

EC-Lab software 中文操作手册

EC-Lab software 中文操作手册
EC-Lab 软件用户 Nhomakorabea册1

1. 介绍 ............................................................................................................................................. 6 2. EC-Lab 软件:设置.................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 开始程序............................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 EC-Lab 软件准备和运行实验 ........................................................................................... 9 2.2.1 EC-Lab 主界面 ...................................................................................................... 9 设置工具栏 .................................................................................................. 9



图5 聚类结果 示例 图 ( 1】
图8 人脸表 情数据
3 7 I ——

2 0 1 3 年第1 l 期 \
、 — —~ — — 一 — — — — ~ …
— — ~
3 . 1使用S V M分类器的结果
如果参数 选择为卷窗 口大小 5 x5 × 5 ,盯= 6 , T=7 . 9 3 , m=0 . 9我们 的正确率如表 l 所示。
2 0 1 3 年第1 l g q
至此 ,我们就 根据 计算 出的反应 大小提 取所 需要的特 征 点 ,这些 特征 点周 围的像素所 组成 的立方体像 素窗 口就是我 们识 别 的关 键 。提 取的方 式只要不违背 我们所定 义 的响应公
式 的原则 ,选择反应计算结果大的点即可。
图7 聚类结果示例 图 ( 2)
可以很容看到 ,这 组分类结果更加不理想。 所 以,我们需 要 一种合 理 的原则 来选 定初 始 聚类 中心。 K — me a n s 算法 的缺陷主要来 自初始 聚类 中心选 择的过于密集 , 因此 我们希望选择 相距较 远 的初 始聚类 中心,换句话 说 ,我
类中心距离之和最大的点 , 并纳入初始聚类中心。
3 ) 重复 2 ) ,直至初始聚类中心选满为止 。
利用 K — me a n s 算法对所有的立方体像素窗 口进行 聚类 获
取特征字典 。单个视频数 据样本会 被压缩成一 个维度 和聚类
中心个数 相同的 向量,其 中每一维代 表该样本包 含特征字典
1 )适当选择 e个类的初始中心 ;
2 )在第 k次迭 代中,对任意一 个样本 ,求其 到 e 个 中心

华瑞科 TH2883 系列说明书

华瑞科 TH2883 系列说明书

V1.1目录第1章概述 ............................................................................... 1-11.1引言1-11.2使用条件...................................................................................................................1-31.2.1电源.......................................................................................................................1-31.2.2环境温度与湿度 ....................................................................................................1-31.2.3预热.......................................................................................................................1-31.3体积与重量...............................................................................................................1-3第2章基本技术指标 ................................................................. 2-12.1技术指标...................................................................................................................2-12.2比较方法说明 ...........................................................................................................2-22.2.1面积比较 ...............................................................................................................2-22.2.2面积差比较............................................................................................................2-22.2.3电晕放电比较........................................................................................................2-32.2.4相位差比较............................................................................................................2-3第3章面板说明及显示说明....................................................... 3-13.1前面板说明...............................................................................................................3-13.2后面板说明...............................................................................................................3-23.3基本显示区域说明....................................................................................................3-3第4章测量显示键[DISP]说明.................................................... 4-14.1测量显示界面 ...........................................................................................................4-14.2测量显示界面的符号约定 ........................................................................................4-14.3测量显示界面主菜单下软键说明 .............................................................................4-14.3.1显示设置 ...............................................................................................................4-24.3.2比较设置 ...............................................................................................................4-24.3.3测量功能 ...............................................................................................................4-34.3.4辅助功能 ...............................................................................................................4-34.3.5统计功能 ...............................................................................................................4-44.3.6修改.......................................................................................................................4-4第5章测量设置键[SETUP]说明................................................. 5-15.1测量设置界面符号约定 ............................................................................................5-15.2测量设置界面 ...........................................................................................................5-15.2.1步骤(Step).........................................................................................................5-25.2.2模式(Mode).......................................................................................................5-25.2.3 CH1-CH8(TH2883S8-5),CH1-CH4(TH2883S4-5)通道配置..................................5-35.2.4采样速率(Samp)-模式选择为普通模式时可设置 .............................................5-35.2.5测试脉冲(Test Imp)-模式选择为普通模式时可设置.........................................5-35.2.6消磁脉冲(Erase Imp)-模式选择为普通模式时可设置.......................................5-35.2.7电压调整(Volt ADJ)-模式选择为普通模式时可设置 ........................................5-35.2.8起始电压(Start Volt)-模式选择为破坏模式时可设置........................................5-45.2.9终止电压(End Volt)-模式选择为破坏模式时可设置.........................................5-45.2.10电压步进(Volt Step)-模式选择为破坏模式时可设置 ......................................5-45.2.11比较器(Comparator)........................................................................................5-45.2.12位置(Position)(面积,面积差,电晕)..........................................................5-55.2.13位置(Position)(相位差) ................................................................................5-55.2.14差值(Limit)(面积,面积差,相位差)..........................................................5-55.2.15差值(Limit)(电晕)........................................................................................5-55.3波形设置界面 ...........................................................................................................5-65.3.1步骤(Step).........................................................................................................5-65.3.2模式(Mode).......................................................................................................5-75.3.3标波名()-模式选择为标准采样时有效...............................................5-85.3.4步骤名(StepNO.)-模式选择为标波复制和对比测试时有效..............................5-85.4内部文件界面 ...........................................................................................................5-85.5外部文件界面 ......................................................................................................... 5-11第6章系统设置键[SYSTEM]说明.............................................. 6-16.1系统界面...................................................................................................................6-16.1.1显示屏亮度(Brightness) .........................................................................................6-26.1.2合格/不合格显示(Pass/Fail) ..............................................................................6-26.1.3合格报警(Pass Alarm).......................................................................................6-26.1.4不合格报警(Pass Alarm) ...................................................................................6-26.1.5按键声音(Key Sound) .......................................................................................6-26.1.6拷屏区域(Hard Copy) .......................................................................................6-26.1.7密码(Password) .................................................................................................6-36.1.8 Language .................................................................................................................6-36.1.9风格(Theme) ..........................................................................................................6-36.1.10日期(Date) ......................................................................................................6-36.1.11时间(Time)......................................................................................................6-46.2参数界面...................................................................................................................6-46.2.1波形显示(Wave Disp)........................................................................................6-46.2.2触发模式(Trig Mode)........................................................................................6-56.2.3延迟时间(Delay Time) ......................................................................................6-56.3接口界面...................................................................................................................6-56.3.1 I/O ..........................................................................................................................6-66.3.2 TH2883S RS232C接口...........................................................................................6-66.3.3 USB通讯接口 ........................................................................................................6-86.3.4 LAN通讯接口...................................................................................................... 6-116.4关于界面................................................................................................................. 6-13第7章使用指南 ........................................................................ 7-17.1按键使用...................................................................................................................7-17.1.1滚轮的使用............................................................................................................7-17.1.2显示页面切换........................................................................................................7-17.2基本测量...................................................................................................................7-17.2.1无标准测试............................................................................................................7-27.2.2标波采样测试........................................................................................................7-27.3破坏测试...................................................................................................................7-27.4技术应用...................................................................................................................7-27.4.1测试对象 ...............................................................................................................7-27.4.2判据的选择............................................................................................................7-37.4.3判据的设置............................................................................................................7-37.4.4标准的选取............................................................................................................7-47.4.5面积差图 ...............................................................................................................7-4第8章命令参考 ........................................................................ 8-18.1命令结构...................................................................................................................8-18.2符号约定与定义 .......................................................................................................8-28.3命令参考...................................................................................................................8-38.3.1 DISPlay子系统命令...............................................................................................8-38.3.2 IVOLTage子系统命令 ...........................................................................................8-68.3.3 SRATE子系统命令................................................................................................8-88.3.4 COMParator子系统命令 ........................................................................................8-88.3.5 TRIGger子系统命令 ............................................................................................ 8-148.3.6 STATistic子系统命令 .......................................................................................... 8-158.3.7 WADJust子系统命令........................................................................................... 8-158.3.8 SWAVE 子系统命令 ........................................................................................... 8-168.3.9 FETCh?子系统命令.............................................................................................. 8-178.3.10 MEASure 子系统命令........................................................................................ 8-208.3.11 ABORt 子系统命令 ........................................................................................... 8-218.3.12 MMEMory 子系统命令 ..................................................................................... 8-228.3.13 MeasSTEP 子系统命令...................................................................................... 8-238.3.14 WaveSTEP 子系统命令 ..................................................................................... 8-248.4出错信息................................................................................................................. 8-26第9章分选接口使用说明 .......................................................... 9-19.1基本信息...................................................................................................................9-19.2电气特征...................................................................................................................9-29.2.1直流隔离输出........................................................................................................9-29.2.2直流隔离输入........................................................................................................9-39.3 HNADLER接口板跳线设置 .....................................................................................9-4第10章成套与保修 ................................................................. 10-110.1成套...................................................................................................................... 10-110.2保修...................................................................................................................... 10-1第1章概述感谢您购买和使用我公司产品,在您使用本仪器前请根据说明书最后一章“成套和保修”的事项进行确认,若有不符请尽快与我公司联系,以维护您的权益。











Ⅳ、主要参考资料:[1] 《MATLAB在控制系统中的应用》,张静编著,电子工业出版社。




[5]The Mathworks,Inc.MATLAB-Mathemmatics(Cer.7).2005.信息工程系电子信息工程专业类 0882052 班学生(签名):填写日期:年月日指导教师(签名):助理指导教师(并指出所负责的部分):信息工程系(室)主任(签名):学士学位论文原创性声明本人声明,所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立完成的研究成果。



辛迪控制系统SIMATIC PCS neo功能库手册说明书

辛迪控制系统SIMATIC PCS neo功能库手册说明书

Monitoring blocks
Controller blocks
Motor and valve blocks
Interlock blocks
Mathematical block
Counter blocks
Digital logic blocks
14 TCP communication blocks
SIMATIC SIMATIC PCS neo SIMATIC Process Function Library (V3.0)
Function Manual
About this document
Deployment conditions
Library structure
Operator control blocks
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.



1.setting-Data Management-Export Data:
点击Data Management选项:
点击Export Data选项:
Analysis Sequences: 导出.aas文件,可以导入columbus使用
Measurement index and images:导出图片结果,可以在个人电脑上用Image J软件打开。



2.setting-Data Management-Write Archive:
点击Data Management选项:
点击Write Archive:


生成的archive文件,可以拷走,包含全部的原始数据,如果日后有需要,可以再用Read Archive选项读取回来。

注:可以保存所有的原始数据并带走,archive文件可以重新用harmony软件读取再次分析,但是不能直接传上Columbus 进行分析。

A 若不需要保留原始数据,实验完毕请及时导出并清理自己的实验数据。

B 导出的实验数据可以上传到Columbus服务器进行分析处理。

C 若需要保留原始数据,请及时生成archive文件拷走并清理自己的实验数据。




关键词:杂宝纹;明代;彩瓷 中图分类号:J527 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—9892(2023)02—031—(03)Analysis on the Application of Miscellaneous Treasure Patterns of Decorative Porcelain in the Ming Dynasty 0前言 杂宝纹是我国传统陶瓷装饰中常见的一种装饰题材,可以直接理解为“多种宝物”,其在陶瓷装饰中的体现主要包含“八吉祥”和其他各种吉祥纹样。




1明代彩瓷的主要品种 明代是我国陶瓷装饰工艺发展变革的重要时期之一。


ResultsPlus 用户指南说明书

ResultsPlus 用户指南说明书

ResultsPlus – BTEC Nationals Step-by-step processStep 1 – Login to ResultsPlus using your EdexcelOnline credentialsLeave the default authentication mode as EOL (EdexcelOnline)Step 2 – If your centre has subsites, select the relevant subsite from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen where your learners are registered, e.g. 99999AStep 3 – Select the BTEC Analysis tabStep 4 – You can search for results either by Student or by Cohort .Get student resultsStep 1 – To search by Individual Student , enter the learner’s details.You can search by either the student registration numberYou can search by their personal details (e.g. forename, surname).If you enter the students’ registration number , you will be directed to their personal record.If you entered their personal details , such as a name, you will be presented with a list of all students matching your search criteria as displayed below.orStep 4Student results overview Press the VIEW tab to view a detailed breakdown of the learner’s external assessment performanceStep 3 – A breakdown of the learners’ performance will be displayed, including:•Qualification grade if certificated •Date external assessment(s) undertaken •Exam or Task based •Unit score achieved • External assessment grade achievedStep 4 – Press the VIEW tab next to the external assessment grade to view the unit performance in more detail, such as by individual questionUnit AnalysisThe top section provides an overview of the students’ details, such as:•Name •Registration number •Qualification details •Unit details •Session test undertaken • Unit mark achievedAdditionally, you will have access to a wide range of information by using the tabs to navigate between:Step 2 – Select VIEW on the student results you wish to view.• Unit analysis• Highlight report• Learning aims (which show how performance links to specific topics and skills)• Unit docs (papers, mark schemes and examiner reports)• For each question you can see the score achieved by this student and the maximum score• For most papers you will need to scroll down the page to see all scores• The percentage/performance column helps you see at a glance how well the student performed on each question• You can sort any column to quickly identify strengths and weaknesses• Pearson averages help you compare your students’ performance with all BTEC candidates• Variance helps you see quickly where your students outperformed or underperformed against Pearson averages. If the student achieved a higher average score than the BTEC average, the variance will appear green. Red indicates a score lower than theBTEC average• For subjects with learning aims reports, you can see which topic or skill was tested in that questionHighlight reportThe Highlight report screen helps you to filter question analysis to show the best and worst areas of performance for each student.• The drop-down menus allow you to select between 1 and 10 best/worst questions• You can choose whether to view a student’s best/worst questions in relation to the Pearson average, or in absolute terms• Where learning aims are available, scrolling further down the page allows you to sort the results according to a student’s best and worst skill/topic areaLearning aimsThe analysis for many BTEC qualifications includes a learning aims detail which link students’ performance on assessments to topics and skills from the specification.• Learning aims allow you to see how your students performed on topic or skill areas.• Topics and skills are arranged in a tree-structure. You can click on headings to see more detail, or contract the view to just see the main topics.• For each topic or skill, you can see how many marks your student scored and the maximum number of marks available.• Pearson averages and variance help you to see how your students have performed in relation to other learners.Accessing external assessment documentsThe Unit docs tab provides access to downloadable pdf versions of examination papers, lead examiner feedback and mark schemes.Click on the document that you wish to access to download it straight to your computer.Get whole cohort resultsCohort paper analysis allows you to analyse your whole cohort’s performance for a particular external test.Step 1 – To search by a Cohort, use the calendar to select the month and year in which the test was undertaken and press SEARCH.You will be presented with a list of all qualifications and units for your centre for the session you have selected.Cohort analysis works in the same way as that for an individual student and provides similar information, such as date, assessment type, score, etc.The number (e.g. 4) within the Students column indicates how many students are within the cohort. You can view a list of the students within any specific cohort by pressingthis number.Step 2 – Press the VIEW tab next to the external assessment unit to view a breakdownof the cohort unit performance.The top section provides a breakdown by number of students and grade achieved.Move the cursor over the grade bar to display the number of students who achieved thevarious grades.As with individual student analysis, you will have access to a wide range of information byusing the tabs to navigate between:• Unit analysis• Highlight report• Learning aims (which show how performance links to specific topics and skills)• Unit docs (papers, mark schemes and examiner reports)9。

中标麒麟高可用集群软件(龙芯版)V7.0 产品白皮书说明书

中标麒麟高可用集群软件(龙芯版)V7.0 产品白皮书说明书
中标麒麟高可用集群软件(龙芯版)V7.0 产品白皮书
目录 ...................................................................................................................................................i 前言 ..................................................................................................................................................v 内容指南 ........................................................................................................................................vii 中标麒麟高可用集群产品介绍....................................................................................................... 9 1 概述 ............................................................................................................................................ 11
第 i 页 / 共 54 页



第五届泰迪杯数据挖掘挑战赛竞赛——《通用论坛正文提取》赛题解读互动派科技-苏淦数说故事团队题目背景:1.数据爆炸•每半年产生的数据,即以往数据总量之和2.互联网数据价值巨大•舆情分析 (事件、活动 )•社会调查 (企业、品牌、产品、人群)•决策支撑 (营销、生产、渠道)3.面临挑战•海量数据挖掘需要海量的抓取、存储、计算能力•但是:真正的有效信息分散在半结构化的HTML页面中、提取成本高数说故事Q: 对于任意提供的BBS类型的网页(或url),获取其HTML源码内容,设计一个能够智能地提取该页面主贴、所有回帖的算法,自动提取该页面的所有主贴和回帖的下列核心字段:●用户名●标题(回帖若无可为空)●帖子内容●帖子的发布日期规则:1.不依赖于特定网站、或网页模板2.简化场景,只考虑对静态HTML的渲染后的结果进行提取•降低对Ajax、js动态生成页面的处理难度作品回顾 & 企业收获:1.集思广益—“好犀利”●效果好的参赛作品,虽然不依赖“特定网站”模板,本质还是离不开“规则库”的构建●企业从参赛作品里面,看到了很多构建“规则库”的新花样,或者对这个方法论的数学证明。

2. 抛砖引玉—“求简历”●做数据采集类的赛题比较少见,提取数据这个话题看似简单,但是要做到“通用”却很难,实际考虑场景更加复杂●大数据行业对海量的互联网数据的高效抓取和提取需求很大,越来越多人开始重视互联网数据的综合运用,这方面的人才需求也较大(快到碗里来~~ )3.企业代表—“棒棒哒”●荣幸地能作为企业代表之一参与到“泰迪杯”全国数据挖掘竞赛里面。






关键词:陶瓷非物质文化遗产;手工制瓷技艺;陶瓷文化中图分类号:J527 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—9892(2023) 04—084—(03)Studies on the Inheritance and Development of Jingdezhen Ceramic Intangible Cultural Heritage0引言各民族或社群世代相传、并作为文化遗产有机组成部分的各种传统文化表现形式,以及相关的工具、工艺品或场所等实物,统称为非物质文化遗产。






TransPort Digi Debug.txt 提取指南说明书

TransPort Digi Debug.txt 提取指南说明书

Quick Note 24 Extracting the debug.txt file from a TransPortDigi Technical SupportFebruary 20161Introduction (3)2Version (4)3FTP method (5)3.1FTP Using FileZilla FTP Client (5)3.2FTP using Firefox web browser (5)3.3FTP Using Internet Explorer web browser (6)4HTTP (WEB interface) method (8)4.1Using Directory Listings (8)5Using “Execute a command” (9)6Using Windows Telnet CLIENT (10)7Using PuTTY (14)The debug.txt output is particularly useful because it collates technical and configuration information about the router in a single file or output stream. Digi technical support will frequently request thisfile/output to aid in troubleshooting.If the debug.txt file is not present, then it will not be possible to extract the file; the TransPort firmware may need to be updated.This guide details the different methods and steps involved in extracting the debug.txt file from a TransPort.The HTTP (web interface) method is generally recommended, as it only requires a web browser. In case the TransPort’s web interface is inaccessible, alternative methods, su ch as FTP and Telnet, are offered. NOTE: Local Ethernet IP addresses are used in these example s. Depending on the TransPort’s configuration, the mobile IP address can also be used.3.1FTP Using FileZilla FTP ClientMake an FTP connection to the TransPort and “drag” the debug.txt file to the PC’s hard drive.3.2FTP using Firefox web browserMake an FTP connection by typing the IP address of the TransPort prefixed with “ftp://”,for example, (the default Ethernet IP address is used here)Enter the login details for the TransPort and click “OK”.Right click the “debug.txt” file, click “Save Link As”, and then save the file somewhere convenient.3.3FTP Using Internet Explorer web browserMake an FTP connection by typing the IP address of the TransPort prefixed with “ftp://”, for example, (the default Ethernet IP address is used here)Enter the login details for the TransPort and click “Log on”.Right click the “debug.txt” file, click “Save target as”, and then save the file somewhere convenient.4.1Using Directory ListingsFrom the TransPort web interface, navigate to Administration - File Management > FLASH DirectoryRight click the “debug.txt” file, click “Save link as”, and then save the file somewhere convenient. NOTE: The Chrome web browser is used in this example. In other browsers, the menu option may be slightly different. For example, Internet Explorer says “Save target as”.From the TransPort web interface, navigate to Administration - Execute a commandEnter the following command:type debug.txtClick the ‘Execute’ button.Wait a few seconds for the data to populate below.Look for “[ENDCFG]” and then “OK” at the very bottom to confirm that no data is missing.Copy and paste the data in a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad.NOTE:The debug.txt file is quite large, so it may be necessary to increase the scroll back buffer in telnet to make it large enough to capture the full file.Do this as follows:Click on the C:\ icon and select “Properties”.Next click “Layout” and set the Screen Buffer Size Height to its maximum.C lick “OK”.Next, Telnet to the TransPort’s IP address.Enter the username and password when prompted.Once connected, issue the following command:type debug.txtThis is a small excerpt from the output, which will be a large file.To copy the file, right-click on the page and select “Mark” from the drop-down menu then starting at the bottom of the page highlight the text and hit “enter”.Paste the data in a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad.PuTTY.exe is a free terminal emulator that can be used to Telnet or SSH to a TransPort to obtain the debug.txt file.Setup PuTTY to log “all session output”and specify a location (“c:\” for example) to save the log file:Input the IP address of the TransPort, select either Telnet or SSH, and then click “Open”:Type “type debug.txt” then hit Enter:The “[ENDCFG]” and “OK” entries confirm that no data is missing:PuTTY may now be closed. The resulting putty.log file should contain the debug.txt output.。

湛博特(Z-Bot)力量抽取杆(Power Draw Bar)说明书

湛博特(Z-Bot)力量抽取杆(Power Draw Bar)说明书

The premier source of tooling, parts, and accessories for bench top machinists. The Z-Bot Power Draw BarThe Z-bot Power Draw Bar for mini mills is designed to work with the popular Tormach tooling system. This system employs an R8 or MT3 collet which remains in the spindle and accepts a ¾” straight shank undercut tool holder. It is designed for a high degree of repeatability and is particularly suited to CNC milling. However, it can also be used as a manual quick change tool system to great effect. The Tormach system is further enhanced by the use of a power draw bar which minimizes tool change time and effort. Driven by a shop compressor, and installed in less than an hour, the Z-bot Power Draw Bar brings a new level of convenience to milling and tool changing. Although a manual system, the Z-Bot Draw Bar can be easily upgraded to serve as a computer controlled component of the Z-Bot Automatic Tool Changing System for Tormach tooling by replacing the manual air valve with automatic solenoid controls.For more information on the Tormach Tooling System, visit /TormachZ-bot Power Draw Bar incorporates a stack of Belleville spring washers that preload the drawbar into the tightened position. The force of the Belleville spring washers draws the collet into the spindle and retains the tool holder.To release the tool holder, air from the compressor is directed through a four way valve to a double acting air cylinder. When the control handle is pushed downward, the air cylinder pushes the piston rod down, thereby moving the lever arm so that it bears on the top of the drawbar. Thelever action multiplies the force of the air cylinder to provide more than 1000 lbs of force to overcome the action of the Belleville spring washers. This action releases the Tormach tool holder. Conversely, when the control handle is moved up, the piston rod is pulled up, which allows the lever arm to clear the top of the drawbar, and the Belleville spring washers pull the tool holder tightly against the spindle.The height of the mechanism is adjusted so that the lever arm clears the top of the drawbar which allows free rotation of the spindle when milling.A silencer/flow control is installed on the “up” air valve exhaust port to assure the air cylinder does not return too violently. It is adjusted and thread locked at the factory. The “down” exhaust port has a simple air muffler as the Belleville washers slow its descent. Do not remove these air controls as it will result in shortened life of the air cylinder.Z-Bot Power Draw Bar ComponentsThe following components are included with the Z-Bot Power Draw Bar:•Power draw bar actuator mechanism •Sheet metal cover•Two stand-offs •Two ¼-20x.25 thumb screws •Four ¼-20x.5 hex bolts•Two M5 x25mm machine screwsYou must also purchase either an MT3 or R8 Z-Bot spring bar set. This will include the following: •Specially machined drawbar (either MT3 or R8)•Six Belleville spring washersTools RequiredYou must also furnish an air hose coupling or fitting for your compressed air hose with a ¼” NPT male thread.You will need the following tools to install the Z-Bot Power Draw Bar:•Electric hand drill•Screw drivers•Hex (Allen) wrenches•End wrenches•4” capacity C-clamp•Teflon plumbers thread seal tape •0.25” transfer punch or center punch •#7 drill bit•¼-20 plug tap and tap wrench •Tapping fluid•Tin snipsNomenclatureAir hoseControl handleSilencer/ flow controlAir valveAir cylinderInput portLever armThumbscrewStand-offsClevisActuator mechanismZ-Bot Spring bar (MT3or R8)Installing the Z-Bot Power Draw Bar Follow these steps to install the Z-Bot Power Draw Bar. Preliminary1.Unplug the mill’s power cord.2.Remove the two screws holding thesheet metal cover from the Z-axisfine feed linkage mechanism and setthe sheet metal cover aside. Alsoremove the two socket head capscrews holding the front block to themill head and let the linkage dangledown.3. Remove the four screws holding the cover on the plastic control box.4. Remove the three screws holding the control box to the mill head and push the control box aside. Let it hang on its cables. The control box will be reinstalled on two standoffs in the bottom holes after the draw bar is installed.5. On each side of the mill head scribe a line 0.6” below the top of the mill head casting. These lines will be used to locate the holes for the drawbar actuator assembly mounting bolts.Measure from top of spindle box castingInstall the drawbar1.Remove the appropriate Z-Bot SpringBar Assembly (R8 or MT3) from itspacking tube and remove the blueretainer tape.2.Insert the drawbar, with theBelleville washers installed, into thetop of the spindle as shown.3.Install a Tormach collet into thespindle and engage the drawbar. 4.Insert a Tormach tool holder into theTormach collet and tighten thedrawbar until it is finger tighting a wrench, tighten the drawbaragainst the spring washers anotherfull turn. This is sufficient to holdthe tool. You may need to adjust this again later when the draw bar isfitted.Install the drawbar actuator assembly1.Install an appropriate air hoseconnector or fitting for your air hoseinto the ¼ NPT air input port on theleft side of the draw bar actuatorassembly. Seal threads with Teflonplumbers tape.2.Connect an air hose to the connectoror fitting and charge the hose with atleast 95 PSI air.3.Ensure that your fingers are out ofthe mechanism of the drawbaractuator assembly. Push the blackrubber draw bar control handle up to raise the internal lever and clevis tothe up position.4.Place the drawbar actuator assembly(with the control handle raised) sothe center of the mounting holes line up with the center of the score line.5.Temporarily C-clamp the sides of thedraw bar housing to the mill head sothe mechanism is straight up anddown.6.Check the orientation of the leverarm and ensure it is in the positionshown in the illustration above.Double check that the holes arecentered on the score line. Checkthat there is clearance between thedrawbar and lever arm. The spindleshould spin without interference.Tighten the draw bar slightly, ifnecessary to allow the spindle to turn freely. Air hoseLine upClearancehereClevis in uppositionC-clamp hereing a transfer punch or centerpunch, mark the locations of theholes for the four mounting bolts.Mark the spot that is at theintersection of the line that youscribed and the center of the hole for each of the four mounting bolt holes.e a #7 (0.201”) drill bit to drill thefour mounting holes 0.5” deep.e a ¼-20 plug tap and tappingfluid to tap the four mounting holesto a depth of at least 0.4”. Clear thechips from the holes.10.Thread 1/4-20 x .5” hex screwsthrough draw bar housing into thetapped holes. Tighten the screws toclamp the draw bar housing firmly tothe mill head.11.Replace the control box using the 225mm M5 screws provided and 16mm plastic standoffs between the millhead and the box.12.Replace the control box cover usingthe four original screws.13.Reinstall the Z-axis micro feedmechanism block. Optionally, use tin snips to trim the sheet metal fromthe Z-axis fine feed mechanism cover where it overlaps the draw barhousing. Alternately, this cover maybe left off the mill. Removal and re-installation of the draw barmechanism is easier without thecover.14.Install the sheet metal cover on thedraw bar housing by threading the ¼-20 thumb screws into the air cylinderholes.Trim 2 Stand-offsCongratualtions! The Z-Bot Power Draw Bar is ready to use. It should look like this:Operating the Z-Bot Power Draw BarWARNING: Never operate the Z-Bot Power Draw Bar when the mill spindle is turning!Connect an air hose to the input port of the air valve on the actuator mechanism. Set the air pressure to a minimum of 95 psi and a maximum of 150 psi. The power draw bar will not release the tool holder without sufficient air pressure.To change a Tormach tool holder:1.Turn the spindle off and wait until it stops rotating.2.With your right hand, grasp the tool holder so it does not fall out of the collet.3.With your left hand, push the draw bar control handle down to release the tool holderfrom the Tormach collet.4.Remove the tool holder from the collet.5.Insert the new tool into the Tormach collet and push the draw bar handle up.To remove the draw bar actuator to use a non-Tormach tool:1.Turn the spindle off and wait until it stops rotating.2.Remove the four hex screws holding the draw bar actuator to the spindle head.3.Slide the draw bar actuator mechanism up and off the mill head and set it aside. There isno need to disconnect the air hose.4.Lock the spindle using the pin supplied with the mill and unscrew the drawbar from theTormach collet.5.Insert another tool holder in the spindle and tighten the draw bar against the springwashers.To replace the draw bar actuator to use Tormach tooling:1.Turn the spindle off and wait until it stops rotating.2.Lock the spindle using the pin supplied with the mill and unscrew the drawbar from thetool holder.3.Install a Tormach collet into the spindle and engage the drawbar.4.Insert a Tormach tool holder into the Tormach collet and tighten the drawbar until it isfinger tighting a wrench, tighten the drawbar against the spring washers another full turn. This issufficient to hold the tool.6.Slide the draw bar housing onto the mounting screws on the mill head and insert andtighten the hex screws.The draw bar is ready to be used again.。









关键词:竞赛管理系统;PyCharm;Django;MySQLDesign and implementation of competitionmanagement systemAbstractWith the reform of the national education system, competitions are being held more and more frequently, and the number of students registering for competition is also increasing. Faced with the input of information from so many participants, the way of manually collecting information can no longer meet the current needs. The management of the competition information is another tedious task. The information of the contestants is very large, and errors are usually not allowed. If you perform manual operations, you must manually fill out a large number of forms, which will make the game management work more difficult.The competition management system described in this paper is implemented in the PyCharm environment using the Django framework and MySQL database in python.It has the characteristics of fast retrieval, convenient search, high reliability and large storage capacity. The system is divided into two parts: front-end and back-end. The front-end uses the bootstrap framework. The main functions are user registration, login, browsing events, searching events, browsing statistics of various events, registration, review scoring, ranking, etc. The main realization is the management of user information, event information, ranking information.Keywords: Competition Management System; PyCharm;Django;MySQL目录1 绪论 (3)1.1本设计的目的及意义 (3)1.2本设计在国内的发展概况及存在的问题 (3)1.3本设计应解决的主要问题 (3)2 需求分析 (4)2.1可行性需求分析 (4)2.1.1社会可行性 (4)2.1.2经济可行性 (4)2.2非功能性需求分析 (4)2.3功能性需求分析 (4)2.3.1竞赛信息管理功能 (4)2.3.2用户信息管理功能 (5)2.3.3参赛选手信息管理功能 (5)3运行环境 (5)3.1硬件环境 (5)3.2软件环境 (5)4开发技术及开发工具 (5)4.1开发技术介绍 (5)4.1.1B/S结构及其优势 (5)4.1.2web开发框架—django (6)4.1.3MTV设计模式 (7)4.2开发工具介绍 (7)4.2.1JetBrains PyCharm 2018.3.5 x64 (7)4.2.2MySQL5.7 (8)4.2.3Navicat 12 for MySQL (8)5系统概要设计 (8)5.1系统功能结构设计 (8)5.2数据库连接 (9)5.3数据库E-R图 (9)5.4数据表详细设计 (10)6系统详细设计 (12)6.1注册功能模块 (12)6.2登录功能模块 (13)6.3忘记密码功能模块 (15)6.4 浏览赛事统计并显示 (15)6.5导航条 (16)6.6赛事信息 (17)6.7赛事详细信息 (19)6.8 查询功能模块 (20)6.9 报名功能模块 (21)6.2.10名人堂模块 (21)6.2.11个人中心模块 (23)6.2.12后台管理模块 (23)7系统测试 (24)7.1测试目的 (24)7.2功能测试 (24)8结论 (28)参考文献 (28)1 绪论1.1本设计的目的及意义本设计来源于举办方对竞赛管理系统的实际需要,如果实行手工操作,在参赛人数太多时往往容易出错,但是竞赛项目是要保持公正严谨,不容许有丝毫错误发生。






2018年竞赛时间如下:报名起讫时间:2018年10月9日—11月7日A题竞赛时间:2018年11月10日 8:00:00-20:00:00B题竞赛时间:2018年11月11日 8:00:00-20:00:00视频答辩时间:2018年12月1日成绩公示时间:2018年12月5—9日最终成绩公布时间:2018年12月10日颁奖时间:2018年12月(具体时间待定)诚邀各高职院校积极参加,具体参赛要求详见大赛官网()。


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所选题目: C






















Text extraction of general BBS
In the current period of big data, with the high-speed development of internet and mobile internet, the amount of data generated online has increased dramatically, which contained a great deal of information that has become an important data resource of most industries. The number of BBS and data rise rapidly, fully excavate this kind of information has important practical significance for public opinion and sentiment analysis, enterprise decision-making and policy-making. However, the style of BBS pages are differ, how to extract valuable information from amounts different BBS web pages is an urgent problem of the Internet data analysis.
The goal of data mining is to propose a new and general method of content extraction in BBS according to the characteristics of BBS. The whole process involved five steps: First step: data clean. There are some wrong urls in the given data, such as “can’t find the webpage”, “The webpage has been delete” or “404 error”. We do not deal with the data with these replies.
Second step: useless tags clean. HTML can be divided into object and none-object regions, non-object regions may belong to js script, css style or comment item in which the content is worthless. Thus, we delete these items in advance in order to reduce the search scope of object region.
Third step: keywords location and noise filtering. Time is considered as the keyword. We firstly find out all text meeting the time format based on BeautifulSoup, and the time is divided into two part of object time and noise time. The noise time generally exit in main text that can't help to locate object region, which should be filtered. After noise filtering, the remaining time is regard as the keyword and generate the keyword vector.
Fourth step: object region location. Firstly, use DOM tree parse every BBS website, analyze path characteristics of the tree nodes contained keyword in the DOM tree, look for the biggest public subsequence of path characteristics and locate the nearest public father node of all keywords. Secondly, search target areas in the recursive way. The area that contains a keyword is the target area, and the area that do not include the time keyword is not the object region.
Fifth step, objective content extraction. Object content includes author, title, text and publish time. The publish time choose above keyword vector. We get the title information by positioning。
