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an office worker/ in an office
What does your father do? He is ___a_c_o_o_k______. Where does he work? He works_in__a_r_e_s_ta_u_r_a_n_t_.
a cook/in a restaurant
office workers/ in an office
What do they do? They are _o_f_fi_c_e_w_o_r_k_e_r_s_. Where do they work? They work _in__a_n_o_f_fic_e__.
doctor nurse cook farmer
Listen and match the people’s names with the cities. Then listen again and write down their jobs.
Fuzhou Shenzhen Nanjing Beijing
David Lisa Paul Danny
Listen and fill.
David is a _c_o_o_k_ in Beijing. Lisa works in Fuzhou. She is a d_o_c_t_o_r. Paul _d_ri_v_e_s a bus in Shenzhen. Danny teaches English at Nanjing No.1 High School. He is a very good _te_a_c_h_e_r.
1. Recite the dialogue in 1a. 2. Make a survey about what your
If you understand word formation, you will be able to learn words more easily.
1. She works in a hospital. But she isn’t a doctor. What does she do? She is _a__n_u_rs_e__.

In our group, A’s father is a doctor. He works in a hospital in Beijing. His mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese in a high school. B’s father/ mother is…
What does she do? She is_a__te_a_c_h_e_r_. Where does she work? She teaches English_in__a_s_c_h_o_o_l_.
What does she do? She is _a_n_o_f_fi_c_e_w_o_r_k_e_r. Where does she work? She works _in__a_n_o_f_fi_c_e_.
Unit 3 Topic 2 What do your parents do?
Section B
My father works on a farm. What does he do?
He is ___a__fa_r_m. er
a farmer
a driver
a teacher/ in a school
1. What does she do? She is a nurse.
2. What do they do? They are office workers.
3. Where does he do? He works in a school.
4. Where do they work? They work in a hospital.
2. She studies in a school. She is _a__s_tu_d_e_n_t__. 3. We works on a farm. We are __fa_r_m_e_r_s___. 4. He drives a bus. He is _a__d_r_iv_e_r__. 5. They work in an office. They are_o_f_fi_c_e_w_o_r_k_e_r_s.
What does she do? She is __a__n_u_rs_e______. Where does she work? She works i_n_a__h_o_s_p_it_a_l .
a nurse/in a hospital
farmers/ on a farm
What do they do? They are _f_a_rm__e_rs_ . Where do they work? They work_o_n__a_f_a_rm__.
fawk.baidu.comm hospital
1. What __d_o_e_s___your brother do? 2. Where __d_o_e_s___Maria study? 3. What ___d_o____Kangkang and Michael do? 4. Where___d_o____ they work? 5. What __d_o_e_s__Jane’s classmate do? 6. What ___d_o___Jane’s classmates do?
_a__co_o_k___ _a__d_o_ct_o_r_ _a__d_ri_ve_r__ _a__te_a_c_h_e_r
What does your father/mother do? He/She is _____________. Where does he/she work? He/She works _______________.