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As it in the patriarchal culture, women as a symbol of male opponents were ruled and restricted. Men can impose their fantasies and obsessions onto the female images through the language instructions, and the women were survived in men’s fantasies and obsessions. While female are still being tightly bound as a person of the creators rather than the carriers. (Mulvey, 1975)
Feminist Film Theory-Mulvey Visual Pleasure and Fetishism
Male- Pleasure of “gazing”
就杨紫琼饰演的女性中国情报员林葳而言, 其倾向带有「阳刚化」的女性特质,
?? 解除「阉割焦虑」─给予阳具象征
再则,关注于片中林葳的武打形象,以Mulvey的观点而言,《明日帝国》还是延续着好莱坞情节公式,带有各种明显的拜物主义与阳具象征。首先就林葳不时使用绳索、铁勾等脱逃器具而言,暗示的是一种补偿性的「阉割威胁」,这使得男性为了逃避女性没有阳具的事实,于是给予女性利器、高跟鞋、机关枪等物件,以替代女性没有/失去的阳具,此即「恋物癖」,并因此可名正言顺的凝视女性。而「恋物癖」同时抬高了对象物的身体美感,并将之转化为本身就能使人满足的事物(Mulvey,1975),因而反映在「明日帝国」电影中,男性为了平抚女性身体可能引起的焦虑,消弭性别差异造成的恐惧,于是试图在女性身上发现阳物的部分,像是本片尾段落中林葳在意图消灭卡佛余孽时,双手持机关枪、长发披肩,以及行动中尚穿着的高跟鞋与使用兼具万能钥匙的特制耳环。值得注意的是,本片着重在强调林葳不具杀伤力的拳脚功夫、喜好耍弄绳索、铁勾,而尽量不使用西方科技的特点(只有前述所言,在意图摧毁卡佛基地、消灭余孽时,才手持机关枪行动),正巧和庞德乐于使用新型科技(像是驾驶BMW750IL宝马轿车、使用高科技全功能遥控系统电话与最新型的沃特PPK型手枪)做一明显区隔,反映在两人自越南相谐逃命的片段中,危机时刻总是由庞德开枪的情势端看,正意味着本片试图在减轻男性阉割焦虑的基础上,所给予较不具威胁性的阳物象征,这除了得以缓和林葳原先所具备的阳刚化特质之外,也意在确保西方(男性)自命优越的传统。此外,从庞德与林葳的不期而遇,到两人共同打击犯罪的过程,象征着白人男性在一步步地解除林葳作为女性他者的神秘性,因而不经意跟随林葳的行踪,再藉由挽救她的匮乏,进而贬低了看似英勇的女性, 来抵销阉割的焦虑(Mulvey,1975)。
如同在父权文化里,女人是作为象征着男性异己(male other)的符征,她受到了象征秩序的限制和束缚,使得在这个象征秩序里,男人可以透过语言上的指令,将他的一些幻想(fantasies)和偏执(obsessions)强加在女性缄默的影像上,而继续活在他的幻想和偏执里;而女性则仍是被紧紧地束缚在她作为意义的承受者而非意义创造者的地位上(Mulvey, 1975)。
It is the same as when they escaped out from Garver’s empire, who is driving the transporter became a problem. Though, finally, it is driven by Bond. The action that Bond let Wai Lin turn around to detect enemies’ action that prevent her from looking forward which clearly represent the desire of Bond to ensure the sovereignty of the attempt to grasp the decision even the a Chinese agent.
It is not only just watching, but also carried with the power of action and possession. To Wai Lin, she highlighted Bond’s desire and accepted it, conversely, this gaze is powerless. (Kaplan, 1997:59)
There is a short period time that these two people had an eye to eye contact, as Wai Lin said “don’t get any ideas”, and Bond replied with “I wouldn’t dream of it”. However, a smile appeared on his face which indicated that might be true. This is the male gaze which projected the sexual fantasies into the female body.
However, it is remarkable that the motor chasing in a Vietnam downtown, in order to detect the enemy, Wai Lin must cross Bond driving in front seat to look back.
Bond and Wai Lin meet always in a coincidence during the mission, though merely have chance to make close contact or quickly separated.
?? 展现武打动作的女性奇观
Demonstrate the martial art show of woman
In addition, on the busy street in Vietnam, Bond was unfamiliar of the road which made Wai Lin in the back seat want to replace to drive. However, the drivers have always been given a strong male character, reflected on the comparison of spirit and racing honor between men. Being the car when racing represent the masculinity which made Bond granted will not allow Wai Lin deprived him of his masculinity. Therefore, when women want to access to a transporter, usually, in return of the frustration and blame which teasing women do not understand the machine, lack of sense of direction or not brave. These are the obstacles which prevent women to come across the mobility of gender boundary. (Wang Zhihong, 1994:157)
For example, in this film, there is only one time that Wai Lin appeared with a feminine long silver dress in the Carver Group conference, and later on the appearance are more wearing with pants and leather jacket.
Wai Lin which is casted by Michelle Yeoh is a Chinese agent with the “masculine” femininity. Based on the specific feature, the role, Wai Lin can temporarily escape from the past typical Hollywood Bond girl mode which the women always were a passive objective. However, a woman without a bikini, no makeup and not easily conquered using Kung fu to against the violence with man had totally submersed the gender order in Hollywood Bond films.