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230t 重型钢锭运输平车



摘 要:介绍了230t 重型钢锭运输平车的主要结构、技术参数和运用情况。关键词:230t 钢锭运输平车;技术参数;结构中图分类号:U272.6+5 文献标识码


230t 重型钢锭运输平车(图1)是哈尔滨轨道交通装备有限责任公司于2008年为中国一重集团研制的专用平车,主要用于厂内运输大型钢锭,也可运输重型设备等。该车现已投入使用。

图1 230t 重型钢锭运输平车

1 主要技术参数(表1)

表1 重型钢锭运输平车主要技术参数

载重/t 230集重/t 1m 150 3m 165 7m 192 11m 216 14m 230自重/t 45轴数/根8轴重/t





80最高运行速度/(km ・h -1)20换长

1.4车钩中心线高/mm 880±10轨距/mm 1435车辆长度/mm 14930车辆定距/mm 7000大底架长度/mm 14000大底架宽度/mm 2800承载面高/mm 1600转向架固定轴距/mm 1400轮径/mm 650


符合G B 146.1—1983《标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界》

2 主要结构

该车主要由大底架、小底架、转向架、车钩缓冲装置等部分组成(图2)。2.1 大底架

大底架由中梁、侧梁、枕梁、端梁、大横梁、小横梁及地板等部分组焊而成(图3),主要材质为Q235—A 。中梁由上下盖板及腹板组焊成箱形结构,腹板间设有隔板。侧梁为工字形结构,由上下盖板及腹板组成。枕梁及大横梁为箱形结构,连接着中梁及侧梁。地板为厚12mm 的铁地板。根据用户要求,大底架上设有4个脚蹬,分别位于大底架四角。车钩缓冲装置设于大底架上。2.2 小底架

小底架由中梁、大横梁、小横梁、上心盘及下心盘等部分组成(图4)。中梁为由上下盖板及腹板组焊而成的箱形结构,腹板间设有隔板,中梁为鱼腹形结构,5 结束语




(编辑:郭 晖)

32・ 车辆产品与零部件

铁道车辆 第48卷第2期2010年2月 



图4 小底架结构图

2.3 转向架



图5 转向架结构图

2.4 车钩缓冲装置

车钩缓冲装置采用13A 上作用式车钩、ST 型缓冲器。

该车投入运用以来,由于其1m 集载能力达到150t ,满足了大型钢锭运输的要求,受到了用户好评。

(编辑:郭 晖)

42・铁道车辆 第48卷第2期2010年2月 


R ail w ay Freight C ar Manufacture T echnology in China

WAN G Chun2shan

(male,born in1958,senior engineer(professo2 rial),Freight Car Section,Equip ment Depart ment, MOR Transportation Bureau,Beijing100844,Chi2 na)

Abstract:Mainly expounded are t he recent tech2 nology and technique innovation,technological e2 quip ment,detection technology application on rail2 way f reight cars in China as well as t he advanced manufact ure mode of t he railway f reight car indust ry in China.

K ey w ords:railway freight car;technology and technique;innovation;manufact ure mode

The Low Pressure R esearch and R eliability

Design of H ollow G lass on Passenger

C ars for Q ingzang R ail w ay

L IU Xiao2gen,et al.

(male,born in1976,graduate st udent for doc2 tor degree,State Key Laboratory for Green Building Materials,China Building Materials Academy,Beijing 100024,China)

Abstract:In view of low pressure affecting t he application of hollow glass on passenger cars for Qingzang Railway,t he change of volume of t he hol2 low layer is obtained directly f rom t he deform caused by difference of p ressures wit hstood by t he two sides of t he inner and outer plates of t he hollow glass, wit h combination of t he ideal state equation of gas in t he hollow layer,t he deform of hollow glass and dis2 t ribution of stesses in a low p ressure environment are calculated accurately and quantitatively.The load carrying feat ures of t he hollow glass while t he p res2 sure in t he passenger compart ment is increased as well as t he st ruct ure dimension requirement s on hol2 low glass while t he designed p ressure difference is met are analyzed.In t he mean time,t he load carrying feat ures of t he hollow glass wit h automatic p ressure adjust ment in use at p resent and t he existing p rob2 lems are analyzed.

K ey w ords:hollow glass;low p ressure;automat2 ic p ressure adjust ment;reliability

R esearch on Measurement Method for Circularity E rror of Wheelsets for R olling Stock

L U Rui2biao,et al.

(male,born in1983,graduate st udent for mas2 ter degree,Traction Power State Key Laboratory of Sout hwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu610031, China)

Abstract:A measurement system and it s meas2 urement met hod for measuring wheelset circularity error on board rolling stock are given.In t he mean time,t he calibration formula,calibration formula checking met hod and checking result s are described. The checking result s show t hat t he measurement sys2 tem can accurately and continuously measure t he wheelset circularity error.

K ey w ords:wheelset;circularity error;measure2ment on board;calibration formula

T est and R esearch on N atural Climate Ageing

of Air Springs and Rubber Materials on R olling Stock

L I Ji2gang,et al.

(male,born in1963,senior engineer,Qingdao Sifang Rolling Stock Research Instit ute Co.,Lt d., Qingdao266031,China)

Abstract:The preparation of test pieces and t he test met hod in t he nat ural climate ageing test in Hainan,Wudaoliang of Qinghai and L hasa in our count ry are described,wit h t he p ulling st rengt h, tearing extensibility and ageing level as t he judge2 ment indexes.The test result shows t hat t he per2 formance reduction degree of nat ural rubber after be2 ing expo sed to sun is obviously higher t han t hat of t he chlorop rene rubber,and t he weat her resistance of chloroprene rubber is better t han t hat of t he nat ural rubber;The of climate conditions in Hainan on t he ageing of rubber is greater t han t hat in L hasa and Wudaoliang on rubber.

K ey w ords:air spring;nat ural climate ageing; test

Modal Analysis of Sound Field inside Metro

V ehicles on the basis of SYSN OISE Soft w are

GEN G Feng,et al.

(male,born in1972,lect urer,Vehicle Engi2 neering Depart ment of Nanjing Engineering Instit u2 te,Nanjing211167,China)

Abstract:The A type met ro vehicles are used as t he research object,and acoustic mode of sound field inside vehicles are calculated wit h t he S YSNOISE software.The result shows t hat t he modal shapes of various stages of sound field inside vehicles are nearly symmet rically dist ributed in t he directions of f ront and rear,right and left,up and down.The reso2 nance f requency and modal shape of sould field inside vehicle are determined mainly by t he geomet rical shape.

K ey w ords:met ro vehicle;sound field inside car; modal

The C3M K4Container Flat C ars Exported to Australia

WU Rong2kun

(male,born in1979,engineer,Technical Center of Qiqihar Railway Traffic Equip ment Co.,Lt d., Qiqihar161002,China)

Abstract:Described are t he usage,technical pa2 rameters,performance feat ures,main st ruct ure and test result s of C3M K4container flat cars.

K ey w ords:container flat car;struct ure;techni2 cal parameter;test result

The230t H eavy H aul F lat C ars for T ransport of I ngots

L I Ming2zhu,et al.

(male,born in1970,senior engineer(professo2 rial),Market Develop ment Center of Harbin Railway Traffic Equip ment Co.,Lt d.,Harbin150056,Chi2 na)
