. “What America has lost,” says one veteran observer, “is
第二节 增译法
7. Inflation has now reached unprecedented level. 目前通货膨胀已经发展到空前严重的地步。 (形容词)
8. A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money. (并列句中省略的部分)
第三节 减译法
1.Whether the laws are good or bad, they cannot complain, they cannot question, they cannot suggest changes.(作主语的人称代词) 无论法律公正与否,他们无法抱怨、无法质疑、无法建议 修改。 2. He who never reached the Great Wall is not a true man. (表示泛指的人称代词) (物主代词、做宾语的人称代词也可省略)
愚人会很快忘记说过的话,智者会很快放弃手里的钱。 蠢材轻其言,天才轻其财。
第二节 增译法
9. The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird. (表示时态的词) 该高空飞机过去是,现在仍然是... … 10. A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. (量词)
第三节 减译法
3. Insufficient power made it difficult to start the motor. (先行代词it) 电力不足,难以使马达启动。 4. Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. (强调句型中的it) 读书只能给大脑提供知识的材料, 思考才能把我们所读的东西变成自己 的。
❖ 例5.Whatever was said here must be kept secret. 这里说的每句话都应保密。
B.以形式主语it引出的主语从句, 翻译时有三种处理办法:
❖1. 如主语从句较短,可提前与主 句合译为“是”字结构。如:
❖例1. It is dangerous that you have a smattering of superficial knowledge on a subject. 对任何问 题一知半解都是危险的。
❖例1.Do away with the mistake metaphysical notions that “gold must be pure” and that “man must be perfect”.
❖ 要打破“金要足赤”,“人要完 人”的形而上学的错误思想。
❖ 例2.Obviously there was little probability that they would succeed, but they don’t mind. 很显然,他们成功的可能性很小,但 是他们不在乎。
❖ 物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一种大家 共有的经验。
❖ 例2.It is common sense that a liquid has no definite shape, but it has a definite volume.
❖ 液体没有一定的形状,但有一定的体积, 这是普通常识。
❖ 例4.It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.
B.以形式主语it引出的主语从句, 翻译时有三种处理办法:
❖1. 如主语从句较短,可提前与主 句合译为“是”字结构。如:
❖例1. It is dangerous that you have a smattering of superficial knowledge on a subject. 对任何问 题一知半解都是危险的。
❖例1.Do away with the mistake metaphysical notions that “gold must be pure” and that “man must be perfect”.
❖ 要打破“金要足赤”,“人要完 人”的形而上学的错误思想。
❖ 例2.Obviously there was little probability that they would succeed, but they don’t mind. 很显然,他们成功的可能性很小,但 是他们不在乎。
❖ 物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一种大家 共有的经验。
❖ 例2.It is common sense that a liquid has no definite shape, but it has a definite volume.
❖ 液体没有一定的形状,但有一定的体积, 这是普通常识。
❖ 例4.It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.
Semantic Relations of Words 词义关系
部分对应(Partial Correspondence)
在英语和汉语之间,有些词在词义上只有部分对应。 1、它们的意义范围有广、狭之分。例如: uncle — 叔叔,叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父,舅父 再如:“吃饭、吃药、吃官司、吃苦、吃回扣” 中的 “吃” 词 义范围远远大于英语的表层对应词 eat ,在英文中其正确意义包括 have (a meal),take(medicine),involve in(a legal action),bear (hardships),receive(rebate),等等。 2、对应词的词义有抽象和具体、一般和个别之分。如: 1) beauty — 美貌(抽象),美人(具体) 2) 饭 — meal(一般),breakfast,lunch,supper,rice(个别)
词语的翻译(一) 英汉词语对比 1.1 构词特征 1.2 词义关系 1.3 文化内涵
1.1 构词特征 (Features of Word Formation)
汉语:字,词组,由“字”所构成的灵活多样、数量巨大的词 是汉语使用的主体层级,其使用价值为最高。
早期汉语词语以单音节和多音节的单纯词居多:“天”,地”, “人”,“蜘蛛”,“彷徨”,“窈窕”,“徘徊”,等等。发 展过程中,汉语词汇构词方式日益多样化,合成词逐渐增多;汉 语还吸收了许多外来词汇。
Semantic Relations of Words 词义关系
不对应 / 零对应(Zero Correspondence)
因为文化差异的存在,有些词带有浓厚的社会文化、风土 习俗的色彩,折射出鲜明独特的文化特色,在对方语言中没有 确切的对应词。这就是词义的不对应或空缺现象,它实际上是 文化空缺现象的一种反映。例如: 英语中的hippie(嬉皮士),cowboy(牛仔),hot dog (热狗),hamburger(汉堡),bingo game(宾果游戏,一种 数字抽奖叫号游戏),等等; 汉语中的“糖葫芦”、“三教九流”、“四书五经”、 “三伏”、“三九”、“阴阳”、“三个代表”、“八荣八 耻”,等等。
• 终朝只恨聚无多, 及到多时眼闭了 。
• 世人都晓神仙好, 只有娇妻忘不了 ,
Discussion of Assignment
The Won-Done Song
Men all know that salvation should be won, But with ambition won’t have done, have done. Where are the famous ones of days gone by? In grassy graves they lie now, everyone. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their riches won’t have done, have done. Each day, they grumble they’ve not made enough When they’ve enough, it’s goodnight everyone! Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their loving wives they won’t have done. The darlings every day protest their love, But once you are dead, they’re off with another one. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their children won’t have done, have done. Yet though of parents fond there is no lack, Of grateful children saw I ne’er one.
• 世人都晓神仙好, 只有娇妻忘不了 ,
Discussion of Assignment
The Won-Done Song
Men all know that salvation should be won, But with ambition won’t have done, have done. Where are the famous ones of days gone by? In grassy graves they lie now, everyone. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their riches won’t have done, have done. Each day, they grumble they’ve not made enough When they’ve enough, it’s goodnight everyone! Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their loving wives they won’t have done. The darlings every day protest their love, But once you are dead, they’re off with another one. Men all know that salvation should be won, But with their children won’t have done, have done. Yet though of parents fond there is no lack, Of grateful children saw I ne’er one.
• 他三岁丧父,所以记不起父亲了。
• Strange enough they were the same age to the day.
• 说来也巧, 他俩年纪一样大, 而且还是同 日的。
• 合译是将原文的两个或几个分开叙述的意 思或层次合并重组,如将两个分句合译为 一个简单句,或两个简单句合译成一个复 合句等, 使全句的结构更加紧凑,语气更 加顺通。
• 直译: 好的婚姻不会仅仅发生—它们需要 大量的爱和大量的工作。
• 意译:幸福的婚姻不是凭空发生的---它需 要你为它付出大量的爱和做大量的工作。
• 或:美满的婚姻不会从天上掉下来---你必 须为它付出大量的爱,做大量的工作。
• 很显然,本句话的意译要比直译更符合汉 语表达习惯。当然,一句话并不限于一种 译法,要根据具体需要而定。一般来说, 在英汉翻译考试中,如果直译能达意就用 直译,如果直译效果不好,就应该考虑意 译。只要译文内容忠实,意思明白就行了。
• The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computation.
• 计算机的主要特点是计算准确迅速。
• 英语原文中有形容词加后缀构成的名词, 翻译时可转化为汉语的形容词。 如:
• He came to my home for help. • 他来到我家请求帮助。 • I love having Friday off. • 我喜欢周五休息。 • I am for the former. • I am against the latter.
• Strange enough they were the same age to the day.
• 说来也巧, 他俩年纪一样大, 而且还是同 日的。
• 合译是将原文的两个或几个分开叙述的意 思或层次合并重组,如将两个分句合译为 一个简单句,或两个简单句合译成一个复 合句等, 使全句的结构更加紧凑,语气更 加顺通。
• 直译: 好的婚姻不会仅仅发生—它们需要 大量的爱和大量的工作。
• 意译:幸福的婚姻不是凭空发生的---它需 要你为它付出大量的爱和做大量的工作。
• 或:美满的婚姻不会从天上掉下来---你必 须为它付出大量的爱,做大量的工作。
• 很显然,本句话的意译要比直译更符合汉 语表达习惯。当然,一句话并不限于一种 译法,要根据具体需要而定。一般来说, 在英汉翻译考试中,如果直译能达意就用 直译,如果直译效果不好,就应该考虑意 译。只要译文内容忠实,意思明白就行了。
• The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computation.
• 计算机的主要特点是计算准确迅速。
• 英语原文中有形容词加后缀构成的名词, 翻译时可转化为汉语的形容词。 如:
• He came to my home for help. • 他来到我家请求帮助。 • I love having Friday off. • 我喜欢周五休息。 • I am for the former. • I am against the latter.
The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and "human-relations" experts. 这种润滑作用是靠增加工资、改善厂房的通风状况及播放轻 音乐,以及通过心理学家的疏导和人际关系专家的指导完成 的.
Translate the following into Chinese
The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music and by psychologists and "human-relations" experts; 这种润滑作用是靠 增加工资、改善厂房的 通风状况及播放轻音乐, 以及通过心理学家 的疏导和人际关系专家的指导完成的.
Translate the following into Chinese
In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and "humanrelations" experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue and the white collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.
Translate the following into Chinese
The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music and by psychologists and "human-relations" experts; 这种润滑作用是靠 增加工资、改善厂房的 通风状况及播放轻音乐, 以及通过心理学家 的疏导和人际关系专家的指导完成的.
Translate the following into Chinese
In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and "humanrelations" experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue and the white collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.
1. Repetition(重复法)
重复也属于增词。翻译和写作一样。 本应力求简 练,尽量省略一些可有可无的词;有时为了明确、 强调或生动, 却往往需要将一些关键性的词加以 重复。例如: (1)为了明确重复
(2)为了强调重复 为了强调,汉语句子中往往重复关键性的词,以 使读者留下深刻印象,汉译英时往往可以采用同 样的重复手段。 汉语原文中有词的重复,译成英语时可以保持同 样的词的重复。
Translation Techniques
Teaching Plan
Teaching Contents:
1. Introduction to the functions of translation techniques 2. Introduction to the 8 commonly-used techniques 1) repetition(重复法) 2) amplification(增译法 ) 3) omission(/省译法/减译法 ) 4) conversion(词类转移法 ) 5) inversion (词序调整法) 6) division(分译法) 7) negation(正说反译, 反说正译法) 8) the change of the voices(语态变换法)
Eight Commonly-used Translation Techniques
1. repetition(重复法) 2. amplification(增译法 ) 3. omission(/省译法/减译法 ) 4. conversion(词类转移法 ) 5. inversion (词序调整法) 6. division(分译法) 7. negation(正说反译, 反说正译法) 8. the change of the voices(语态变换法)
get cold feet 胆怯
mend one's fences 改善关系
谦虚态度 modesty 发展过程 development
稳定性 stability
灵敏性 sensibility
无知的表现 innocence 同情心理 sympathy
鸡毛蒜皮 trifling
单枪匹马 all by oneself
LOG原文中抽象或者比较抽象的单词、词组、 成语或句子用具体或者是比较具体的单词、词组、成语或者句 子来进行翻译,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失。
如:transportation 运输工具 translation 翻译作品
advertisement 广告资料 government 政府官员
成语或句子用具体或者是比较具体的单词、词组、成语或者句 子来进行翻译,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失。
如: 大吵大闹 raise the roof 公开认错 stand in the white sheet 有花不完的钱 have enough money to burn 话中有话 with the tongue in the cheek 机敏 keep one's eyes on the ball 坚决反对 put one's foot down; set one's face against 截然不同 oil and vinegar 鲁莽的人 a bull in a china shop 告发 put the finger on 甘苦差事 hold (carry) the baby 反应快 think on one's feet 保密 keep sth under one's hat
• It is reported that the Summit Meeting will be held in December.
2.2 “It +谓语(表语)+that”句型
这样的主语从句句型可处理为: (1) 先把主句的谓语或 表语部分译成独立语,然后顺译出从句;(2) 颠倒原文 句子结构,先译出从句,再译出主句。如:
If the stability can be maintained ,one of the worst features of the cycle will have been removed.
如果这种稳定状态得以保持下去,商业周期最坏的 一个特征将被消除。
Scientists are no strangers to politics. 科学家对政治并不陌生。
We found difficulty in solving the complicated problem. 我们发现解决这个复杂的问题是很困难的。
He came to my home for help. 他来到我家请求帮助。
His arrival at this conclusion was the result of much thought.
Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay. 判断应该以事实为依据, 而不应该依道听途说。
1.2 非限制性定语从句对先行词不起限制作用,只
对它加以描写、叙述和解释。翻译这类从句时可以运 用以下几种方法:
2.2 “It +谓语(表语)+that”句型
这样的主语从句句型可处理为: (1) 先把主句的谓语或 表语部分译成独立语,然后顺译出从句;(2) 颠倒原文 句子结构,先译出从句,再译出主句。如:
If the stability can be maintained ,one of the worst features of the cycle will have been removed.
如果这种稳定状态得以保持下去,商业周期最坏的 一个特征将被消除。
Scientists are no strangers to politics. 科学家对政治并不陌生。
We found difficulty in solving the complicated problem. 我们发现解决这个复杂的问题是很困难的。
He came to my home for help. 他来到我家请求帮助。
His arrival at this conclusion was the result of much thought.
Judgment should be based on facts, not on hearsay. 判断应该以事实为依据, 而不应该依道听途说。
1.2 非限制性定语从句对先行词不起限制作用,只
对它加以描写、叙述和解释。翻译这类从句时可以运 用以下几种方法:
• 裸官 • An official alone at home with his or her family members emigrated abroad • 月光族 • Referring to a group of young people who make both ends meet each month • 啃老族 • Who live off their parents • 耄耋之年 • Referring to the age from eighty to ninety
• 有迹象表明,玛丽转变了观念,她打算举行一个 盛大的生日聚会。
2. 汉语中动词和量词用得多
• 他拿起杂志,看了一眼,摇了摇头,把它放回桌 子上。 • 一寸相思一寸灰,一江离恨一江愁, • 一串笑声、 一孔之见
3.英语的替代、省略vs. 汉语的重复
• The child doesn't like this book. Show him a more interesting one. • Look at that bird. It always comes to my window. • She plays the piano better than she does the guitar. • He said he would tell me the news, but he didn't do so. • She wore the red dress, but the blue suits her better. • It might rain, but I don't think it will. • 人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人。
• 这些钱你是白送。
• You just throw away your money. • 下雨了,我给你送雨伞来了。 • It is raining now. I have brought you an umbrella. • 谁去送广告?
3.fountain pen,pencil,ballpoint pen,wax crayon,chalk,writing brush,painting brush,electroprobe...
4.好: a.他是祖国的好儿子。 b.庄稼长得真好。 c.他们对我真好。 d.楼的质量不好。 e.这个问题很好回答。 f.啊,好票
1.这娃娃头真大。The baby has got a big head. 2.她正在梳头。 She was combing her hair. 3.他的女儿在山头上玩。His daughter is playing
on the top of the hill. 4.一辆小车停在桥西头。A car was parked at
“信“这个词在汉语中也十分常用,它跟 不同的字词搭配也可组成不同的词语,因 而有着不同的含义。翻译时,我们也应该 正确理解词义,选用恰当的英语词语来翻 译:
一封信 a letter 去取信 to fetch mail 失信 to break promise 信守诺言 to keep one’s promise
have been in Meizhou. 8.我们有30头牛。We have thirty head of cattle.
博物馆、图书馆、旅馆、宾馆、大使馆、领事馆、 茶馆、饭馆、理发馆、体育馆、展览馆、文化馆、 美术馆、科技馆、天文馆、照相馆……
1.museum,library,hotel,guest house, embassy,consulate,tea house,restaurant, barber’s shop,gymnasium,exhibition hall, cultural center,art gallery,science and technology center,planetarium,photo studio...
4.好: a.他是祖国的好儿子。 b.庄稼长得真好。 c.他们对我真好。 d.楼的质量不好。 e.这个问题很好回答。 f.啊,好票
1.这娃娃头真大。The baby has got a big head. 2.她正在梳头。 She was combing her hair. 3.他的女儿在山头上玩。His daughter is playing
on the top of the hill. 4.一辆小车停在桥西头。A car was parked at
“信“这个词在汉语中也十分常用,它跟 不同的字词搭配也可组成不同的词语,因 而有着不同的含义。翻译时,我们也应该 正确理解词义,选用恰当的英语词语来翻 译:
一封信 a letter 去取信 to fetch mail 失信 to break promise 信守诺言 to keep one’s promise
have been in Meizhou. 8.我们有30头牛。We have thirty head of cattle.
博物馆、图书馆、旅馆、宾馆、大使馆、领事馆、 茶馆、饭馆、理发馆、体育馆、展览馆、文化馆、 美术馆、科技馆、天文馆、照相馆……
1.museum,library,hotel,guest house, embassy,consulate,tea house,restaurant, barber’s shop,gymnasium,exhibition hall, cultural center,art gallery,science and technology center,planetarium,photo studio...
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3.1.3通过分析上下文逻辑关系、篇 章的整体效果等来判断词义
• 语境使词汇获得比喻意义、临时意义,使单个词语意义单 一化、具体化,从而使词语的意义得以判断和确定。奥斯 丁的名篇《傲慢与偏见》开篇班内特夫人对丈夫说了这么 一段话: • Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.
• 在理解单个字的层面上,可以通过查阅字 典等工具书来确定词义。在理解句子的层 面上,可以通过分析句子、句群的语法结 构来判断词义。在理解篇章的层面上,可 以通过分析上下文逻辑关系、篇章的整体 效果等来判断词义。
3.1.1通过查阅字典等工具书 来确定词义
• 字典是语言学习者和翻译工作者必不可少 的工具书。一部相对完整的英汉字典往往 能提供尽可能多的释义并附具体的例子, 以方便使用者辨析、理解。英语一词多义 是非常常见的现象,在翻译实践中遇到词 义难以确定的情况时,首先可以通过查阅 词典理解判断词义。请看以下例子:
• 翻译,首先要对原文有全面的理解,而理 解的基础在于词汇的理解。虽然众多学者 对什么是翻译的基本单位诸多争议,但是 没有人能否认理解词汇在翻译中的重要地 位。词汇好比构建高楼大厦的砖块,词汇 翻译处理不好,可能会影响整篇文章的理 解和翻译。在翻译实践中,对词义的理解 和判断是任何译者都需要经常解决的问题。 词汇不是单独出现的,理解词汇绝不能离 开词汇出现的语境。判断词语在语篇中的 词义,可以从字、句、篇章等层次上逐步 分析。
• Official sanction has not yet been given. [参考译文]尚未获得正式批准。 • The British and the French imposed sanctions on Italy in 1935. [参考译文]英法两国在1935年对意大利实施制裁。 • 字典等工具书提供大量关于词汇的信息,能帮助 解决词汇翻译中出现的许多问题。但是字典的容 量毕竟有限,很多情况下单凭工具书并不能解决 问题,还需要通过其他手段。
[参考译文1]哦,亲爱的,你得知道,朗格太太说,租尼 日斐花园的是个阔少爷,他是英格兰北部的人;听说他星 期一那天,乘着一辆驷马大轿车来看房子,看得非常中意, 当场就和莫理斯先生谈妥了;他要在米迦勒节以前搬进来, 打算下个周末先叫几个佣人来住。 [参考译文2]嗨,亲爱的,你可要知道,朗太太说,租内 瑟菲德庄园的是英格兰北边来的一个年轻人,有大笔家当; 说他星期一坐了一辆驷马轿车来看了房子,一看就十分中 意,马上跟莫里斯先生租妥,说要在米迦勒节以前就搬进 去,而且他的几个佣人下个周末就要先住进去了。 参考译文1并没有把that全部翻译出来,而参考译文 2的处理方法稍有不同,把that的意思全部明显化,译成 “朗太太说……说……说……”。在译文中重复“说”在 一定程度上准确地表达了原文that的含义,兼顾了这段话 在上下文,甚至整篇小说的影响。因此,参考译文2比参 考译文1稍胜一筹。
• 例子中的wanted是一个多义词,在此处作 为及物动词用。根据《英汉大词典》, want作及物动词的释义包括:1.要;想要; 希望;2. 缺少,缺乏;3. (主英)需要; 4. 想见,要求(某人)到来,想与(某人) 谈话,想用(某人);5.缉拿,追捕;6. 感到缺少;7. <口>(后接不定式)应该。 分析7个可供选择的释义,可以判断得出第 二项释义是wanted在此处的最恰当的含义。
• What you have always wanted until now has been a set, steady, constant purpose. I therefore exhort you to persevere in a thorough determination to do whatever you have to do as well as you can do it. I was not so old as you are now when I first had to win my food, and do this out of this determination, and I have never slackened in it since.
• 从小说的整体效果来看,作者把班内特太太塑造 成一个爱唠叨、俗气、文化水平不高的乡村妇人, 她生活的主题或者唯一的人生寄托就是千方百计 把5个女儿嫁给阔少。所以当她得知村里的庄园给 有钱人租了去,自然感到欣喜若狂,急不可耐地 要把这个好消息报告给丈夫。她把朗格太太的原 话丝毫不差地脱口而出,体现了她满心欢喜、唠 唠叨叨而又迫切要让丈夫去拜访阔邻居的心情。 翻译这段话的时候要注意班内特太太在整个故事 中的角色特点,以及她在小说中的地位,尤其注 意她说话时所用的句子,即用了多个that从句, 这几个that从句就是作者用以体现本内特太太性 格特点的一种手段。试看以下两个参考译文:
• 通过对句子的句法分析来判断词语含义在翻译长句时尤其 常用。例如: • Few expected to see so large a man: he is gigantic, a six feet four at least; few expected to see so old a person; his hair appears to have kept silvery record over fifty years; and then there was a notion in the minds of many that there must be something dashing and “fast” in his appearance, whereas his costume was perfectly plain, the expression of his face grave and earnest, his address perfectly unaffected and such as we might expect to meet with in a wellbred man somewhat advanced in years. • 这里只有一个句子,分析一下本句的语法结构,可以发现 “……and then……whereas……as……”表现的递进、 转折、总结等逻辑关系。“whereas”所连接的是相反的 关系,说明描述对象外表与内涵的反差,因此“dashing and „fast‟”与“plain,grave,earnest”就构成对比,在 翻译的时候要注意用恰当的措辞再现出那种对比的意义。
[参考译文]直到当前为止,你所缺乏的一直是确 定的,持续不变的目标。因此我极力劝告你,以 坚定的决心去做你必须要做以及你能够做的事情, 并坚持到底。我初次必须自食其力(自谋生计)时, 年岁还不及你大。我即借着此种决心,迄今从未 松懈。 • 一些名词的单复数形式表示的意思并不一样,遇 到这样的情况时不能想当然,应该认真查阅字典 予以确定。例如sanction并非一概表示“制裁”, 它的单数形式与复数形式表示不一样的涵义。根 据《英汉大词典》里的解释,sanction做单数用 时意为“认可、批准、支持”,只有复数形式才 表示“制裁”。例如:
[参考译文]很少人预料见到如此高大的一个人: 他身材魁梧,身高至少也有六呎四吋。很少人预料 见到年纪如此大的一个人,他的头发看起来已花 白了五十多年。此外,在很多人的心目中,他的 外表必定有些时髦和“放荡”的样子,但是,相 反的是他衣着十分朴素,面部的表情严肃而诚挚, 他的演讲十分自然,他具有我们可能遇到的年高 德劭者的特征。 • 由此可见,分析句子、句群的语法关系能够帮助 把握原文作者的思维逻辑,从而能够准确判断词 语的意义,选择贴切的表达形式。
• 文中failing常见的意思是“失败的”,但是此处 failing father是否就是“失败的父亲”之意呢? 分析句子的语法结构可看出,failing father是 took charge of的宾语,而took charge of在这 里是“看管,照顾”的意思,“看管失败的父亲” 似乎意思上不太合逻辑,因此,failing不是作 “失败的”解,而是指“衰败的”,在这里可适 当调整翻译成“风烛残年的” [参考译文]此后,他即照顾风烛残年的父亲,且 在一段时间之后,获准自精神病院中将他的姐姐 接回与他同住。她的疾病经常复发,所幸皆有征 兆,此时人们见到他们姐弟二人相偕走向精神病 院,双双泣不成声。
第三单元 词汇翻译
3.1 判断词义
• 英语词义灵活多变,一词多义(Polysemy)现象十分普遍。 这是造成翻译困难的原因之一。人们常说,“词本无义,义随 人生(Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for them.)”,又说,“词义随上下文而变 (Each word when used in a new context is a new word.)”。词义这种不确定性,选择时就不易把握,因而 “翻译度”很大。如果放不开手脚,进得去出不来,以为“直 译”最保险,是做到了“信”。可是译出来的东西是“死”的, 是“硬”的,不堪卒读,读者这个主人不会满意,恐怕原著人 也未必高兴。反之,随意引申,添枝加叶,或胡乱删节,为求 得“通顺”而曲解原文,读者会觉得上当,原著者就会提出抗 议了。……(翻译)佳译、妙译、传世之译枚不胜数。单就词 语层面的翻译上,极为成功的例子就很多,同时也创造和总结 了不少行之有效的翻译方法。《红楼梦》的译者David Hawks 把卜世仁英译成Hardly Human,他很巧妙地创造了一个英文 姓,译出了声音,又暗含“不是人”的隐义,实在难得。 A.L.Huxley写过一篇文章,题为Two or Three Graces, 说是有个叫Grace的女人,嫁了三次,三次改变其性格,一位 高手将其译为“二三其德”,也是妙笔。 • ——摘自 宋献春 《词语的翻译》