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Unit 1

1. White has been always a ______(象征) of purity (纯洁) in Western cultures.

2. The government is ______ (目的) at a 50% reduction in unemployment.

3. I quickly ______(集中注意力) the camera on the children when they turned out.

4. We’ve already bought the house, but we won’t take ______ (拥有) of it until next Wednesday.

5. The bank refused to help the company; ______, ( 结果) it went bankrupt (破产).

6. The fat old man looked ______ ( 荒谬的) in his tight pink trousers.

7. We went to an ______ ( 展示) of Chinese paintings at the museum.

8. Historians regard the Tang Dynasty, with its capital at Chang’an, as a high point in Chinese ______ (文明) —equal, or even superior, to the Han period.

9. Lucy won a ______ ( 奖学金) to study at Oxford.

10. The car accident has caused ______ (永恒) damage to Mary’s eyesight; she will not be able to see things for the rest of her life.

Unit 2

11. Colors like red ______ (传达) a sense of energy and strength.

12. This accident is a ______ (重复,翻版) of one that happened three weeks ago.

13. I ______ (担心) to think what will happen if my mother finds out.

14. She is in prison ______ (等待着) trial.

15. You’ve painted the room blue all over; what a ____________ ( 变化,转换)!

16. The Earth ______ ( 旋转) on its own axis (轴) once every 24 hours.

17. Life has many joys and ______ .( 悲伤)

18. Jeans are not ______ (合适的,恰当的) for a formal party.

19. At school the other children always ______________ ( 取笑, 逗弄) me because I was fat.

20. Mothers are often the ones who provide ______ ( 情感) support for the family.

Unit 3

21. Things can easily go wrong when people are under ______. (压力)

22. She was a person _______________ (习惯)to having eight hours’sleep at night.

23. His daughter looked such a mess that he was ______ (羞愧) of her.

24. They are carrying out some research on the effects of _____________ ( 香烟) smoking

25. Mr. Li is a heavy smoker, that is, he is ______ ______ ( 上瘾) to smoking.

26. His problem is not physical but _________. ( 精神的)

27. “How he managed it is beyond my _____________. (理解) ”MEANS “I cannot understand how he managed it.”

28. He worked so hard that _____________ ( 最终) he made himself ill.

29. Fishing and mountain-climbing are his favorite ________________ ( 放松方法) .

30. He accepted his friend’s _______________ (挑战) to swim across the river.

Unit 4

31. I ______ (比较) the copy with the original, but there wasn’t much difference.

32. International terrorism is not just a recent ______________.(氛围,气氛).

33. We’ve had ______ (大量) of rain this summer.

34. They were glad they had survived the ___________( 灾难) .

35. The __________ ( 范畴,范围) of his interests may be seen from the subjects on which he has written books.

36. Have you got time for a _________(瞥一眼) at this report?

37. The population _____________ ( 下降)from 8.3 million in 1845 to 6.6 million in 1851.

38. That school puts ___________ (强调) on arithmetic and reading.

39. The rights of the __________( 个人权利) are perhaps the most important rights in a free society.

40. Nobody knows how this world came into _________ 存在.

Unit 5

41. There have been several vocalnic ______________ (喷发) in this area this year.

42. _____________,(不幸的是) they were out when I called.

43. “Do you think I should forgive him?”“No, ______ ( 完全地) not!”

44. The thing that____________( 留下印象) me most about her books is the way she draws her characters.

45. More help in the office would _____-______( 减轻) me from some of this responsibility.

46. We waited with ____________ ( 忧虑) for news of her safe arrival.

47. The program deals with subjects as ________(多样的) as pop music and ancient Greek drama.

48. The crowd _________- (受惊吓) at the sound of the explosion (爆炸).

49. Some books are to be tasted, others to be ___________( 吞咽), and some few to be chewed and digested.

50. They have ________( 保证) that any faulty parts will be replaced free of charge.
