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1. a (an): 一(个,件----)

an hour / a university

2.ability: n. 能力have the

ability to do sth.

3.able: adj. 有能力的be able


4.about: 关于;在周围;大约

what about/ how about (用于提建议)

5.above: prep. 在---- 上面;adv. 在上面

above all尤其是;

as I stated above-----(as I said earlier---)

6.abroad: adv. 到/在国外

go abroad; at home and abroad (在国内外)

7.absent: 缺席的

8.accent: 口音

9.accept: 接受receive 收

accept one’s


10.a ccident: 事故,意外事故

have a car/traffic accident; by accident 11.a ccording: 按照;根据

We are paid according to how much work we do.

12.a ccount: 帐目;理由

on account of 因为;由于

account for 解释,因为

13.a che: n. 疼痛vi. 疼

have a backache/ headache/ stomachache

14.achieve: v.t. achievement (C) achieve full equality 取得完全平等15.across: prep.& adv. 横过;穿过,在对面

flying across the Atlantic; from across the river

c.f through

16.act: v.行动;扮演n. 法令,条例

17.action: n. 行动

take action to do sth 采取行动做某事18.active: adj. 积极的;主动的be active in (doing ) sth;

active volcano 活火山19.activity: n. 活动

out-of-class activities 20.actor: 男演员21.actress: 女演员22.actual: 实际的;真实的

23.AD/A.D. 公元

24.add: 加;增加

add ---- to 加上add up to 总计in addition=what’s more 而且

25.address: 通信处;住址

26.admire: 钦佩;赞美

admire sb for sth ; n. admiration

27. admit: admitted admitting 让----进入;承认

admit (to ) doing sth

28.a dult: 成人

29.a dvance: 推进,促进

in advance;提前advanced worker 先进工作者

30.a dvantage: 优点,好处

take advantage of (不公正地)利用某物)

31.a dventure: n. (C,U) 冒险;奇遇adventurous adj.

32.a dvertisement: (ad) 广告;宣传

put an advertisement in the newspaper

33.a dvice: 忠告;建议

take /follow sb’s advice 听从/采纳某人的意见;on sb’s advice 根据某人的建议 a piece of advice

34.a dvise: 忠告;建议;劝告35.a ffair: 事情

foreign affairs; personal affairs; love affairs

36.a ffect: 影响

37.a fford: 负担得起(------ 的费用)

can afford to do sth.

38.a fraid: 怕,害怕;担心

be afraid of 害怕,担心; be afraid to do sth 不敢

I’m afraid so =(yes); I’m afraid not=( no)

39.A frica: 非洲

40.A frican: n. 非洲人;adj. 非洲的

41.a fter: 在----之后

after all; 毕竟one after another/ the other; after you 你先用

42.a fternoon: 下午

43.a gain: 再次

again and again 再三地,反复地once again 又一次

44.a gainst: 反对;对着;靠着

45.a ge: 年龄

at the age of; at an early age; for his /her age = compared with others of the same age;

for ages= for a long time

46.a go: 以前

47.a gree: 同意
