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黄河1.The Yellow River is more than/over 5400 meters long and is the second longest river in China.

2.When viewed from the map, the Yellow River takes the shape of a giant“几”,a character in Chinese.

3.The upper reaches of the Yellow River are the main areas for the manufacture of wool, leather and other livestock (animal husbandry)products in China.

4. The middle and lower reaches of the River are one of the origins of Chinese agriculture.

5. The Yellow River is considered (as) the Mother River of the Chinese nation, and the reaches (drainage areas) along the Yellow River are honored the cradle of the Chinese people and also one of the birthplaces of world civilization.

6. Legend has it that Huang Di, the remotest forefather (the legendary ruler and ancestor)of the Chinese nation was born here, and that the first people were made by Nv Wa, the legendary goddess of heaven, with mud from the Yellow River.


1.China is a big agricultural country and also one of the

countries with the longest history of agricultural development in the world.

2.Crops like rice all originated from/in China.

3.The Chinese government attaches great importance to/pays

great attention to/ lays great emphasis on agricultural


4.It keeps increasing / constantly increases investment in

agriculture by actively engaging in/undertaking the

construction of farmland irrigational facilities and waterworks.

5. As a result/Thus, it has raised its agricultural production

capacity to a modern level and made tremendous achievements in the agricultural sector/in agriculture.

6. The most striking achievement/performance lies in the fact that

China is now feeding 22% of world population with only less than 7% of the world’s farmland/cultivated land.

Part IV Translation中餐

1.Many people like(love) Chinese food.

2.In China, cooking is regarded as not only a skill, but also a

form of art.

3.The elaborately (carefully, well-) prepared Chinese food is

both tasty(delicious) and nice-looking(attractive).

4.Although cooking techniques (methods) and food ingredients

vary greatly(wildly) from place to place in the country, good cooking has something in common, i.e., it always takes color, flavor, taste and nutrition into consideration(account).

5.Since food is essential (crucial) to people’s health, a g ood chef

would always try (is always trying) to maintain (seek) the balance of (among) grain(cereals), meat and vegetables in a meal, thus making Chinese food delicious as well as healthy.

Translations: 豆腐

1.Tofu originated in (ancient) China.

2.Its history dates back to 2,100 years ago.

3.Legend has it that tofu was invented by Liu An, the prince of


4.Tofu is very popular among Chinese people and it has also

become an essential (a basic) food in some East Asian and Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, South Korea and Japan.

4. Up till now, there has been a great variety of tofu processed in

different ways, including fresh tofu and tofu products.

5. Tofu has little flavor of its own, so it can be easily cooked to a salty or

sweet taste.

6. Tofu is a healthy food containing/with high calcium and iron content

but low fat and calories.
