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1948, Americans Richard and Maurice. Macdonald couples, in San Bernardino road located in the state of California opened the first McDonald's restaurant.
• 1.The background of this phenomenon • 2. To know some famous fast food store • 3. To know some kinds of fast food • 4.Something you need to know • 5.Some problems behind it
Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas.
必胜客成立于1958兄弟丹和他在自己的 家乡威奇塔,堪萨斯。
Cod fish burger combo
3.可以说现代的美国人是在“汽车文化”的熏陶 下成长起来的。汽车,在美国人的生活提供了 最为忠实,稳定的消费对象,因为高速公路上 的这些人需要高效便捷的用餐。 而在美国,快
餐店的餐饮环境的设计也注重满足消费者的心 理需求,注重给人一种“宽敞、亮堂、洁净卫 生”的第一印象,注重给人以“高效便捷”的 整体印象和“利索、爽快”的亲身体验。概念 中扮演着至关重要的角色。因此,美国的快餐 业也与“汽车文化”息息相关。那些快餐的商 业网点总是会与高速公路,停车场,汽车加油 站一起,
Cheese burger
汉堡中的面包可以满足儿童 对主食的需要,保证骨骼及 大脑的健康发育成长,鸡柳 则能提供足够的热量。自制 汉堡时,注意加大蔬菜的含 量,减少肉食比例,以增加 对维生素的补充,也可将鸡 柳替换为油脂含量稍低的鸡 蛋或火腿片。Hamburg in the bread can meet the children of staple food needs, to ensure the healthy development of bones and brain growth, chicken are able to provide sufficient heat. A homemade burger, pay attention to increase vegetable content, reduce the proportion of meat, in order to increase vitamin supplement, can also be substituted for the oil chicken was slightly lower content of eggs or ham.
这是俗称肯德基在世界。它是由哈兰德·桑德斯在1930 作为一个单一的出口。今天它已在世界各地的存在。 肯德基是更好地了解其炸鸡和它拥有一个食谱是非常
• Arby's was founded in Boardman, Ohio, in 1964 by Forrest and Leroy Raffel, based on a food other than hamburgers. The brothers chose the name "Arby's", based on R. B., the initials of Raffel Brothers. It is the second largest quick-service sandwich chain in the U.S. with more than 3,400 restaurants system wide
1. 美国人对快餐情有独钟。美国人追求效率效果,讲 究省时省力,注重方便实惠。而快餐作为一种方便快 捷的食物刚好符合美国人的特点。 2. 高效率与快节奏使得快餐渗透到美国社会的各个角 落,快餐文化也成为了美国餐饮文化的一个主要特征。
通常,在美国,人们经常会选择快餐最为他们的午餐, 这也是他们一日三餐中最简单,食量最少,最好对付 的一餐。
开始作为一家餐馆在美国, 它有其网点遍布各大洲。开 国元勋们迪克和麦当劳。它 出售食品项目从汉堡,牛奶, 咖啡,软饮料,炸薯条和奶 昔。
It is popularly known as KFC throughout the world. It was founded by Harland Sanders in 1930 as a single outlet. Today it has worldwide presence. KFC is better known for its fried chicken and it boasts of a recipe that is very confidential.
Started as a drive-பைடு நூலகம்n restaurant in the U.S., it has its outlets spread across all the continents. The founding fathers were Dick and Mac McDonalds. It sells food items ranging from hamburgers, milk, coffee, soft drinks, French fries and milkshakes.
American fast food culture
如今,“麦当劳”这一品牌已被世界各地的人们 所熟知
Nowadays," McDonald's " brand around the world
have been known
1948年,美国人理查德和莫里斯.麦克 唐纳夫妇,在位于加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪 诺路边开办了第一家麦当劳餐厅。In